Baptisms - St Keverne Cornwall
1580 to 1699

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           04-Oct     1580 Sicilly      dau of   John                PERSE
           16-Oct     1580 Margaret     dau of   John                DIGRIE
           28-Oct     1580 Pascus       dau of   Richarde            WILLIAM
           11-Nov     1580 Willmot      dau of   Steven              NYCHOLAS
           17-Nov     1580 Sampson      son of   Gynkyn              RICHARD
           17-Nov     1580 Pascus       dau of   William             TRENOWETH
           04-Dec     1580 John         son of   Thomas              DELLYAW
           04-Dec     1580 Jenet        dau of   James               PASKEW
           09-Dec     1580 Agnes        dau of   Peter               HEYME
           08-Jan     1580 Avis         dau of   Raph                WATTY
           ? Jan      1580 Henrie       son of   William             RESKILLIE
           ? Jan      1580 John         son of   Nycholas            PIPER
           ? Jan      1580 John         son of   Roger               JOHN
           ? Jan      1580 John         son of   Ralf                JOHN         of Trenance
           ? Feb      1580 Augustyn     son of   John                TRESPRISON
           ? Feb      1580 William      son of   Enens               DALE         Gentleman
           ? Feb      1580 Ann          dau of   William             GEFFRYE
           ? Mar      1580 Jone         dau of   Thomas              PLOMER
           ? Mar      1580 Willmot      dau of   Water               JOHN
           ? Mar      1580 Alis         dau of   Constance           SAUNDRIE
           ? Mar      1580 John         son of   Frances             BRITTEN
           ? Mar      1580 John         son of   John                TRELYNN      of Tregarne
           ? Mar      1581 Eneas        son of   Sampson             JOHN
           09-Apr     1581 Anthony      son of   Erwyn               SAMPSON
           20-Apr     1581 Grace        dau of   Saundrie            CHEFFER
           29-Apr     1581 Christian    dau of   Water               JOH             (sic)
           03-Jun     1581 Margaret     dau of   Thomas              CORNOW
           11-Jun     1581 John         son of   Ralphe              TREGARNE
           25-Jun     1581 John         son of   Water               NYCHOLS
           16-Jul     1581 Agnes        dau of   John                MERIT
           16-Jul     1581 Jone         dau of   Keveryne            NAMBOLL
           24-Jul     1581 Nycholas     son of   John                HUCHIN
           13-Aug     1581 John         son of   Steven              CARTIE
           25-Aug     1581 Marian       dau of   Thomas              BONFYE
           25-Aug     1581 Thomas       son of   John                ANDREW
           03-Sep     1581 Honor        dau of   William             JAMES
           03-Sep     1581 Jane         dau of   Nycholas             PASKEW
           10-Sep     1581 Grace        dau of   John                HUCHIN
           01-Oct     1581 Josua        son of   Mychell             TAPH
           08-Oct     1581 Jamas        son of   John                CHEAFER
           15-Oct     1581 Jone         dau of   William             MYCHILL
           18-Oct     1581 Edward       son of   William             EDWARD
           12-Nov     1581 Margaret     dau of   John                ANGOVE
           13-Nov     1581 Margerie     dau of   Nycholas            RUSCELL
           26-Nov     1581 John         son of   Elynor Cearle       UNCLEAR               base
           30-Nov     1581 Nycholas     son of   Thomas              BAKER
           03-Dec     1581 Margaret     dau of   Reignold            JOHN
           21-Jan     1581 Sampson      son of   William             RESKILLY
           11-Jan     1581 John         son of   W?Thomas            GAYRE
           11-Jan     1581 John         son of   Robert              NYCHOLAS
           18-Feb     1581 Julyan       dau of   Henrie              JAMES
           25-Feb     1581 John         son of   William             COWISCK(?)
           25-Feb     1581 George       son of   John                TOMKYN
           28-Feb     1581 Margaret     dau of   John                PAULE
           02-Mar     1581 Elynour      dau of   John                TUCKER
           04-Mar     1581 James        son of   Martyn              TANTER
           07-Mar     1581 John         son of   Richarde            WILLIAM      of por coffrac(Porthcoverack?)
           09-Mar     1581 Jone         dau of   William             GWEEK
           11-Mar     1581 Agnes        dau of   Ro                  WILLIAM
           12-Mar     1581 Ursella      dau of                       BARKER                base,written John
           12-Mar     1581 Jone         dau of                       BARKER                base,written John
           17-Mar     1581 John         son of   Margerie            WILLIAM               base
           18-Mar     1581 Elizabeth    dau of   Walter              JOHN
           18-Mar     1581 William      son of   Henry               JAMES
           23-Mar     1581 Marian       dau of   Nycholas            RAW
           ? Mar      1582 Sampson      son of   John                JOHN
           01-Apr     1582 Jone         dau of   Thomas              GEROGE
           08-Apr     1582 John         son of   Mathew              MORISH
           08-Apr     1582 Robert       son of   Phillip             JOHN
           16-Apr     1582 John         son of   Paskew              NYCHOLAS
           25-Apr     1582 Thomas       son of   James               GOTHALL
           29-Apr     1582 Alexr.       son of   Thomas              HUCHIN
           29-Apr     1582 Elizabeth    dau of   John                PERCE
           06-May     1582 Elizabeth    dau of   John                WILLIAM
           13-May     1582 Justinian    son of   Keverne             TRELEAG
           15-May     1582 John         son of   Nicholas            PIPER
           20-May     1582 Agnes        dau of   John                MATHEW
           17-Jun     1582 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas              PLOMER
           17-Jun     1582 Mearden?     dau of   Thomas              PLOMER
           17-Jun     1582 Christian    dau of   John                DOGORI
           17-Jun     1582 John         son of   John                OLYVER
           17-Jun     1582 Wilmot       dau of   Thomas              ROBERT
           17-Jun     1582 Avis         dau of   John                THOMAS
           29-Jun     1582 Almet        dau of   Robert              CHEAFER
           08-Jul     1582 George       son of   Lake                MATHEW
           08-Jul     1582 Catheryn     dau of   John                PEARCE
           22-Jul     1582 John         son of   James               WILLYAMS
           25-Jul     1582 James        son of   John                MERIT
           25-Jul     1582 Margaret     dau of   William             MARTYN
           25-Aug     1582 Elizabeth    dau of   Anthony             BENEWIC
           ? Sept     1582 Sampson      son of   Keveryne            MYCHOLL
           ? Sept     1582 ?            dau of   George              POTTER
           06-Sep     1582 John         son of   John                LANNERS
           16-Sep     1582 Sampson      son of   Water               RAFFE
           16-Sep     1582 Alis         dau of   Richard             JOHN
           22-Sep     1582 Sampson      son of   Sampson             JENKYN
           29-Sep     1582 Stephen      son of   Rychard             MYCHILL
           30-Sep     1582 Sampson      son of   John                PASKEW
           03-Oct     1582 Wilmot       dau of   Roger               JOHN
           07-Oct     1582 Richard      son of   John                BERNEWICK
           14-Oct     1582 John         son of   Sampsoun            MATHEW
           14-Oct     1582 Thamsyn      dau of   Roger               KEAVA
           20-Oct     1582 Ursela       dau of   Tristram            ARAWIN
           20-Oct     1582 Pacience     dau of   John                CARLYON
           11-Nov     1582 John         son of   Richard             WILLIAM
           25-Nov     1582 John         son of   Elynor              TUCKER                base
           25-Nov     1582 Grace        dau of   Ragge               WILLIAM
           30-Nov     1582 Ann          dau of   William             ERISH                 base,mother not given
           09-Dec     1582 Pascow       dau of   Walter              JOHN
           09-Dec     1582 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas              BESENT
           09-Dec     1582 John         son of   Sampson             HAWTEN
           30-Dec     1582 Jone         dau of   Martyn              NICHOLAS
           30-Dec     1582 William      son of   John                JOYNER
           06-Jan     1582 Ricahrd      son of   Nycholas            PERCE
           13-Jan     1582 Francis      son of   John                STONE
           03-Feb     1582 Richard      son of   John                WILLIAM      of Lestowder
           03-Feb     1582 Margt        dau of   Raph                JOHN
           03-Feb     1582 Phillipe     dau of   Peter               HEYME
           13-Feb     1582 James        son of   Nycholas            RAPHE
           13-Feb     1582 Water        son of   Reignald            WATER
           17-Feb     1582 Phillipe     son of   John                MYCHILL
           24-Feb     1582 Christian    dau of   Richard             POLPENICK
           24-Feb     1582 Henrie       son of   Pentycost           RICHARD
           24-Feb     1582 Richard      son of   William             MATHEW
           01-Mar     1582 Jone         dau of   Nycholas            LANCE
           03-Mar     1582 Anthony      son of   Penticost           GENKYN
           10-Mar     1582 John         son of   Johan               JACK
           10-Mar     1582 Penylope     dau of   John                UNCLEAR
           17-Mar     1582 Faithe       dau of   Davie               RISE
           17-Mar     1582 Mychaell     son of   John                BENET
           17-Mar     1582 Florence     dau of   John                PERSE
           28-Apr     1583 Redigon      dau of   Steven              GILBERT
           02-Jun     1583 Anne         dau of   Robert              DONELL
           16-Jun     1583 Heugh        son of   Eneas               BALE                  Gent
           23-Jun     1583 Laurence     son of   Sampson             JOHN
           01-Jul     1583 Elizabeth    dau of   Peter               ROW
           07-Jul     1583 Richard      son of   Thomas              BAKER                 Clerk
           14-Jul     1583 Mychaell     son of   William             JAMES
           04-Aug     1583 Grace        dau of   Pasco               NYCHOLAS
           18-Aug     1583 John         son of   Nycholas            PASKEW
           18-Aug     1583 Constance    dau of   Uryn                JOHN
           18-Aug     1583 Prudence     dau of   Florie              BONFI
           25-Aug     1583 Agatha       dau of   Richard             KINER
           01-Sep     1583 Symon        son of   Thomas              NEWMAN
           08-Sep     1583 Agnes        dau of   Water               STEVEN
           22-Sep     1583 Julyan       dau of   Robert              WILLIAM
           29-Sep     1583 Edward       son of   John                HOUCHINS
           24-Oct     1583 John         son of   John                BARKER
           03-Nov     1583 John         son of   Keveryne            MYCHILL
           24-Nov     1583 Ursela       dau of   Thomas              PLOMER
           27-Nov     1583 Dorothy      dau of   Sampson             HAUTON
           30-Nov     1583 Catherine    dau of   John                ANDREW
           23-Dec     1583 Phillipp     son of   Richard             WILLIAM
           28-Dec     1583 Wilmot       dau of   John                PAULE
           28-Dec     1583 John         son of   Jenkyn              RICHARD
           03-Jan     1583 John         son of   John                KEMP
           13-Feb     1583 Thamsyn      dau of   Margaret            PAULE
           09-Feb     1583 John         son of   John                THOMAS
           09-Feb     1583 Peter        son of   Richard             OLYVY
           09-Feb     1583 Willyiam     son of   Mathew              BURGES
           28-Feb     1653 Justinian    son of   George              POTTER
           14-Mar     1583 Margaret     dau of   Constance           GAYRE                 base
           20-Mar     1583 John         son of   William             THOMAS
           20-Mar     1583 Walter       son of   James               PASKEW
           28-Mar     1584 Elizabeth    dau of   William             GEFFRY
           05-Apr     1584 William      son of   John                STONE
           12-Apr     1584 Justinian    son of   Sampson             LYFTON
           12-Apr     1584 Agnes        dau of   John                DIGGORIE
           21-Apr     1584 Jane         dau of   John                CURTYS
           08-May     1584 Sible        dau of   John                REIGNALD
           07-May     1584 Alise        dau of   Keveryne            WILLIAM
           07-May     1584 William      son of   Rychard             TREWOOHEN
           24-May     1584 Elizabeth    dau of   William             TRELIVER
           14-May     1584 John         son of   Thomas              LAWRENCE
           07-Jun     1584 Grace        dau of   Justinian           TALLAKARN             Esq
           07-Jun     1584 Bethsabe     dau of   William             HARRIE
           21-Jun     1584 John         son of   Gilbert             PEARSE
           05-Jul     1584 Jone         dau of   Richard             HARIE
           05-Aug     1584 Jane         dau of   Richard             HARIE
           16-Aug     1584 Jone         dau of   Thomas              CORNOW
           23-Aug     1584 Alise        dau of   Steven              CURTIS
           23-Aug     1584 Hatterin     dau of   James               JOHN
           20-Sep     1584 Katherine    dau of   Sampson             RICHARD
           20-Sep     1584 Margaret     dau of   Mychell             NYCLES
           28-Sep     1584 Richard      son of   Reginald            JOHN
           30-Sep     1584 Kevern       son of   John                MYCHILL
           01-Oct     1584 Anthony      son of   Keveryne            TRELEAG
           01-Oct     1584 Jenet        dau of   John                UNCLEAR
           20-Dec     1584 John         son of   William             CALLYNACK
           26-Dec     1584 William      dau of   Water               RAW
           26-Dec     1584 Marie        dau of   Walter              RAWE
           16-Jan     1584 Thomas       son of   Thomas              UNCLEAR
           24-Jan     1584 Ursella      dau of   John                BENET
           24-Jan     1584 Redigon      dau of   John                JAMES
           08-Feb     1584 Jane         dau of   John                OLYVIE
           21-Feb     1584 Nycholas     son of   William             OLYVIE
           21-Feb     1584 Jone         dau of   William             OLYVIE
           03-Mar     1584 Julyan       dau of   Robert              NYCHOLAS
           12-Mar     1584 Katheryn     dau of   Walter              NYCHOLS
           25-Mar     1585 Marie        dau of   Thomas              HUTCHINS
           08-Apr     1585 Jane         dau of   Harie               JAMES                 Jnr
           14-Apr     1585 Elyn         dau of   John                THOMAS
           14-Apr     1585 James        son of   John                UNCLEAR               base
           28-Apr     1585 Petronell    dau of   Richard             WILLIAM
           22-May     1585 Jane         dau of   John                CHEAFER
           22-May     1585 John         son of   Raffe               KEAGEWRICK
           29-May     1585 Alise        dau of   Richard             MYCHILL
           13-Jun     1585 Willym       son of   John                MERIE
           04-Jul     1585 William      son of   Edward              TRENOWTH
           07-Jul     1585 Elizabeth    dau of   John                WILLIAM
           11-Jul     1585 Hanyball     son of   Justynian           TALLAKARN             Esq
           11-Jul     1585 Grace        dau of   Nicholas            RAWE
           22-Jul     1585 Haniball     son of   Peter               HEYME
           14-Aug     1585 Christopher  son of   Peter               BERNEWICK
           14-Aug     1585 Nycholas     son of   John                HARIE
           14-Aug     1585 Alexr        son of   Martyn              TANTER
         ?Sept        1585 Nycholl      son of   Raph                WILLIAM
         ? Sep        1585 Richard      son of   John                ANGOVE
           01-Oct     1585 Dreew        son of   Steven              TREDENICK
           01-Oct     1585 William      son of   Tristram            RICHARD
           01-Oct     1585 Thomas       son of   Eneas               DALE                  Gent
         ?Oct         1585 ?            dau of   Roger               JOHN
         ?Oct         1585 ?            son of   Martyn              NYCHOLAS
         ?Oct         1585 William      son of   John                JAMES
           17-Oct     1585 Gartrude     dau of                       UNCLEAR               base
           24-Oct     1585 Nycholl      son of   John                TRELYNN
           24-Oct     1585 John         son of   Gynkyn              SANCE
           24-Oct     1585 Willyam      son of   Wyllyam             RICHARD
           07-Nov     1585 Maude        dau of   Mychill             NYCHOLL
         ?Nov         1585 Christian    dau of   Nycholas            PASKO
           21-Nov     1585 Richard      son of   Dave                TREGUDEN
           01-Dec     1585 Jane         dau of   Syre                CARNARTHAR
           12-Dec     1585 Elizabeth    dau of   James               WILLIAM
           09-Jan     1585 Priscilla    dau of   Thomas              PLOMER
           06-Jan     1585 Elizabeth    dau of   John                HARIE
           23-Jan     1585 Mychill      son of   John                PASKO
           23-Jan     1585 John         son of   Peter               RAW
           23-Jan     1585 William      son of   Thomas              NEWMAN
           23-Jan     1585 Jone         dau of   Richard             CLEMENCE
           05-Feb     1585 Richard      son of   Richard             LAWRENCE
           05-Feb     1585 Jone         dau of   Thomas              RICHARDS
           20-Feb     1585 Jane         dau of   Keveryn             MYCHELL
           27-Feb     1585 Charles      son of   James               HORSFORDE
           13-Mar     1585 James        son of   Joh                 MYCHILL
         Apr          1586 Grace        dau of   Paskew              NYCHOLAS
         Apr          1586 Elizabeth    dau of   Harie               ARAWEN
         Apr          1586 John         son of   Bonvall             HANE
         May          1586 James        son of   Thomas              GAYRE
           22-May     1586 Edward       son of   William             RESKILLIE
           05-Jun     1586 Thomas       son of   James               JOHN
           11-Jun     1586 Thomas       son of   John                TREGLOHAN
           19-Jun     1586 Ambros       son of   George              POTTER
           26-Jun     1586 Peter        son of   Walter              RAWE
           10-Jul     1586 Sampson      son of   John                RICHARD
           10-Jul     1586 Edward       son of   John                BARKER
           17-Jul     1586 Suzan        dau of   John                RAWE
           31-Jul     1586 Henrie       son of   Thomas              RIGNALD
           14-Aug     1586 Elizabeth    dau of   Steven              TREWILLIS
           14-Aug     1586 Saundrie     dau of   Walter              STEVEN
           10-Aug     1586 James        son of   Thomas              TREBARVA
           28-Aug     1586 Marie        dau of   John                SQUIER
           04-Sep     1586 Sampson      son of   Ewryn               JOHN
           11-Sep     1586 Julian       dau of   Harie               JAMES
           18-Sep     1586 Peter        son of   Penticost           THOMS
           29-Sep     1586 William      son of   John                ROW                   Myllerd
           02-Oct     1586 Urith        dau of   Justinian           TALLAKARN             Esq
           09-Oct     1586 Justinian    son of   John                RISE
           09-Oct     1586 Prudence     dau of   John                PAULE
           09-Oct     1586 Elizabeth    dau of   Margaret            PALE                  base
           16-Oct     1586 Alise        dau of   Nycholl             PORTH
           19-Oct     1586 Elizabeth    dau of   Raph                WATTY
           30-Oct     1586 John         son of   Anthony             TREGEARE
           04-Nov     1586 Roger        son of   John                HOCKIN
           04-Nov     1586 Elizabeth    dau of   William             MARTYN
           13-Nov     1586 John         son of   John Richard        CURTIZ
           13-Nov     1586 Patience     dau of   John                DENIS
           27-Nov     1586 John         son of   William             BONFATT
           27-Nov     1586 John         son of   Roger               WILLIAM
           11-Dec     1586 Mychill      son of   John                MCHELL
           08-Jan     1586 John         son of   John                EDWARDE
           26-Jan     1586 Ales         dau of   Thomas              PLOMER
           02-Feb     1586 Jenet        dau of   John                EDE
           15-Feb     1586 Zacharie     son of   John                THOMAS
           24-Feb     1586 Agnes        dau of   William             MATHEW
           05-Mar     1586 Jone         dau of   John                MYCHILL
           10-Mar     1586 Sampson      son of   Nycholas            RICHARD
           18-Mar     1586 James        son of   John                NYCHOLAS
           18-Mar     1586 John         son of   Rychard             WILLIAM
           26-Mar     1586 Agnes        dau of   William             SAMPSON
         Mar          1587 Cristopher   son of   Richard             SKYNNER
         Apr          1587 James        son of   John                BENET
         Apr          1587 ?            son of   Keveryn             MYCHILL
         Apr          1587 ?            son of   Edward              WILLIAM
           17-Jun     1587 Agnes        dau of   Sampson             NYCHOLAS
           24-Jun     1587 abraham      son of   John                JENYNS
           02-Jul     1587 Keveryn      son of   James               PASKEW
           02-Jul     1587 Richard      son of   Nycholas            JOHN
           19-Jul     1587 Willmot      dau of   William             CALLYNACK
           22-Jul     1587 William      son of   Richard             WILLIAM
           22-Jul     1587 Isat         dau of   Rignald             RAW
           23-Jul     1587 Willmot      dau of   Thomas              JOHN
           03-Sep     1587 William      son of   Reignold            GEFFNE
           17-Sep     1587 John         son of   Laurence            TREWOOKOW
           08-Oct     1587 John         son of   Sampson             JOHN
           08-Oct     1587 Francis      son of   John                GEFFRIE
           08-Nov     1587 Roger        son of   Walter              JOHN
           26-Nov     1587 Peter        son of   William             OLYVEY
           26-Nov     1587 Marie        dau of   Thomas              WILLIAMS
           26-Nov     1587 John         son of   John                MYCHILL
           01-Dec     1587 James        son of   John                LANNER
           01-Dec     1587 William      son of   John                LANNER
           10-Dec     1587 Keveryn      son of   William             RICHARD
           16-Dec     1587 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas              GAYRE                 Gent
           28-Dec     1587 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard             JAMES
           28-Dec     1587 Richard      son of   no information      HARRIE
           06-Jan     1587 Agnes        dau of   William             JAMES
           07-Jan     1587 Elizabeth    dau of   Anthony             TREGEARE
           13-Jan     1587 Agrippa      dau of   Robert              DONELL
         Jan?         1587 Kateryn      dau of   Richard             OLYVIE
         Jan?         1587 John         son of   Dave(?)             BAS.
           10-Mar     1587 Jone         dau of   Richard             LAURENCE
           10-Mar     1587 Justinian    son of   John                TONKEN
           10-Mar     1587 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard             POLPIDNACK
           15-Mar     1587 Joseph       son of   Rowland             JOHN
           15-Mar     1587 William      son of   John                PEERCE
           31-Mar     1588 Jullian      dau of   Eneas               DALLE
           31-Mar     1588 John         son of   Richard             HALUGAL
           03-Apr     1588 Frances      son of   Peter               HEARNE
born       07-Feb     1587 Martha       dau of   Mathew              WEBBER                Clerk
           20-Apr     1588 Marian       dau of   John                SQUIRE
           27-Apr     1588 William      son of   Thomas              PASCOE
           11-May     1588 Penelopie    dau of   John                BARKER
           16-May     1588 Hugh         son of   Thomas              PLUMER
           23-Jun     1588 Henry        son of   Thomas              RICHARD
           30-Jun     1588 William      son of   James               HORSFORD
           24-Jul     1588 Ursela       dau of   Samson              UNCLEAR
           24-Jul     1588 James        son of   William             JAMES
           18-Aug     1588 Thomas       son of   John                THOMAS
           23-Aug     1588 William      son of   Pascow              NICHOLAS
           01-Sep     1588 Marger       dau of   ?                   UNCLEAR
           11-Sep     1588 Ellinor      dau of   John                WILLIAMS
           15-Sep     1588 Hugh         son of   Trunson?            FRAUNCES
           15-Sep     1588 Florence     dau of   John                PENROSE
           22-Sep     1588 John         son of   Keverne             MICHELL
           29-Sep     1588 Samson       son of   Petter              DINIS
           06-Oct     1588 John         son of   Sandry              THOMAS
           06-Oct     1588 Sibell       dau of   William             JOHN
           06-Oct     1588 Mary         dau of   Edward              JOHN
           13-Oct     1588 Catheryn     dau of   Paule               KELLTER
           13-Oct     1588 Dorathie     dau of   Samson              JOHN
           18-Oct     1588 James        son of   John                HUCHINGS
           18-Oct     1588 Dorathie     dau of   Samson              NICHOLAS
           18-Oct     1588 Willmott     dau of   Frauncis            ILLARIE               (?HARRIE)
           27-Oct     1588 Margaret     dau of   John                PERCE
           30-Oct     1588 Jane         dau of   James               HARRIE
           10-Nov     1588 Justinian    son of   Roger               WILLIAMS
           10-Nov     1588 Thomas       son of   Roger               KEVA
           10-Nov     1588 Melliar      dau of   Davie               JOHN
           20-Nov     1588 Jane         dau of   Michell             JAMES
           20-Nov     1588 Milins       dau of   John                DAVIS
           23-Nov     1588 Elizabeth    dau of   Nicholl             ROSSELL
           24-Nov     1588 John         son of   John                NICHOLL
           24-Nov     1588 Thomas       son of   ?                   CURNOW
           25-Nov     1588 Mary         dau of   Thomas              GEROGE
           30-Nov     1588 Sier         son of   Bonfill             HARRIE
           01-Dec     1588 John         son of   John                COTHA
           01-Dec     1588 Patrick      son of   John                NICHOLAS     of Coverack
           08-Dec     1588 James        son of   William             THOMAS
           15-Dec     1588 Jane         dau of   William             HARRIE
           15-Dec     1588 Richard      son of   John                CLEMENTS
           22-Dec     1588 Christian    dau of   Martyn              NICHOLL
           22-Dec     1588 Priscilla    dau of   James               JOHN
           29-Dec     1588 Ellinor      dau of   Raw                 TRENANCE
           29-Dec     1588 ?            dau of   John                EED
           06-Jan     1588 Bennet       dau of   Richard             PEARCE
           25-Jan     1588 John         son of   Samuel              SANS
           25-Jan     1588 ?            son of   John                MICHELL
           09-Feb     1588 Susan        dau of   Pascow              NYCHOLL
           12-Feb     1588 Thomas       son of   Anthony             NICHOLL
         Feb          1588 Alis         dau of   Roger               COOKE
         Feb          1588 Mary         dau of   John                NANSAK
         ?            1588 Jane         dau of   Fraunces            GEORGE                base,by report
           02-Mar     1588 Jane         dau of   John                HENRY
           09-Mar     1588 John         son of   John                EDWARDS
           22-Mar     1588 Thomas       son of   John                RICE
           29-Mar     1589 John         son of   Martyn              TANER
           29-Mar     1589 Agnis        dau of   John                PASCOW
           31-Mar     1589 Debora       dau of   Walter              JOHN
           06-Apr     1589 William      son of   Walter              ROW
           13-Apr     1589 Christian    dau of   John                MICHILL
           19-Apr     1589 Sussan       dau of   Roger               JOHN
           20-Apr     1589 Willmott     dau of   William             JEFFERY
           26-Apr     1589 Mary         dau of   Michell             ROW
           04-May     1589 Gent         dau of   Nicholl             THOMAS
           21-May     1589 Christian    dau of   John                WILLS
           15-Jun     1589 Ben          dau of   John                DIGGORY
           15-Jun     1589 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas              BOUNFIE
           12-Jul     1589 Absu:        dau of   John                SQUIRE
           15-Jul     1589 Ellen        dau of   Tristram            KEMMA
           20-Jul     1589 Willmott     dau of   Sire                CARNITHEN
           27-Jul     1589 Robert       son of   Henry               JAMES
           01-Aug     1589 Debora       dau of   Walter              STEVANS
           11-Aug     1589 Grace        dau of   William             ARTHER
           17-Aug     1589 Hugh         son of   Samson              LETSON
           17-Aug     1589 John         son of   Anthony             HEGOE
           12-Sep     1589 John         son of   Richard             GILBERT
           20-Sep     1589 Nicholas     son of   Anthony             BERNARD
           21-Sep     1589 Ann          dau of   James               PEARNE
           21-Sep     1589 Alson        dau of   Richard             CURTIS
           24-Sep     1589 Ann          dau of   ?                   ALLYN                 base
           24-Sep     1589 James        son of   Saundry             CH..
           20-Dec     1589 Joane        dau of   William             THOMAS
           20-Dec     1589 John         son of   John                WILLIAMS
           21-Dec     1589 Joyce        dau of   John                DAVIE
           26-Dec     1589 Jane         dau of   Jane                BAMFIE                base
           26-Jan     1589 Justinian    son of   William             SAMSEN
           07-Feb     1589 Thomas       son of   Keverne             TRELEEG
           21-Feb     1589 Joan         dau of   Thomas              PLUMER
           21-Feb     1589 Thomas       son of   John                MICHELL
           22-Feb     1589 Zachary      son of   Enias               DALLE
           22-Feb     1589 Elizabeth    dau of   Henry               JAMES        of Bean
           23-Feb     1589 Annis        dau of   James               SAUNDRY
         Missing      1590
         Missing      1591
         Missing      1592
         Missing      1593
         Missing      1594
EXETER B.? May        1597 Willmott     dau of   John                HUCHINS
EXETER B.? May        1597 John         son of   Edward              WALLIN
EXETER B.  15-May     1597 Robert       son of   James               HORSFORD
EXETER B.  22-May     1597 William      son of   Willyam             SAUNDRIE
EXETER B.  22-May     1597 Anne         dau of   John                ROSKARNAM
EXETER B.  30-May     1597 John         son of   Enego               BODIE
EXETER B.  30-May     1597 Aves         dau of   William             RICHARD
EXETER B.  30-May     1597 Jane         dau of   William             JOHN
EXETER B.  04-Jun     1597 Johan        dau of   John                DENIS
EXETER B.  05-Jun     1597 Willyam      son of   Willyam             GEFFRIE
EXETER B.  05-Jun     1597 Jone         Son of   Thomas              VICKER
EXETER B.  18-Jun     1597 Jone         dau of   Lawrence            BOSE
EXETER B.  19-Jun     1597 Nychole      dau of   Nychols             THOMAS
EXETER B.  29-Jun     1597 Peter        son of   John                TREGELLEST
EXETER B.  16-Jul     1597 Ursella      dau of   Water               JOHN
EXETER B.  30-Jul     1597 Nycolas      son of   Thomas              GAYRE                 Gent
EXETER B.  24-Aug     1597 Jane         dau of   Jane                BRAYE
EXETER B.  24-Aug     1597 Maudler      dau of   John                WATE
EXETER B.  05-Sep     1597 James        son of   John                TRENOWETH
EXETER B.  11-Sep     1597 Jone         dau of   Peter               CORNOW
EXETER B.  11-Sep     1597 Margerie     dau of   Willyam             BENET
EXETER B.  02-Oct     1597 Ursula       dau of   John                NYCHOLAS
EXETER B.  22-Oct     1597 Mawde        dau of   Willyam             ARTHUR
EXETER B.  01-Nov     1597 Thomas       son of   John                RICHARD
EXETER B.  04-Dec     1597 John         son of   George              BOLDEN
EXETER B.  04-Dec     1597 Thomas       son of   John                VIVIAN
EXETER B.  27-Dec     1597 Willyam      son of   John                GEFFRIE
EXETER B.  06-Jan     1597 Annes        son of   John                HARIE        of Treskewis
EXETER B.  29-Jan     1597 Richard      son of   John                MATHEW
EXETER B.  06-Feb     1597 Ann          dau of   Willyan             ANDREW
EXETER B.  06-Feb     1597 Elyzabethe   dau of   Sam pson            DAVIE
EXETER B.  11-Mar     1597 Hatheryn     dau of   Michill             HALVAGALL
EXETER B.  13-Mar     1597 Elyzabeth    dau of   John                FABIE
EXETER B.  25-Mar     1598 Ages         dau of   Willyam             MATHEW
EXETER B.  22-Apr     1598 John         son of   Nycholas            RUSSELL
EXETER B.  25-Mar     1598 Grace        dau of   Willyam             JAMES
EXETER B.  11-May     1598 Phillip      son of   John                SQUIER
EXETER B.  14-May     1598 Thomas       son of   Willyam             KELLS
EXETER B.  14-May     1598 ?            dau of   Robert              DONELL
EXETER B.  29-Jun     1598 Peter        son of   Nycholas            PLOMER
EXETER B.  08-Aug     1598 John         son of   Richard             MILLERD
EXETER B.  31-Aug     1598 Jane         dau of   John                LANDRI
EXETER B.  31-Aug     1598 Sissellie    dau of   Marie               ARAWAN
EXETER B.  03-Sep     1598 Ages         dau of   Anthonie            TREGEARE
EXETER B.  17-Sep     1598 Thomas       son of   Richard             TREBARVA
EXETER B.  24-Sep     1598 Nicholas     son of   James               HARIE
EXETER B.  07-Oct     1598 John         son of   Griffen             MILLERD
EXETER B.  22-Oct     1598 Marie        dau of   Sampson             FRAUJNCH
EXETER B.  05-Nov     1598 Jane         dau of   Walter              LISTON
EXETER B.  26-Nov     1598 John         son of   Lawrence            JOHN
EXETER B.  10-Dec     1598 Thomas       son of   Nycholas            PASKOW
EXETER B.  10-Dec     1598 Willyam      son of   Thomas              LESTOWDER
EXETER B.  24-Feb     1598 James        son of   James               HOCKYN
EXETER B.  25-Feb     1598 Suzan        dau of   John                DAVIE
EXETER B.  11-Mar     1598 Ewryn        dau of   John                ROSKILLIE
EXETER B.  11-Mar     1598 Harie        son of   James               TENIER(?)
EXETER B.  16-Mar     1598 Lewis        son of   Georg               BOLDEN
EXETER B.  31-Mar     1599 Mathew       son of   Thomas              GORGE
EXETER B.  31-Mar     1599 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas              GORGE
EXETER B.  08-Apr     1599 Christian    dau of   Christian           HALVAGALL
EXETER B.  08-Apr     1599 Margaret     dau of   Willyam             DIER
EXETER B.  16-Apr     1599 Lowdie       dau of   Row                 LUKAS
EXETER B.  24-Apr     1599 Lowdie       dau of   Robert              THOMAS
EXETER B.  30-Apr     1599 Thomas       son of   John                VIVIAN
EXETER B.  09-May     1599 Mawdlyn      dau of   John                ARNALD
EXETER B.  12-May     1599 Thomas       son of   Vinsant             LYNE
EXETER B.  12-May     1599 Base         dau of   Frauns              SANC
EXETER B.  13-May     1599 Willyam      son of   John                HARIE
EXETER B.  06-Jun     1599 Elyzabeth    dau of   Willyam             RIC(e)
EXETER B.  06-Jun     1599 John         son of   John                POLKER
EXETER B.  06-Jun     1599 base child   John                         EDWARDS               to a strainger borne at John Ed
EXETER B.  15-Jun     1599 Alis         Water                        STEVEN                a bastard,borne at Water Steven
EXETER B.  20-Jun     1599 Agrippa      son of   Peter               HEYME
EXETER B.  24-Jun     1599 Mawdlen      dau of   James               WILLIM
EXETER B.  29-Jun     1599 Ann          dau of   John                PERSE
EXETER B.  02-Jul     1599 John         son of   Water               JOHN
EXETER B.  15-Jul     1599 Acrapit      son of   Keveryn             SAMPSON
EXETER B.  18-Jul     1599 Margaret     dau of   Jenet               KEVERYN
EXETER B.  25-Jul     1599 Justinian    son of   Blanch              PERSE
EXETER B.  05-Aug     1599 Marie        dau of   John                THOMAS       of Lesnege
EXETER B.  11-Aug     1599 John         son of   William             THOMAS
EXETER B.  19-Aug     1599 Jane         dau of   Thomas              WILLIAMS
EXETER B.  19-Aug     1599 William      son of   William             HARRIE
EXETER B.  08-Sep     1599 William      son of   John                MICHILL
EXETER B.  16-Sep     1599 William      son of   William             BENET
EXETER B.  17-Sep     1599 Sampson      son of   Thomas              POR(th)
EXETER B.  21-Sep     1599 Marie        dau of   James               CARNARHUR
EXETER B.  30-Sep     1599 Margaret     dau of   Enego               BODIE
EXETER B.  07-Oct     1599 Rodamuntus   The Mayor
EXETER B.  18-Nov     1599 Lower        dau of   Geffrie             MILLARD
EXETER B.  23-Dec     1599 Elyzabeth    dau of   Alson               ALLYN
EXETER B.  29-Dec     1599 Jane         dau of   Harie               CARNELLAS
EXETER B.  30-Dec     1599 Willyam      son of   Roger               WILLIAM
EXETER B.  05-Jan     1599 Ann          dau of   Herkyn/Honeck       WALL
EXETER B.  06-Jan     1599 Willyam      son of   John                TREGELLEST
EXETER B.  06-Jan     1599 Elynor       dau of   Willyam             ERISHE
EXETER B.  09-Jan     1599 John         son of   Tristram            KEVERNE
EXETER B.  14-Jan     1599 Thomas       son of   James               RICKARD
EXETER B.  27-Jan     1599 John         son of   James               SAUNDERS
EXETER B.  27-Jan     1599 Ales         dau of   Water               ROGER
EXETER B.  10-Feb     1599 Nycholas     son of   Nycholas            PLOMER
EXETER B.  18-Feb     1599 John         son of   Nowell              JAMES
EXETER B.  24-Feb     1599 Margeret     dau of   John                RISE
EXETER B.  24-Feb     1599 Walter       son of   Gabriell            WILLIAM
EXETER B.  02-Mar     1599 John         son of   John                PASKEW
EXETER B.  02-Mar     1599 Jane         dau of   John Jnr            PERSE
EXETER B.  02-Mar     1599 Suzan        dau of   Richard             WILLIAM
EXETER B.  09-Mar     1599 James        dau of                       SAUNDRIE              no details
EXETER B.  09-Mar     1599 Jone         dau of   Deynis              MARTYN
EXETER B.  02-Apr     1600 Richard      son of   Richard             JOHN
EXETER B.  11-Apr     1600 George       son of   James               HARIE
EXETER B.  08-Jun     1600 Walter       son of   Richard             GILBERT
EXETER B.  06-Jul     1600 Nycholas     son of   John                FABIE
EXETER B.  06-Jul     1600 Jane         dau of   Ginkin              PHILL(ip)
EXETER B.  01-Aug     1600 John         son of   Robert              DONELL
EXETER B.  02-Aug     1600 Anthonie     son of   John                SAMPSON
EXETER B.  19-Aug     1600 Richard      son of   William             SANES
EXETER B.  19-Sep     1600 Thomas       son of   Anthonie            BERNEWICK
EXETER B.  21-Sep     1600 Arthur       son of   Thomas              HUCHIN
EXETER B.  21-Sep     1600 Enego        son of   John                SAMPSON
EXETER B.  19-Oct     1600 John         son of   Willyam             ARTHUR
EXETER B.  23-Nov     1600 Avis         dau of   John                STEVEN
EXETER B.  07-Dec     1600 Robert       son of   Lawrence            JOHN
EXETER B.  07-Dec     1600 Marie        dau of   Zechill             WILLIAM
EXETER B.  24-Dec     1600 John         son of   James Jun           HARIE
EXETER B.  28-Dec     1600 Drew         son of   John                LAMORAM
EXETER B.  01-Jan     1600 Margeret     dau of   John                MEIRE
EXETER B.  04-Jan     1600 Alis         dau of   Mychill             CORNE
EXETER B.  18-Jan     1600 William      son of   John                CURTIS
EXETER B.  18-Jan     1600 Ann          dau of   Mathew              JAMES
EXETER B.  24-Jan     1600 James        son of   Water               BOSVINE
EXETER B.  31-Jan     1600 Willmot      dau of   Nycholas            PLOMER
EXETER B.  03-Feb     1600 Elyzabeth    dau of                       BODIE                 no details
EXETER B.  03-Feb     1600 Marie        dau of                       RICHARD               no details
EXETER B.  08-Feb     1600 Willyam      son of   Willyam             CORNOW
EXETER B.  09-Feb     1600 Jane         dau of                       SHILSTON              no details
EXETER B.  09-Feb     1600 Willyam      son of                       MILKEN                no details
EXETER B.  09-Feb     1600 Peternell    dau of                       SAUNDRIE              no details
EXETER B.  22-Feb     1600 Jane         dau of                       DENIS                 no details
EXETER B.  23-Feb     1600 Margeret     dau of                       KEVERNE               no details
EXETER B.  23-Feb     1600 Jane         dau of                       TREGELLEST            no details
EXETER B.  01-Mar     1600 John         base     Jane                LANER
EXETER B.  17-Mar     1600 Edward       base     Willmot             JOHN
EXETER B.  24-Mar     1600 John         son of                       CORNELLIS             no details
EXETER B.  28-Mar     1601 Willmott     dau of                       THOMAS                no details
EXETER B.  06-Apr     1601 Thomas       son of                       SNELLING              no details
EXETER B.  13-Apr     1601 Fraunces                                  THOMAS                no details
EXETER B.  13-Apr     1601 Willmot      dau of   John                SAMPSON
EXETER B.  06-May     1601 Margeret     dau of                       LISTEN                no details
EXETER B.  17-May     1601 Avis         dau of                       WILLIAM               no details
EXETER B.  07-Jun     1601 Nycholas     son of   Steven              JOHN
EXETER B.  26-Jul     1601 James        son of                       HARIE                 no details
EXETER B.  01-Aug     1601 Ann          dau of   James               HORSFORD
EXETER B.  02-Aug     1601 Peternell    dau of                       VIVIAN                no details
EXETER B.  24-Aug     1601 Thomas       son of                       WILLYAM               no details
EXETER B.  13-Sep     1601 Jane         dau of   R                   CHILSTON
EXETER B.  20-Sep     1601 Mathew       son of                       FRAUNCH               no details
EXETER B.  21-Sep     1601 Jane         dau of                       RESKILLIE             no details
EXETER B.  27-Sep     1601 Mychaell     son of                       RABERT                no details
EXETER B.  29-Sep     1601 Nowell       son of                       RICHARD               no details
EXETER B.  04-Oct     1601 James        son of                       PENTICOST             no details
EXETER B.  10-Oct     1601 Wall         base     Marie               HERKYN                servant to Digorie Hill
EXETER B.  18-Oct     1601 Katteryn     dau of   John                HEYNSHAM              Gent
EXETER B.  30-Oct     1601 Tristram                                  BENNET                no details
EXETER B.  06-Nov     1601 John         son of   Hattern             OLYVER
EXETER B.  08-Nov     1601 James        son of   Georg               BOLDEN
EXETER B.  16-Nov     1601 Jeffrie      dau of   Margaret            LANDE
EXETER B.  18-Nov     1601 Nycholas                                  ROW                   no details
EXETER B.  18-Nov     1601 Jone                                      FLETCHER              no details
EXETER B.  20-Nov     1601 Faith                                     SAMPSON               no details
EXETER B.  22-Nov     1601 Jone                                      RICHARD               no details
EXETER B.  29-Nov     1601 Andrew                                    SQUIER                no details
EXETER B.  29-Nov     1601 James                                     PERSE                 no details
EXETER B.  05-Dec     1601 Nycholas                                  TRENDWETH             no details
EXETER B.  20-Jan     1601 Jane                                      TRISTRAM              no details
EXETER B.  30-Jan     1601 Thamsyn                                   WATER                 no details
EXETER B.  13-Feb     1601 Ages                                      CLEMENC               no details
EXETER B.  14-Feb     1601 Alys         dau of   John                HARIE
EXETER B.  24-Feb     1601 Richard                                   ANDREW                no details
EXETER B.  26-Feb     1601 Mathew                                    RAW                   no details
EXETER B.  28-Feb     1601 John                                      PERSE                 no details
EXETER B.  05-Mar     1601 Diggorie                                  JOHN                  no details
EXETER B.  14-Mar     1601 Bartholomew                               PLOMER                no details
EXETER B.  20-Mar     1601 Margaret     dau of   James               SANDRIE
EXETER B.  23-Mar     1601 Margaret     dau of   William             MELKYN                base the mother is dead
           13-Apr     1605 Margaret     dau of   John                TRENOWTH              als Penreeds
           14-Apr     1605 William      son of   Henry               THOMAS                millerd
           14-Apr     1605 Rebecca      dau of   John                FRAUNEYS
           05-May     1605 Justinian    son of   William             GENKYN
           15-Jun     1605 Rychard      son of   John                WILLS
           15-Jun     1605 Annias       dau of   James               THOMAS
           13-Jul     1605 William      son of   John                OLIVY
           17-Jul     1605 Paciance     dau of   Rychard             SNEWE
           27-Jul     1605 Ann          dau of   Thomas              PEARES
           04-Aug     1605 Stevyn       son of   Harkyn              WALL         of Benicke
           02-Sep     1605 Haniball     son of   Haniball            FLETCHER
           22-Sep     1605 John         son of   Nicholas            HINGSTON
           22-Sep     1605 Constance    dau of   William             STEVEN
           25-Sep     1605 Dorcas       dau of   Thomas              SAMPSON
           28-Sep     1605 Ann          dau of   William             TREGEARE
           08-Oct     1605 Joan         dau of   Henry               BODYE
           10-Oct     1605 Catherin              base                MICHILL               Edward Tomkyn reputed father
           11-Oct     1605 Richard      son of   John                VIVIAN
           11-Oct     1605 William      son of   Richard             base                  base.Richard Laurece the younge
           13-Oct     1605 Jane         dau of   ?                   UNCLEAR
           03-Nov     1605 Rychard      son of   Enigo               BODDYE
           17-Nov     1605 William      son of   John                FABYE
           30-Nov     1605 Avis         dau of   John Jnr            CARALLACK
           01-Dec     1605 Alicia       dau of   Richard             DONNINGE              Vicar
           07-Dec     1605 Margaret     dau of   John                ANDREW
           15-Dec     1605 Samson       son of   William             CORNOW
           15-Dec     1605 Anne         dau of   John                THOMAS       of Lesnege
           28-Dec     1605 Thomas       son of   Gabriel             TRESWYN?
           29-Dec     1605 Susan        dau of   William             SAUNDRY
Ric.Donny  06-Jan     1605 Anne         dau of   John                GEFFRYE
           19-Jan     1605 Richard      son of   James               WILLS
           19-Jan     1605 Constance    dau of                                             base,a black more,reputed fathe
           25-Jan     1605 Wilmote      dau of   John                CORTIS       T'fallack
           22-Jan     1605 Jane         dau of   Diggorye            HILL
           26-Jan     1605 James        son of   Henry               NAMPIAN
           26-Jan     1605 Richard      son of   John                ROBERT
           26-Jan     1605 Johan        son of   Oliver              MAYE
           06-Feb     1605 Ursela       dau of   Rawe                LUCAS
           09-Feb     1605 Ann          dau of   John                RESSKARNAN
           11-Feb     1605 Elizabeth    dau of   Wilmot              MARA                  reputed father Mathew James the
           18-Feb     1605 George       son of   John                SKELLYNG              gent
           27-Feb     1605 Richard      son of   william             ROBERT
           15-Mar     1605 John         son of   Antony              ROBART
           18-Mar     1605 Elizabeth    dau of   Jane                MORISHE               REPUTED FATHER Mathew Geffery
           23-Mar     1605 Tristram     son of   Tristram            KEVERYN
           25-Mar     1606 Ezechiel     son of   John                STEVYN
           30-Mar     1606 John         son of   Walter              JAMES
           30-Mar     1606 Gedeon       son of   John                ANBONE
           09-Apr     1606 Sampson      son of   Nowell              RICHARD
           11-Apr     1606 William      son of   Walter              BUSVYNE
           13-Apr     1606 Julyan       son of   Gawen               BODYE
           19-Apr     1606 William      son of   Henry               CORNELLES
           21-Apr     1606 Florence     dau of   Thomas              GEORGE
           21-Apr     1606 Gilbert      son of   Acrapil             HEYME
           04-May     1606 Wilmote      dau of   John                CORTIS       of Trewoothack
           06-May     1606 James        son of   John                SAUNDRY
           15-May     1606 John         son of   Eneas               SAMSON
           30-May     1606 James        base     ?                   LOWER                 reputed father Keveryn Michell
           07-Jun     1606 Emanuel      son of   John                DENNYS
           15-Jun     1606 John         son of   Tristram            POLKYNHORNE
           22-Jun     1606 John         son of   Mr John             NAUNCE
           10-Aug     1606 Stevyn       son of   John                THOMAS
           24-Aug     1606 Thamasin     dau of   Steven              TREGELLAST
           24-Aug     1606 Alice        dau of   John                NEWELL
           31-Aug     1606 James        son of   Sampson             MORISHE
           19-Sep     1606 Anthony      son of   Rychards            RAW
           19-Sep     1606 Margaret     dau of   John                ELLYS
           27-Sep     1606 George       son of   Richard             THOMAS
           29-Sep     1606 Mary         dau of   Nicholas            HUCHIN
           30-Sep     1606 Jane         dau of   Jane                TRELEAGE              base by Rye Johb
           09-Oct     1606 Helen        dau of   John                FRANCES
           22-Oct     1606 Jane         dau of   William             MAURICE
           22-Oct     1606 John         son of   Nicholas            BENNET
           01-Nov     1606 Rebecca      dau of   James               REYNOLD
           23-Nov     1606 John         son of   Boden               TREWYNS
           30-Nov     1606 Alyce        dau of   Ezekiel             THOMAS
           03-Dec     1606 Richard      son of   Richard             TREGELLAST
           11-Jan     1606 Digory       son of   Thomas              MANYN
           18-Jan     1606 Anthony      son of   Phillip             MUSGROVE
           19-Jan     1606 William      son of   Wilmote             STEVEN                base by William Stone
           24-Jan     1606 Sassely      dau of   William             BENNET
           03-Feb     1606 Hanibal      son of   William             MILTON
           03-Feb     1606 Margery      dau of   William             MILTON
           11-Feb     1606 Nycole       dau of   John                STEVEN
           11-Feb     1606 Jane         dau of   Oliver              MAYNE
           19-Feb     1606 Gilbert      son of   Margaret            DIGGORY
           24-Feb     1606 James        son of   Mathew              SKINNER
           05-Mar     1606 Cheston      dau of   Joane               UNCLEAR               sometime servant to Mr Arthur H
           08-Mar     1606 Christopher  son of   John                WILLS
           08-Mar     1606 Redigon      dau of   John                TRENOWTH
           10-Mar     1606 John         son of   Margery             ELLIS
           13-Mar     1606 Amy          dau of   Nowell              JAMES        of Reskrowgy
           20-Mar     1606 James        son of   Wilmote             JOHN                  base by one Martyn
           27-Mar     1607 James        son of   Jane                CORTIS                base by Hanibal John
           27-Mar     1607 James        son of   Gryffen             BOSE
           28-Mar     1607 Anne         dau of   Euryn               JOHN
           29-Mar     1607 Jane         dau of   Raw                 NYCOLL
           03-Apr     1607 Benjamin     son of   Fayth               DAVYE                 base by John Hutchin
           04-Apr     1607 Jone         dau of   Abraham             HANGITHE
           22-Apr     1607 Thomas       son of   Thomas              BAKER
           06-May     1607 Walter       son of   Robert              ACKINS
           14-May     1607 Anne         dau of   Richard             RALARCE
           03-Jun     1607 Robert       son of   Robert              TRESSPRESEN
           07-Jun     1607 James        son of   Edward              WYLLYAM
           09-Jun     1607 Godolphin    son of   Hanniball           FLETCHER
           14-Jun     1607 Richard      son of   Elizabeth           GEFFRYE               base by Walt Tonckyn
           24-Jun     1607 Wilmot       dau of   James               HORSFFORDE
           28-Jun     1607 Francys      dau of   John                SAMSON
           01-Jul     1607 William      son of   John                SWANDRY
           01-Jul     1607 Margeryt     dau of   Jane                SAMPSON               base by one of St Just
           11-Jul     1607 Dorothy      dau of   John                CARALLACK    of Lestouder
           12-Jul     1607 Janne        son of   John                BENNET
           29-Jul     1607 Nicholas     son of   John                PASSKOWE
           30-Aug     1607 William      son of   Nicholas            HUTCHIN
           31-Aug     1607 Robert       son of   John James          PLUMMER
           11-Oct     1607 Thomas       dau of   John James          ARAWAN
           18-Oct     1607 Walter       base     Charity             UNCLEAR               reputed father John ?pson the y
           24-Oct     1607 William      son of   Keverne             SANNS
         Nov          1607 Peter        son of   Elizabeth           ANGO                  base,reputed father John Thomas
           05-Nov     1607 Alison       dau of   Jas                 HARRY        of Trelanvan
           04-Dec     1607 Richard      son of   James               MICHILL
           28-Dec     1607 John         son of   Michal              CORNOCON
           30-Dec     1607 Anne         dau of   James               WILLS
           30-Dec     1607 Matthew      son of   James               MATTHEW
           20-Jan     1607 Haniball     son of   Robert              JAMES
           07-Feb     1607 Constance    dau of   Richard             JOSEPH
           20-Feb     1607 Antony       son of   John                DELLIO
           28-Feb     1607 John         son of   John                TREGEARE
           28-Feb     1607 William      son of   Henry               NAMPIAN
           28-Feb     1607 Marye        dau of   James               RICHARD
           04-Mar     1607 John         son of   John                TREGELLAST
           09-Mar     1607 Radford      son of   Gabriell            UNCLEAR
           12-Mar     1607 Thomas       son of   John                OLIVYE
           12-Mar     1607 Anne         dau of   Samson              RAW
           13-Mar     1607 william      son of   Harry               ROBERT
           18-Mar     1607 John         son of   Nowell              RICHARD
           19-Mar     1607 Elizabeth    dau of   John                GEFFREY
           20-Mar     1607 Henry        son of   Robert              GEORGE
           25-Mar     1608 Marye        dau of   Nicholas            HUCHIN                deceased
           03-Apr     1608 Richard      son of   John                STEEVEN
           03-Apr     1608 Grace        dau of   An                  THOMAS                base by John Sewell
           10-Apr     1608 Thamsin      dau of   Robert              ATKINS
           21-Apr     1608 Nicholas     son of   William             MORRYCE
           05-May     1608 Henrye       son of   Anthony             BONFATT
           06-May     1608 Robert       son of   William             STEVEN
           07-May     1608 Anne         dau of   Rychard             BONNFYE
           08-May     1608 Margaret     dau of   Vincent             LYNE
           22-May     1608 Lowdie       dau of   John                THOMAS
           17-Jul     1608 Philipe      dau of   Acrapite            HEAYME
           05-Aug     1608 James        son of   John                LANYNE
           06-Aug     1608 Cheritye     dau of   Walter              BUSSVINGE
           21-Aug     1608 Anne         dau of   William             SAUNDRY
           21-Aug     1608 George       son of   Digory              HILL
           21-Aug     1608 Edward       son of   Aneas               PORTH
           28-Aug     1608 Anthony      son of   Raw                 NYCOLL
           31-Aug     1608 John         son of   William             GENKYN
           09-Sep     1608 Richard      son of   John                SAUNDRY
           10-Sep     1608 Antonye      son of   Jo Jack             WILL
           11-Sep     1608 James        son of   Walter              JAMES
           18-Sep     1608 Richard      son of   William             CHEFER
           18-Sep     1608 Justinian    son of   John                DENNYS
           18-Sep     1608 Wilmote      son of   George              PORTH
           21-Sep     1608 William      son of   John                THOMAS       of Rosewicke
           25-Sep     1608 Martyn       son of   John                WILLS
           02-Oct     1608 Jane         dau of   John                FABY
           09-Oct     1608 Richard      son of   William             HARRY                 als Bonfat.
           30-Oct     1608 Elizabeth    dau of   Ezckiel             THOMAS
           05-Nov     1608 Agnes        dau of   Paskow              ANDERDON
           06-Nov     1608 Constance    dau of   Samson              HARRY
           04-Dec     1608 James        son of   Robert              LESKITE
           04-Dec     1608 Faythely     dau of   John                RESKARNA
           04-Dec     1608 Florence     dau of   John                RICHARD
           18-Dec     1608 Dorothy      dau of   John                NANCE
           25-Dec     1608 Margeret     dau of   Henry               CARNELYIUS
           29-Dec     1608 Athanasius   son of   Nicholas            PLOMMER
           01-Jan     1608 Robert       son of   Philip              MUSGROVE
           01-Jan     1608 John         son of   William             ANDREW
           06-Jan     1608 Nicholas     son of   Anthony             ROBERT
           15-Jan     1608 Thomas       son of   Rychard             WYLLYAM
           16-Jan     1608 Ezechiell    son of   John                VYVYAN
           21-Jan     1608 John         son of   John                CORTIS
           21-Jan     1608 John         son of   John                TRENOWETH             also Penreede
           22-Jan     1608 Thomas       son of   Thomas              PERSE
           22-Jan     1608 Samson       son of   Thomas              PERSE
           22-Jan     1608 William      son of   John                STEVEN
           22-Jan     1608 Constance    dau of   John Steven         CORTIS
           12-Feb     1608 William      son of   Tristram            POLINHORNE
           05-Feb     1608 William      son of   Tristram            KEVERN
           12-Feb     1608 Kateryn      dau of   Haniball            JOHN
           23-Feb     1608 Walter       son of   Raw                 LUCAS
           01-Mar     1608 Jane         dau of   John                REMFRYE
           05-Mar     1608 John         son of   John                MARTYN
           29-Mar     1609 John         base                         UNCLEAR               reputed father John Roger
           09-Apr     1609 Jane         dau of   Richard             THOMAS
           18-Apr     1609 James        son of   John                HILL
           03-Jun     1609 Annas        dau of   Thomas              PORTH
           04-Jun     1609 James        son of   Walter              LIFTEN
           02-Jul     1609 William      son of   Haniball            HEAYME
           07-Jul     1609 William      son of   William             MORISHE
           30-Jul     1609 Nicholas     son of   Keveryn             GEFFERY
           12-Aug     1609 Martha       dau of   John                RABART
           13-Aug     1609 Thomas       son of   Sampson             JAMIS
           13-Sep     1609 Anthony      son of   William             STEVEN
           08-Oct     1609 Agnes        dau of   John                FRAUNCYS
           14-Oct     1609 Richard      son of   James               MICHILL               als Cowsicke
           14-Oct     1609 Wilmote      dau of   Nicholas            BENNETT
           22-Oct     1609 Jane         dau of   Richard             WILLIAM
           22-Oct     1609 Nicholas     base     Mary                PERSE                 base reputed fatherMr Ric.Hensh
           12-Nov     1609 Henry        son of   Richard             TREGELLAST
           26-Nov     1609 John         son of   James               MITCHILL
           29-Dec     1609 Agnes        dau of   thomas              MARTYN
           10-Dec     1609 William      son of   Acrapicte           HEAYME
           22-Dec     1609 Justinian    son of   Peter               WILLIAM
           27-Dec     1609 Agnes        dau of   John                NOWILL
           07-Jan     1609 Robert       son of   James               CERFELACK
           14-Jan     1609 John         son of   James               MATHEW
           14-Jan     1609 Amy          dau of   John                BOONE
           21-Jan     1609 Sampson      son of   Sampson             LANNSEE
           26-Jan     1609 John         son of   Steven              COHA
           28-Jan     1609 Richard      son of   Annas               DIGGERY               base,by Peter Donnall
           02-Feb     1609 Annas        dau of   Margery             MARTIN                base by Swandry Faby,
           11-Feb     1609 Catherine    dau of   Oliver              MAYNE
           11-Feb     1609 Marye        dau of   Thomas              MANYN
           21-Feb     1609 Dorothy      dau of   John                TRENOWETH
           23-Nov     1609 John         son of   Nowell              RICHARD
           23-Nov     1609 Geny         dau of   William             BENNETT
           25-Nov     1609 Richard      son of   James               TREBARVATH
           28-Nov     1609 Robert       son of   Haniball            FLETCHER
           05-Mar     1609 Israel       son of   Paskow              MONYE
           13-Mar     1609 Roger        son of   Arthure             WARREN                Clerke
           18-Mar     1609 Thomas       son of   John                GEFFRYE
           18-Mar     1609 John         son of   Phillip             MICHILL
           21-Mar     1609 Greoffen     son of   John                FABY
           30-Mar     1610 John         son of   James               WILLS
           01-Apr     1610 ?            dau of   Allmont             CHEFFER
           15-Apr     1610 Robart       son of   Robert              ACKYN
           29-Apr     1610 Rychard      son of   Ginkin              JOHN
           12-May     1610 James        son of   George              DOLTEN
           20-May     1610 Tristrem     son of   John                VIVIAN
           03-Jun     1610 Margeryt     dau of   John                NICHOLAS
           08-Jun     1610 William      son of   John                MARTYN
           09-Jun     1610 Nicholas     son of   Pascow              DINNIS                base,by Thomas Trelenn
           10-Jun     1610 Annas        dau of   Abraham             HOCKIN
           24-Jun     1610 William      son of   John                THOMAS
           24-Jun     1610 Jone         dau of   John                OLIVYE
           27-Jun     1610 Henry        son of   Nicholas            PLOMMER
           29-Jun     1610 Agnes        dau of   John                CARALLACK
           29-Jun     1610 Blandy       dau of   Richard             LAURENCE     of Tregidden
           08-Jul     1610 George       son of   John                TREGEARE
           08-Jul     1610 Barseby      dau of   John                HOCKIN
           28-Jul     1610 John         son of   Ann                 MATHEW                base,by John? Of Parish of Loug
           20-Jul     1610 John         son of   Kevery              SANNSE
           20-Jul     1610 Annas        dau of   Henrye              BODY
           22-Jul     1610 Marye        dau of   John                SAMPSON
           25-Jul     1610 Peter        son of   Henrye              DAR
           26-Aug     1610 Amy          dau of   James               MORRICE
           09-Sep     1610 Richard      son of   John                NANCE
           09-Sep     1610 Almonte      son of   Sampson             RAWE
         ?            1610 Nicholas     son of   Wilmote             WILLIAM               base,by John German of Helston
           26-Sep     1610 Nicholas     son of   Rye                 TOMLYN                base,reputed Saundry Napier
           26-Sep     1610 Annas        dau of   Rye                 TOMLYN                base,reputed Saundry Napier
           26-Sep     1610 Ann          dau of   Mathew              SKYNNER
           30-Sep     1610 Annas        dau of   Richard             YOUNG
           30-Sep     1610 William      son of   Faithlie            DRIVIE                base,by John Lane of Bythack(?B
           30-Sep     1610 Tristrem     son of   Grieffin            BOWES
           03-Oct     1610 Jane         dau of   Richard             TREWOTHNOW
           14-Oct     1610 Jane         dau of   Robert              GEORGE
           21-Oct     1610 Brigett      dau of   Zachary             JOHN
           09-Nov     1610 William      son of   John                ELYS
           16-Nov     1610 Kateryn      dau of   John                EDWARD
           18-Nov     1610 John         son of   William             HOOKER
           02-Dec     1610 Thomas       son of   John                THOMAS       of Resseweck
           05-Dec     1610 Susanna      dau of   William             TREGLOHAN
           09-Dec     1610 Jane         dau of   Robert              THOMAS
           12-Dec     1610 Thomas       son of   Rawe                LUCAS
           16-Dec     1610 John         son of   Ezechiell           THOMAS
           21-Dec     1610 Thomas       son of   John                RAWE
           09-Jan     1610 Robert       son of   John                BOY
           27-Jan     1610 Israell      son of   John                TREGELLAST
           30-Jan     1610 Edward       son of   John                WILLS
           01-Feb     1610 John         son of   Gennar              RAWE                  base,reputed father Gorney Flet
           17-Feb     1610 John         son of   William             ROBART
           10-Mar     1610 William      son of   John                GINKYN
           18-Mar     1610 John         son of   Richard             WILLIAM
           18-Mar     1610 Richard      son of   Thomas              COTTHAR
           22-Mar     1610 Jane         dau of   Tristram            POLKYNHORNE
           23-Mar     1610 Annas        dau of   John                DINNIS
           25-Mar     1611 Elizabeth    dau of   Jonas               ANDERTUNE
           26-Mar     1611 Elizabeth    dau of   John                PEARES
           30-Mar     1611 Robert       son of   Elizabeth           JAMES                 Baw,reputed father To.Rawe
           31-Mar     1611 John         son of   Olyver              MEAYNE
           07-Apr     1611 Jane         dau of   Robert              LESSKITT
           14-Apr     1611 John         son of   Henry               ROBART
           14-Apr     1611 Sallamon     son of   William             SWANDRY
           28-Apr     1611 Ann          dau of   Sampson             LANNSEE
           02-May     1611 Iset         dau of   Diggery             HILL
           26-May     1611 John         son of   Mr William          MORISHE
           02-Jun     1611 Margeret     dau of   Philippe            MUSGROVE
           09-Jun     1611 Charitye     dau of   John                REMFFRY
           09-Jun     1611 Elizabeth    dau of   Peter               WILLIAM
           15-Jun     1611 Jane         dau of   Matthew             JOHN
           16-Jun     1611 Henry        son of   Jamis               RYCHARD
           22-Jun     1611 Anthony      son of   Rychard             PAYNTTICOST
           03-Jul     1611 Justinian    son of   John                CRISPIN
           13-Jul     1611 Joan         dau of   John                THOMAS
           14-Jul     1611 James        son of   Robert              PHILIPPE
           21-Jul     1611 Robert       son of   ?                   BAHOW                 base,reputed father Walter Jame
           11-Aug     1611 Ann          dau of   Wilmote             UNCLEAR               reputed father Ambrose Potter
           18-Aug     1611 Mary         dau of   John                CHRISPPEN
           24-Aug     1611 Richard      son of   Sampson             ROGER
           01-Sep     1611 Mary         dau of   John                RYCHARD
           04-Sep     1611 Elizabeth    dau of   John                FRANCES
           22-Sep     1611 Joen         dau of   Rychard             THOMAS
           29-Sep     1611 Agnes        dau of   John                LUNNGE
           02-Oct     1611 Katheryn     dau of   John                STEPHEN
           09-Oct     1611 Thomas       son of   Rychard             OTES
           12-Oct     1611 Elizabeth    dau of   Henry               CARNELYOUS
           13-Oct     1611 William      son of   William             GEORGE
           13-Oct     1611 Johan        dau of   Richard             AUGE
           01-Nov     1611 John         son of   John                OLYVYE
           09-Nov     1611 John         son of   John                JACKWELL
           09-Nov     1611 Jane         dau of   George              PORTH
           10-Nov     1611 James        son of   John                CORTYS
           16-Nov     1611 Ursula       dau of   William             CORNOW
           17-Nov     1611 Sampson      son of   Sampson             RESSKILLY
           01-Dec     1611 James        son of   John                JAMES
           15-Dec     1611 William      son of   Thomas              WILLIAM
           15-Dec     1611 Thomas       son of   Rychard             TREGELAS
           22-Dec     1611 Margeryt     dau of   Rychard             BOUNCYE
           24-Dec     1611 Ellan        dau of   James               MICHELL
           25-Dec     1611 Stephen      son of   John                MILLIARD
           28-Dec     1611 Margerye     dau of   Ursilly             BENNETT               BY Edward Treconye,gent
           05-Jan     1611 John         son of   Justinian           POTTER
           12-Jan     1611 John         son of   Thomas              MARTYN
           26-Jan     1611 John         son of   John                STEPHEN
           26-Jan     1611 Lawes        son of   John                TREWNOWETH            als Penreth
           09-Feb     1611 Edward       son of   Rychard             LAURENCE
           13-Feb     1611 Jane         dau of   William             GENKIN
           17-Feb     1611 John         son of   John                RESSKARNON
           25-Feb     1611 Emanuel      son of   John                TRELYN
           25-Feb     1611 Rebecca      dau of   John                FABYE
           08-Mar     1611 Ales         dau of   James               MORISHE
           11-Apr     1612 Christopher  son of   James               COWIGGICK
           18-Apr     1612 Peares       son of   Kath                OLYVER                base,by John Carallack thelder
           19-Apr     1612 John         son of   Haniball            JOHN
           19-Apr     1612 Swanny       dau of   Anthony             ROBERT
           22-Apr     1612 Rogers       son of   Haniball            TREGEAYRE
           25-Apr     1612 Brechite(Briddau of   Robert              ACKIN
           20-May     1612 Grace        dau of   Thomas              PASSKOW
           21-May     1612 Richard      son of   Walter              BROWEENE
           22-May     1612 Redegen      dau of   Haniball            FLETCHER
           30-May     1612 John         son of   Nicholas            PLOMER
           14-Jun     1612 Julyan       dau of   Wilmote             MARTEN                reputed father Rychard John of
           28-Jun     1612 Dorithye     dau of   John                WALTER
           17-Jul     1612 Robert       son of   Arthur              WARREN                Clerk
           09-Aug     1612 Robert       son of   Robert              ROWE
           16-Aug     1612 William      son of   John                NANSE
           22-Aug     1612 Rychard      son of   George              MUDG
           18-Sep     1612 Margaret     dau of   John                HARRYE
           20-Sep     1612 Isett        dau of   Haniball            HEAYME                Mr
           27-Sep     1612 Henry        son of   John                ROBART
           27-Sep     1612 Jane         dau of   Alexander           TANTTOR
           27-Sep     1612 Thomas       son of   James               THOMAS       Trebarva
           29-Sep     1612 Michell      son of   Richard             PEARES
           29-Sep     1612 James        son of   Nicholas            BENNETT
           20-Oct     1612 Edward       son of   James               WILLS
           01-Nov     1612 Amborus      son of   Flowrans            CORNOW                base,by Amborus Potter
           04-Nov     1612 Margaret     dau of   William             HOKEN
           08-Nov     1612 Nicholl      dau of   John                THOMAS
           06-Dec     1612 Dispidina    dau of   John                RESKILLY
           26-Dec     1612 Justinian    son of   John                TREGEARE
           03-Jan     1612 Robert       son of   John                CARRALLACKE
           07-Jan     1612 Laurence     son of   Richard             TRENODNOW
           07-Jan     1612 Julian       dau of   William             MORISH                Mr
           08-Jan     1612 James        son of   William             BENNOT
           17-Jan     1612 Haniball     son of   Philip              MICHELL
           17-Jan     1612 Joen         dau of   Philip              MICHELL
           31-Jan     1612 James        son of   Martyn              SKINNER
           04-Feb     1612 Tempereance  dau of   Ann                 RIPPER                base,by John Ellis
           06-Feb     1612 John         son of   Keveryn             MICHELL
           07-Feb     1612 Dorothy      dau of   Samson              NICHOLAS
           15-Feb     1612 Philipp      son of   William             JAMIS                 als Treglohan
           15-Feb     1612 Margeryt     dau of   Jhohn               GEFFERY
           15-Feb     1612 John         son of   Acrapite            TREGEARE
           15-Feb     1612 Ursilla      dau of   Zacharias           JOHN
           16-Feb     1612 Jane         dau of   John                JAMES
           20-Feb     1612 William      son of   John                VIVIAN
           28-Feb     1612 William      son of   John                STEPHEN
           16-Mar     1612 Amberus      son of   Thomas              PORTH
           16-Mar     1612 Peternell    dau of   John                THOMAS
           20-Mar     1612 Joon         dau of   John                NICHOLAS
           20-Mar     1612 Elizabeth    dau of   JOhn                JAMES
           05-Apr     1613 John         son of   John                SANNS
           05-Apr     1613 Tamson       dau of   John                THOMAS
           25-Apr     1613 Nicholas     son of   Acrapitte           HEAYME
           19-May     1613 Nicholas     son of   John                MARTYN
           13-Jun     1613 Jane         dau of   James               MATHEW
           24-Jun     1613 Annas        dau of   Margery             DIGGORYE              reputed father Austell Keveryn
           29-Jun     1613 Elizabeth    dau of   Sampson             MORRISHE
           04-Jul     1613 Rychard      son of   Rychard             OTES
           07-Jul     1613 Margine      son of   Susan               PASKOW                by Mr George Bolden(?) the youn
           11-Jul     1613 Jane         dau of   John                FRAUNCES
           15-Aug     1613 Jane         dau of   James               HARRY                 the younger
           05-Sep     1613 Arthur       son of   Thomas              BALDWIN               Mr
           19-Sep     1613 Abraham      son of   Almont              CHEFFER
           26-Sep     1613 Jonas        son of   Newell              SANNS
           03-Oct     1613 William      son of   Christian           GOOE(?)               base,reputed father Mr John Nan
           09-Oct     1613 Annas        dau of   Roger               NICHOLAS
           17-Oct     1613 Annas        dau of   Richard             WILLIAM
           20-Oct     1613 ?            son of   Richard             UNCLEAR               the Milliard
           24-Oct     1613 Isahac       son of   Thomas              PASSKOW
           01-Nov     1613 William      son of   Rawe                NICOLL
           07-Nov     1613 Abraham      son of   Ezechiell           THOMAS
           07-Nov     1613 Jane         dau of   John                HARRY
           07-Nov     1613 Hugh         son of   William             SWONDRY
           14-Nov     1613 Elyzabeth    dau of   Richard             LAWRENS
           24-Dec     1613 Margeryt     dau of   John                NOWELL
           05-Dec     1613 Sara         dau of   Richard             BOWNCYE
           12-Dec     1613 Phillipp     dau of   Nicholas            BOGINS                Esq
           25-Dec     1613 Justinian    son of   Haniball            TREGEARE
           26-Dec     1613 Julian       dau of   John                TREGEARE
           06-Jan     1613 Chrisspen    son of   William             PERRYE
           15-Jan     1613 Jone         dau of   Nicholas            JAMIS
           16-Jan     1613 Margery      dau of   Christopher         JAMIS
           23-Jan     1613 Henry        son of   James               WILLIAMS
           24-Jan     1613 Jane         dau of   John                LONGE
           24-Jan     1613 Robert       son of   Wilmote             WILLIAMS              by Michell
           26-Jan     1613 Jane         dau of   John                CARRALLACKE
           30-Jan     1613 Jane         dau of   Thomas              WILLIAM
           02-Feb     1613 Kateryn      dau of   Ginkin              JOHN
           13-Feb     1613 Alexander    son of   Margerit            MARTYN                base,by Ric.John
           20-Feb     1613 Ellen        dau of   Ellen               LUCAS
           21-Feb     1613 Annas        dau of   Henry               RABERT
           28-Feb     1613 Thomas       son of   Robert              GEORGE
           28-Feb     1613 Blandye      dau of   Lawrencs            JOHN
           28-Feb     1613 Avyes        dau of   Olycwey             MEANE
           06-Mar     1613 Edward       son of   Jonas               ANDERTUNE
           11-Mar     1613 John         son of   John                GINKIN
           12-Mar     1613 Henry        son of   John                PASSKOWE
           16-Mar     1613 Frauncys     dau of   Margaret            LUG                   base of HenryChinowth,gent
           25-Mar     1614 Henry        son of   John                DINNIS
           03-Apr     1614 Sampson      son of   James               MORISHE
           09-Apr     1614 John         son of   John                BENNETT
           15-Apr     1614 John         son of   Passkow             ANDERDON
           25-Apr     1614 Thomas       son of   James               MICHELL
           26-Apr     1614 Mildred      dau of   William             MORRYCE
           26-Apr     1614 William      son of   Geny                KEVERN                base,by John Serel
           08-May     1614 John         son of   John                OLYVY
           15-May     1614 Elizabeth    dau of   Sampson             ROGER
           05-Jun     1614 Thomas       son of   Peter               WILLIAM
           08-Jun     1614 Joen         dau of   George              MUDGE
           18-Jun     1614 Jamis        son of   Keveryn             SANNS
           19-Jun     1614 Lowdye       dau of   John                SHIPPARDE
           19-Jun     1614 Jane         dau of   John                JAMIS
           23-Jun     1614 Rychard      son of   Abraham             HUCKIN
           29-Jun     1614 Margaret     dau of   John                JACKWELL
           03-Jul     1614 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas              DAVY
           03-Jul     1614 Kateryn      dau of   John                TRELYN
           10-Jul     1614 Tamson       dau of   John                STEPHEN
           17-Jul     1614 Richard      son of   James               WILLIAM
           24-Jul     1614 William      son of   Nicholas            BENNET
           25-Jul     1614 Jane         dau of   John                HILL
           21-Aug     1614 Rychard      son of   Rychard             TREGELLAS
           23-Aug     1614 Rychard      son of   John                CLEMENS
           03-Sep     1614 Julyan       dau of   Nicholas            PLOMER
           04-Sep     1614 Margery      dau of   John                WILLS
           04-Sep     1614 Jane         dau of   Thomas              TAYLLER
           12-Sep     1614 Annas        dau of   Acrapite            TREGEARE
           25-Sep     1614 Marie        dau of   William             GINKIN
           16-Oct     1614 Jane         dau of   Sampson             NICHOLAS
           29-Oct     1614 Haniball     son of   Precilla            PASKOW                base,by James Brooke,of Gleuies
           31-Oct     1614 Gornye       son of   Hanyball            FLETCHER
           27-Nov     1614 John         son of   William             MILLKAM
           21-Nov     1614 John         son of   Wr.Hanyball         HEAYME
           11-Dec     1614 George       son of   Wr.Richard          MAKEPOUDER
           18-Dec     1614 Constans     dau of   Alexander           MARTIN
           20-Dec     1614 Thomas       son of   Rebecca             TREGEARE              base, by Thomas Geffery
           23-Dec     1614 Honor        dau of   Mr Gedron           QUAREM
           25-Dec     1614 Aves         dau of   Samson              RESKILLY
           13-Jan     1614 George       son of   William             CORNOW
           15-Jan     1614 Enor         dau of   John                BOWNALL
           18-Jan     1614 Gedren       son of   John                CARVALLACKE
           21-Jan     1614 William      son of   Ann                 MATHEW                base,by Wr John Hall of ?
           29-Jan     1614 Margeryt     dau of   William             HOOKER
           05-Feb     1614 Samson       son of   Rychard             AGOO
           18-Feb     1614 Kateryn      dau of   John                HUCHIN
           27-Feb     1614 Elenor       dau of   John                STEPHEN
           11-Mar     1614 Jane         dau of   Richard             JOHN
           13-Apr     1615 Thomas       son of   James               WILLS
           19-Apr     1615 Mathew       son of   William             TREGLOHAN
           30-Apr     1615 John         son of   John                THOMAS
           07-May     1615 Anthony      son of   Anthony             ROBART
           28-May     1615 John         son of   Sampson             RAWE
           04-Jun     1615 |Henry       son of   James               TREBERVA
           13-Jun     1615 Jane         dau of   Geroge              BOULDEN
           18-Jun     1615 William      son of   John                RESSKILLY
           29-Jun     1615 Peter        son of   Sampson             MORISH
           29-Jun     1615 Joen         dau of   John                CHENDOURE
           23-Jul     1615 Jane         dau of   Robert              PHILLIPPE
           20-Aug     1615 Robart       son of   John                WALTER
           03-Sep     1615 William      son of   Harrye              THOMAS
           15-Sep     1615 George       son of   Thomas              LUDGE
           17-Sep     1615 Thomasin     dau of   John                THOMAS
           17-Sep     1615 Lowdye       dau of   James               HARRYE
           08-Oct     1615 Robert       son of   John                NOWEILL
           08-Oct     1615 Julian       dau of   John                SAMPSON
           18-Oct     1615 Margerit     dau of   Peter               DONNALL
           29-Oct     1615 Brigith      dau of   John                LOUNGE
           05-Nov     1615 Almonth      dau of   Zacharias           JOHN
           05-Nov     1615 John         son of   John                NICHOLL
           19-Nov     1615 Fraunces     son of   Nicholas            BOGINS                Esq
           19-Nov     1615 Jenet        dau of   Richard             BOWES
           20-Nov     1615 John         son of   Martin              SKINNER
           22-Nov     1615 Elinor       dau of   John                RICE
           22-Nov     1615 Anthony      son of   Passkow             WILLIAM
           26-Nov     1615 Henry        son of   John                FRAUNCES
           10-Dec     1615 Christopher  son of   John                TRELYN
           17-Dec     1615 Joen         dau of   William             PERSYE
           14-Dec     1615 Levas(Lewis) son of   John                CLEMENTS
           05-Jan     1615 Zacharie     son of   Justinian           POLTER
           06-Jan     1615 Henry        son of   Margaret            LUG                   base,by Henry Chinoweth,Gent
           11-Jan     1615 Annas        dau of   Robart              JAMES
           28-Jan     1615 Julian       dau of   John                CARRALLACK
           09-Feb     1615 Elizabeth    dau of   Katherine           ROGER                 base, by Hugh Stephen
           11-Feb     1615 Tamson       dau of   James               WILLIAM
           25-Feb     1615 Samson       son of   Ursely              BENNET                base,by George Edward
           03-Mar     1615 Thomas       son of   Susan               ROGER                 base,by William William
           08-Mar     1615 Thomas       son of   Ann                 FRANCES               base,by John Clemems
           10-Mar     1615 John         son of   James               WILLS
           17-Mar     1615 John         son of   Thomas              RICHARD
           22-Mar     1615 Wilthen      dau of   Nowell              COTTHA
           24-Mar     1615 Wilmote      dau of   Nicholas            JAMES
           28-Mar     1616 John         son of   Richard,,           JOHN                  the milliard
           01-Apr     1616 Walter       son of   John                HARRYE
           14-Apr     1616 James        son of   Rychard             WILLIAM
           13-Apr     1616 James        son of   Keveryn             MICHELL
           21-Apr     1616 Jane         dau of   Phillippe           WILLIAM
           28-Apr     1616 William      son of   Richard             JOHN
           05-May     1616 Urila        dau of   John                SANNE
           08-May     1616 Cheritye     dau of   John                OLYVY
           12-May     1616 John         son of   Mr John             FOCCATE
           02-Jun     1616 Ales         dau of   James               MICHOLL
           03-Jun     1616 Rychard      son of   Richard             LAWNRENCS
           02-Jun     1616 Thomas       son of   John                RESSKARNAN
           05-Jun     1616 Ursula       dau of   Richard             THOMAS
           12-Jun     1616 Elizabeth    dau of   George              BOULDEN
           16-Jun     1616 Thomas       son of   John                THOMAS
           16-Jun     1616 Haniball     son of   Nicholas            HOMER
           29-Jun     1616 Honnor       dau of   Rogger              WALTER
           30-Jun     1616 Gornuel(?)   dau of   John                ANGROWSE
           07-Jul     1616 James        son of   James               MORISHE
           14-Jul     1616 Jonathan     son of   Jams                MATHEW
           14-Jul     1616 Alls         dau of   Phillippe           MICHELL
           23-Jul     1616 John         son of   Acrapitt            TREGEARE
           30-Jul     1616 Jonne        dau of   James               TOMPKINE
           11-Aug     1616 Richard      son of   John                ROBART
           11-Aug     1616 Zenobye      dau of   John                KISSELL
           18-Aug     1616 Richard      son of   Keveryn             JOHN
           13-Sep     1616 Annas        dau of   Christopher         HOSKIN
           20-Sep     1616 Margeret     dau of   Thomas              PASKOW
           06-Oct     1616 William      son of   John                PEARES
           06-Oct     1616 Hugh         son of   John                CRISPINNE
           26-Oct     1616 Susan        dau of   John                BEHEANAW
           27-Oct     1616 Margeryt     dau of   Walter              BUSVINE
           02-Nov     1616 Julian       dau of   Thomas              MARTYN
           10-Nov     1616 Richard      son of   Sampson             LANNS
           17-Nov     1616 Elenor       dau of   Christopher         JAMES
           24-Nov     1616 Elizabeth    dau of   Justinian           BRAYE
           06-Dec     1616 Elizabeth    dau of   William             SWANDRY
           08-Dec     1616 John         son of   George              PAWLLE
           12-Jan     1616 James        son of   Alexander           MARTIN
           12-Jan     1616 Jane         dau of   Elizabeth           ROSSELL               base,by Wr Raschly of Carne
           15-Jan     1616 Farmer       dau of   William             MORISHE               gent
           19-Jan     1616 Wilmote      dau of   John                JAMES
           19-Jan     1616 John         son of   John                LOUNG
           26-Jan     1616 Hellina      dau of   John                NICHOLAS
           26-Jan     1616 Blandye      dau of   Jonas               ANDERTUNE
           04-Feb     1616 Peter        son of   Sampson             ROGER
           04-Feb     1616 Reinall      son of   Sampson             ROGER
           10-Feb     1616 Aves         dau of   Harry               ROBART
           13-Feb     1616 Ales         dau of   Haniball            JOHN
           21-Feb     1616 Stephen      son of   John                CARRALLACK
           23-Feb     1616 Walter       son of   John                GINKIN
           08-Mar     1616 Sampson      son of   Olyver              MAYNE
           14-Mar     1616 Ursilye      dau of   Richard             TREGELLAS
           28-Mar     1617 John         son of   Christon            GWOO                  base,reputed father Richard Bon
           29-Mar     1617 Hugh         son of   John                SKINNER
           06-Apr     1617 Christian    dau of   John                FRANCES
           13-Apr     1617 John         son of   Thomas              LUDGE
           19-Apr     1617 Margaret     dau of   Jane                EWRYN                 base, by Hugh Stephen
           25-Apr     1617 ?            dau of   William             PERCYE
           07-May     1617 Thomas       son of   Robert              HARRY
           11-May     1617 George       son of   John                SANNS
           21-May     1617 Wilmote      dau of   Mr John             FOCCATT
           01-Jun     1617 Ann          dau of   John                FRANCES
           11-Jun     1617 Anne         dau of   Gabriell            SAUNDRY
           15-Jun     1617 Nicholas     son of   Richard             BONNEY
           15-Jun     1617 Nicholas     son of   John                BENNET
           22-Jun     1617 Richard      son of   John                CLEMENTS
           23-Jun     1617 Arthur       son of   George              BOULDEN
           29-Jun     1617 Peter        son of   Haniball            TREGEARE
           06-Jul     1617 Nathaniel    son of   Nathaniel           BATEN
           26-Jul     1617 Ann          dau of   Hary                THOMAS
           03-Aug     1617 Joen         dau of   Nicholas            KILTER
           03-Aug     1617 Jane         dau of   Nicholas            PLOMER
           16-Aug     1617 Thomas       son of   Almont              CHEFFER
           30-Aug     1617 Annas        dau of   William             ARTHUR
           13-Sep     1617 Annas        dau of   Nicholl             TRELYN                base,of William John
           21-Sep     1617 Julian       dau of   Ezechiell           THOMAS
           28-Sep     1617 Ann          dau of   John                WINTER
           28-Sep     1617 Ursella      dau of   Samson              ROW
           28-Sep     1617 John         son of   John                RYCHARD
           05-Oct     1617 Justinian    son of   John                DINNIS
           11-Oct Sanosib  Leous Y      son of   ?                   ST.TOBIN
           11-Oct     1617 Margaret     dau of   ?                   ST.TOBIN
           11-Oct     1617 Jaen         dau of   John                RESSKILLY
           15-Oct     1617 Jaen         dau of   Prescilla           PASSKOW               base,of James Williams
           07-Nov     1617 George       son of   William             HOCKER
           12-Nov     1617 Susan        dau of   John                JACKWELL
           14-Dec     1617 Isaac        son of   Robert              ACKEN
           14-Dec     1617 Joen         dau of   William             WILLIAM
           17-Dec     1617 Jaen         dau of   Rychard             JOHN
           31-Dec     1617 Maude        dau of   Nicholas            BENNET
           06-Jan     1617 Sampson      son of   Thomas              GEFFRY
           21-Jan     1617 Ann          dau of   Rebecka             TREGEARE              base,of John Peares of Manackan
           25-Jan     1617 William      son of   Keveryn             JOHN
           02-Feb     1617 Elizabeth    dau of   Katherine           ROGER                 base,by Wr John Geare
           03-Feb     1617 John         son of   Aeropitt            HEAYME
           05-Feb     1617 Wanny(?)     dau of   John                STEPHIN
           08-Feb     1617 Philipp      dau of   John                BONNWALL
           09-Feb     1617 Thomas       son of   John                THOMAS
           27-Feb     1617 Walter       son of   Abraham             GITH
           28-Feb     1617 Avys         dau of   Acrapite            TREGEARE
           04-Mar     1617 Urye         dau of   William             TREGLOHAN
           08-Mar     1617 Ann          dau of   George              PAWLLE
           15-Mar     1617 Wilmote      dau of   Enias               PORTH
           15-Mar     1617 John         son of   John                PEARES
           15-Mar     1617 Justinian    son of   John                RICE
           28-Mar     1618 Thomas       son of   John                KELLY
           02-Apr     1618 Judie        dau of   James               MICHELL
           15-Apr     1618 Susan        dau of   Margaret            ROW                   base by Anthony Sanns
           08-May     1618 Robert       son of   John                TREGEARE
           10-May     1618 Harry        son of   John                HARRY
           15-May     1618 Jane         dau of   William             LENE
           20-May     1618 Margaret     dau of   Mr John             FOOCKET
           31-May     1618 Mary         dau of   Zachariah           JOHN
           06-Jun     1618 Thomas       son of   John                STEPHEN
           21-Jun     1618 Lowdy        dau of   Ann                 MATHEW                base,by James Martyn
           27-Jun     1618 John         son of   John                CARRALACK
           12-Jul     1618 Margaret     dau of   John                HUTCHIN
           25-Jul     1618 Thomas       son of   Anthony             PAYNTICOTH
           29-Jul     1618 Joen         dau of   William             HAMMET
           31-Jul     1618 Jane         dau of   John                WILLS
           01-Aug     1618 Thomas       son of   Sampson             MORISH
           16-Aug     1618 John         son of   John                TREMBLE
           23-Aug     1618 JOhn         son of   Nicholas            HILTER
           30-Aug     1618 Temperence   dau of   Philippe            WILLIAM
           06-Sep     1618 Tristrine    son of   Robert              LESSKWEET
           20-Sep     1618 Sara         dau of   John                OLIVYE
           29-Sep     1618 John         son of   Justinian           POTTER
           29-Sep     1618 Rychard      son of   William             STONNE
           02-Oct     1618 Aves         dau of   John                BAKER
           03-Oct     1618 Annis        son of   Richard             JOHN                  states son
           04-Oct     1618 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas              ODDOR
           04-Oct     1618 James        son of   Rychard             GONE
           11-Oct     1618 John         son of   Justinian           BRAYE
           16-Oct     1618 John         son of   William             ARTHUR
           15-Nov     1618 Philipp      dau of   Richard             LAUNRONES
           22-Nov     1618 Jane         dau of   Justinian           LOWER
           22-Nov     1618 John         son of   Bennet              TREGODNOW
           22-Nov     1618 William      son of   Robert              JAMES
           22-Nov     1618 William      son of   Mathew              SKINNER
           22-Nov     1618 Jane         dau of   Sampson             ROW
           26-Nov     1618 James        son of   Thomson             HEVA                  base,of Thomas Robert
           28-Nov     1618 Jewanneth    dau of   Justinian           VIVIAN
           13-Dec     1618 Mari         dau of   John                SANNS
           20-Dec     1618 Berci        dau of   James               COWIGICKE
           01-Jan     1618 Nicholas     son of   Keveryn             MICHELL
           31-Jan     1618 Jane         dau of   Row                 NICHOLL
           01-Feb     1618 Abraham      son of   Ezechiell           THOMAS
           12-Feb     1618 Cateryn      dau of   Anthony             SANNS
           14-Feb     1618 Joen         dau of   George              BOWLDEN
           02-Mar     1618 John         son of   Christopher         HOSKINN
           06-Mar     1618 Temperance   dau of   Nicholas            BENNET
           13-Mar     1618 Philipp      dau of   Keveryn             JOHN
           21-Mar     1618 Rychard      son of   John                WALTAR
           21-Mar     1618 George       son of   Rogers              WALTER
           21-Mar     1618 Olyver       son of   Ann                 STEPHEN               base,of James John
           04-Apr     1619 Edward       son of   Wc Haniball         HEAYME
           04-Apr     1619 Ginkin       son of   Alexander           MARTYN
           16-Apr     1619 Jedian       son of   James               HARRY
           18-Apr     1619 John         son of   Nowell              COTTHAD
           25-Apr     1619 George       son of   James               WILLS
           02-May     1619 Jane         dau of   Ginkin              MAYE
           05-May     1619 Margaret     dau of   Nicholas            PLOMER
           23-May     1619 Brichet      dau of   John                RAWE
           23-May     1619 Mary         dau of   Haniball            TREGEARE
           23-May     1619 Christien    dau of   Thomas              LUDGE
           30-May     1619 William      son of   Tristram            POLKINHORN
           30-May     1619 John         son of   Sampson             MORISHE
           06-Jun     1619 James        son of   George              HILTER
           19-Jun     1619 Alexander    son of   William             LENE
           20-Jun     1619 William      son of   John                HISSTELL
           23-Jun     1619 William      son of   Richard             GINKINS
           23-Jun     1619 William      son of   Leous               BATH                  the same day at morning prayer
           04-Jul     1619 Henry        son of   Richard             TRENOUTHNOW
           04-Jul     1619 John         son of   Thomas              WILLIAM
           11-Jul     1619 Abraham      son of   John                SAMPSON
           17-Jul     1619 Richard      son of   Robert              PHILLIPPE
           18-Jul     1619 Haniball     son of   Christopher         JAMES
           25-Jul     1619 Aves         dau of   John                JAMES
           01-Aug     1619 John         son of   Tristram            ROWE
           29-Aug     1619 Nicholas     son of   Richard             JOHN
           05-Sep     1619 George       son of   Thomas              MARTYN
           19-Sep     1619 Henrye       son of   John                NICOLLS
           03-Oct     1619 Susan        dau of   John                CARRALLACKE
           03-Oct     1619 Jane         dau of   John                LONNG                 the same time
           08-Dec     1619 Thomas       dau of   Margarete           LUDG                  says d, base of Henry Chinoweth
           28-Dec     1619 George       son of   Sampson             SANNS
           28-Dec     1619 Elizabeth    dau of   Constans            NICOLL                base,of William Geffry
           16-Jan     1619 James        son of   James               JAMES
           30-Jan     1619 John         son of   Thomas              RYCHARD
           02-Feb     1619 Alis         dau of   Richard             PENNALUNER
           06-Feb     1619 George       son of   Walter              JOHN
           12-Feb     1619 William      son of   Richard             WILLIAM
           13-Feb     1619 Flourence    dau of   William             HAMETT
           13-Feb     1619 Jane         dau of   John                RICHARD
           17-Feb     1619 Elyzabeth    dau of   Nicholas            HUCHIN
           22-Feb     1619 John         son of   Robert              JAMES
           22-Feb     1619 Ann          dau of   John                FRANCES
           24-Feb     1619 Thomas       son of   Rychard             THOMAS
           25-Feb     1619 Harkeles     son of   James               MATHEW
           27-Feb     1619 Grace        dau of   John                FOCKETT
           27-Feb     1619 Thomas       son of   Martyn              SKINNER
         29 Feb       1619 Ursula       dau of   Jane                TREGEARE              base, of John Morysh
           11-Mar     1619 Elizabeth    dau of   John                PASSKOW
           11-Mar     1619 Elizabeth    dau of   Henry               DAVY
           11-Mar     1619 Zacraria     son of   Nicholas            BORNWECK
           17-Mar     1619 Dina         dau of   Constance           JOHN                  base,by Haniball Fletcher
           19-Mar     1619 John         son of   John                RICE
           25-Mar     1620 Margaret     dau of   Justinian           HENRY
           25-Mar     1620 John         son of   Elenor              COTHAC                base,of John Mathew
           26-Mar     1620 Avis         dau of   William             PERCY
           15-Apr     1620 Louddy       dau of   John                RESKILLY
           14-May     1620 Thomas       son of   William             ARTHUR
           14-May     1620 William      son of   Acrapite            TREGEARE
           14-May     1620 George       son of   William             CHIFFER
           14-May     1620 James        son of   William             CHIFFER
           27-Jun     1620 Marke        son of   John                CLEMENS
           27-Jun     1620 Julion       son of   John                CLEMENS
           23-Jun     1620 Margaret     dau of   Susan               ROGER                 base, by Stephen of Camborne
?          09-Jul     1620 Phileamon    son of   Andrew              VINCH
           30-Jul     1620 Susan        dau of   Jonnas              ANDERTUNE
           30-Jul     1620 William      son of   Kateryn             JOHN                  base, by Leous Boulden
           06-Aug     1620 Jane         dau of   John                LUGER
           13-Aug     1620 Emanuell     son of   Ginkin              PHILLIPE
           19-Aug     1620 Ursela       dau of   Justinian           LOWER
           20-Aug     1620 Elan         dau of   Anthonye            ROBART
           04-Sep     1620 John         son of   John                THOMAS
           03-Sep     1620 Joan         dau of   Robert              GILES
           03-Sep     1620 Ann          dau of   William             LENE
           16-Sep     1620 Temperance   dau of   George              BOULDEN
           17-Sep     1620 Barnard      son of   John                HAND
           01-Oct     1620 William      son of   Robert              ACKIN
           03-Oct     1620 William      son of   Mr John             TRIPCONYE
           02-Oct     1620 Agnes        dau of   Mr John             TRIPCONYE
           15-Oct     1620 Aves         dau of   Anthonye            SANNES
           08-Oct     1620 Thomas       son of   John                JAMES        of Trelyver
           27-Oct     1620 Doritye      dau of   Thomas              TREGLOHAN
           01-Nov     1620 James        son of   Daniell             JAMES
           04-Nov     1620 William      son of   William             HOCKHER
           05-Nov     1620 James        son of   John                CORTYS
           15-Nov     1620 Rychard      son of   Arthur              BOULDEN
           17-Nov     1620 Grace        dau of   James               WILLIAM
           06-Dec     1620 Jone         dau of   John                TREMBLE
           09-Dec     1620 Sampsonne    son of   Justinian           BRAYE
           10-Dec     1620 William      son of   James               MICHELL
           17-Dec     1620 John         son of   Mr Rychard          KINSSHAM
           21-Dec     1620 John         son of   John                GENKIN
           26-Dec     1620 Luce         dau of   John                BOWNWALL
           28-Dec     1620 Kerveryn     son of   Sampson             TRELEAG
           02-Feb     1620 Robert       son of   Haniball            JOHN
           02-Feb     1620 Henry        son of   John                FRANCES
           02-Feb     1620 Joen         dau of   Anthony             PAYNTICOST
           14-Feb     1620 Douglas      son of   William             TREGLOHAN
           18-Feb     1620 Anne         dau of   John Stephen        CURTIS
           18-Feb     1620 Jone         dau of   John                BEHEADNA
           18-Feb     1620 Agnes        dau of   John                HARRYE
           24-Feb     1620 Wilmote      dau of   William             STONNE
           02-Mar     1620 Susan        dau of   Victor              KIRSTELL
           04-Mar     1620 Als          dau of   Rychard             PEARES
           11-Mar     1620 Grace        dau of   Edward              ISAAC
           16-Mar     1620 Wenyfreck    dau of   John                WYLLS
           25-Mar     1621 Margeryt     dau of   Hugh                GILLYGHAME
           02-Apr     1621 William      son of   John                NICHOLAS
           06-Apr     1621 Avys         dau of   Christen            MORISHE               base,by Harry Gummow of Ruan
           08-Apr     1621 Henry        son of   John                HOUCHIN
           13-Apr     1621 Aves         dau of   Alexander           RICE
           15-Apr     1621 Florence     dau of   John                CARRALLACK
           22-Apr     1621 Joen         dau of   Christopher         HOSSKIN
           05-May     1621 William      son of   Keveryn             MICHELL
           06-May     1621 Frances      son of   Keveryn             JOHN
           06-May     1621 Jane         dau of   Enygre              MATHEW
           09-May     1621 Elyzabeth    dau of   Thomas              LUDGE
           26-May     1621 Robert       son of   James               WINTER
           28-May     1621 Thomas       son of   James               MORISHE
           30-May     1621 John         son of   James               MORISHE
           22-Jul     1621 Marie        dau of   John                SANNS
           19-Aug     1621 Richard      son of   Alexander           PEARES
           26-Aug     1621 Gabriell     son of   James               WILLS
           09-Sep     1621 Mary         dau of   Robert              JAMES
           12-Sep     1621 Marke        son of   Haniball            HEAYME
           12-Sep     1621 Bennat       son of   Richard             LAWRENCE
           26-Sep     1621 Davy         son of   Thomas              DONNALL
           21-Oct     1621 William      son of   John                KELLY
           21-Oct     1621 Walter       son of   Enias               PORTH
           21-Oct     1621 Rychard      son of   Enias               PORTH
           14-Nov     1621 George       son of   Rychard             TREVOTHNOW
           28-Nov     1621 Walter       son of   Justinian           HARRYE
           30-Nov     1621 Andrew       son of   Rychard             WILLIAM      of Buzak(Budock?)
           02-Dec     1621 Appilinne    dau of   Ezechiell           THOMAS
           09-Dec     1621 Philip       dau of   Arthur              BOULDEN
           09-Dec     1621 Elizabeth    dau of   Anne                PEARES                base, by Wr Andrew Trevillion
           26-Dec     1621 John         son of   John                LONG
           26-Dec     1621 Peter        son of   John                LONG
           30-Dec     1621 Margaret     dau of   John                TREGONNOW
           04-Jan     1621 Grace        dau of   Alexander           MARTIN
           20-Jan     1621 Margeryt     dau of   Davy                BAKER
           26-Jan     1621 Frances      son of   John                PEARES
           27-Jan     1621 Jane         dau of   John                CLEMENCE
           17-Feb     1621 Mary         dau of   John                TREGEARE
           24-Feb     1621 John         son of   Christopher         JAMES
?          27-May     1621 Michell      son of   William             RESKILLY
           08-Mar     1621 Harkcules    son of   Peter               THOMAS
           31-Mar     1622 Rychard      son of   John                STEPHEN
           03-Apr     1622 Margeryt     dau of   Tristrum            POLKINHORNE
           07-Apr     1622 John         son of   William             GEFFERY
           13-Apr     1622 William      son of   Richard             SANNS
           13-Apr     1622 Grace        dau of   Michell             BARKER
           14-Apr     1622 Grace        dau of   Justinian           POTTER
           17-Apr     1622 Joen         dau of   Anne                CHEPPEARD             base,by William Trewan
           26-Apr     1622 Ursella      dau of   Thomas              TREGLOHAN
           03-May     1622 John         son of   Justinian           VIVIAN
           05-May     1622 Marie        dau of   James               HUCHIN
           22-May     1622 William      son of   William             HAMMATH
           09-Jun     1622 Phillipe     dau of   Thomas              MARTYN
           16-Jun     1622 Mathew       son of   Mr Rychard          HINSSHAM
           16-Jun     1622 Wilmote      dau of   Abraham             HUCHIN
           18-Jun     1622 Henrye       son of   Andrew              VINCH
           23-Jun     1622 Walter       son of   Phillippe           WILLIAM
           29-Jun     1622 Jane         dau of   Nicholas            PAWLE
           21-Jul     1622 Wilmote      dau of   William             JAMES
           27-Jul     1622 Edward       son of   Jenye               DAVY                  base,by Phillippe Treloung
           12-Aug     1622 Jane         dau of   George              KILTER
           01-Sep     1622 William      son of   John                SANNS
           01-Sep     1622 Grace        dau of   John                SANNS
           01-Sep     1622 Margaret     dau of   John                ROW
           08-Sep     1622 William      son of   Harry               THOMAS
           12-Sep     1622 George       son of   Justinian           LOWER
           12-Sep     1622 Thomas       son of   John                ELYS
           29-Sep     1622 Blanch       dau of   Peter               RESKILLY
           29-Sep     1622 ?            dau of   Daniall             JAMES
           13-Oct     1622 Blanch       dau of   Rychard             WILLIAM
           17-Oct     1622 Cateryn      dau of   Nicholas            PLOMER
           22-Oct     1622 William      son of   William             PERCY
           27-Oct     1622 John         son of   Thomas              NICHOLAS
           17-Nov     1622 Mary         dau of   Mr John             TREPCONYE
           24-Nov     1622 Nathaniell   son of   Mr George           KINSSHAM
           24-Nov     1622 Marye d      Wr Hanyball                  HEAYME
           24-Nov     1622 Gedian       son of   John                SAMPSON
           30-Nov     1622 Andrew       son of   Richard             JOHN
           07-Dec     1622 Barbarye     dau of   John                THOMAS
           15-Dec     1622 Frances      dau of   Harry               THOMAS
           21-Dec     1622 Jane         dau of   Sampson             TRELEAGE
           22-Dec     1622 Jane         dau of   Sampson             SANNS
           19-Jan     1622 George       son of   John                HARRY
           09-Feb     1622 Wilmot       dau of   George              NICOLL
           16-Feb     1622 James        son of   William             ARTHUR
           17-Feb     1622 James        son of   John                RYCHARD
           19-Feb     1622 Marye        dau of   Mr Rychard          TREGOST
           23-Feb     1622 Rychard      son of   Enigo               RYCHARD
           23-Feb     1622 Margaret     dau of   John                JAMES
           24-Feb     1622 Haniball     son of   Genkin              PHILLIP
           09-Mar     1622 Joen         dau of   Mr Fraunces         TREPCONNYE
           09-Mar     1622 Ales         dau of   Mitchell            TANNER
           23-Mar     1622 Nicholas     son of   John                LOUNG
           02-Apr     1623 Joen         dau of   John                PEARES
           05-Apr     1623 Jane         dau of   John                RICE
           09-Apr     1623 Robart       son of   Nicholas            BOGINS
           10-Apr     1623 John         son of   Sampson             PASSKOW
           27-Apr     1623 William      son of   Robert              LAUNRENCS
           02-May     1623 Robert       son of   Robert              NUN                   Gent
           02-May     1623 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard             TREGELLETHE
           03-May     1623 Arundell     son of   John                FOCCOTT
           10-May     1623 George       son of   George              BOULDEN
           11-May     1623 John         son of   John                MICHELL
           25-May     1623 Annas        dau of   Anthony             SANNS
           07-Jun     1623 Bardnard     son of   Martin              SKINNER
           15-Jun     1623 Elizabeth    dau of   Rychard             THOMAS
           22-Jun     1623 Robert       son of   Nicholas            BARNEWEEK
           24-Jun     1623 James        son of   Christopher         JAMES
           06-Jul     1623 John         son of   John                SAGER
           13-Jul     1623 John         son of   James               WILLIAM
           13-Jul     1623 Diggory      son of   James               WILLIAM
           03-Aug     1623 John         son of   Thomas              TREGLOHAN
           10-Aug     1623 Haniball     son of   Rychard             LAUNRENES
           17-Aug     1623 John         son of   John                KISTELL
           17-Aug     1623 Iseoth       dau of   John                PEARES
           24-Aug     1623 Barnard      son of   Sampson             ROW
           10-Sep     1623 Nicholas     son of   ?                   BROWNE                of Gluas
           14-Sep     1623 Tristram     son of   John                NICHOLAS
           17-Sep     1623 Susan(?)     dau of   Richard             MILLIARD
           05-Oct     1623 Grace        dau of   Peter               ROSSKILLY
           12-Oct     1623 Annas        dau of   Thomas              LUDGE
           15-Oct     1623 George       son of   Arthur              BOWLDEN
           17-Oct     1623 Elizabeth    dau of   Phillip             POMERY                base,by Gabriel Swandry
           18-Oct     1623 Cherity      dau of   John                TRELYN
           02-Nov     1623 Redigonn     dau of   John                ROSKILLY
           09-Nov     1623 Jane         dau of   James               MICHELL
           05-Dec     1623 Suzann       dau of   John                NICHOLL
           12-Dec     1623 Annas        dau of   Ezechiell           THOMAS
           20-Dec     1623 Elizabeth    dau of   Ann                 HARRY                 base, by Richard Osbron of Mawg
           01-Jan     1623 Dina         dau of   Alexander           PEARES
           06-Jan     1623 Joen         dau of   Keveryn             JOHN
           06-Jan     1623 Passkowe     dau of   Francis             POLTISHKE
           06-Jan     1623 Jonas        son of   Rychard             CALWAYE
           11-Jan     1623 Margaret     dau of   John                TREMBLE
           20-Jan     1623 George       son of   Anthony             PAYNTYCOST
           27-Jan     1623 Simmon       son of   Walter              ROGER
           28-Jan     1623 Grace        dau of   John                SANNS                 als Nicholas.
           06-Feb     1623 Peter        son of   Mr Haniball         HEAYME
           09-Feb     1623 Tristram     son of   James               ROBART       of Trelyver
           09-Feb     1623 John         son of   George              NICHOLL
           19-Feb     1623 Suzann       dau of   Rychard             SANNS
           05-Mar     1623 Justinian    son of   William             PENALUNA
           08-Mar     1623 John         son of   Mr John             TRIPCONNYE
           14-Mar     1623 Frances      child    Joen                JAMES                 base,reputed father Frances Joh
           19-Mar     1623 Joen         dau of   Margaret            PEARES                base,by John Piper,jun
           25-Mar     1624 Arthur       son of   Mr Robert           NUNN
           11-Apr     1624 James        son of   John                ELYS
           16-Apr     1624 Onour        dau of   John                SANNS
           25-Apr     1624 Arendell     son of   Thomas              DONNELL
           30-Apr     1624 Frances      dau of   Thomas              COTTHA
           02-May     1624 John         son of   John                WALTER
           24-Jun     1624 George       son of   John                THOMAS       of Resswick
           24-Jun     1624 Humpffry     son of   James               MATHEW
           24-Jun     1624 Elzabeth     dau of   Thomas              NICHOLAS
           29-Jun     1624 Thomas       son of   Alexander           RICE
           03-Jul     1624 Elyzabeth    dau of   Mr Rychard          TAUNKIN
           01-Aug     1624 Thomas       son of   Justinian           LOWER
           15-Aug     1624 Grace        dau of   John                ELLEN
           29-Aug     1624 Rychard      son of   Thomas              TREGLOHAN
           29-Aug     1624 Elen         dau of   Edward              TREVETHAN
           28-Sep     1624 Edward       son of   William             SALLE
           28-Sep     1624 Margeryt     dau of   Ginkin              DANIELL
           03-Oct     1624 Henery       son of   Robert              ACKIN
           16-Oct     1624 Ursily       dau of   John                CLEMENTS
           17-Oct     1624 Sampson      son of   Reinold             DOWNFFET
           24-Oct     1624 John         son of   Andrew              VINCH
           24-Oct     1624 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas              CORTYS
           24-Oct     1624 Elizabeth    dau of   John                HUCHIN
           31-Oct     1624 Samuel       son of   William             ARTHUR
           01-Nov     1624 Joen         dau of   John                RYCHARD
           17-Nov     1624 Mary         dau of   William             TREGLOHAN
           22-Nov     1624 Aves         dau of   Launrences          CLEMENS
           27-Nov     1624 Ursily       dau of   James               VIVIAN
           01-Dec     1624 Williamj     son of   James               WILLIAM
           19-Dec     1624 Annas        dau of   John                THOMAS
           24-Dec     1624 Grace        dau of   James               HUCHIN
           26-Dec     1624 James        son of   Robart              GIBBES
           16-Jan     1624 Elyzabeth    dau of   Martyn              SKINNER               gent
           26-Jan     1624 Robart       son of   Robart              NUNN
           30-Jan     1624 Michael      son of   George              PAWLLE
           09-Feb     1624 Nicholas     son of   Christopher         HOSKIN
           10-Feb     1624 John         son of   Mr Rychard          SQUIRE
           16-Feb     1624 John         son of   Michell             TANNER
           20-Feb     1624 Agnes        dau of   Enygen              MATHEW
           24-Feb     1624 Samuell      son of   Arthur              BOULDEN
           24-Feb     1624 John         son of   Tristram            ROW
           28-Feb     1624 Williamj     son of   Nicholas            PAWLLE
           05-Mar     1624 Sampson      son of   Rychard             JOHN
           06-Mar     1624 Richard      son of   John                SANNS
           06-Mar     1624 Anthony      son of   John                SANNS
           12-Mar     1624 Grace        dau of   Jone                MAYNE                 als Stone,base by William Benne
           13-Mar     1624 Sampson      son of   Anthony             SANNS
           18-Mar     1624 Suzan        dau of   Mr Rychard          MICHELL
           20-Mar     1624 John         son of   Philip              WILLIAM
           09-Apr     1625 Jane         dau of   Jane                TREGEAR      John Long
           18-Apr     1625 Tristram     son of   William             HAMMET
           23-Apr     1625 Mary         dau of   Ann                 GAWEN                 base,by Mathew Davy of Stithian
           01-May     1625 Ales         dau of   Harry               THOMAS
           08-May     1625 Aves         dau of   Mr George           HINSSHAM
           22-May     1625 Wilmot       dau of   Richard             NANSACK
           05-Jun     1625 Barnate      son of   Keveryne            JOHN
           12-Jun     1625 Grace        dau of   John                WENTER
           12-Jun     1625 Jone         dau of   William             PENALYNA
           20-Jun     1625 Emblem       dau of   Margery             UNCLEAR               base,reputed father Peter Plome
           03-Jul     1625 Jane         dau of   William             JAMES
           10-Jul     1625 Richard      son of   John                HARRY
           16-Jul     1625 Philipp      child    Aves                PEARY                 base,by Arthur Boulden
           16-Jul     1625 Aves         dau of   Mr Richard          HINSSHAM
           08-Aug     1625 Haniball     son of   Thomas              FRANCES
           21-Aug     1625 Margeryt     dau of   Mr John             PRISK
           21-Aug     1625 Justinian    son of   Daniall             JAMES
           24-Aug     1625 Ursily       dau of   William             PERCY
           28-Aug     1625 Elyzabeth    dau of   John                SANNS
           21-Sep     1625 John         son of   peter               RESSKILLY
           21-Sep     1625 William      son of   Amy                 SHEPPARD              base,by Peter Plommer
           24-Sep     1625 Humffry      son of   John                SKEWES
           28-Sep     1625 Elizabeth    dau of   Mr Frances          TRIPCONY
           15-Oct     1625 John         son of   Sampson             TRELEAGE
           16-Oct     1625 Annas        dau of   John                KELLY
           24-Oct     1625 Jane         dau of   George              NICHOLL
           12-Nov     1625 Counstances  dau of   Richard             TREGLOHAN
           04-Dec     1625 Annas        dau of   Mr John             TRIPCONY
           24-Dec     1625 Walter       son of   John                RISE
           26-Dec     1625 Joen         dau of   Alexander           MARTYN
           08-Jan     1625 Keveryn      son of   James               MICHELL
           17-Jan     1625 Tristram     son of   Harry               THOMAS
           01-Feb     1625 Mary         dau of   John                BEHEADNOW
           02-Feb     1625 Richard      son of   Thomas              MARTYN
           12-Feb     1625 George       son of   John                LUGER
           12-Feb     1625 Richard      son of   Richard             WILLIAM
           12-Feb     1625 Jane         dau of   Thomas              LUDY
           01-Mar     1625 Grace        dau of   Walter              ROBART
           12-Mar     1625 Henry        son of   Robart              JAMES
           15-Mar     1625 Margeryt     dau of   John                THOMAS
           26-Mar     1625 ?            ?        Justinian           POTTER
           31-Mar     1626 Edward       son of   Ann                 SHEPPARD              base.
           10-Apr     1626 William      son of   Rychard             SANNS
           13-May     1626 Juda         dau of   Walter              HEARD
           26-May     1626 Mary         dau of   Cessely             WILLIAM               base,by John Bolasack of Maugan
           28-May     1626 Rychard      son of   Richard             WILLIAM
           04-Jun     1626 Henry        son of   James               PAYNTICOST
           04-Jun     1626 Abagall      dau of   Padriarck           CERNELIOUS
           05-Jun     1626 Mary         dau of   John                LANGE
           18-Apr     1626 Joen         dau of   John                TREGEARE
         ?Jun         1626 Haniball     son of   John                ROESSKILLY
           02-Jun     1626 Jane         dau of   Reinold             BOWNFFET
           16-Jun     1626 George       son of   John                ELES
           16-Jun     1626 Cateryn      dau of   Sampson             PASSKOW
           24-Jul     1626 Mary         dau of   Flowrance           LUCAS                 base,by Agapick Tregeare
           30-Jul     1626 Pressilla    dau of   John                OTES
           06-Aug     1626 Thomas       son of   William             RESSKILLY
           06-Aug     1626 Robart       son of   Peter               RYCHARD
           12-Aug     1626 Nathaniel    son of   Anthony             MORTH                 gent
           27-Aug     1626 Esther       dau of   Thomas              BOWNFFET
           03-Sep     1626 John         son of   John                STONNE
           24-Sep     1626 Arthur       son of   John                NEWELL
           24-Sep     1626 Anthony      son of   Elizabeth           CURTIS                base, by John James
           01-Oct     1626 John         son of   Thomas              RICKARD
           01-Oct     1626 Humpfry      son of   Swandry             NICHOLAS
           06-Oct     1626 Elizabeth    dau of   Edward              PRISCKCOT
           08-Oct     1626 Counstons    dau of   Thomas              TREGLOHAN
           20-Oct     1626 Elizabeth    dau of   Mr John             PRISK
           22-Oct     1626 Henry        son of   Peter               PAYNTICOST
           01-Nov     1626 John         son of   John                ANTHONY
           05-Nov     1626 Reafe        son of   Sampson             ROW
           12-Nov     1626 Rychard      son of   John                JAMES
           23-Nov     1626 George       son of   Mr Haniball         HEAYME
           16-Dec     1626 Thomas       son of   Mr Richard          SQUEIRE
           06-Jan     1626 Lowdie       dau of   Nicholas            BOGINS                Esq
           17-Jan     1626 Rychard      son of   Mr Richard          TAUNKIN
           20-Jan     1626 Rychard      son of   Thomas              NICHOLAS
           20-Feb     1626 Mary         dau of   William             JAMES
           04-Mar     1626 John         son of   John                ANTHONY
           23-Mar     1626 Dority       dau of   Edward              TEETHEN
           24-Mar     1626 James        son of   Mary                JOHN                  base,by John Mathew of Burrian
           27-Mar     1627 Richard      son of   John                CLEMENTS
           01-Apr     1627 Barnet       son of   Bennet              TREGONOW
           01-Apr     1627 William      son of   William             ARTHUR
           07-Apr     1627 Mathew       son of   Rychard             KINSSHAM
           15-Apr     1627 Mariel(?)    dau of   Frances             JOHN
           03-May     1627 James        son of   Hennry              THOMAS
           27-May     1627 Pascow       son of   Walter              RYCHARD
           22-Jun     1627 Mary         dau of   Arthur              BOULDEN
           23-Jun     1627 Jane         dau of   John                TRELYN
           24-Jun     1627 Jane         dau of   John                ELAN
           24-Jun     1627 Phillippe    son of   John                NICHOLL
           24-Jun     1627 Ales         dau of   Justinian           VIVIAN
           07-Jul     1627 Wilmote      dau of   Mr John             TRIPCONNYE
           15-Jul     1627 Marke        son of   Jenkin              JOHN
           25-Jul     1627 James        son of   William             PERCY
           26-Aug     1627 John         son of   Nicholas            PAWLE
           26-Aug     1627 Willmott     dau of   Thomas              LUGG
           26-Aug     1627 Margreat     dau of   Enigo               MATHEW
           21-Sep     1627 William      son of   John                LEVYE
           30-Sep     1627 Trustram     son of   Thomas              DUNNALL
         ?            1627 Christian    son of   Richard             JOHN                  als Tregeage
           07-Oct     1627 Darkas       dau of   James               HUCHINGS
           20-Oct     1627 Kathrin      dau of   George              HENSON                deceased
           20-Oct     1627 William      son of   Richard             MICHELL
           20-Oct     1627 Bennet       son of   Richard             NICHOLL
           20-Oct     1627 Richard      son of   Thomas              DUNSKOME
           20-Oct     1627 Urin         son of   Robart              GIBBS
           26-Oct     1627 Chesten      dau of   Walter              HEARD
           11-Nov     1627 Laraunce     son of   John                HARRIE
           22-Dec     1627 Henry        son of   John                CARPESSACK
           10-Jan     1627 Fraunces     son of   John                BODDIE
           06-Jan     1627 Thomas       son of   Rowland             BONFIELD
           02-Jan     1627 John         son of   William             COURTIS
           03-Feb     1627 William      son of   John                PRISKE
           03-Feb     1627 Allis        dau of   Petter              RESKILLY
           16-Mar     1627 John         son of   Agis                CLEMENTS              states son. Base
           03-Feb     1627 Mary         dau of   Richard             WILLIAMS
           03-Feb     1627 Phillipe     dau of   Gennet              MATHEW                base,by Barnard Helogo
           17-Mar     1627 Catherin     dau of   Keverin             JOHN
           14-Apr     1628 Cathryn      dau of   John                STONE
           20-Apr     1628 Walter       son of   Alexander           LETHBRIDGE
           27-Apr     1628 Fraunces     son of   Sible               BARKER                base,Thomas Stevens
           27-Apr     1628 Catheryn     dau of   Laurence            CLEMENS
           29-Apr     1628 Blaunch      dau of   Ann                 CLODGIE               base,by John Sorrell
           13-Jul     1628 Anne         dau of   Patrick             CORNELIOUS
           20-Jul     1628 Cathryne     dau of   Richard             PEARCE
           20-Jul     1628 Anne         dau of   John                TREGEARE
           29-Aug     1628 Ales         dau of   Miles               EXELBY
           06-Sep     1628 Jane         dau of   Arthur              BOULDEN
           19-Oct     1628 Margaret     dau of   Fraunces            TREGEAG
           26-Oct     1628 Margaret     dau of   John                ANTHONY
           02-Nov     1628 Thomas       son of   John                TUBBY
           16-Nov     1628 Lowdye       dau of   John                SKEWES
           22-Nov     1628 Phillipe     dau of   Richard             SANS
           26-Feb     1628 John         son of   John                THOMAS
         ? Feb        1628 Richard      son of   Richard             SQUIRE
           15-Mar     1628 William      son of   Walter              HEARD
           17-Mar     1628 Nicholas     son of   Haniball            HEAM
           20-Apr     1629 Alexander    son of   Hugh                RALPH
           28-Apr     1629 John         son of   John                KELLY
           14-May     1629 William      son of   William             JENKEN
           03-Jun     1629 John         son of   thomas              TREGLOHAN
           26-May     1629 Elizabeth    dau of   Robert              NUNN                  gent
           03-Jun     1629 Margery      dau of   Andrew              FINCH
           07-Jun     1629 Thomas       son of   John                HARRY
           08-Jun     1629 James        son of   Richard             PETTER
           23-Jun     1629 Philippe     dau of   Philip              WILLIAMS
           23-Jun     1629 Ursula       dau of   Philip              WILLIAMS
           24-Jun     1629 Anthony      son of   John                TRIPCONNYE
           28-Jun     1629 Honner       dau of   Thomas              RICKARD
           12-Jun     1629 John         son of   Thomas              HARRY
           23-Jul     1629 Thomas       son of   Thomas              NICHOLAS
           02-Aug     1629 Jane         dau of   James               ANTHONY
           20-Sep     1629 Haniball     son of   Christopher         HOSKEN
           04-Oct     1629 John         son of   Christian           BONE                  base,by John Bathow (?)
           25-Oct     1629 Roger        son of   William             PARKER
           25-Oct     1629 Avis         dau of   Alexander           PEARCE
           15-Nov     1629 Agnis        dau of   John                RICE
           02-Nov     1629 Philippe     dau of   Mathew,             HARRY                 Clark
           30-Nov     1629 Hanna        dau of   James               INCLETON
           30-Nov     1629 Londie       dau of   Richard             NANGACK
           12-Jan     1629 James        son of   William             PENALUNA
           24-Jan     1629 Agis         dau of   William             JAMES
           31-Jan     1629 Nicholas     son of   ?                   UNCLEAR
           07-Feb     1629 John         son of   John                SECOMB
           13-Feb     1629 Arthur       son of   John                BODYE
           27-Feb     1629 Richard      son of   Richard             TONKEN
           27-Feb     1629 Zenoby       dau of   Henry               THOMAS
           28-Feb     1629 John         son of   Thomas              STEVANS
           28-Feb     1629 Richard      son of   Petter              RESKOLY
           21-Mar     1629 Richard      son of   Rowland             BONFITT
           28-Mar     1630 Thomas       son of   Bennet              TREGANNO
           17-Apr     1630 Joan         dau of   John                NICHOLAS
           18-Apr     1630 Jane         dau of   Joan                BOUNSIE               base,by William Bolassack of Mo
           16-May     1630 Tamsin       dau of   John                HARRY
           30-May     1630 Ales         dau of   Trustram            KEVERNE
           30-May     1630 Richard      son of   William             PERSYE
           30-May     1630 Grace        dau of   Thomas              LUGGE
           06-Jun     1630 John         son of   John                CLEMENTS
           20-Jun     1630 Anthonye     son of   James               WILLS
           11-Jul     1630 Margery      dau of   Laurance            CLEMENTS
           23-Jul     1630 Dorothy      dau of   Thomas              VIVIAN
           01-Aug     1630 Jane         dau of   Thomas              VENSON
           08-Aug     1630 Trustram     son of   Trustram            KEVERNE
           08-Aug     1630 Zenobye      dau of   Petter              PENCOST
           11-Aug     1630 Jane         dau of   James               LYMM
           05-Oct     1630 Martha       dau of   Thomas              FRAUNCES
           30-Oct     1630 Marie        dau of   George              NICHOLL
           30-Oct     1630 Arthur       son of   Alexander           RICE
           14-Nov     1630 William      son of   John                WINTER
           19-Nov     1630 Mary         dau of   Patrick             CORNELLIS
           06-Jan     1630 Richard      son of   William             CURTYS
           08-Jan     1630 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard             PENALUNA
           14-Feb     1630 Mary         dau of   Richard             SQUIRE
           20-Feb     1630 George       son of   Edward              TRENETHAN
           11-Mar     1630 Bennet       son of   Judith              TRENETHAN             base,of Sethny by John Skewes
           27-Mar     1631 Agnis        dau of   Elizabeth           MATHEW                base,by John Tregelast
           03-Apr     1631 John         son of   John                PRISK
           12-Apr     1631 Anne         dau of   Usilles(?)          EXELBY                Clerk
           24-Apr     1631 Richard      son of   Joan                BONFYE                base,of William Bonfie
           05-May     1631 Waren        son of   John                NICHOLAS
           07-May     1631 John         son of   John                TREPCONNY
           15-May     1631 Anne         dau of   William             BARKER
           15-May     1631 Christian    dau of   Anthonye            PENCASSE              ?Pentecost
           29-May     1631 John         son of   Enigoe              MATHEW
           29-May     1631 Richard      son of   John                CARPISSACK
           29-May     1631 Mary         dau of   William             ARTHUR                Clerk
           01-Jul     1631 Anne         dau of   Mathew,             HARNE
           24-Jul     1631 Margerye     dau of   William             JEFFERYH
           25-Sep     1631 Jane         dau of   John                MICHELL
           25-Sep     1631 Robert       son of   James               GEILES
           02-Oct     1631 Nicholas     son of   Thomas              PLUMER
           02-Oct     1631 Alis         dau of   Richard             SANS
           08-Oct     1631 Margaret     dau of   Arthur              BRUDON
           09-Oct     1631 Mary         dau of   Walter              BOLLITHOW
           11-Dec     1631 Mary         dau of   Petter              PENCAUSE              ?Penticost
           11-Dec     1631 Elizabeth    dau of   John                SANS                  Junior
           25-Dec     1631 Reanold      ?        Haniball            HEARNE
           25-Dec     1631 Jane         dau of   Haniball            HEARNE
           25-Dec     1631 Jone         dau of   Haniball            HEARNE
           05-Jan     1631 Marie        dau of   Thomas              WILLIAMS
           06-Jan     1631 William      son of   John                SANS
           08-Jan     1631 Jane         dau of   Alexander           PEARCE
           15-Jan     1631 Christian    dau of   William             PENALUNA
           16-Jan     1631 Richard      son of   Richard             BODYE
           22-Jan     1631 Anthonye     son of   George              KING
           27-Jan     1631 Joan         dau of   Richard             MICHELL
           29-Jan     1631 Frances      son of   Peter               RESKILLY
           07-Feb     1631 Margaret     dau of   John                HALL
           12-Feb     1631 Grace        dau of   william             BOSVINE
           17-Feb     1631 Richard      son of   Mary                OATS                  base,by John Loversuch
           19-Feb     1631 William      son of   Nicholas            PLUMER
           25-Feb     1631 Samson       son of   John                TUBBY
           04-Mar     1631 John         son of   Constance           TREDINACK             base,by John Williams
           10-Mar     1631 Nicholas     son of   John                SECOMB
           17-Mar     1631 Fraunces     dau of   John                HARRIE
           23-Mar     1631 Constance    dau of   James               ANTHONYE
           15-Apr     1632 Henry        dau of   Rowland             BONFITT
           15-Apr     1632 William      son of   Richard             PETTER
           15-Apr     1632 Henry        son of   Ann                 TREGELLAST            base,by Henry Danyell of Zennor
           22-Apr     1632 Mary         dau of   Wilmot              MATHEW                base,by Henry Jabby
           28-Apr     1632 Thomas       son of   Thomas              VIVIAN
           06-May     1632 Anne         dau of   James               INCLETON
           06-May     1632 Henry        son of   Thomas              STEVANS
           13-May     1632 John         son of   Hugh                RALPH
           20-May     1632 Penticost    son of   Fraunces            TREGEAG
           20-May     1632 Henry        son of   John                KELLY
           30-Jun     1632 Christopher  son of   Richard             TONKEN
           05-Jul     1632 Fraunces     son of   John                SANS
           07-Jul     1632 Haniball     son of   William             JENKON
           15-Jul     1632 John         son of   Davye               BACKER
           08-Aug     1632 William      son of   Habiball            MILLCOMBE
           19-Aug     1632 James        son of   Henry               THOMAS
           16-Sep     1632 Tamsine      dau of   Christopher         HOSKEN
           29-Sep     1632 susan        dau of   William             JAMES
           07-Oct     1632 Ambrose      son of   Roger               JOHN
           07-Oct     1632 Walter       son of   Daniell             HARYE
           28-Oct     1632 Catheryn     dau of   Trustram            WOOLCOMB
           28-Oct     1632 Mary         dau of   William             ANTHONYE
           01-Nov     1632 Trustam      son of   Nicholas            PAWLE
           10-Nov     1632 Marye        dau of   Dorcas              PORTH                 base,by Samuel Saundry
           17-Nov     1632 Nicholas     son of   John                NICHOLAS
           24-Nov     1632 Alexander    son of   Richard             CHEFFER
           05-Dec     1632 Martha       dau of   John                CLEMENTS
           14-Dec     1632 Alis         dau of   John                TREGEARE
           06-Jan     1632 Joan         dau of   Richard             ROSEWARNE
           25-Jan     1632 Christian    dau of   James               HOCKEN
           27-Jan     1632 Joan         dau of   James               HUCHINGS
           27-Jan     1632 Elenor       dau of   Thomas              VINSON
           03-Feb     1632 Nicholas     son of   George              KINGE
           11-Feb     1632 Henry        son of   Mr Urilles          EXELBY                Clerk
           17-Feb     1632 Phillippe    dau of   James               SYMONS
           09-Mar     1632 John         son of   John                WARRN
           13-Mar     1632 Jane         dau of   John                PRISK
           21-Mar     1632 Thomas       son of   Alexander           LETHBRIDGE
           21-Mar     1632 Ursella      dau of   Richard             SQUIRE
           25-Mar     1633 William      son of   Enigoe              MATHEW
           25-Apr     1633 Walter       son of   Petter              RESKELLY
           04-May     1633 John         son of   Richard             PENALUNA
           05-May     1633 Jane         dau of   William             BARKER
           23-May     1633 Pascho       son of   Margaret            PEARCE                base,by Henry George
           30-May     1633 John         son of   Enigoe              POTTER
           15-Jul     1633 Anne         dau of   Nicholas            HARRY
           25-Jul     1633 Bennet       son of   Thomas              RICKETT
           04-Aug     1633 James        son of   Stevan              HODGE
           08-Sep     1633 Thomas       son of   Thomas              PLUMER
           22-Sep     1633 John         son of   Peter               TREGELLAST
           10-Nov     1633 Alis         dau of   Thomas              HUCHINGS
           27-Nov     1633 Richard      son of   Richard             SANS
           08-Dec     1633 John         son of   John                HOSSFORD
           09-Dec     1633 Arthur       son of   Arthur              BOULDEN
           10-Dec     1633 Anne         dau of   Richard             CHEFFER
           02-Jan     1633 Ezra         son of   George              KINGE
           15-Jan     1633 Peternell    dau of   Mathew              HARRIE                Clerk
           29-Jan     1633 Pheby        dau of   Ann                 CLODGIE               base, by William Ellys
           13-Feb     1633 Anne         dau of   James               MILLDREAD
           01-Mar     1633 Honner       dau of   John                BENNET
           02-Mar     1633 Agnis        dau of   John                MARTYN
           08-Mar     1633 Thomas       son of   John                SANS
           16-Mar     1633 Wilmit       dau of   Richard             SKEWES
           16-Mar     1633 John         son of   James               SAUNDRY
           22-Mar     1633 Richard      son of   Richard             NANGALE
           29-Mar     1634 James        son of   Lyslie              BARKER                base, by Anthony Bickford
           30-Mar     1634 Jane         dau of   Richard             BONFITT
           20-Apr     1634 Margery      dau of   James               GEILES
           26-Apr     1634 Rebecka      dau of   Rediganne           WILLIAMS              base, by Anthony Bickford
           13-May     1634 Margaret     dau of   Thomas              DUNSKOMBE
           18-May     1634 Cathryn      dau of   Thomas              NICHOLAS
           21-May     1634 Walter       son of   John                PRISK
           22-May     1634 William      son of   Nicholas            RICE
           27-May     1634 william      son of   Nicholas            PLUMER
           08-Jun     1634 Prudence     dau of   John                PHILLIPPS
           15-Jun     1634 Thomasin     dau of   Thomas              DUNALL
           21-Jun     1634 John         son of   Richard             BODIE
           29-Jun     1634 Mary         dau of   Walter              TRESISE
           12-Jul     1634 Aves         dau of   John                BARKER
           22-Jul     1634 Ruth(?)      dau of   Alexander           PEARCE
           03-Aug     1634 John         son of   John                AMBROSE
           17-Aug     1634 Anne         dau of   John                SKEWES
           20-Aug     1634 Wilmot       dau of   Richard             TONKIN
           21-Sep     1634 Elizabeth    dau of   John                ELLEN
           08-Oct     1634 Joan         dau of   Richard             CHEFFER
           12-Oct     1634 Haniball     dau of   Michell             PEARE
           15-Oct     1634 John         son of   Richard             HOOPPER
           14-Nov     1634 Emlyn        dau of   Walter              GILBERT
           17-Jan     1634 James        son of   John                SANS                  Jun
           18-Jan     1634 Jullian      dau of   William             BUSVINE
           13-Feb     1634 Wilmot       dau of   Ann                 JEFFERY               base, by James John
           18-Feb     1634 Edward       son of   William             RICHARDS
           18-Feb     1634 Prudence     dau of   Henry               THOMAS
           18-Feb     1634 Jane         dau of   Mr Richard          SQUIRE
           22-Feb     1634 Anthony      son of   James               ANTHONYE
           11-Mar     1634 James        son of   John                HARRIE
           27-Mar     1635 Petternell   dau of   John                SECCOMBE
           29-Mar     1635 Jane         dau of   Martyn              SKENNER
           30-Mar     1635 John         son of   Nicholl             RICHARD               base,by Charles an Irishman
           31-Mar     1635 Susanna      dau of   Hanyball            KEVERNE
           18-Apr     1635 James        son of   Thomas     ElizabethOLIVY
           18-Apr     1635 Richard      son of   Nicholas   ElizabethKELTER
           14-Jun     1635 Elinor       dau of   Thomas     Bridget  MORRISH
           20-Jun     1635 Petternell   son of   Richard    Ursula   PETTER
           26-Jun     1635 Richard      son of   John       Avis     WARNE
           05-Jul     1635 Mary         dau of   Edward     Elinor   TREVETHAN
         ?            1635 Alexander    son of              Constant TREDIACK              base,by Israell Batten
           20-Jul     1635 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Margaret STEVAN
           11-Aug     1635 George       son of   Richard Jullian     VIVIAN
           30-Aug     1635 John         son of   James      Tamason  JOHN
           12-Sep     1635 Dorothy      dau of   James      Wilmot   MELDRED
           20-Sep     1635 Nicholas     son of   John       Margaret ANTHONYE
           20-Sep     1635 Catherine    dau of   Daniell    Tamsen   HARRIE
           21-Sep     1635 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Jane     NANCARROW
           27-Sep     1635 Cheston      dau of              Grace    MICHIELL              base, by James Cotton
           11-Oct     1635 Constance    dau of   James      Jane     HUCHINGS
           11-Oct     1635 Ursula       dau of   John       Alis     TEAG
           18-Oct     1635 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Jane     RICKETT
           30-Oct     1635 Jane         dau of   Richard    Wilmot   TONKEN
           05-Nov     1635 Lawrance     son of   William    Alice    THOMAS                als Dadow
           15-Nov     1635 Alce         dau of   John       Lusse    SANS
           30-Nov     1635 Joan         dau of   Michell Isset       PEARCE
           30-Nov     1635 John         dau of              Ann      BODIE                 als Gawan,base by John Harrie
           14-Dec     1635 Alis         dau of   Rowland    ElizabethBONFETT
           19-Dec     1635 Sussan       dau of   George     Sussan   KING
           24-Dec     1635 Lethey       dau of   Ambrose    Agnis    SAMSON
           27-Dec     1635 Mary         dau of   Thomas     Mary     PLUMER
           01-Jan     1635 Mary         dau of              Mary     HOCCKER               base, by James Mathew
           16-Jan     1635 Edward       son of   James      Marye    PENROSE               gent
           16-Jan     1635 Nicholas     son of   Nicholas   Susan    PLUMER
           24-Jan     1635 John         son of   John       Sibbell  NICHOLAS              als Pipper
           06-Feb     1635 John         son of   James      ElizabethHELLEGEY
           14-Feb     1635 Peternell    dau of   William    Charitye COURTIZE
           15-Feb     1635 John         son of   Richard    Alis     SANS
           21-Feb     1635 Elizabeth    dau of   Peter      Ales     WILLIAMS
           10-Mar     1635 Jane         dau of   Petter     Alis     ANTHONY
           12-Mar     1635 Jane         son of   JOhn       Barbara  BODY
           15-Mar     1635 Richard      son of   William    Joan     JAMES
           15-Mar     1635 Bawden       dau of   Trustram   Margrett WOLLCOMBE
           20-Mar     1635 Phillippe    dau of   Richard    Jane     BONFITT
           20-Mar     1635 John         son of   Richard    Lowdie   NANGACK
           23-Mar     1635 Robert       son of   Mr Miles   Ales     EXELBY                Clarke
           03-Apr     1636 Oliver       son of   Richard    ChristianPENALUNA
           03-Apr     1636 Thomas       son of   John       Jane     MARTYN
           05-Apr     1636 Mathew       son of   Mr Mathew  Anne     HARRY                 Clerk
           08-Apr     1636 Lovedye      dau of   John       Margreat POLKENHORNE
           10-Apr     1636 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     ChristianKELLY
           10-Apr     1636 Jane         dau of   James      Jane     SAUNDRY
           13-Apr     1636 Peternell    dau of   Robert     PetternelCHEFFER
           16-Apr     1636 Milles       son of   James      Margaret INCLETON
           23-Apr     1636 James        son of   Nicholas   Ursula   HARRIE
           11-May     1636 William      son of   Hugh       Jane     RALPH
           26-May     1636 John         son of   Richard    Penson   STEVEN
           12-Jun     1636 Thomas       son of   William    Mary     JENKEN
           12-Jun     1636 Tamsyn       dau of   Peter      Joan     GOWEN
           19-Jun     1636 Margaret     dau of   Richard    Frances  WILLIAMS
           17-Jul     1636 Samson       son of   Roger      Amy      JOHN
           24-Jul     1636 Alexander    son of   John       Elynor   HILL
           31-Jul     1636 Richard      son of   Msrtyn     Madlyn   SKENNER
           21-Aug     1636 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Anne     OLIVY
           28-Aug     1636 Henry        son of   Patrick    Charitye CORNELLIS
           25-Sep     1636 Richard      son of   Thomas     Jane     VENSON
           25-Sep     1636 John         son of   William    Dorathie RISSE
           06-Nov     1636 John         son of   John       Cheston  MICHELL
           11-Nov     1636 Richard      son of   Thomas     ElizabethOLEVY
           18-Nov     1636 Richard      son of   John       Margaret SKEWES
           18-Nov     1636 Joan         dau of   John       Anne     HARROAD
         ?            1636 Anne         dau of   James      Charitye HOCKEN
           04-Dec     1636 Enigoe       son of   Enigoe     Margaret POTTER
           12-Dec     1636 Leonard      son of   Bennett    Sysley   TREGONNO
           12-Dec     1636 Richard      son of   Richard    Janes    SKEWES
           12-Dec     1636 Chrestian    dau of   Nicholas   ElizabethPAULE
           16-Dec     1636 Richard      son of   Walter     Blaunch  GILBERT
           17-Jan     1636 John         son of   John       Joan     BACKER
           21-Jan     1636 Willmott     dau of   John       Grace    RICE
           05-Feb     1636 Richard      son of   Richard    ElizabethCHEFFER               gent
           12-Feb     1636 Frances      son of   James      Mary     UNCLEAR
           19-Feb     1636 Honnor       son of   Richard    Mary     SQUIRE
           04-Mar     1636 William      son of   Samson     Lusse    PEARCE                Jun
           05-Mar     1636 Frances      dau of   John       ChristianSANS
           07-Mar     1636 Christopher  son of   ChristopherPrudence TONKEN
           07-Mar     1636 John         son of   ChristopherPrudence TONKEN
           08-Mar     1636 Tamson       dau of   Richard    Wilmott  BODY
           19-Mar     1636 William      son of   John       Alice    WILLIAMS
           22-Mar     1636 Anne         dau of   Richard    Jullian  VIVIAN
           24-Mar     1636 Thomas       son of   Henry      Wilmott  GEORGE
           05-Apr     1637 Nicholas     son of   John       Margaret ANTHONIE
           05-Apr     1637 Mary         dau of              Dynah    PEARCE                base,by Richard Laurence
           06-Apr     1637 John         son of   John       Margery  RESKARNON             als Peare
           12-Apr     1637 Jane         dau of   John       Avis     WARNE                 als Nicholas
           23-Apr     1637 John         son of   Stevan     Avis     HODGE
           25-Apr     1637 Anne         dau of   James      Jane     SAUNDRY
           30-Apr     1637 Joan         dau of   Richard    Willmott TONKEN
           07-May     1637 John         son of   John       Annis    DOWNTON
           07-May     1637 James        son of   Thomas     Prudence MORRISH
           07-May     1637 Syble        dau of   James      Anne     SYMONS
           14-May     1637 Prisilla     dau of   Walter     Joan     TRESISSE
           20-May     1637 John         son of   Edward     Anne     WILLS
           17-Jun     1637 Mary         dau of   Walter     Mary     RICHARD
           22-Jul     1637 James        son of   Thomas     Jane     RICKET
           13-Aug     1637 Ambrose      son of   John       Anne     SECCOMBE
           28-Aug     1637 Haniball     son of   John       Tamsin   PRISK
           14-Oct     1637 Thomas       son of   Trustram   Lethy    VIVIAN
           23-Oct     1637 Jane         dau of   Arthur     PhillippeBOULDEN
           05-Nov     1637 Hester       dau of   John       Jane     NANCARRO
           05-Nov     1637 Rosamond     dau of              Mary     JENKEN                base,byPeter Morish
           05-Nov     1637 Margaret     dau of              Mary     JENKEN                base, by Peter Morish
           08-Nov     1637 Athanasius   son of   Thomas     Mary     PLOMER
           19-Nov     1637 Jane         dau of   John       Martha   WILLS
           25-Nov     1637 Avis         dau of   James      PhillippeMORRISH
           03-Dec     1637 Nicholas     son of   Michell    Isobell  PEARCE
           03-Dec     1637 Elizabeth    dau of              Rebecka  REYNOLDS              base, bu Thomas Kinsham
           13-Dec     1637 Richard      son of   John       Anne     OLIVYE
           31-Dec     1637 John         son of   John       Ann      SANS         of Trewone
           19-Jan     1637 Samson       son of   Ambrose    Agnis    SAMSON
           02-Feb     1637 Mary         dau of   Martyn     Maudlyn  SKENNER
           04-Feb     1637 Jone         dau of   William    Dorathy  BOSVINE
           04-Feb     1637 Mary         dau of   James      Jone     HARRIE
           07-Feb     1637 Mary         dau of   John       Margreat POLKINHORNE
           18-Mar     1637 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    Wilmott  BODYE
           23-Mar     1637 Leanord      son of   William    Grace    HUCHING
           31-Mar     1638 Edward       son of   Haniball   Mary     MILLCOMBE
           15-Apr     1638 Mary         dau of   John       Jane     ROW
           18-Apr     1638 Jane         dau of   Mr Richard Mary     SQUIRE
           18-Apr     1638 Grace        dau of   Mr Richard Mary     SQUIRE
           25-Apr     1638 Alce         dau of   James      Wilmott  MELLDREAD
           26-Apr     1638 John         son of   James      Jane     HUCHINGS
           17-May     1638 Hester       dau of   Richard    Jane     BONFIELD
           31-May     1638 William      son of   Nicholas   Susan    PLOMER
           17-Jun     1638 David        son of   William    Alce     DADDO
           17-Jun     1638 Robert       son of   Henery     Wilmott  GEORGE
           22-Jun     1638 Ursula       dau of              Urig     TREGLOTHAN
           15-Jul     1638 John         son of   Richard    PetronellCHEIFER
           22-Jul     1638 Mary         dau of   John       Joane    TREGOONOE
           26-Jul     1638 Robert       son of   Alexander  Anne     LETHBRIDGE
           28-Jul     1638 Jone         dau of   Rowland    ElizabethBANFILD
           29-Jul     1638 Robert       son of   Gilbard    ElizabethHEAME
           29-Jul     1638 Abraham      son of   Thomas     ElizabethOLIVEY
           08-Aug     1638 Mary         dau of   Simon      Alce     JAMES
           19-Aug     1638 susan        dau of   Daniell    Thomasin HARRY
           22-Aug     1638 Wilmot       dau of   Richard    Joane    CHEIFER
           26-Aug     1638 Dorothy      dau of   Richard    Joane    SKEWES
           02-Sep     1638 Margaret     dau of   Richard    Lowday   NANGAKE
           08-Sep     1638 John         son of   Henrye     Alce     TREWOOTHNOE
           21-Sep     1638 Honor        dau of   Thomas     Jane     TREGELLAST
           13-Oct     1638 Ales         dau of   William    Charity  CURTIS
           18-Oct     1638 John         son of   John       Jane     HARRY
           25-Oct     1638 ?            dau of   BartholomewMargaret?PLOMER
           28-Oct     1638 Richard      son of   Mr John    Grace    ROSKREUGE
           17-Nov     1638 James        son of   John       Martha   WILLS
           18-Nov     1638 George       son of   John       Jane     MARTIN
           25-Nov     1638 Jane         dau of   James      Jane     SANDRY
           30-Nov     1638 Israell      son of   Israell    ConstanceBATTEN
           09-Dec     1638 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     Margaret DUNSCOMBE
           13-Dec     1638 Susan        dau of   Water      CatherineDELLUO
           16-Dec     1638 Jane         dau of   Mr John    Jane     DONNINGE
           20-Jan     1638 Dorothy      dau of   Mr John    CatherinePENROSE
           20-Jan     1638 Phillippe    dau of   Thomas     ChristianCELLY
           27-Jan     1638 John         son of   John       Mary     NICHOLAS
           30-Jan     1638 Grace        dau of   Water      Blanch   GILBARD
           02-Feb     1638 Elizabeth    dau of   Mr James   Mary     PENROSE
           02-Feb     1638 Jane         dau of   John       Onner    SHEPPHERD
           03-Feb     1638 Robert       son of   James      Julian   GILES
           03-Feb     1638 Sampson      son of   John       Elinor   HILL                  als Cambellak
           09-Feb     1638 Mary         dau of   Water      Alce     JENKIN
           10-Feb     1638 Anthony      son of   Nicholas   Jane     ANTHONY
           10-Feb     1638 Michael      son of   John       Cheston  PHILIPPE
           10-Feb     1638 Samuel       son of   John       Margery  ROSKARNON
           24-Feb     1638 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Anne     HARWOOD
           27-Feb     1638 George       son of   Hugh       Jane     RALFE
           09-Mar     1638 Thomas       son of   Richard    Ede      OLLEVY
           10-Mar     1639 Bethshabe    dau of   ChristopherPrudence TOMKIN
           27-Mar     1639 Thomas       son of   George     Jane     PATIENCE
           30-Mar     1639 Julian       dau of   John       Jane     NANKARROE
           06-Apr     1639 Grace        dau of              Mary     ROE                   base,by William Long
           07-Apr     1639 Elizabeth    dau of   William    Jone     JAMES
           11-Apr     1639 Tomsin       dau of   Tristram   Margaret BAWDEN
           19-May     1639 Robert       son of   James      ElizabethHALLEGY
           19-May     1639 William      son of   William    Frances  RICHOE
           22-May     1639 Thomas       son of   John       Thomasin PRISKE
           09-Jun     1639 Constance    dau of   Peeter     Ales     TREGILLAST
           14-Jul     1639 James        son of   James      Jame     INGLETON
           01-Aug     1639 Agnis        dau of              Mary     ANGROUSE              base,reputed father John Hoskin
           04-Aug     1639 Emanuel      son of   John       ChristianNICHOLAS              als Sanns
           25-Aug     1639 Emlyn        son of   peter      Jone     GAWIN
           25-Aug     1639 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Jane     RICKARD
           01-Sep     1639 Lowday       dau of   Simon      Alce     JAMES
           08-Sep     1639 Ursula       dau of   John       Anne     OLIVY
           18-Sep     1639 Mary         dau of   Miles      Anne     EXELBY
           21-Sep     1639 Richard      son of   Thomas     Joane    TREGELLAST
           21-Sep     1639 Constance    dau of   Robard     PetrenellCHEIFER
           22-Sep     1639 Haniball     son of   William    Dorothey RISE
           18-Oct     1639 James        son of   Richard    Wilmott  THOMKIN
           26-Oct     1639 Henry        son of   John       Jane     RICKARD
           26-Oct     1639 Jane         dau of   Mr Mathew  Anne     HARRY
           03-Nov     1639 James        son of   John       Anne     SECKOMBE
           17-Nov     1639 Ursela       dau of   Inego      Margaret POTTER
           24-Nov     1639 John         son of   Edward     Jane     WILLS
           07-Dec     1639 Mary         dau of   Michael    Isacet(?)PERCE
           24-Nov     1639 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Brigett  MORRISH
           14-Dec     1639 Athanasius   son of   William    Mary     JENKIN
           28-Dec     1639 Prudense     dau of   William             DADDO                 als Thomas
           07-Jan     1639 Richard      son of   Richard    Julian   VIVEAN
           12-Jan     1639 Thomas       son of   Richard    ChristianPENALINA
           16-Jan     1639 Mary         dau of   James      Grace    COURTISE
           19-Jan     1639 Willmott     dau of   Henry      Wilmott  GEORGE
           26-Jan     1639 Jane         dau of   Henry      Alce     TREWOTHNOE
           02-Feb     1639 Richard      son of   James      Philippe MORRISH
           05-Feb     1639 Richard      son of   John       Jone     BAKER
           08-Feb     1639 Constance    dau of   John       Dorothy  THOMAS
           16-Feb     1639 Jane         dau of   Water      Joane    TRESISE
           07-Mar     1639 Thomas       son of   Daniell    Thomasin HARRY
           08-Mar     1639 Alce         dau of   Steven     Avis     HODGE
           08-Mar     1639 Keverne      son of   William    Charity  SANDS
           14-Mar     1639 Alce         dau of   Thomas     Mary     PLOMER
           18-Mar     1639 Mary         dau of   William    Wilmott  TRISTRAM
           20-Mar     1640 Thomas       son of   Israell    ConstanceBATTEN
           20-Mar     1640 Richard      son of   Israell    ConstanceBATTEN
           28-Mar     1640 Constance    dau of              Margaret DAVIE                 base,by Thomas Oates
           28-Mar     1640 Thomas       son of   Richard    ?        PEETER
           29-Mar     1640 Richard      son of   John       ?        ANTHONY
           29-Mar     1640 ?            son of   John       Jane     RICHARD
           06-Apr     1640 Grace        dau of   John       Avis     WAREN
           11-Apr     1640 Wilmot       dau of   Sampson    Sussly   PERCE
           26-Apr     1640 Anthony      son of   Haniball   Mary     MILKIM
           26-Apr     1640 Sampson      son of   Ambrose    Agnis    PORTH
           03-May     1640 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    Jane     BONFIELD
           06-May     1640 Water        son of   John       Anne     OLEEVY
           10-May     1640 Thomas       son of   James      Wilmott  MILDREN
           10-May     1640 John         son of   Water      Blanch   GILBARD
           11-May     1640 John         son of   Richard    Jane     MILLS
           12-May     1640 John         son of   John       Margaret SKEWES
           17-May     1640 Peeter       son of   Thomas     Wilmott  OLEAVY
           18-May     1640 Elizabeth    dau of   John       ElizabethBODDY
           07-Jun     1640 Anne         dau of   John       Susan    HARRY
           07-Jun     1640 Thomas       son of   Richard    Loudey   PERCE
           07-Jun     1640 Margaret     dau of              Margaret ELLIS        base,by Edward Butcher
           09-Aug     1640 Hugh         son of   John       Anne     KEVERNE
           09-Aug     1640 Miarach      dau of   ?          Bersey   UNCLEAR      an Irishman
           20-Sep     1640 Roger        son of   Edward     Reddigon NOWELL
           20-Sep     1640 Margaret     dau of   John       Margaret WINTER
           27-Sep     1640 ?            dau of   John       Eland    SHEPPHARD
           04-Oct     1640 Emlyn        dau of   Emanuel    ElizabethJOHN
           04-Oct     1640 Frances      dau of   Roger      Amy      JOHN
           04-Oct     1640 Jone         dau of   John       Anne     MARTINE
           07-Oct     1640 Jane         dau of              Mary     JENKIN       base,by ThomasTrebarlo
           24-Oct     1640 John         son of   Henry      Thomasen FABE
           01-Nov     1640 William      son of   Richard    Mary     SQUIRE
           01-Nov     1640 Margery      dau of   John       Martha   WILLS
           28-Nov     1640 ?            dau of   John       Margery  ROSKARNON    Jnr
           29-Nov     1640 ?            dau of   Hicronie   Margaret ALE
           20-Dec     1640 Robert       son of   Robert     Alice    WARREN       Mr
           06-Jan     1640 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Elinor   HILL
           06-Jan     1640 Jane         dau of   James      Mary     MATHEW
           10-Jan     1640 Nicholas     son of   Thomas     Jane     PEARCE
           10-Jan     1640 John         son of   Israell    Jane     SEARLE
           10-Jan     1640 Bawden       son of   Martyn     Madlyn   SKENNER
           13-Jan     1640 Agnes        dau of              Grace    PAYNTER      base, by Jenkin Faby
           02-Feb     1640 Thomas       son of   ChristopherPrudence TONKEN
           07-Feb     1640 Jane         dau of   Patrick    not givenCORNELLIS
           22-Feb     1640 Alis         dau of   John       Anne     HARY
           27-Feb     1640 Justinian    son of   Nicholas   Bersey   HARRY
           07-Mar     1640 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Willmott PAULE
           07-Mar     1640 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Grace    RESKREEGE    gent
           10-Mar     1640 Walter       son of   William    Dorothy  BOSVINE
           14-Mar     1640 William      son of   Thomas     Margaret DUNSTONE
           14-Mar     1640 John         son of   John       Jane     NANCARRO
           17-Mar     1640 Agnes        dau of              ElizabethWARRE        base,by John Long
           21-Mar     1640 Jane         dau of   Walter     Anne     TONKEN
           24-Mar     1640 Avis         dau of   Richard    Willmott TONKEN
           28-Mar     1641 Anne         dau of   Richard    Joane    CHEFFER
           28-Mar     1641 James        son of   James      Jane     HUCHINGS
           28-Mar     1641 Jane         dau of   James      Jane     HUCHINGS
           06-Apr     1641 William      son of   James      Mary     PENROSSE     gent
           10-Apr     1641 Faby         dau of   Rodford    Elinor   SAUNDRY
           18-Apr     1641 Cathryn      dau of   John       Joan     TREGONNOW
           22-Apr     1641 Richard      son of   Michell    Issett   PEARCE
           22-Apr     1641 John         son of   Steven     Charitye THOMAS
           02-May     1641 Sussan       dau of   Richard    Willmott BODIE
           06-Jun     1641 Edith        dau of   John       CatherinePENROSSE     gent
           06-Jun     1641 John         son of   James      Jullian  GILLES
           13-Jun     1641 Bersheba     dau of   Gilbard    ElizabethHEAME
           24-Jun     1641 Anne         dau of   Walter     Alice    JENKEN
           11-Jul     1641 Mickaell     son of   William    Charitye CURTIS
           11-Jul     1641 John         son of   George     Jane     POTTER
           01-Aug     1641 Jane         dau of   Nicholas   Jane     ANTHONY
           07-Aug     1641 Margaret     dau of   John       Jane     HARRIE       of Coursack
           08-Aug     1641 Rowland      son of   Rowland    ElizabethBONFITT
           11-Aug     1641 Justinian    son of   Tristram   Lethy    VIVIAN
           24-Aug     1641 Bartholomew  son of   Thomas     Anne     BODIE
           29-Aug     1641 Marie        dau of   Thomas     Anne     BODIE
           29-Aug     1641 George       son of   John       Joan     BLACKFORD    Jnr
           29-Aug     1641 Grace        dau of   Tristram   Margaret WOOLLCOME
           29-Aug     1641 Martha       dau of   James      Jane     INCLETON     Jnr
           12-Sep     1641 Anne         dau of   Richard    Frainces WILLIAMS
           03-Oct     1641 Jane         dau of   James      Joan     HARRIE
           03-Oct     1641 Jane         dau of   John       Jane     MARTYN
           07-Oct     1641 Margerye     dau of   William    Martha   JOHN
           17-Oct     1641 Maud         dau of   John       Jane     GEILES
           24-Oct     1641 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Agnis    PEARCE
           06-Nov     1641 Hugh         son of   Josias     Alce     LUKE
           06-Nov     1641 John         son of   William    Avis     TRESUDER
           13-Nov     1641 Jane         dau of   William    Dorothy  RICE
           20-Nov     1641 Dorathy      dau of              ElizabethCHERIE       base,by William Pearce
           26-Nov     1641 John         son of   John       Charitye SYMONS
           30-Nov     1641 William      son of   Thomas     Jane     RECKETT
           06-Dec     1641 John         son of   James      Grace    CURTIS
           11-Dec     1641 Jane         dau of   William    Ann      WHITT
           24-Dec     1641 Thomas       son of   James      Ursula   TONKEN
           24-Dec     1641 Elizabeth    dau of   Mathew     Ellinor  TREGLOHAN
           01-Jan     1641 Robert       son of   Greenfield Mary     PURIFOY
           09-Jan     1641 Avis         dau of   Nicholas   Susan    PLUMER
           16-Jan     1641 Thomas       son of   George     Avis     MARTYN
           25-Jan     1641 Mary         dau of   John       Dorothy  THOMAS       Jnr
           31-Jan     1641 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Margaret WINTER
           06-Feb     1641 Tamsin       dau of   Thomas     Brigett  MORRISHE
           13-Feb     1641 Thomas       son of   Edward     Ann      WILLS
           13-Feb     1641 Elinor       dau of   Symon      Alce     JAMES
           16-Feb     1641 James        son of   James      Ann      SYMONS
           20-Feb     1641 George       son of   John       Alis     MATHEW
           23-Feb     1641 Avis         dau of   John       Margery  PEARCE       Jnr
           06-Mar     1641 Jane         dau of   John       Margaret ANTHONIE
           27-Mar     1642 Mary         dau of   Richard    Jane     BONFITT
           12-Apr     1642 Alis         dau of   John       Martha   WILLS
           12-Apr     1642 Marhe        dau of   John       Chisten  MICHELL
           30-Apr     1642 Richard      son of   Richard    Ede      OLIVY
           01-May     1642 Alis         dau of   John       Jone     TREGARE      Jnr
           04-May     1642 James        son of   John       Margaret OLIVY
           08-May     1642 Alis         dau of   Edward     Margaret WILLIAMS
           19-May     1642 Wilmott      dau of   Israell    ConstanceBATTEN
           22-May     1642 Willmott     dau of   John       Elynor   MILLCOMBE
           26-May     1642 Anne         dau of   John       An       SECCOME      of Porthallow
           27-May     1642 Ursula       dau of   John       Mary     ARTHUR
           27-May     1642 Marie        dau of   Hugh       Jone     RALF
           03-Jun     1642 Mary         dau of   John       ElizabethSECOMBE
           05-Jun     1642 Walter       son of   John       Jane     RICHARD      als Rowe
           05-Jun     1642 John         son of   Richard    Jane     SKEWES
           08-Jun     1642 Elinor       dau of   Walter     Blanch   GILBART
           12-Jun     1642 Anne         dau of              Lowdy    HARRY        base,reputed father Samson Roskelly jn
           19-Jun     1642 Elizabeth    dau of   Robart     Mary     ISBELL
           24-Jun     1642 Margreat     dau of   John       Barbara  BODIE
           25-Jun     1642 Agnis        dau of   Samson     Sussly   PEARCE
           03-Jul     1642 Alexander    son of   John       Jane     NANCARRO
           17-Jul     1642 Rowland      son of   Emanuel    ElizabethJENKEN
           07-Aug     1642 Mary         dau of   Peter      Joan     GAWAN
           07-Aug     1642 Zacharias    son of   James      Willmot  MILLDRED
           10-Aug     1642 John         son of   Richard    Jullian  VIVIAN
           14-Aug     1642 Garthred     dau of   Enigoe     Margaret POTTER
           17-Aug     1642 Alice        dau of   Robart     PeternellCHEFFER
           17-Aug     1642 Jane         dau of   Jullian    PetronellBOSVINE
           21-Aug     1642 Anne         dau of   Peter      Alce     TREGELLAS
           30-Sep     1642 Jane         dau of   Zachrie    Jane     POTTER
           02-Oct     1642 Dorathy      dau of   John       PhillippeELLIS        Mr
           08-Oct     1642 Martha       dau of   James      PhillippeMORRISHE
           23-Oct     1642 Anne         dau of   John       Grace    HOSKEN
           30-Oct     1642 Florence     dau of   Radford    Elinor   SAUNDRY
           30-Oct     1642 Christian    dau of   Walter     Gartred  DILLOW
           11-Nov     1642 Lowdie       dau of   Henry      Alce     TREWOTHNOW
           13-Nov     1642 Joseph       son of   John       Grace    ROSKREEGE    gent
           20-Nov     1642 Nicholas     son of   William    Nicholl  LAMPERY
           21-Dec     1642 Judeth       dau of   John       Ellan    SHEPHEARD
           28-Dec     1642 Sussan       dau of   John       Dorothy  THOMAS       Jnr
           05-Jan     1642 Justinian    son of   John       Avis     WARNE
           08-Jan     1642 Avis         dau of   William    Martha   JOHN
           10-Jan     1642 Lovedaie     dau of   Henryh     Willmote GEORGE
           28-Jan     1642 Thomas       son of   John       Elynor   OLIVY
           03-Feb     1642 Jullian      dau of   Habiball   Marie    MILLCOME
           10-Feb     1642 William      son of              Margaret RAW          base,by John Cornishe of Truro
           10-Feb     1642 Margerye     dau of   John       Joan     BLACHFORD
           24-Feb     1642 Lovedaie     dau of   Edward     Redegon  NOWELL
           26-Feb     1642 Alexander    son of   Josias     not givenLUKE
           26-Feb     1642 Catheryn     dau of   Richard    Mary     SQUIRE       Mr
           05-Mar     1642 John         son of   John       Grace    CURTIS
           12-Mar     1642 Margerye     dau of   John       Agnis    KEVERNE
           11-Apr     1643 Feby         dau of   John       Margaret WINTER
           16-Apr     1643 Ambrose      son of   Steven     Avis     HODGE
           16-Apr     1643 Thomas       son of              Margaret JEFFERY      base,by Haniball James
           22-Apr     1643 ?            dau of   Francis    ? UnclearTRIPCONY
           29-Apr     1643 John         son of   Thomas     Avis     PEARCE
           06-May     1643 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Ann      BODIE
           07-May     1643 John         son of   Hugh       Avis     SAUNDRY
           09-May     1643 James        son of              ElizabethCORNELES     base,by Pearce Jacka of Constenton
           09-May     1643 Thomas       son of   William    not givenGOLDSMITH    Clerk
           16-May     1643 Jane         dau of   Hanniball  Alce     PLUMER
           20-May     1643 Cathryn      dau of   Israell    Margery  WILLIAMS
           22-May     1643 Edward       son of   Walter     Joane    TRESSISE
           23-May     1643 William      son of              Jane     SANS         base, by Christopher Trelyn
           24-May     1643 Elizabeth    dau of   James      Jane     SAUNDRY
           27-May     1643 Abis         dau of              CatherineHABIBALL     base,by Hugh Coad
           28-May     1643 Walter       son of   Dinis      Elinor   SKERRY       an Irishman
           03-Jun     1643 William      son of   Michell    Anne     BARKER
           04-Jun     1643 Philipp      dau of   Michaell   Issett   PEARCE
           16-Jun     1643 John         son of   John       Elinor   HILL
           29-Jun     1643 Richard      son of   Thomas     Margaret DUNSKOMBE
           09-Jul     1643 James        son of   John       not givenLONG
           02-Aug     1643 Edward       son of   William    Margery  PENROSE      gent
           02-Aug     1643 Thomas       son of              Ann      JEFFERY
           05-Aug     1643 Anne         dau of   ChristopherPrudence TONKIN
           27-Aug     1643 Emlyn        dau of   John       not givenSANS         of Trewoone
           03-Sep     1643 Dorathy      dau of   Robert     Alce     WAREN
           07-Sep     1643 Richard      son of   James      not givenGILLES
           07-Sep     1643 Jane         dau of   James      not givenGILLES
           17-Sep     1643 Nicholas     son of   Thomas     Jullian  COAD
           17-Sep     1643 William      son of   Richard    Joan     CHEFFER
           12-Nov     1643 Lovedaie     dau of   John       Elenor   MILLCOME     Jnr
           19-Nov     1643 Alexander    son of   John       Sible    NICHOLAS
           28-Nov     1643 James        son of   James      Marie    PENROSSE
           02-Dec     1643 Sussan       dau of   John       Ann      PASCOW
           13-Dec     1643 William      son of   George     Margaret JENKEN
           20-Dec     1643 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Alce     TREBARBA
           26-Dec     1643 Steven       son of   Stevan     Charity  THOMAS
           26-Dec     1643 Samson       son of   Henryh     Tamsen   FABY
           28-Dec     1643 Alis         dau of   George     Alce     MARTYN
           10-Feb     1643 James        son of   James      Mary     SKINNER
           10-Feb     1643 Elizabeth    dau of   Nicholas   Jane     ANTHONY      als Mathew
           24-Feb     1643 Avis         dau of   John       Dorothy  THOMAS
           25-Feb     1643 John         son of   Petter     Alce     TREGELLAS
           08-Apr     1644 John         son of   John       Grace    HOSKEN
           14-Apr     1644 Constance    dau of   James      Ursula   TONKEN
           27-Apr     1644 Symon        son of   William    Anne     ELLIS
           09-May     1644 Barbarie     dau of   William    Alice    DADOW
           12-May     1644 Thomas       son of   Anthony    ElizabethRESKREEG     gent
           12-May     1644 Elizabeth    dau of   Robert     Mary     ISSABELL
           18-May     1644 Samuell      son of   Walter     Alce     JENKIN
           19-May     1644 Grace        dau of   William    Charity  CURTIS
           04-Jun     1644 Henry        son of   James      Jane     INCLETON
           08-Jun     1644 Jane         dau of   Mathew     Elinor   TREGLOHAN
           08-Jun     1644 Susan        dau of   John       Joan     BLATCHFORD
           09-Jun     1644 Avis         dau of   Trustram   Margaret BOULDEN
           23-Jun     1644 James        son of   William    Willmote POLKENHORNE
           23-Jun     1644 Marye        dau of   William    Mary     SECCOMBE
           14-Jul     1644 Charles      son of   John       Phillip  ELLIS        gent
           19-Jul     1644 William      son of              Margaret UREN         base, by Justinian Bray
           21-Jul     1644 Dorothy      dau of   Richard    Jane     BONFIELD
           28-Jul     1644 Thomas       son of   John       Willmote PEIRCE       als Roskarnon
           01-Sep     1644 Henry        son of   William    Margery  PENROSE
           01-Sep     1644 George       son of   William    Frances  WILLIAMS
           07-Sep     1644 Ellenour     dau of   Michell    ConstanceROBERT
           08-Sep     1644 Agnes        dau of   Sampson    Mary     MORRIS
           13-Sep     1644 William      son of   William    Dorothy  LEREBY
           13-Sep     1644 Wilmot       dau of   Simon      Alice    LEREBY
           29-Sep     1644 Alice        dau of   Israell    ConstanceJAMES
           05-Oct     1644 Mary         dau of   Thomas     Julian   BATTEN
           20-Oct     1644 Alice        dau of   John       Cheston  COAD
           01-Nov     1644 William      son of   Thomas     Margery  MICHELL
           01-Nov     1644 Arthur       son of   Thomas     Margery  TOLL
           03-Nov     1644 Sampson      son of   John       Joan     BAKER
           16-Nov     1644 Nicholas     son of   Tristram   Lethy    VIVIAN
           01-Dec     1644 Richard      son of   Martin     Maudlyn  SKINNER
           08-Dec     1644 Elizabeth    dau of   George     Phillip  SANNES
           29-Dec     1644 Leonard      son of   John       Margery  HAWES
           06-Jan     1644 Charity      dau of   Walter     Blanch   GILBERT
           14-Jan     1644 Henry        son of   Hugh       Jane     COADE
           14-Jan     1644 Mary         dau of   Hugh       Jane     COADE
           22-Jan     1644 Haniball     son of   Hanniball  Alice    PLOMER
           22-Jan     1644 Philipp      son of   John       ElizabethSEACOMBE
           26-Jan     1644 William      son of   Edward     Anne     WILLES
           26-Jan     1644 Prudence     dau of   William    Martha   JOHN
           02-Feb     1644 Mary         dau of   Edward     Redigon  NOWELL
           15-Feb     1644 James        son of   John       Grace    COURTIS
           23-Feb     1644 Mary         dau of   John       Margaret ROBERT
           24-Feb     1644 Willmott     dau of   George     Jane     PATIENCE     Jnr
           02-Mar     1644 Temperance   dau of   Henry      Alice    TREWOTHNOW
           08-Mar     1644 Humfrey      son of   John       Elenor   HILL
           09-Mar     1644 Marke        son of   Radford    Elenor   SAUNDRY
           23-Mar     1644 Anthony      son of   Michell    Ann      BARKER
           02-Apr     1645 Temperance   dau of   Richard    Mary     SQUIRE
           08-Apr     1645 Agnes        dau of   Josias     Alice    LUKE
           11-Apr     1645 William      son of   James      Philip   MORRIS
           17-Apr     1645 Carolus      son of   William    none     GOLDSMITH    vicar of the church
           27-Apr     1645 Susanne      dau of   Thomas     Anne     BODY
           30-Apr     1645 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     Jane     RICKARD
           04-May     1645 Thomas       son of   Henry      WilliamotGEORGE
           18-May     1645 Elizabeth    dau of              ElizabethTHOMAS       base,reputed father Robert Winter
           06-Jun     1645 Isatt        son of   Michael    Isatt    PEARSE
           14-Jun     1645 John         son of   John       Margaret JENKINGE
           06-Jul     1645 Jane         dau of   Gilbert    ElizabethHEYM
           13-Jul     1645 Elizabeth    dau of   Hercules   Jane     PENTICOST
           27-Jul     1645 James        son of   James (dec)ElizabethCOURTIS
           10-Aug     1645 William      son of   William    Nichol   LAMPREY
           17-Aug     1645 Agnes        dau of   Henry      Pascow   WILLIAMS
           24-Aug     1645 Agnes        dau of   Richard    Jane     WILLES
           24-Aug     1645 Jane         dau of   Henry      Susan    CHEFFER
           31-Aug     1645 Thomas       son of   John       Margery  PIERCE
           05-Sep     1645 Richard      son of   John       Martha   WILLES
           06-Sep     1645 John         son of   John       Anne     OLEVY
           07-Sep     1645 Walter       son of   John       Jane     MARTIN
           14-Sep     1645 Joane        dau of   Zachary    Jane     POTTER
           19-Oct     1645 Dorothy      dau of   William    Charity  COURTIS
           18-Oct     1645 Samuell      son of   Hugh       Avis     SAUNDRY
           02-Nov     1645 Anthony      son of   Walter     Anne     TONKINGE
           26-Nov     1645 Oliver       son of   William    Dorothy  LEVEBY
           30-Nov     1645 Zachary      son of   George     Grace    WILLES
           07-Dec     1645 Jeffery      son of   John       Jone     ROWE
           07-Dec     1645 Jane         dau of   Israell    ConstanceBATTEN
           07-Dec     1645 Sampson      son of   John       Joane    ROWE
           10-Dec     1645 Susana       dau of   Nicholas   Susanna  PLOMER
           12-Dec     1645 Mary         dau of   Richard    Joane    CHEFFER
           14-Dec     1645 Mary         dau of   Ambrose    Agnes    PORTH
           21-Dec     1645 Florence     dau of   Richard    Jane     RICHARDS
           26-Dec     1645 Stephen      son of   Stephen    Avis     HODGE
           26-Dec     1645 Marke        son of   John       Elenor   SHEPHEARD
           04-Jan     1645 Richard      son of   James      Willmot  MILDREN
           04-Jan     1645 Mary         dau of   Thomas     Mary     PIERCE
           10-Jan     1645 Christian    dau of   Richard    Julian   VIVIAN
           17-Jan     1645 John         son of   Justinian  Urith    BRAY
           23-Jan     1645 Richard      son of   Haniball   Mary     MELCOMBE
           24-Jan     1645 John         son of   James      Ursula   TONKINGE
           24-Jan     1645 Jane         son of   Rirchard   Edith    OLEVY
           28-Jan     1645 Mary         dau of   Richard    Edith    OLEVY
           08-Feb     1645 Anne         dau of   James      Wilmot   MICHELL
           08-Feb     1645 Edmond       son of   John       Anne     WILLIAMES
           01-Mar     1645 Alice        dau of   William    Mary     HANARA(?)
           13-Mar     1645 John         son of   Thomas     Julian   COADE
           25-Mar     1646 John         son of   Leonard    Mary     COLAN
           28-Mar     1646 Philip       son of   John       Ellen    OLEVY
           30-Mar     1646 Anthony      son of   John       Grace    HOSKIN
           30-Mar     1646 Avis         dau of   Edward     Margaret WILLIAMS
           05-Apr     1646 Jane         dau of   John       Willmot  PAUL
           12-Apr     1646 Agnes        dau of   James      Julian   GILES
           12-Apr     1646 John         son of   William    Martha   JOHN
           19-Apr     1646 Elizabeth    dau of              Thomasyn JACKMAN      base,reputed father Richard Williams of
           03-May     1646 Richard      son of   Peter      Joane    GAWEN
           13-May     1646 Joane        dau of   Hugh       Jane     COADE
           19-May     1646 William      son of   Richard    WilliamotCHEFFER
           27-May     1646 Elizabeth    dau of   Robert     Alice    WARREN
           03-Jun     1646 Margery      dau of              Mary     SKEWES       base reputed father James Costen
           31-May     1646 Dorothy      dau of   John       Margaret JENKINGE
           31-May     1646 Zenoby       dau of   ?                   UNCLEAR      an Irishman
           03-Jun     1646 Jane         dau of   Michell    Isatt    PEARSE
           05-Jun     1646 Richard      son of   Enigo      Margaret POTTER
           05-Jun     1646 Constance    dau of   Enigo      Margaret POTTER
           05-Jun     1646 Joane        dau of   Robert     WilliamotREYNOLDS
           07-Jun     1646 Susan        dau of   Julian     Elenor   BORINO       Bovinoa
           07-Jun     1646 Alice        dau of   Dennis     Elenor   SHERIGE
           22-Jul     1646 Oliver       son of   Henry      Wilmott  GEROGE
           14-Jul     1646 John         son of   John       Joane    TREGONOW
           20-Jun     1646 William      son of   William    Ellen    THOMAS
           21-Jun     1646 Prudence     dau of   Oliver     Alice    KENNER
           29-Jun     1646 John         son of   Josias     Alice    LUKE
           14-Jul     1646 Robert       son of   James      Jane     INCLETON     Jnr
           03-Jul     1646 Philip       son of              Jane     JAMES        and Andrew John.not stated if base
           08-Jul     1646 Joane        dau of   John       Grace    TONKINGE
           12-Jul     1646 John         son of   John       Margaret WINTER       Jnr
           19-Jul     1646 Haniball     son of   Emannell   ElizabethJENKINE
           02-Aug     1646 Jane         dau of   Peter      Jane     GILES
           15-Aug     1646 Hugh         son of   Michell    ConstanceROBERT
           16-Aug     1646 Mary         dau of   Anthony    ElizabethROSKRUGE
           05-Sep     1646 Abraham      son of   Thomas     Alice    TREBARVA
           06-Sep     1646 Mary         dau of   Stephen    Charity  THOMAS
           09-Sep     1646 Joshua       son of   Robert     BathshebaNUNNE
           02-Oct     1646 Elizabeth    dau of   James      Margaret DAVY         of Mabe
           18-Oct     1646 Haniball     son of   John       Elenor   MELCOMBE
           28-Oct     1646 Sampson      son of   George     Phillip  SANDS
           14-Nov     1646 Ursula       dau of   George     Margaret JENKINGE
           30-Mar     1647 Lowdry       dau of   William    Marie    JENKYN       Part of this page blank
           31-Mar     1647 ?            dau of   Walter     Blanch   GILLBART
           31-Mar     1647 ?            dau of   William    Alce     DADOWE
           31-Mar     1647 John         son of   Haniball   Alce     PLOMER
           06-Apr     1647 John         son of   Walter     Anne     TOMPKYN
           12-Apr     1647 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Anne     BODY
           03-Apr     1647 Walter       son of   Nicholas   Jane     ANTHONIE
           25-Apr     1647 William      son of   John       ElizabethSECOMBE
           04-May     1647 Richard      son of   William    Gertrude GOLDSMITH
           03-Oct     1647 Richard      son of   Richard    none giveSQUIER
           06-Mar     1647 Henry        son of   Justinian  none giveBRAY
           05-May     1648 Robert       son of   Robert     BeershebaNUNNE        gent
           13-Jun     1648 Robert       son of   Thomas     none giveJAMES
           09-Aug     1648 Sarah        dau of   Henry      TemperancTREWOTHNOW   Mr
           07-Dec     1648 Simon        son of   Simon      Alce     JAMES
           27-Mar     1649 Sampson      son of   Henery     Wilmott  GEORGE
           27-Mar     1649 Dorothy      dau of   Anthony    ElizabethROSKRUGGE
           03-Apr     1649 John         son of   William    Eleanor  CURTIS
           08-Apr     1649 Joane        dau of   James      Agnes    MASON
           08-Apr     1649 Phillipp     son of   George     Phillipp SANNS
           24-Apr     1649 Justinian    son of   Justinian  Thomasin HARRY
           28-Apr     1649 Mary         dau of   John       Willmot  PAUL
           30-Apr     1649 Edward       son of   William    Gillian  MATHEW
           02-May     1649 Aves         dau of   John       Anne     SANNS
           08-May     1649 Haniball     son of   Nicholas   Jane     LAURENCE
           09-May     1649 William      son of   James      Joane    CHEIFFER
           10-Jun     1649 James        son of   Nathaniell Grace    BODY
           10-Jun     1649 Arthur       son of   John       Margaret WINTER
           17-Jun     1649 Walter       son of   Walter     Anne     TONKINGE
           27-Jun     1649 Anthony      son of   John       Jane     MARTYN
           28-Jun     1649 Apeby        dau of   John       Dorothy  THOMAS
           08-Jul     1649 Mary         dau of   Hugh       Jane     COADE
           15-Jul     1649 Martha       dau of   James      Phillip  MORRISHE
           29-Jul     1649 Jane         dau of   Barnard    Emeline  ELLYN
           26-Aug     1649 Walter       son of   William    Dorothy  LETHEBY
           02-Sep     1649 Susan        dau of   Robert     ElizabethWINTER
           12-Aug     1649 James        son of   William    Frances  RICHARD
           16-Sep     1649 John         son of   William    Dorothy  PERCY
           23-Sep     1649 Elizabeth    dau of   John       ElizabethSECOMBE      Mr
           30-Sep     1649 John         son of   Thomas     Susan    THOMAS
           30-Sep     1649 Henrye       son of   Gedeon     Anne     SAMPSON
           30-Sep     1649 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Elinor   SHEPHERD
           07-Oct     1649 Wilmote      dau of   John       Elinor   MELCOMBE
           07-Oct     1649 Joane        dau of   Thomas     Anne     BODYE
           09-Oct     1649 Charles      son of   Hanyball   Alice    PLOMER
           01-Nov     1649 William      son of   Emmanuell  ElizabethJOHN
           25-Nov     1649 Richard      son of   John       Phillip  JENKEN
           27-Jan     1649 Mary         dau of   Hugh       ElizabethCRISPINE
           17-Feb     1649 William      son of   Walter     Blanch   GILBERT
           17-Feb     1649 Ann          dau of   Richard    Phillup  JAMES
           24-Feb     1649 Anthony      son of   Michael    ConstanteROBART
           24-Feb     1649 John         son of   Richard    Siscely  HARRIES
           25-Feb     1649 richard      son of   Nicholas   none giveJOHN
           02-Mar     1649 John         son of   William    ElizabethVIVIAN
           07-Mar     1649 Mary         dau of   Mathew     Elinor   TREGLAHAN
           07-Mar     1649 Henry        son of   Justinian  Uriath   BRAYE
           19-Mar     1649 Richard      son of   James      Annis    WILLIAMS
born 12 J  19-Mar     1649 William      son of   William    Margery  CALLAWAY
           27-Mar     1650 John         son of   John       ConstanceBALL
           07-Apr     1650 Jane         dau of   Digory     Jane     WILLIAMS
           16-Apr     1650 Henry        son of   James      Zenobia  HARRY
           16-Apr     1650 Margaret     dau of   Henry      Julyan   HITCHINS
           16-Apr     1650 Jane         dau of   Edward     Ann      WILLS
           28-Apr     1650 Katherin     dau of   William    Willmot  HARRY
           29-Apr     1650 George       son of   William    Alice    DADDO
           25-Apr     1650 James        son of   Henry      Alice    NICHOLL
           25-Apr     1650 Katheron     dau of   Myles      Judeth   EXELBY
           25-Apr     1650 Clarina      dau of   John       Margaret HOASE
           24-May     1650 Richard      son of   William    Julyan   MATHEW
           16-May     1650 Jane         dau of   William    Susan    NOWELL
           16-May     1650 Elizabeth    dau of   Trestram   Mildred  PASKOW
           15-May     1650 Christian    dau of   Robert     Mary     ISABELL
           29-May     1650 Martyn       son of   Robart     BathshebaNUNNE        gent
           07-Jun     1650 William      son of   George     Grace    WILLS
           13-Jun     1650 James        son of   Robert     Wilmott  FRAUNCES
           09-Jun     1650 Sampson      son of   Thomas     Annis    PEARCE
           23-Jun     1650 Lovedaye     dau of   John       Ellen    OLIVIE
           13-Jul     1650 Alice        dau of   Barnard    Mary     TREGUNNOW
           20-Jul     1650 William      son of   William    ChristobeLIGHTEFORD
           28-Jul     1650 William      son of   Thomas     Mary     EDWARDS
           04-Aug     1650 John         son of   Nicholas   Sible    GOODMAN
           18-Aug     1650 John         son of   Julyan     Elinor   BOSVINE
           18-Aug     1650 Honner       dau of   John       Dorcas   WILLIAMS
           01-Sep     1650 William      son of   John       Margery  PEARSE
           01-Sep     1650 Issat        dau of   Richard    Sarah    PEARSE
           01-Sep     1650 Alice        dau of   Samuell    Susanna  BOWLDEN
           22-Sep     1650 Joane        dau of   John       Ann      NICHOLL
           13-Sep     1650 Grace        dau of   ChristopherChristianTRELYN
           13-Sep     1650 Margaret     dau of   Archelaus  Jane     PENTICOST
           14-Oct     1650 James        son of   William    Joane    DISTONE
           20-Oct     1650 Phillipp     dau of   Richard    Agnes?   WILLS
           01-Nov     1650 John         son of   William    Margaret POLKENHORNE
           03-Nov     1650 Edward       son of   Walter     Ann      TONKINGE
           01-Dec     1650 Douglas      son of   Thomas     Alice    TREBARVAGH
           08-Dec     1650 Margaret     dau of   John       Martha   WILL
           03-Dec     1650 Petronell    dau of   Richard    Gillian  VIVIAN
           04-Dec     1650 Sagvill      son of   Hanyball   Ursella  RESKELLY
           31-Dec     1650 Anthony      son of   Anthony    ElizabethROSKRUGE
           12-Jan     1650 Edward       son of   John       Winifred THOMAS
           19-Jan     1650 Richard      son of   William    ElizabethVIVIAN
           19-Jan     1650 Grace        dau of   William    Margaret ROSKELLY
           19-Jan     1650 James        son of   Richard    Willmote CHEFFER
           25-Jan     1650 Christian    dau of   Peter      Joane    GAWEN
           25-Jan     1650 Katherin     dau of   John       BathshebaPOTTER
           01-Feb     1650 Jacob        son of   Jacob      Hester   ROSKELLY
           16-Feb     1650 Barnard      son of   Thomas     Susan    JAMES
           16-Feb     1650 Solomon      son of   Nicholas   none giveLAURENCE
           20-Feb     1650 Keveron      son of   John       Grace    MICHELL
           18-Feb     1650 James        son of   James      Joane    TOLL
           01-Mar     1650 John         son of   Henery     ElizabethRESKELLY     Mr
           07-Mar     1650 William      son of   William    Margery  PENROSE
           09-Mar     1650 Elizabeth    dau of   Isack      Mary     THOMAS
           27-Mar     1651 John         son of   Tristram   Margaret WOLCOMBE
           04-Apr     1651 William      son of   William    Nicholl  LAMPREY
           10-Apr     1651 Mary         dau of   Jonathan   Charitie BLACKELLER
           13-Apr     1651 John         son of   James      Wilmote  MILDEN
           13-Apr     1651 Jonah        son of   John       Grace    TONKINGE
           20-Apr     1651 Henry        son of   John       Margaret HARRY        Mr
           20-Apr     1651 Mary         dau of   Sampson    Mary     AMERSON
           20-Apr     1651 Sampson      son of   James      Jane     INCLETON
           25-Apr     1651 William      son of   Leonard    Mary     CULLAN
           28-Apr     1651 John         son of   Walter     Blaunch  GILBART
           20-May     1651 Avis         dau of   Peter      Jane     GYLES
           25-May     1651 Ursela       dau of   Nicholas   Susanne  PLOMER
           25-May     1651 Honnour      dau of   John       Jane     JENKEN
           25-May     1651 Hester       dau of   John       Willmote PAWLE
           01-Jun     1651 Arundell     son of   John       Chesson  MYCHELL
           01-Jun     1651 John         son of   Thomas     Jane     KELLY
           08-Jun     1651 Mary         dau of   Richard    Phillip  MARTYN
           23-Jun     1651 Elinor       dau of   Oliver     Alice    SKINNER
           23-Jun     1651 Mary         dau of   Emanuell   ElizabethJOHN
           11-Jul     1651 John         son of   John       Agnes    SANDS
           11-Aug     1651 Joan         dau of   James      Agnes    MASON
           17-Aug     1651 Elizabeth    dau of   Radford    Elnor    SAUNDRY
           24-Aug     1651 John         son of   Zacharias  Jane     POTTER
           29-Aug     1651 Joane        dau of   Robert     Ursula   JAMES
           29-Aug     1651 Agnes        dau of   Hugh       Jane     COADE
           21-Sep     1651 George       son of   John       Jane     NICHOLL
         ? Oct        1651 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Susan    THOMAS
         ? Oct        1651 William      son of   Hugh       Avis     SAUNDRY
           24-Oct     1651 Walter       son of   John       Ann      TREGUNNOW
           26-Oct     1651 Joan         dau of   William    Ann      SHOALES
           27-Oct     1651 Jane         dau of   Robert     ElizabethWINTER
           09-Nov     1651 Christian    dau of   Henry      Alice    TREWOOTHNOW
           16-Nov     1651 John         son of   John       Ann      NICHOLL
           28-Dec     1651 Alice        dau of   James      Wilmote  MYCHELL
           25-Dec     1651 John         son of   Arthur     none giveFRUKAT
           01-Feb     1651 James        son of   Henery     Paskes   WILLIAMS
           08-Feb     1651 Elizabeth    dau of   William    Margaret ROSKELLY
           14-Feb     1651 John         son of   Anthony    ElizabethROSKRUGE
           22-Feb     1651 Mary         dau of   James      Ann      ARTHUR
           28-Feb     1651 Elizabeth    dau of   Mark       Amy      JOHN
           28-Feb     1651 Willmote     dau of   Edward     Mary     JENKEN
           22-Feb     1651 John         son of   Geoffery   Jane     WHITE
           17-Mar     1651 Jane         dau of   Thomas     ConstanceNICHOLAS
           12-Mar     1651 Thomas       son of   John       Susan    FRICKAT
           28-Mar     1652 Lowdaye      dau of   John       Jane     LUGG
           11-Apr     1652 John         son of   James      Phillup  MORRISHE
           21-May     1652 Jane         dau of   James      Jane     INCLETON
           30-Jun     1652 William      son of   James      Ursila   TONKIN
           01-Aug     1652 Dorothy      dau of   Leonard    Mary     CULLEN
           18-Aug     1652 John         son of   John       Dorothy  THOMAS
           18-Aug     1652 ?            dau of   John       Jane     JENKEN
           29-Aug     1652 John         son of   John       ElizabethWALTER
           05-Sep     1652 John         son of   Thomas     Mary     JAMES
           05-Sep     1652 John         son of   Robert     Mary     ISABELL
           13-Oct     1652 Richard      son of   Richard    Margaret DANNIELL
           13-Oct     1652 Richard      son of   James      unclear  MATHEW
           17-Oct     1652 Katherin     dau of   John       Margaret PEARSE
           23-Oct     1652 ?            dau of   John       Elinor   WILCOMBE
           31-Oct     1652 Grace        dau of   James      Annis    WILLIAMS
           31-Oct     1652 George       son of   George     Margaret PENTICOST
           08-Nov     1652 Samuell      son of   Samuell    Susanna  BOLDEN
           21-Nov     1652 Thomasin     dau of   Jonathan   Charitte BLACKEHALLER
           28-Nov     1652 William      son of   John       Wilmote  PAWLE
           12-Dec     1652 Richard      son of   William    Joane    SANNS
           12-Dec     1652 Mary         dau of   Bennet     none giveROW
           13-Dec     1652 John         son of   Wallter    Ann      TONKIN
           13-Dec     1652 Mary         dau of   Justinian  Urie     BRAY
           30-Jan     1652 John         son of   Henery     Gillian  HUTCHINS
           06-Feb     1652 Elizabeth    dau of   Robert     BathshebaNUNN         gent
           30-Jan     1652 Jane         dau of   William    Dorothy  PERCY
           07-Feb     1652 Grace        dau of   William    Susan    CLERKE
           07-Feb     1652 George       son of   Stephen    Charitie THOMAS
           13-Feb     1652 Mary         dau of   John       Ann      TREGUNNO
           13-Feb     1652 Margarett    dau of   John       ElizabethRALPHE
           13-Mar     1652 Mary         dau of   John       BathshebaROW
           20-Mar     1652 Jane         dau of   Walter     Jane     WILLIAMS
           10-Apr     1653 Temperance   dau of   John       Ellinor  SHEPHEARD
           23-Apr     1653 William      son of   Richard    Gillian  VIVIAN
           23-Apr     1653 Agnes        dau of   William    ElizabethHERDE
           20-May     1653 Robart       son of   James      none giveARTHUR
           27-May     1653 ?            dau of   George     Grace    WILLS
           14-Jun     1653 Christopher  son of   Nicholas   Mary     HOSKIN
           21-Jun     1653 Jane         dau of   William    Dorothy  LEREBY
           03-May     1653 Arthe        son of   Simon      Allces   JAMES        bibtised
           29-Jun     1653 Christopher  son of   James      Jone     TOLL
           24-Jul     1653 Hanyball     son of   Hanyball   Mary     JOHN
           13-Aug     1653 Thomas       son of   Richard    Sarah    PEARSE
           13-Aug     1653 Mary         dau of   Daniell    Wilmote  SMYTH
           13-Aug     1653 Joane        dau of   Thomas     Joane    KELLY
           21-Aug     1653 ?            son of   George     Elianor  JACKSON
           28-Aug     1653 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Dorothy  THOMAS
           21-Oct     1653 Mary         dau of   George     Phillip  SANS
           21-Oct     1653 Phillip      dau of   Hugh       Jane     COADE
           06-Nov     1653 Katherine    dau of   Henry      Jane     CATTINCE
           23-Dec     1653 Richard      son of   Robert     Ursela   JAMES
           29-Dec     1653 Thomas       son of   Henery     Alice    NICHOLL
           03-Jan     1653 Abraham      son of   Henry      TemperancTREWOOTHNOW  Mr
           03-Jan     1653 William      son of   John       Ellon    OLIVIE
           18-Jan     1653 Elizabeth    dau of   William    none giveVIVIAN       born
           05-Feb     1653 Richard      son of   Richard    none giveHARRIES
           12-Feb     1653 John         son of   Thomas     TemperancNYCHOLL
           12-Feb     1653 Ketherne     dau of   William    ElizabethPOLKENHORNE
           26-Feb     1653 Walter       son of   John       none giveNICHOLL
           26-Feb     1653 John         son of   Ananias    none giveKNUCKIE(?)
           26-Feb     1653 Temperance   dau of   Peter      Jane     GYLES
           26-Feb     1653 Ann          dau of   Robert     none giveJOHN
           26-Feb     1653 Susan        dau of   Richard    Ann      TREGLOHAN
born       12-Mar     1653 John         son of   John       none giveSADGMOOR     born
born       10-Mar     1653 Thomas       son of   John       Ursila   STEPHENS     born
           16-Apr     1654 Sampson      son of   James      Jane     INCLETON
           16-Apr     1654 Richard      son of   Walter     none giveLAMPREY
           23-Apr     1654 Richard      son of   James      Annis    WILLIAMS
           30-Apr     1654 Philip       son of   John       BathshebaPOTTER
           07-May     1654 William      son of   William    Ann      SHOALL
           02-Jun     1654 Margery      dau of   Sampson    Mary     AMERSON
           04-Jun     1654 Emilyn       dau of   Oliver     Alice    KENNER
           04-Jun     1654 Jone         dau of   John       none giveCOWEGICKE
was born   24-Jun     1654 John         son of   John       none giveHOASE
was born   24-Jun     1654 Richard      son of   John       none giveNICHOLL
was born   24-Jun     1654 Avis         dau of   Christophernone giveTRELYN
was born   02-Jul     1654 John         son of   John       none giveJENKEN
was born   04-Jul     1654 ?            son of   Robart     ElizabethWINTER
was born   29-Jul     1654 Mary         dau of   Stephen    Jane     UNCLEAR      DAU OF Thomas Line
was born   24-Aug     1654 ?            dau of   Nicholas   none giveGOODMAN
was born   03-Sep     1654 Margaret     dau of   John       Annis    SANS
was born   15-Sep     1654 Walter       son of   William    ElizabethHERDE
           15-Sep     1654 George       son of   William    ElizabethHERDE
was born   23-Sep     1654 Justinian    son of   Zachary    Jane     POTTER
was born   23-Sep     1654 Jone         dau of   None given Jone     BONFIELD
was born   07-Oct     1654 Thomas       son of   George     Grace    WILLS
           07-Oct     1654 Jane         dau of   Hugh       Avis     SAUNDRY
           23-Oct     1654 Grace        dau of   John       Lowday   HITCHIN
           07-Nov     1654 Susan        dau of   Mathew     Ellinor  TREGLOHAN
           23-Nov     1654 George       son of   Walter     none giveTONKIN
           23-Nov     1654 Avis         dau of   Henry      Alice    TREWOOTHNOW
           23-Nov     1654 Willmote     dau of   John Jnr   none giveSECCOMBE
           25-Dec     1654 ?            son of   John       none giveRALPH
           26-Dec     1654 John         son of   Thomas     ConstanceNICHOLAS
           07-Jan     1654 ?            son of   Hennery    none givePEARCE
           30-Jan     1654 Jane         dau of   Danniell   none giveSMYTHE
was born   02-Feb     1654 William      son of   William    Joane    SANS
           12-Feb     1654 Mary         dau of   Umphrey    Ellinor  PEARSE
           10-Mar     1654 Emanuell     son of   John       none giveMILCOMB
           24-Mar     1654 Crispin      son of   Richard    Wilmot   CHEFFER
           29-Mar     1655 Phillip      dau of   Samuel     Susan    BOLDEN
           18-Apr     1655 Joseph       son of   Humphrey   Blaunch  MATHEW
           18-Apr     1655 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Jane     ROW
           26-Apr     1655 Nicholas     son of   James      Willmote MYCHELL
           05-May     1655 ?            dau of   Hanyball   Ursilla  RESKELLY
           05-May     1655 Arthur       son of   Myles      Judeth   EXELBY
           06-May     1655 Richard      son of   Nicholas   none giveLAWRENCE
           06-May     1655 Jne          dau of   Bennet     Jane     ROW
           15-May     1655 Honour       dau of   John       Ann      SWEETE       Mr
           15-May     1655 Phillip      son of   Walter     Jane     WILLIAMS
           12-Aug     1655 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    Ursilla  CHEFFER
           16-Aug     1655 William      son of   George     Avis     MARTYN
           11-Nov     1655 Margeryt     dau of   Leonard    none giveCULLEN
           11-Nov     1655 Joane        dau of   Leonard    none giveCULLEN       Mr
           19-Nov     1655 Abraham      son of   Henry      TemperancTREWOTHNOW
           19-Nov     1655 Isack        son of   Henry      TemperancTREWOTHNOW
           15-Nov     1655 Henery       son of   Henry      Frances  PHILLIPS
           15-Dec     1655 Wilmote      dau of   Hanyball   Jone     JAMES
           15-Dec     1655 ?            dau of   John       E?       UNCLEAR
           02-Feb     1655 ?            son of   Robert     ElizabethUNCLEAR
           08-Feb     1655 Ambrose      son of   John       Dorcas   WILLIAMS
           22-Feb     1655 John         son of   Richard    Dorothy  TONKIN
           02-Apr     1656 Richard      son of   Anthony    Alice    WILLS
           11-Apr     1656 ?            ?        Edward     Mary     UNCLEAR
           11-Apr     1656              ?        Robert     Mary     ISABELL
           11-Jul     1657 Richard      son of   John       BathshebaPOTTER
           19-Jul     1657 George       son of   George     Phillip  SANDS
           05-Aug     1657 Jone         dau of   Andrew     none giveJOHN
           06-Aug     1657 George       son of   Tristram   Honnor   ROBART
           22-Aug     1657 James        son of   John       Ann      GRENFIELD
           22-Aug     1657 Christian    dau of   Diggory    Jane     WILLIAMS
           21-Sep     1657 Avis         dau of   Myles      Judeth   EXELBY
           21-Sep     1657 Mary         dau of   John       Margaret SECOMBE
           21-Sep     1657 Honnor       dau of   Oliver     Alice    KENNER
           13-Oct     1657 Thomas       son of   Walter     Thomas   WILLIAMS
           15-Oct     1657 Susan        dau of   Hugh       Avis     SAUNDRY
           30-Sep     1657 Christopher  son of   John       Grace    TRELYN
           27-Oct     1657 Jane         dau of   George     Margaret PENTICOST
           05-Nov     1657 Margaret     dau of   William    Margaret RESKELLY
           07-Nov     1657 John         son of   Thomas     Grace    JAMES
           07-Nov     1657 Jane         dau of   John       none giveNICHOLL      Junior
           21-Nov     1657 Ann          dau of   John       Chessen  THOMAS
           08-Dec     1657 Susan        dau of   Samuell    Susan    BOLDEN
           09-Dec     1657 Mary         dau of   George     Avis     MARTYN
           14-Dec     1657 Anne         dau of   William    ElizabethVIVIAN
           25-Dec     1657 Thomas       son of   John       Mawde    BONE
           25-Dec     1657 Mary         dau of   Barnard    Mary     TREGUNNOW
           07-Jan     1657 Richard      son of   Richard    Honner   RODIE
           02-Jan     1657 Honnor       dau of   John       Susan    HALLIGYE
           02-Jan     1657 Thomas       son of   William    Susan    HOCKIN
           15-Feb     1657 ?            son of   Henry      Frances  PHILLIPS
           18-Feb     1657 Ann          dau of   Teague     Alice    AGRADO
           22-Feb     1657 Grace        dau of   Nicholas   ?        LAURENCE
           23-Feb     1657 Phillip      son of   Richard    Sarah    PEARSE
           27-Feb     1657 George       son of   George     Grace    WILLS
           11-Mar     1657 Ann          dau of   Zachary    Jane     POTTER
           25-Mar     1658 Ann          dau of   Bernard    Jane     ROW
           09-Apr     1658 Susanna      dau of   James      Jane     INCLETON
           09-Apr     1658 Ann          dau of   Richard    Ann      TREGLOHAN
           12-Apr     1658 Lavinia      dau of   James      Annis    WILLIAMS
           12-Apr     1658 Mary         dau of   John       Margery  HERASE
           21-Apr     1658 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Alice    VIVIAN
           26-Apr     1658 John         son of   Anthony    Frances  TRIPCONY
           01-May     1658 John         son of   John       Phillip  JENKEN
           08-May     1658 William      son of   John       Mary     KELLY
           10-May     1658 Richard      son of   Mychael    Mary     PEARSE
           10-May     1658 John         son of   John       Joane    THOMAS
           10-May     1658 James        son of   James      Wilmot   MYCHELL
           10-May     1658 Henry        son of   Henry      Jane     PENTICOST
           17-May     1658 James        son of   Thomas     ConstanceNICHOLAS
           17-May     1658 Bathsheba    dau of   Leonard    Mary     CULLAN
           24-Jun     1658 Margaret     dau of   Bennet     Jane     ROW
           28-Aug     1658 John         son of   Hanyball   Jane     JAMES
           29-Aug     1658 Elizabeth    dau of   Henry      KatherineSTERINS
           06-Sep     1658 Richard      son of   Richard    Dorothy  TONKIN
           07-Sep     1658 Charitie     dau of   Marke      Amy      JOHN
           15-Sep     1658 ?            dau of   John       Wilmote  PAWLE
           16-Oct     1658 ?            dau of   Richard    Gillian  VIVIAN
           30-Oct     1658 Henry        son of   John       Ann      HITCHINS
           30-Oct     1658 Keverne      son of   William    Charitie QUINNALL
           19-Sep     1658 John         son of   John       none giveSTEVENS
           12-Nov     1658 Waller       son of   William    BathshebaKEVERNE
           22-Nov     1658 George       son of   Arthur     none giveBOLDEN
           07-Nov     1658 Susan        dau of   John       Chessen  THOMAS
           14-Nov     1658 Ann          dau of   Thomas     Jane     RICE
           17-Jan     1658 Justinian    son of   John       Alice    VIVIAN
           20-Jan     1658 Nicholas     son of   Nicholas   Dorothy  HOCKIN
           07-Feb     1658 Richard      son of   Richard    Jone     JAMES
           26-Feb     1658 Jane         dau of   Richard    Ursula   CHEFFER
           03-Mar     1658 James        son of   William    Joane    SANDS
           03-Mar     1658 Phillip      son of   Keverne    Joane    PRENTICE
           11-Mar     1658 Isack        son of   Isack      Mary     THOMAS
           11-Mar     1658 Anthony      son of   Thomas     Grace    PENTICOST
           14-Mar     1658 George       son of   John       Jane     JENKEN       Snr
           22-Apr     1659 Margaret     dau of   William    Ann      SHOALE
           12-Aug     1659 John         son of   John       Ann      GREINFEILDE
           21-Aug     1659 Charles      son of   Peeter     Jane     GYLES
           27-Aug     1659 ?            dau of   John       Maude    BONE
           06-Sep     1659 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Ann      SWEETE       Mr
           20-Oct     1659 John         son of   George     Margaret PENTICOST
           20-Oct     1659 Jane         dau of   William    Dorothy  PERCY
           22-Oct     1659 Mary         dau of   James      Annis    WILLIAMS
           21-Nov     1659 John         son of   John       Mary     KELLY
           21-Nov     1659 Elizabeth    dau of   Henry      ElizabethRESKELLY
           21-Nov     1659 Bersheba     dau of   John       Ann      TREGUNNOW
           28-Nov     1659 Margery      dau of   John       Margery  HOASE
           03-Dec     1659 Andrew       son of   Thomas     Chessen  MARTYN
           17-Dec     1659 william      son of   William    Margaret ROSKIELLY
           02-Jan     1659 George       son of   Walter     ElizabethISACK
           06-Jan     1659 Ursila       dau of   Thomas     ElizabethJAMES
           16-Jan     1659 John         son of   Richard    Honnor   BODYE
           16-Jan     1659 Dinis(?)     dau of   Hercules   Avis     MATHEW
           20-Jan     1659 George       son of   John       Ellen    SHEPHERDE
           23-Jan     1659 Nicholas     son of   William    Wilmote  ROBART
           02-Feb     1659 Richard      son of   John       Dorcas   WILLIAMS
           02-Feb     1659 Joane        dau of   Thomas     ElizabethJAMES
           02-Feb     1659 Mary         dau of   Tom        Grace    WILLA
           04-Feb     1659 Symon        son of   Arthur     Margaret TRELEASE
           04-Feb     1659 Emblin       dau of   Ambrose    Susan    SECOMBE
           06-Feb     1659 William      son of   William    Margaret SADGMORE
           14-Feb     1659 Elizabeth    dau of   Hugh       Ann      ROBERT
           23-Feb     1659 John         son of   John       BathshebaPOTTER
           27-Feb     1659 George       son of   George     Ann      JAMES
           28-Feb     1659 Grace        dau of   John       Margaret WINTER
           02-Mar     1659 Jane         dau of   William    Mary     DUNCALFE
           08-Mar     1659 John         son of   James      ElizabethTHOMAS
           12-Mar     1659 Arthur       son of   Arthur     Dorothy  BODYE
           12-Mar     1659 Mary         dau of   Haniball   Loveday  PEARSE
           15-Mar     1659 James        son of   Tristram   Honer    ROBERT
           19-Mar     1659 John         son of   Humphry    none giveMATHEW
           19-Mar     1659 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     Jane     KELLY
           20-Mar     1659 Vincent      son of   Richard    Mary     PEARSE
           22-Mar     1659 Jane         dau of   Samuel     Susan    BOLDEN
           29-Mar     1660 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Olive    TOLL         Mr
           29-Mar     1660 ?            ?        Hanyball   Jane     JAMES
           23-Apr     1660 Susan        dau of   Thomas     ConstanceNICHOLAS
           24-Apr     1660 Walter       son of   Walter     Thomasin WILLIAMS
           05-May     1660 Richard      son of   John       Loveday  WILLIAMS
           05-May     1660 Ann          dau of   William    Mary     SANDS
           08-May     1660 Mathew       son of   Henry      Frauncis PHILLIPS
           04-Aug     1660 Ann          dau of   Myles      Judith   EXELBY
           20-Aug     1660 Marie        dau of   John       Ann      SWETE        Mr
           03-Oct     1660 Sampson      son of   John       Cheston  THOMAS
           14-Oct     1660 Alice        dau of   Thomas     Jane     RICE
           03-Nov     1660 ?            dau of   Nicholas   Dorothy  HOSKIN
           30-Nov     1660 Martha       dau of   William    Lowday   FRAUNCES
           01-Dec     1660 Amy          dau of   Gedeon     none giveHARRIE
           08-Dec     1660 Roger        son of   Ambrose    Mary     JOHN
           10-Dec     1660 John         son of   James      Jane     INCLETON
           13-Dec     1660 John         son of   John       Avis     POTTER
           05-Jan     1660 Daniell      son of   James      Jone     JAMES
           14-Jan     1660 Bernard      son of   Bennet     Alice    RICKET
           14-Jan     1660 James        son of   Anthony    Alce     WILLS
           19-Jan     1660 William      son of   thomas     Alice    VIVIAN
           28-Jan     1660 Honnor       dau of   Henry      Jane     CUTTINS
           04-Feb     1660 John         son of   Thomas     Chessen  MARTYN
           22-Feb     1660 John         son of   John       Mawde    BONE
           20-Feb     1660 Katherin     dau of   Arthur     Dorothy  BODIE
           14-Mar     1660 Charles      son of   John       Ursila   STEEVINS
           06-Apr     1661 robert       son of   William    Gillion  MATHEW
           05-May     1661 Allexander   son of   Jenken     Luce     MARTYN
           20-May     1661 William      son of   Edward     none giveWILLIAMS
           27-May     1661 robert       son of   John       Ann      NICHOLL
           27-May     1661 Olive        dau of   William    ElizabethPOLKENHORNE
           06-Jun     1661 Richard      son of   Richard    Redgon   MORRIS
           06-Jun     1661 Ann          dau of   william    Ann      MATHEW
           24-Jun     1661 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Zenobia  WHITE
           18-Aug     1661 Robart       son of   William    none giveSADGMORE
           29-Aug     1661 George       son of   George     Appeline PEARSE
           01-Sep     1661 Michaell     son of   Sampson    Mary     AMERSON      Mr
           08-Sep     1661 ?            dau of   Thomas     ?        JAMES
           08-Sep     1661 Gertrude     dau of   Richard    Sarah    PEARSE
           05-Oct     1661 Lowday       dau of   John       Ann      GREINFIELD
           06-Oct     1661 James        son of   George     Grace    WILLS
           27-Oct     1661 Walter       son of   Nicholas   none giveLAWRENCE
           27-Oct     1661 William      son of   Isack      none giveTHOMAS
           05-Nov     1661 Jane         dau of   John       none giveBAKER
           25-Nov     1661 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Jane     JENKEN
           29-Dec     1661 An           dau of   Henery     Rose     PEARSE
           14-Jan     1661 ?            son of   William    BathshebaKEVERNE
           19-Jan     1661 Sampson      son of   James      ElizabethTHOMAS
           11-Feb     1661 John         son of   William    Ellinor  RICHARDS
           15-Feb     1661 Joane        dau of   George     Phillip  SANDS
           27-Feb     1661 Elizabeth    dau of   William    Ann      SHOLE
           27-Feb     1661 Mary         dau of   William    Mary     SANDS
           09-Mar     1661 George       son of   John       Margaret HARRIES
           14-Mar     1661 Mary         dau of   Peter      Jane     BASSETT
           15-Mar     1661 William      son of   Hugh       Ann      ROBERT
           15-Mar     1661 Mary         dau of   Richard    Honour   BODYE
           18-Apr     1662 Williams     son of   Nicholas   none giveROBART
           29-Apr     1662 Hugh         son of   Hugh       Avis     SAUNDRY
           29-Apr     1662 Nicholas     son of   Marke      Avis     JOHN
           29-Apr     1662 Dorothy      dau of   John       none giveSAUNDRY
           04-May     1662 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Jane     PENTICOST
           01-Jun     1662 Mary         dau of   James      Willm    JENKEN
           01-Jun     1662 Amy          dau of   Gedeon     none giveHARRIE
           22-Jun     1662 Hannah       dau of   Richard    Margaret DANNIELL
           10-Jul     1662 Jane         dau of   William    ElizabethVIVYAN
           03-Aug     1662 Joane        dau of   Richard    Ann      RICHARDS
           17-Aug     1662 Thomas       son of   William    Loveday  FRANCES
           17-Aug     1662 John         son of   Thomas     Grace    JAMES
           14-Sep     1662 John         son of   Keverne    Joane    PRENTICE
           02-Oct     1662 Dorathy      dau of   Anthony    ElizabethROSKRUGE     Mr
           18-Oct     1662 John         son of   Wallter    Thomsin  WILLIAMS
           18-Oct     1662 Robert       son of   John       Mawde    BONE
           20-Oct     1662 James        son of   Thomas     Olive    TOLL         Mr
           17-Nov     1662 ?            dau of   John       Ellen    SHEPHED
           24-Nov     1662 Rowland      son of   Thomas     Mary     DANFIELD
           24-Nov     1662 Blandy       dau of   John       Joane    THOMAS
           03-Dec     1662 John         son of   Nicholas   Dorothy  HOSKIN
           29-Dec     1662 Mary         dau of   Samuel     Susan    BOLDEN
           01-Jan     1662 Douglas      son of   John       Mary     KELLY
           19-Jan     1662 John         son of   William    Elinor   RICHARDS
           20-Jan     1662 Loveday      dau of   Hanyball   Loveday  PEARSE
           24-Jan     1662 Tomsin       dau of   Ambrose    Mary     JOHN
           30-Jan     1662 Edward       son of   James      Alice    TRIPCONY
           30-Jan     1662 Henry        son of   Henry      Sible    CORNELIUS
           31-Jan     1662 Grace        dau of   Anthony    Frances  TRIPCONY
           18-Feb     1662 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     Jane     RICE
           23-Feb     1662 Mary         dau of   George     Jane     JACKMAN
           24-Feb     1662 Dorothy      dau of   Thomas     Zenobia  WHITE
           10-Mar     1662 Elizabeth    dau of   Sampson    Phillip  PORTH
           18-Mar     1662 Robert       son of   William    ElizabethCLIFF
           25-Mar     1663 John         son of   Nicholas   Rachel   SECOMBE
           10-Apr     1663 Nathaniell   son of   Thomas     none givePENTICOST
           10-Apr     1663 Anthony      son of   Thomas     none givePENTICOST
           15-Apr     1663 Sisley       dau of   Thomas     Wilmot   OLIVYE
           18-Apr     1663 Richard      son of   Arthur     Mary     BOLDEN
           28-Apr     1663 Mary         dau of   John       Ann      HUTCHIN
           10-May     1663 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Dorcas   WILLIAMS
           24-May     1663 Nicholas     son of   Henry      KatherineSTEVENS
           29-May     1663 Hanyball     son of   Hanyball   Ursilla  RESKELLY
           29-May     1663 Susan        dau of   Barnard    Mary     TREGUNNO
           04-Jun     1663 Chesten      dau of   John       ElizabethPEARSE
           09-Jun     1663 Thomas       son of   Barnard    ?        RICKET
           09-Jun     1663 William      son of   Thomas     none giveRESKELLY
           24-Jun     1663 Elizabeth    dau of   Henry      Alice    TREVATHNO
           24-Jun     1663 Zachary      son of   Zachary    Jone     POTTER
           05-Jul     1663 Nicholas     son of   John       none givePAULE
           05-Jul     1663 Mary         dau of   John       Margery  HOASE
           12-Jul     1663 Edward       son of   Thomas     none givePEARSE
           26-Jul     1663 Thomas       son of   Geoffrey   Jane     WHITE
           02-Aug     1663 James        son of   James      Susan    HALLIGYE
           07-Aug     1663 Richard      son of   John       Avis     POTTER
           09-Aug     1663 Laurence     son of   Laurence   none giveJAMES
           23-Aug     1663 Joseph       son of   Andrew     Dorcas   JOHN
           05-Sep     1663 R?           son of   Thomas     Alice    VIIVYANVYAN
           07-Sep     1663 James        son of   Richard    Mary     PEARSE
           13-Sep     1663 Ann          dau of   Nicholas   none giveFINE
           11-Oct     1663 Constance    dau of   George     none giveTREGOSSE     Mr
           18-Oct     1663 John         son of   Thomas     none giveJAMES
           25-Oct     1663 Thomas       son of   Samuel     Margaret PEARSE
           08-Nov     1663 Joane        dau of   John       Grace    TONKEN
           14-Nov     1663 Elizabeth    dau of   John       none giveGRENFIELD
           21-Nov     1663 Ann          dau of   John       Chessen  THOMAS
           17-Dec     1663 Joane        dau of   Henry      none giveCUTTANCE
           06-Jan     1663 Richard      son of   Benjamin   Joane    ROSKRUGE     Mr
           18-Jan     1663 Oliver       son of   Hercules   none giveMATHEW
           21-Jan     1663 John         son of   Thomas     Olive    TOLL         Mr
           07-Feb     1663 William      son of   James      none giveJAMES
           19-Feb     1663 Athanasius   dau of   Arthur     Margaret TRELEAGE
           19-Feb     1663 Nicholas     son of   James      none giveHARRIS
           28-Feb     1663 William      son of   William    BathshebaKEVERNE
           28-Feb     1663 Margaret     dau of   Thomas     Chesson  MARTYN
           04-Mar     1663 Thomas       son of   Danill     Willmote SMYTH
           20-Mar     1663 Mary         dau of   Isack      none giveTHOMAS
           20-Mar     1663 Ann          dau of   John       none giveROW
           25-Mar     1664 Mary         dau of   Sampson    ElizabethTHOMAS
           27-Mar     1664 Justinian    son of   Humphry    none giveMATHEW
           12-Apr     1664 Mary         dau of   Arthur     Mary     BOLDEN
           12-Apr     1664 Margery      dau of   John       none giveTRELYN
           16-Apr     1664 Jane         dau of   John       Jane     JENKEN
           27-Apr     1664 John         son of   William    Mary     SANNS
           08-May     1664 John         son of   Richard    Honnor   BODY
           08-May     1664 Alice        dau of   James      ElizabethTHOMAS
           14-May     1664 John         son of   Richard    Loveday  DOWNINGE
           14-May     1664 Susan        dau of   William    Susan    HOCKIN
           22-May     1664 Robart       son of   Nicholas   none giveLAWRENCE
           11-Jun     1664 George       son of   John       Ann      NICHOLL
           12-Jun     1664 Anthony      son of   Hugh       none giveROBART
           16-Jun     1664 Richard      son of   Richard    none giveROSKELLY
           07-Aug     1664 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    Redigon  MORRES
           27-Aug     1664 Abraham      son of   William    none giveMATHEW
           05-Sep     1664 Richard      son of   Richard    Ann      RICHARDS
           11-Sep     1664 William      son of   John       Mawde    BONE
           20-Sep     1664 Janifer      dau of   Sampson    none giveAMERSON      Mr
           01-Oct     1664 George       son of   Samuel     Susan    BOLDEN
           02-Oct     1664 William      son of   Nicholas   Jane     PLOMER
           11-Oct     1664 Richard      son of   Thomas     Mary     PEARSE
           15-Oct     1664 Robert       son of   John       KatherineHARRIE
           24-Oct     1664 Richard      son of   John       Phillip  JAMES
           01-Nov     1664 William      son of   James      none giveARTHUR
           08-Nov     1664 William      son of   Richard    Mary     TONKIN
           08-Nov     1664 Susan        dau of   Richard    Mary     PEARSE
           15-Nov     1664 Mary         dau of   William    ChristianJENKEN
           22-Nov     1664 Dorithy      dau of   John       Loveday  HEYME        Mr
           27-Nov     1664 Elizabeth    dau of   Bartholomewnone giveBODY
           01-Dec     1664 Mary         dau of   Jacob      none giveBRYAN
           07-Dec     1664 Thomas       son of   William    none giveFRAUNCES
           10-Dec     1664 Ann          dau of   John       Ursilla  GILBERT
           01-Jan     1664 An           dau of   Thomas     none giveWILLS
           04-Jan     1664 Alice        dau of   John       none giveWILLIAMS     John Swete,Vicar
           14-Jan     1664 Jane         dau of   James      ?        MATHEW
           24-Jan     1664 Nicholas     son of   Henry      Mary     BANFIELD
           25-Jan     1664 Loveday      dau of   Barnard             JOHN
           29-Jan     1664 Jacob        son of   Henry      Fraunces PHILLIPS
           02-Feb     1664 Dorcas       dau of   Marke      Amy      JOHN
           04-Feb     1664 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Susan    HALLIGYE
           05-Feb     1664 Thomas       son of   Nicholas   Margaret LAMPREY
           07-Feb     1664 John         son of   John       ElizabethPEARSE
           07-Feb     1664 Arabella     dau of   John       none giveSAUNDRY
           05-Mar     1664 John         son of   Arthur     Dorothy  BODY
           05-Mar     1664 Mary         dau of   Edward     none giveMARTYN
           05-Mar     1664 Thomasin     dau of   Walter     none giveWILLIAMS
           14-Mar     1664 John         son of   Thomas     Senobia  WHITE
           18-Mar     1664 Henry        son of   James      none giveSECCOMBE
           01-Apr     1665 Thomas       son of   Thomas     ConstanceNICHOLAS
           01-Apr     1665 Mary         dau of   Robart     Mry      ISABELL
           05-Apr     1665 John         son of   Robert     none giveODGGER
           09-Apr     1665 Henry        son of   Edward     none giveWILLIAMS
           30-Apr     1665 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    Loveday  BROWNE
           02-May     1665 Robert       son of   Isack      none giveATTKINS
           07-May     1665 Ann          dau of   Gedeon     none giveHARRY
           08-May     1665 Thomasin     dau of   Ambrose    Mary     JOHN
           11-May     1665 Joane        dau of   Nicholas   Dorothy  HOSKIN
           21-May     1665 Jane         dau of   Richard    Fraunces CHEFFER
           20-Jun     1665 George       son of   George     none giveJAMES
           25-Jun     1665 Richard      son of   Anthony    Alice    WILLS
           03-Jul     1665 William      son of   Thomas     none giveBANFIELD
           30-Jul     1665 James        son of   Henery     none giveJAMES
           02-Aug     1665 Alice        dau of   John       none giveNICHOLL
           05-Aug     1665 Joane        dau of   John       Susan    CULLAN
           06-Aug     1665 Hester       dau of   Thomas     none givePENTICOST
           06-Aug     1665 Katherine    dau of   Thomas     none giveVIVYAN
           13-Aug     1665 John         son of   John       Winifred THOMAS
           13-Aug     1665 Samuel       son of   Keverne    none giveSKEWES
           24-Aug     1665 Loveday      dau of   Samuel     Margaret PEARSE
           01-Aug     1665 Ann          dau of   Henry      Sible    CORNELISUS
           03-Oct     1665 Nicholas     son of   Sampson    WilliamotJOHN
           13-Oct     1665 Nicholas     son of   Henery     none giveROSKELLY
           13-Oct     1665 John         son of   John       none giveRICKETT
           15-Oct     1665 Richard      son of   William    BathshebaKEVERNE
           21-Oct     1665 Susan        dau of   Barnard    Jane     ROW
           29-Oct     1665 William      son of   Ambrose    none giveSECOMB
           01-Nov     1665 Mary         dau of   Walter     ElizabethJOHN
           11-Nov     1665 Thomas       son of   Nicholas   none givePLOMER
           12-Nov     1665 John         son of   James      Agnis    OLIVYE
           05-Jan     1665 Ann          dau of   John       none giveHITCHEN
           07-Jan     1665 Mary         dau of   Richard    none giveDANIELL
           19-Nov     1665 Mary         dau of   Edward     none giveJENKEN
           26-Nov     1665 Zenobia      dau of   Hercules   none giveMATHEW
           26-Nov     1665 Mary         dau of   Hugh       none giveROBART
           30-Nov     1665 William      son of   William    none giveRICHARDS
           03-Dec     1665 Phillip      son of   John       Jane     NICHOLL
           29-Dec     1665 Nicholas     son of   Nicholas   none giveSECOMBE
           27-Dec     1665 Jane         dau of   Thomas     none giveOLIVYE
           14-Jan     1665 Gillian      dau of   John       none giveLAURY
           21-Jan     1665 Frances      dau of   Thomas     none giveJAMES
           11-Feb     1665 Anthony      son of   James      Alice    TRIPCONY
           11-Feb     1665 Nicholas     son of   thomas     none giveRESKELLY
           16-Feb     1665 John         son of   Thomas     Zenobia  WHITE
           15-Feb     1665 Mary         dau of   George     Martha   TREGOSSE
           03-Mar     1665 Elen         dau of   John       Margery  HOASE        HAWSE
           04-Mar     1665 Richard      son of   John       Ann      GREINFIELD
           18-Mar     1665 Phillip      son of   John       Avis     POTTER
           19-Mar     1665 Elizabeth    dau of   James      none giveARTHUR
           26-Mar     1666 Richard      son of   Haniball   Loveday  PEARSE
           22-Mar     1666 William      son of   William    ?        CLISE
           01-Apr     1666 John         son of   John       Chesson  THOMAS
           14-Apr     1666 Mary         dau of   Andrew     Dorcas   JOHN
           07-Apr     1666 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     Jane     COCKINGE
           14-Apr     1666 George       son of   George     Jane     JACKMAN
           14-Apr     1666 Dorothy      dau of   Benjamine  Joane    ROSKRUGE
           17-Apr     1666 Nicholas     son of   Thomas     Johan    PENROSE
           29-Apr     1666 Lewis        son of   Nicholas   none giveFINE
           13-May     1666 Elizabeth    dau of   Bennet     Alice    RICKETT
           19-May     1666 Ann          dau of   Henry      Jane     CUTTANCE
           20-May     1666 Mary         dau of   Arthur     Mary     BOLDEN
           27-May     1666 Loveday      dau of   Thomas     none giveSKINNER
           03-Jun     1666 James        son of   James      ElizabethTHOMAS
           13-Jun     1666 William      son of   Richard    Ann      CURTIS
           17-Jun     1666 Mary         dau of   Thomas     none giveWILLS
           24-Jun     1666 Thomas       son of   John       Grace    MYCHELL
           16-Jul     1666 John         son of   John       Jane     JENKEN
           22-Jul     1666 Mary         dau of   Hanyball   none giveRESKELLY
           27-Jul     1666 John         son of   John       Loveday  SWETE        Mr
           18-Aug     1666 Mary         dau of   Robert     none giveROCK
           01-Aug     1666 Henry        son of   John       none giveFABYE
           02-Aug     1666 Margaret     dau of   Isack      none giveATKINS
           23-Aug     1666 Thomas       son of   David      Jane     DUNNALL
           23-Aug     1666 Thomas       son of   John       Phillip  JAMES
           23-Aug     1666 Petronell    dau of   Walter     Mary     RICE
           29-Sep     1666 Alexander    son of   Thomas     Jane     RICE
           05-Oct     1666 George       son of   John       none giveBONE
           16-Oct     1666 Dorathy      dau of   John       none giveSAUNDRY
           28-Oct     1666 Edward       son of   Richard    none giveWILLS
           01-Nov     1666 Alexander    son of   Richard    none givePEARSE
           06-Nov     1666 Margaret     dau of   Rowland    none giveJOHN
           10-Nov     1666 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     ConstanceNICHOLAS
           16-Dec     1666 George       son of   Richard    Honnor   BODYE
           16-Dec     1666 James        son of   John       KatherineHARRIES
           26-Dec     1666 Ann          dau of   Sampson    none giveJOHN
           02-Feb     1666 Emanuel      son of   William    Mary     SANS
           03-Feb     1666 Gedeon       son of   Hugh       Jane     ROBART
           17-Feb     1666 Sampson      son of   Arthur     Margaret TRELEAGE
           17-Feb     1666 Joane        dau of   Henry      Frances  PHILLIPS
           21-Feb     1666 John         son of   John       Loveday  HEYME        Mr
           03-Mar     1666 John         son of   John       Margery  LAURY
           03-Mar     1666 James        son of   John       ElizabethRICKETT
           09-Mar     1666 Mary         dau of   Henry      KatherineSTEVINS
           10-Mar     1666 Judeth       dau of   Peter      Jane     GYLES
           12-Mar     1666 John         son of   Richard    Redigon  MORRIS
           17-Mar     1666 Richard      son of   James      none giveHARRIES
           17-Mar     1666 Dorothy      dau of   Bartholomewnone giveBODYE
           24-Mar     1666 Thomas       son of   Tristrum   none giveROBART
           09-Apr     1667 Mary         dau of   Anthony    none giveTRIPCONY
           21-Apr     1667 Richard      son of   Laurence   none giveJAMES
           21-Apr     1667 Abraham      son of   James      none giveOLIVYE
           05-May     1667 Mary         dau of   William    none giveSADGEMORE
           12-May     1667 John         son of   Thomas     Julyon   SANS
           19-May     1667 Mary         dau of   Thomas     none giveMARTYN
           26-May     1667 Phillip      son of   Nicholas   none giveLAMPREY
           16-Jun     1667 Henry        son of   Henry      none giveBANFELD
           23-Jun     1667 Joane        dau of   William    none giveSHOALE
           30-Jun     1667 Elizabeth    dau of   Edward     none giveMARTYN
           07-Jul     1667 Robert       son of   Richard    none giveRICHARDS
           07-Jul     1667 William      son of   Thomas     none giveJAMES
           14-Jul     1667 William      son of   George     none giveROBERT
           02-Aug     1667 James        son of   John       Dorcas   WILLIAMS
           25-Aug     1667 John         son of   Warne      none giveNICKLIS
           25-Aug     1667 Anthony      son of   Anthony    none giveWILLS
           25-Aug     1667 Jane         dau of   John       none giveTRESIDDER
           01-Sep     1667 Phillip      son of   John       none givePOTTER
           14-Sep     1667 Margaret     dau of   John       none giveFABYE
           14-Sep     1667 Jane         dau of   James      none giveSECOMBE
           21-Sep     1667 Jone         dau of   Arthur     Mary     BOLDEN
           22-Sep     1667 Thomas       son of   Robert     Alice    ODGYER
           29-Sep     1667 Richard      son of   Edward     none giveWILLIAMS
           20-Oct     1667 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none givePENROSE
           20-Oct     1667 Jone         dau of   John       ElizabethPEARSE
           27-Oct     1667 Athanasius   son of   Hanyball   Avis     JENKEN
           01-Nov     1667 Dorothy      dau of   Nicholas   Dorothy  HOSKEN
           10-Nov     1667 Peeter       son of   Richard    none giveJENNINS
           18-Nov     1667 John         son of   John       Susan    CULLEN
           24-Nov     1667 John         son of   William    none giveFRANCES
           22-Dec     1667 Dorothy      dau of   John       none giveSKEWES
           05-Jan     1667 John         son of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           06-Jan     1667 Henery       son of   Thomas     none givePEARSE
           06-Jan     1667 Mary         dau of   Isack      none giveATKINS
           05-Jan     1667 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     Mary     BANFIELD
           18-Jan     1667 Elizabeth    dau of   Sampson    ElizabethTHOMAS
           19-Jan     1667 Joane        dau of   John       Joane    THOMAS
           09-Feb     1667 John         son of   Nicholas   Jane     PLOMER
           19-Feb     1667 Douglis      son of   Walter     Mary     RICE
           01-Mar     1667 Walter       son of   John       BethshebaROW
           14-Mar     1667 William      son of   Barnard    none giveTREGUNNO
           15-Mar     1667 William      son of   Robert     none giveROCH
           29-Mar     1668 Samuel       son of   Samuel     none givePEARSE
           05-Apr     1668 Alice        dau of   Thomas     none giveVIVYAN
           12-Apr     1668 John         son of   James      none giveMATHEW
           12-Apr     1668 Ursila       dau of   Richard    none giveCHEFFER
           12-Apr     1668 Elizabeth    dau of   Ambrose    none giveJOHN
           03-May     1668 Susanna      dau of   William    none giveHOCKINGE
           10-May     1668 Grace        dau of   Rowland    none giveJOHN
           12-May     1668 Thomas       son of   Arthur     none giveBODYE
           24-May     1668 Frances      son of   Isack      none giveTHOMAS
           21-Jun     1668 Temperance   dau of   Marke      none giveJOHN
           21-Jun     1668 Mary         dau of   Thomas     none giveWHITE
           12-Jul     1668 Samuell      son of   Walter     Alice    WILLIAMS
           12-Jul     1668 Richard      son of   Walter     Alice    WILLIAMS
           19-May     1668 John         son of   James      none giveARTHUR       ye Smyth
           02-Aug     1668 William      son of   John       none giveSAUNDRY
           02-Aug     1668 Thomas       son of   John       none giveGREINFEILD   Mr
           14-Aug     1668 Phillip      son of   John       none giveSWETE
           16-Aug     1668 Phillip      son of   Bartholomewnone giveBODYE
           23-Aug     1668 Richard      son of   John       none giveHITCHINGE
           23-Aug     1668 Agnes        dau of   Justinyan  none giveVIVYAN
           08-Sep     1668 Martha       dau of   George     none giveTREGOSSE     Mr
           13-Sep     1668 Andrew       son of   Andrew     none giveJOHN
           13-Sep     1668 Robert       son of   John       none giveBAKER
           27-Sep     1668 Jane         dau of   William    none giveRICHARDS
           29-Sep     1668 Thomas       son of   Ambrose    none giveSECCOMBE
           03-Oct     1668 Thomas       son of   Edward     none giveSAUNDRY
           04-Oct     1668 William      son of   Bennet     none giveRICKETT
           04-Oct     1668 Elizabeth    dau of   John       none giveJAMES
           11-Oct     1668 Richard      son of   Thomas     none giveJAMES
           11-Oct     1668 Jane         dau of   John       none giveRICKETT
           21-Sep     1668 Thomas       son of   Nicholas   none givePLOMER
           14-Oct     1668 Martha       dau of   Hercules   none giveMATHEW
           15-Oct     1668 Richard      son of   Henery     none giveCORNELIUS
           18-Oct     1668 John         son of   John       none giveTRESIDDER
           25-Oct     1668 Jacob        son of   Thomas     none giveRESKELLY
           25-Oct     1668 Sampson      son of   James      none giveTHOMAS
           28-Oct     1668 John         son of   Thomas     none giveWILLS
           08-Nov     1668 Alexander    son of   Thomas     none givePENTICOST
           08-Nov     1668 John         son of   Thomas     none givePENTICOST
           08-Nov     1668 Justinian    son of   Warne      none giveNICHOLAS
           08-Nov     1668 Ann          dau of   Richard    none giveRICHARDS
           08-Nov     1668 Julyan       dau of   Simeon     none giveELLIS
           06-Dec     1668 Leonard      son of   John       none giveHOASE
           13-Dec     1668 Roger        son of   George     none giveJACKMAN
           21-Dec     1668 John         son of   Brnard     none giveRAW
           28-Dec     1668 William      son of   Richard    none giveOLIVYE
           01-Jan     1668 An           dau of   James      none giveOLIVYE
           17-Jan     1668 Susanna      dau of   Zacharfie  none giveHITCHINGS
           07-Feb     1668 Walter       son of   John       Chesson  THOMAS
           07-Feb     1668 Ann          dau of   John       none giveNICHOLL
           14-Feb     1668 James        son of   Anthony    none giveBARKER
           20-Feb     1668 Margaret     dau of   Henry      none giveSTEVINS
           21-Feb     1668 Jane         dau of   Henery     none giveRICKETT
           28-Feb     1668 Margaret     dau of   Edward     none giveMARTYN
           14-Mar     1668 Alexander    son of   Henry      none giveJAMES
           14-Mar     1668 Henry        son of   Henry      none giveJAMES
           28-Mar     1669 Abraham      son of   John       none giveBONE
           11-Apr     1669 Richard      son of   Keverne    none giveSKEWES
           12-Apr     1669 William      son of   Nicholas   none giveLAMPREY
           17-Apr     1669 David        son of   Nicholas   none giveFINE
           25-Apr     1669 An           dau of   William    none giveCLIFT
           02-May     1669 Elizabeth    dau of   Hanyhball  Loveday  PEARSE
           09-May     1669 Richard      son of   Richard    none givePEARSE
           16-May     1669 Lawrence     son of   Thomas     Barbara  PEARSE
           12-May     1669 Mary         dau of   John       ElizabethPEARSE       Esq
           27-May     1669 Dorothy      dau of   Robert     Prudence BOGANS
           06-Jun     1669 Anthony      son of   John       none giveFABY
           20-Jun     1669 Elizabeth    dau of   ?          none giveRAWLINGE
           04-Jul     1669 Margaret     dau of   Arthur     none giveBOLDEN
           25-Jul     1669 Robart       son of   Hugh       none giveROBART
           08-Aug     1669 Mary         dau of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           08-Aug     1669 Joane        dau of   Emanuell   none giveSANS
           15-Aug     1669 Alice        dau of   Edward     none giveJENKEN
           19-Aug     1669 George       son of   John       none giveJENKEN
           26-Sep     1669 Martha       dau of   Sampson    none giveTHOMAS
           26-Sep     1669 Ann          dau of   Richard    none giveCURTIS
           09-Oct     1669 Fraunces     son of   Justinian  none giveHARRIE
           10-Oct     1669 Robert       son of   Robert     none giveWARREN
           13-Oct     1669 John         son of   James      none giveOLIVYE
           16-Oct     1669 Robert       son of   William    none giveMORRISHE
           24-Oct     1669 Hanyball     son of   James      none giveJOHN
           24-Oct     1669 Grace        dau of   John       none giveSKEWES
           07-Nov     1669 Tobias       son of   Justinian  none giveVIVYAN
           13-Nov     1669 Sampson      son of   William    none giveMATHEW
           20-Nov     1669 William      son of   John       none giveCULLEN
           29-Nov     1669 Richard      son of   Thomas     none giveNCIHOLAS
           21-Dec     1669 Walter       son of   John       none giveOLIVYE
           25-Dec     1669 Anthony      son of   Nicholas   none giveHOSKIN
           27-Dec     1669 William      son of   William    none givePEARSE
           28-Dec     1669 Grace        dau of   Edward     none giveHETHNES
           16-Jan     1669 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none giveWHITE
           23-Jan     1669 Richard      son of   John       none giveRICKETT
           30-Jan     1669 Mary         dau of   Walter     none giveRICE
           13-Feb     1669 David        son of   David      none giveDUNNALL
           05-Mar     1669 John         son of   William    none givePOTTER
           10-Apr     1670 Avis         dau of   James      none giveTHOMAS
           10-Apr     1670 Jane         dau of   John       none giveNANCARROW
           24-Apr     1670 Myles        son of   Richard    Margery  WILLS
           01-May     1670 James        son of   Robert     none giveGYLES
           01-May     1670 Sampson      son of   Sampson    none giveROBART
           01-May     1670 Willimote    dau of   Richard    none giveBODY
           21-May     1670 John         son of   William    BathshebaKEVERNE
           22-May     1670 Mary         dau of   Richard    Fraunces CHEFFER
           03-Jun     1670 Anthony      son of   Anthony    none giveTRIPCONY
           02-Jul     1670 Jone         dau of   Edward     none giveKEVERNE
           05-Apr     1670 Jane         dau of   Robert     none giveODGIAR
           17-Jul     1670 Olive ?      dau of   Sampson    none giveJOHN
           31-Jul     1670 ?            dau of   John       Mary     PEARSE
           07-Aug     1670 Grace        dau of   Thomas     none givePEARCE
           14-Aug     1670 John         son of   Hanybal    none giveSEREBY
           20-Aug     1670 Margaret     dau of   James      none giveWILLS
           28-Aug     1670 Richard      son of   James      none giveOLIVYE
           28-Aug     1670 Mary         dau of   Simeon     none giveELLIS
           04-Sep     1670 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none giveMARTYN
           11-Sep     1670 Mary         dau of   Henry      none giveBANFIELD
           16-Sep     1670 Rachel       dau of   Edward     none giveSAUNDRY
           16-Sep     1670 Rebecca      dau of   Edward     none giveSAUNDRY
           21-Sep     1670 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Mary     BANFIELD
           02-Oct     1670 Anna         dau of   James      Agnes    OLIVYE       Esq
           19-Oct     1670 Margaret     dau of   Robart     none giveBOGANS
           20-Nov     1670 Joane        dau of   Isack      none giveTHOMAS       Mr
           29-Nov     1670 Adryan       son of   John       none giveSIVETE
           04-Dec     1670 An           dau of   John       none giveTUCKER
           18-Dec     1670 Mary         dau of   John       none giveCORNELIUS
           01-Jan     1670 Avis         dau of   Justinyan  none giveVIVYAN
           01-Jan     1670 Elizabeth    dau of   George     none giveNICHOLL
           06-Jan     1670 Alice        dau of   Thomas     none givePEARSE
           07-Jan     1670 Thomas       son of   Henry      none giveSTEPHEN
           08-Jan     1670 Avis         dau of   Nicholas   none givePLOMER
           22-Jan     1670 Alice        dau of   Walter     none giveWILLIAMS
           02-Feb     1670 William      son of   John       none giveGREINFIELD
           02-Feb     1670 Joane        dau of   Thomas     none giveVIVYAN
           05-Feb     1670 William      son of   William    none giveSANS
           12-Feb     1670 Bridget      dau of   Thomas     none giveOLIVYE
           26-Feb     1670 Samuell      son of   John       none giveSAUNDRY
           28-Feb     1670 Judeth       dau of   George     none giveJACKMAN
           05-Mar     1670 James        son of   John       none giveFABY
           05-Mar     1670 Elizabeth    dau of   Robert     none giveROCH
           19-Mar     1670 robert       son of   Zacharie   none giveHITCHINS
           02-Apr     1671 Jane         dau of   Thomas     none giveSTONEMAN
           16-Apr     1671 John         son of   Henry      none giveRICKETT
           16-Apr     1671 William      son of   John       none giveTRESIDDER
           16-Apr     1671 Em           dau of   John       Phillip  JAMES
           19-Apr     1671 John         son of   Barnard    Mary     TREGONNO
           24-Apr     1671 Mary         dau of   John       none giveBONE
           25-Apr     1671 Ambrose      son of   Ambrose    none giveJOHN
           25-Apr     1671 John         son of   Tristrum   none giveKILTER
           30-Apr     1671 Zenobia      dau of   Samuel     none givePEARSE
           02-May     1671 Samuell      son of   Tomas      none giveWHITE
           02-May     1671 Samuell      son of   Nicholas   none givePLOMER
           07-May     1671 Jane         dau of   Bennet     none giveRICKETT
           07-May     1671 Alice        dau of   Warne      none giveNICKLIS
           07-May     1671 Mary         dau of   Emanuel    none giveSANS
           14-May     1671 Joyce        dau of   Tristrum   none giveROBART
           28-May     1671 Avis         dau of   Arthur     none giveBODYE
           04-Jun     1671 Jane         dau of   Richard    none giveWILLS
           16-Jul     1671 William      son of   Sampson    none giveTHOMAS
           23-Jul     1671 Richard      son of   William    none giveMORRISHE
           23-Jul     1671 Jane         dau of   Robart     none giveINCLETON
           30-Jul     1671 William      son of   William    none giveFRAUNCES
           30-Jul     1671 Alice        dau of   Thomas     none givePEARSE
           13-Aug     1671 William      son of   William    none giveWILLS
           15-Aug     1671 John         son of   George     none giveTREGOSSE     gent
           03-Sep     1671 Loveday      dau of   Richard    none giveMILDEN
           10-Sep     1671 Henrye       son of   Sampson    none giveFABYE
           10-Sep     1671 Katherine    dau of   Hugh       none giveROBART
           17-Sep     1671 Anna         dau of   Geoffry    none giveRANDALL
           24-Sep     1671 Mychaell     son of   Anthony    none giveBARKER
           24-Sep     1671 Anna         dau of   William    none givePEARSE
           01-Oct     1671 Susanna      dau of   John       none giveSANDRY
           07-Oct     1671 Julyan       dau of   Hanyball   none giveSEREBY       LEREBY
           18-Oct     1671 Frances      dau of   Anthony    none giveTRIPCONY     Mr
           22-Oct     1671 William      son of   John       none giveRICKETT
           29-Oct     1671 Redigon      dau of   Richard    none givePEARSE
           14-Dec     1671 Leonard      son of   John       none giveCULLEN
           24-Dec     1671 Anna         dau of   Thomas     none giveWILLS
           25-Dec     1671 Elizabeth    dau of   Arthur     none giveBOLDEN
           06-Jan     1671 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none givePOTER
           10-Jan     1671 Samuell      son of   John       none giveHALLIGYE
           14-Jan     1671 Walter       son of   Anthony    none giveTONKIN
           28-Jan     1671 John         son of   John       none giveNANCARROW
           28-Jan     1671 Mary         dau of   Symon      none giveELLIS
           11-Feb     1671 Myles        son of   Keverne    none givePRENTICE
           27-Feb     1671 Benjamin     son of   Benjamin   none giveROSKRUGE     Mr
           03-Mar     1671 Robert       son of   Richard    none giveRICHARDS
           10-Mar     1671 William      son of   Henry      none giveCORNELIOUS
           17-Mar     1671 Ann          dau of   John       none giveWINTER
           23-Mar     1671 Mary         dau of   Nicholas   none giveROBART
           08-Apr     1672 Thomas       son of   Bartholomewnone giveBODYE
           08-Apr     1672 William      son of   William    none giveRICHARDS
           09-Apr     1672 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none giveMILDEN
           13-Apr     1672 Arthur       son of   ?          John's daWINTER
           14-Apr     1672 Anne         dau of   Sampson    none giveJOHN
           20-Apr     1672 William      son of   James      none givePOLKENHORNE
           05-May     1672 Margery      dau of   John       none giveLAWRY
           28-May     1672 William      son of   Edward     none giveHETHNES
           28-May     1672 Grace        dau of   Nicholas   none giveHOSKIN
           02-Jun     1672 Mary         dau of   Richard    none giveTONKIN
           09-Jun     1672 George       son of   Richard    none giveCHEFFER
           30-Jun     1672 John         son of   Richard    none giveCURTIS
           28-Jul     1672 John         son of   Walter     none giveRICE
           28-Jul     1672 Katherine    dau of   John       none giveHARRIES
           04-Aug     1672 James        son of   Isack      none giveATTKINS
           11-Aug     1672 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none givePEARSE       als ROSKARNON
           18-Aug     1672 Myles        son of   Richard    none giveWILLS
           19-Aug     1672 Lethey       dau of   Justinian  none giveVIVYAN
           25-Aug     1672 Elizabeth    dau of   John       none givePEARSE
           15-Aug     1672 Alice        dau of   Robart     none giveWARREN
           14-Sep     1672 Joane        dau of   John       none givePEARSE
           15-Sep     1672 Avis         dau of   John       none giveSAUNDRY
           14-Sep     1672 Elianor      dau of   John       none giveGILBART
           29-Sep     1672 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none giveGEORGE
           01-Oct     1672 Mary         dau of   John       none giveCHEFFOR
           06-Oct     1672 Elizabeth    dau of   Tristram   none giveKILTER
           06-Oct     1672 Wilmote      dau of   Sampson    none giveJOHN
           15-Oct     1672 Matilda      dau of   Thomas     none giveSANS
           27-Oct     1672 Elizabeth    dau of   John       none giveTHOMAS       of Reswicke
           29-Oct     1672 Ann          dau of   Barnard    none giveROW
           17-Nov     1672 Jane         dau of   George     none giveLANHATHERNE
           17-Nov     1672 Jane         dau of   Robert     none giveINCLETON
           18-Nov     1672 Henry        son of   Thomas     none giveJAMES
           15-Dec     1672 Mary         dau of   John       none giveOLIVYE
           22-Dec     1672 Nathaniell   dau of   John       none giveGREINFEILD
           22-Dec     1672 Katherine    dau of   Thomas     none giveJENKEN
           05-Jan     1672 John         son of   Ralph      none giveWILLIAMS
           05-Jan     1672 John         son of   James      none giveHITCHINS
           06-Jan     1672 James        son of   Richard    none giveBODYE
           06-Jan     1672 William      son of   Thomas     none givePENROSE
           19-Jan     1672 Nathaniell   son of   Nathaniell none giveSADGEMORE
           19-Jan     1672 Loveday      dau of   James      none giveWILLS
           26-Jan     1672 Digory       son of   Samuel     none givePEARSE
           02-Feb     1672 Robert       son of   Robart     none giveODGYER
           02-Feb     1672 Mary         dau of   John       none giveFABYE
           23-Feb     1672 William      son of   William    none giveWILLS
           01-Mar     1672 Stephen      son of   Henry      none giveSTEPHEN
           11-Mar     1672 Edward       son of   Thomas     none giveWHITE
           16-Mar     1672 John         son of   Thomas     none giveOLIVYE
           16-Mar     1672 James        son of   James      none giveJOHN
           18-Mar     1672 Grace        dau of   Richard    none giveCURTIS
           31-Mar     1673 Justinian    son of   Justinian  none giveHARRIES
           10-Apr     1673 Katherine    dau of   Thomas     none giveSTONEMAN
           10-Apr     1673 Jane         dau of   George     none giveTREGOSS      Mr
           13-Apr     1673 Thomas       son of   Anthony    none giveBARKER
           13-Apr     1673 James        son of   ?          Ann      HARRIE       base
           13-Apr     1673 Mary         dau of   John       none giveCORNELIUS
           22-Apr     1673 John         son of   George     none giveJACKMAN
           27-Apr     1673 Ann          dau of   Richard    none giveMILDEN
           15-May     1673 Mayne        son of   John       none giveSWETE        Mr
           18-May     1673 Henry        son of   Henry      none giveRICKETT
           25-May     1673 George       son of   Nicholas   none giveFINE
           01-Jun     1673 Deborah      dau of   Bennett    none giveRICKETT
           22-Jun     1673 William      son of   Thomas     none givePOTTER
           06-Jul     1673 Thomas       son of   John       none giveSAUNDRY
           06-Jul     1673 James        son of   James      none giveMATHEW
           20-Jul     1673 Elizabeth    dau of   ?          KatherineEXELBY       not stated base
           03-Aug     1673 Richard      son of   Isack      none giveTHOMAS
           10-Aug     1673 John         son of   Zacharie   none giveHITCHINS
           17-Aug     1673 Abraham      son of   Edmond     none giveWILLIAMS
           03-Sep     1673 James        son of   Edward     none giveKEVERNE
           28-Sep     1673 Grace        dau of   Warne      none giveNICKLIS
           30-Sep     1673 Prudence     dau of   Robart     none giveBOGANS       Esq
           19-Oct     1673 Justinian    son of   Justinian  none giveVIVYAN
           02-Nov     1673 Christopher  son of   Robert     none giveGRYLES
           02-Nov     1673 An?          dau of   Sampson    none giveTHOMAS
           16-Nov     1673 Anthony      son of   Thomas     none giveMARTYN
           17-Nov     1673 John         son of   Thomas     none giveBANFIELD
           19-Nov     1673 Mary         dau of   Robart     none giveINCLETON
           23-Nov     1673 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none giveVIVYAN
           14-Dec     1673 Susanna      dau of   Nicholas   none givePLOMER
           04-Jan     1673 Tertia       dau of   John       none giveHARRIES
           11-Jan     1673 Richard      son of   Thomas     none giveOLIVYE
           11-Jan     1673 Naomie       dau of   Edward     none giveMARTYN
           11-Jan     1673 Margaret     dau of   John       none givePOTTER
           11-Jan     1673 Jane         dau of   Hugh       none giveROBART
           18-Jan     1673 Sampson      son of   Sampson    none giveGEORGE
           08-Feb     1673 Mary         dau of   William    none giveMORRISH
           01-Mar     1673 James        son of   James      none givePOLKENHORNE
           01-Mar     1673 John         son of   Thomas     none givePEARSE
           12-Mar     1673 Henry        son of   Thomas     none giveGEORGE
           16-Mar     1673 Thomas       son of   John       none giveNANCARROW
           17-Mar     1673 Blanch       son of   Richard    none giveGILBERT
           20-Mar     1673 James        son of   James      none giveOLIVYE
           01-Apr     1674 John         son of   William    none giveOLIVYE
           05-Apr     1674 James        son of   Emanuell   none giveSANS
           05-Apr     1674 James        son of   James      none giveOLIVYE
           05-Apr     1674 Mary         dau of   Nicholas   none giveHOSKIN
           06-Apr     1674 Jone         dau of   George     none giveTREGOSS
           11-Apr     1674 Joane        dau of   Walter     none giveWILLIAMS
           19-Apr     1674 Jane         dau of   John       none giveMYCHELL
           20-Apr     1674 Nicholas     son of   Nicholas   none giveLAMPREY
           20-Apr     1674 Nicholas     son of   Ambrose    none giveJOHN
           20-Apr     1674 Samuel       son of   John       none giveTRESIDDER
           21-Apr     1674 Jane         dau of   John       none giveNICHOLAS
           10-May     1674 Elizabeth    dau of   David      none giveDUNNALL
           10-May     1674 Mary         dau of   John       none giveFABYE
           24-May     1674 Mary         dau of   Walter     none giveTREGUNNOE
           21-Jun     1674 Surcoate     dau of   John       none giveCULLEN
           21-Jun     1674 Tabitha      dau of   Anthony    none giveBARKER
           24-Jun     1674 Elizabeth    dau of   John       none giveSAUNDRY
           12-Jul     1674 Phillip      dau of   Henry      none giveBANFIELD
           19-Jul     1674 Jane         dau of   John       none giveJOHN
           26-Jul     1674 Arthur       son of   Arthur     none giveBOLDEN
           02-Aug     1674 Elizabeth    dau of   Anthony    none giveTONKIN
           02-Aug     1674 Ursula       dau of   William    none giveWILLS
           16-Aug     1674 Susanna      dau of   Simeon     none giveELLIS
           23-Aug     1674 William      son of   Bartholomewnone giveBODYE
           20-Sep     1674 James        son of   Walter     none giveLESTON
           27-Sep     1674 Susanna      dau of   John       none giveWINTER
           01-Oct     1674 Rachell      dau of   Anthony    none giveTRIPCONY     Mr
           09-Oct     1674 Rachell      dau of   John       none giveVIVYAN
           11-Oct     1674 Mary         dau of   John       none givePENTICOST
           25-Oct     1674 Hanyball     son of   Thomas     none givePEARSE
           25-Oct     1674 Walter       son of   Richard    none giveROW
           01-Nov     1674 Sampson      son of   Sampson    none giveFABYE
           08-Nov     1674 John         son of   Thomas     none giveISABELL
           08-Nov     1674 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none giveWILLS
           15-Nov     1674 Elinor       dau of   William    Jane     CHEFFER
           23-Nov     1674 Anthony      son of   Anthony    none giveMARTYN
           15-Dec     1674 Robert       son of   Robert     none giveINCLETON
           20-Dec     1674 Richard      son of   Richard    none giveMILDEN
           17-Jan     1674 John         son of   John       none giveCHEFFER
           17-Jan     1674 Mary         dau of   Thomas     none giveTHOMAS
           24-Jan     1674 Henry        son of   Henry      none giveCUTTANCE
           24-Jan     1674 Phillip      dau of   Richard    none giveBASSET
           28-Jan     1674 Bartholomew  son of   Arthur     none giveWINTER
           07-Mar     1674 Elizabeth    dau of   John       none giveTHOMAS       of St Anthony
           07-Mar     1674 Grace        dau of   Walter     none giveRICE
           14-Mar     1674 Mary         dau of   James      none giveMATHEW
           14-Mar     1674 Dorothy      dau of   James      none giveWILLS
           21-Mar     1674 Nicholas     son of   Thomas     none giveWHITE
           18-Apr     1675 James        son of   Sampson    none giveROBART
           02-May     1675 Joseph       son of   Bennett    none giveRICKETT
           18-May     1675 Hugh         son of   Hannyball  Jane     RANDALL
           23-May     1675 Isat         dau of   Richard    Phillip  GILBART
           30-May     1675 Richard      son of   Richard    Margery  WILLS
           30-May     1675 Henry        son of   James      Margery  HARRIES
           18-Jun     1675 Mary         dau of   Robert     none giveJAMES
           08-Jun     1675 Agnes        dau of   John       Grace    ROBYNS
           20-Jun     1675 Joshua       son of   John       ElizabethRICKETT
           11-Jul     1675 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    none giveGENNENS
           25-Jul     1675 Philologus   son of   John       none giveTRESIDDER
           25-Jul     1675 Mary         dau of   James      Grace    WILLIAMS
           01-Aug     1675 Jane         dau of   James      none giveRICKETT
           15-Aug     1675 Richard      son of   Henry      Prudence JAMES
           15-Aug     1675 Elinor       dau of   Thomas     none giveOLIVYE
           19-Aug     1675 Jone         dau of   Thomas     none givePOTTER
           05-Sep     1675 John         son of   John       none giveCORNELIUS
           05-Sep     1675 John         son of   John       none giveNICHOLAS
           05-Sep     1675 James        son of   John       none giveMILDEN
           21-Sep     1675 Thomsin      dau of   Sampson    none giveGEORGE
           26-Sep     1675 Zacharye     son of   Zacharye   none giveOLIVYE
           30-Sep     1675 Bridget      dau of   Robart     none giveBOGANS       Esq
           03-Oct     1675 James        son of   James      none giveOLIVIE
           03-Oct     1675 Mary         dau of   Beryamin   none giveROSKRUGE     Mr (could be Benjamin)
           05-Oct     1675 Henry        son of   Henry      Ann      SAMPSON
           10-Oct     1675 James        son of   Richard    none giveRICHARDS
           10-Oct     1675 Elianor      dau of   George     none givePOTTER
           24-Oct     1675 An           dau of   Sampson    none givePORTH
           07-Nov     1675 Henry        son of   William    none giveFRAUNCES
           21-Nov     1675 Robert       son of   William    ConstanceWILLS
           21-Nov     1675 Christian    son of   Tristrum   none giveHILTER
           28-Nov     1675 Richard      son of              William RRESKELLY     by John Nancarrow
           27-Nov     1675 John         son of              Mary     AMERSON
           20-Dec     1675 Hobson       son of   John       none giveNANCARROW
           02-Jan     1675 Warne        son of   Warne      none giveNICKLIS
           06-Jan     1675 Robert       son of   Thomas     none giveGEORGE
           12-Jan     1675 ?            dau of   Robert     none giveNUN
           22-Jan     1675 George       son of   Robert     none giveGYLES
           22-Jan     1675 Julyan       son of   Robert     none giveGYLES
           22-Jan     1675 Joane        dau of   Robert     none giveGYLES
           30-Jan     1675 Jane         dau of   Hugh       none giveROBART
           06-Feb     1675 Agnes        dau of   Thomas     none givePENROSE
           26-Feb     1675 James        son of   William    Jane     CHEFFER
           07-Mar     1675 Richard      son of   Thomas     Alice    HITCHIN
           07-Mar     1675 John         son of   Thomas     Alice    HITCHIN
           12-Mar     1675 Nicholas     son of   Nicholas   Jane     PLOMER
           19-Mar     1675 Margery      dau of   John       none giveSAUNDREY
           22-Mar     1675 Thomas       son of   John       Loveday  THOMAS       Mr
           26-Mar     1676 Sampson      son of   Robart     none giveODGYER
           26-Mar     1676 Elinor       dau of   Henry      none giveBANFIELD
           01-Apr     1676 John         son of   John       none giveHALLIGYE
           09-Apr     1676 Philip       son of   Anthonye   none giveMARTYN
           16-Apr     1676 Mildred      dau of   Henry      none giveRICKETT
           23-Apr     1676 William      son of   Anthonye   none giveKEVERNE
           24-May     1676 James        son of   Robert     none giveARTHUR
           24-May     1676 John         son of   Arundell   none givePHILLIPS
           28-May     1676 Grace        dau of   Nicholas   none giveFINE
           11-Jun     1676 William      son of   Richard    Hanna    BODYE
           19-Apr     1676 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    Phillip  GILBART
           25-Jun     1676 William      son of   William    none givePOLKENHORNE
           25-Jun     1676 Jane         dau of   Samuel     none givePEARSE
           16-Jul     1676 Ursula       dau of   Nathaniel  none giveSADGMORE
           16-Jul     1676 Ann          dau of   Edmond     none giveWILLIAMS
           03-Sep     1676 Thomas       son of   John       none giveWINTER
           24-Sep     1676 Gartrude     dau of   George     none giveLANHATHERNE
           24-Sep     1676 Martha       dau of   Walter     none giveTREGUNNOW
           22-Oct     1676 Joane        dau of   John       Ursula   HARRIES
           22-Oct     1676 Joane        dau of   Justinian  none giveVIVYAN
           01-Nov     1676 Thomas       son of   George     none giveJACKMAN
           16-Nov     1676 Arthur       son of   Thomas     none givePOTTER
           17-Nov     1676 George       son of   John       none giveMARTYN
           17-Nov     1676 John         son of   John       none giveFABYE
           03-Dec     1676 Samuel       son of   Solomon    none giveJENKEN
           09-Dec     1676 Thomas       son of   John       none giveROBYNS
           17-Dec     1676 Sampson      son of   Sampson    ElizabethTHOMAS
           24-Dec     1676 Temperance   dau of   Arthur     none giveBOLDEN
           14-Jan     1676 Enigoe       son of   John       Avis     POTTER
           07-Jan     1676 Diogenes     son of   Walter     none giveLESTER
           14-Jan     1676 Jane         dau of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           07-Jan     1676 Henry        son of   Isack      none giveTHOMAS
           28-Jan     1676 Ambrose      son of   John       none giveUREN
           26-Feb     1676 John         son of   Edward     none giveHETHNES
           26-Feb     1676 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none givePEARSE
           28-Jan     1676 Malackie     son of   John       none giveMYCHELL
           11-Feb     1676 William      son of   William    none giveOLIVIE
           11-Feb     1676 Ann          dau of   Simeon     none giveELLIS
           11-Feb     1676 Julyan       dau of   James      none giveMATHEW
           12-Feb     1676 Hanyball     dau of   Richard    none giveBASSET
           25-Feb     1676 Julyan       son of   Nicholas   none giveROBART
           25-Feb     1676 son?         son of   Thomas     none givePENROSE
           26-Feb     1676 Ann          dau of   Thomas     none givePENROSE
           06-Mar     1676 Ann          dau of   Bartholomewnone giveINGLETON
           11-Mar     1676 Jane         dau of   Henry      Loveday  CUTTANCE
           13-Mar     1676 Elinor       dau of   John       none givePEARSE
           17-Mar     1676 Benjamin     son of   John       none giveBENJAMIN
           18-Mar     1676 John         son of   Arthur     none giveJOHN
           18-Mar     1676 Ann          dau of   Thomas     none giveANN
           01-Apr     1677 Thomas       son of   James      none giveTHOMAS
           09-Apr     1677 George       son of   George     none giveGEORGE       Mr
           15-Apr     1677 Frances      son of   Thomas     none giveFRANCES
           06-May     1677 James        son of   Thomas     none giveJAMES
           06-May     1677 John         son of   William    none giveJOHN
           13-May     1677 Stephen      son of   John       none giveSTEPHEN
           15-May     1677 son?         son of   Thomas     none giveHITCHIN
           15-May     1677 son?         son of   Thomas     none giveHITCHIN
           20-May     1677 Edward       son of   James      none givePOLKENHORNE
           20-May     1677 Lowday       dau of   John       none giveJOHN
           17-May     1677 Phillip      dau of   Thomas     none giveWILLS
           24-May     1677 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    none giveROW
           01-Jul     1677 William      son of   John       Grace    NICHOLAS
           15-Jul     1677 John         son of   Robert     none giveGYLES
           09-Aug     1677 John         son of   John       none giveMILDEN
           29-Aug     1677 Peter        son of   Zacharye   none giveOLIVYE
           29-Aug     1677 Mary         dau of   Robart     none giveNUN
           02-Sep     1677 Margaret     dau of   Thomas     none giveWHITE
           15-Sep     1677 Loveday      dau of   Thomas     none giveBANFIELD
           23-Sep     1677 Mary         dau of   Edward     none giveKEVERNE
           30-Sep     1677 John         son of   Emanuell   none giveSANDS
           30-Sep     1677 James        son of   Thomas     none giveISABELL
           31-Oct     1677 Richard      son of   John       none giveCHEFFER
           02-Nov     1677 Sampson      son of   Sampson    none giveGEORGE
           15-Nov     1677 Lovedaye     dau of   John       none giveSWETE        Mr
           02-Dec     1677 John         son of   John       none givePEARSE
           25-Dec     1677 Joane        dau of   John       none giveSAUNDRY
           30-Dec     1677 John         son of   William    none giveRALPH
           03-Jan     1677 ?            dau of   Robert     none giveCADDYE
           04-Jan     1677 Jacob        son of   Jacob      none giveRESKELLY
           27-Jan     1677 Elizabeth    dau of   Anthony    none giveROBERT
           02-Feb     1677 Anthony      son of   Anthony    none giveTRIPCONY
           03-Feb     1677 William      son of   william    none giveCHEFFER
           19-Feb     1677 Henry        son of   James      none giveHARRIS
           27-Feb     1677 Richard      son of   Thomas     none giveWILLS
           16-Mar     1677 Prudence     dau of   Walter     none giveTREGONNOW
           17-Mar     1677 Bartholomew  son of   Bartholomewnone giveBODYE
           17-Mar     1677 Martha       dau of   George     none givePOTTER
           17-Mar     1677 Agnis        dau of   George     none givePOTTER
           01-Apr     1678 Myriam       dau of   Anthony    none giveMARTYN
           02-Apr     1678 Mary         dau of   Ambrose    none giveJOHN
           07-Apr     1678 John         son of   John       none giveVINGAN
           13-Apr     1678 ?            dau of   John       none giveNICHOLL
           14-Apr     1678 William      son of   William    none giveMATHEW
           14-Apr     1678 Jane         dau of   Wallter    none giveRICE
           19-May     1678 Ursula       dau of   John       none givePEARSE
           23-Jun     1678 Anthony      son of   Anthony    none giveTONKIN
           23-Jun     1678 Loveday      dau of   Richard    none giveMILDEN
           24-Jun     1678 Jane         dau of   John       none giveWILLIAMS
           30-Jun     1678 Henery       son of   Robart     Jane     INCLEDON
           14-Jul     1678 Ann          dau of   Nicholas   none giveHOSKIN
           14-Jul     1678 Margery      dau of   John       none giveCORNELIUS
           04-Aug     1678 Mary         dau of   Robart     none giveARTHUR
           24-Aug     1678 Nicholas     son of   James      none giveROBART
           01-Sep     1678 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    none giveWARREN
           08-Sep     1678 Margaret     dau of   Nathaniel  none giveSADGMORE
           21-Sep     1678 Thomas       son of   Thomas     none giveTREGENHORNE
           27-Sep     1678 Jane         dau of   James      none giveWILLIAMS
           29-Sep     1678 Grace        dau of   John       none giveNICHOLAS
           29-Sep     1678 Jane         dau of   Richard    none giveGILBART
           01-Oct     1678 Nicholas     son of   Robert     Prudence BOGANS       Esq
           06-Oct     1678 John         son of   John       none giveMILDREN
           20-Oct     1678 John         son of   Marke      none giveSHEPHARD
           27-Oct     1678 Jane         dau of   John       none giveRESKELLY
           09-Nov     1678 Mychaell     son of   Anthony    none giveBARKER
           10-Nov     1678 Sampson      son of   Sampson    none givePEARSE
           29-Nov     1678 Richard      son of   John       none giveFABYE
           21-Dec     1678 Julyan       son of   Sampson    none giveFABYE
           22-Dec     1678 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    none giveRESKELLY
           26-Dec     1678 Alice        dau of   Thomas     none giveOLIVYE
           27-Dec     1678 George       son of   John       none givePEARSE
           29-Dec     1678 Jane         dau of   Isaac      none giveTHOMAS
           05-Jan     1678 Dorcas       dau of   Ambrose    none giveWILLIAMS
           05-Jan     1678 Jemima       dau of   Ambrose    none giveWILLIAMS
           23-Feb     1678 Susanna      dau of   Zacharias  none giveCHIMMS
           24-Feb     1678 Isaach       son of   Thomas     none givePEARSE
           02-Mar     1678 Richard      son of   Hanyball   none giveKEVERNE
           02-Mar     1678 Redigon      dau of   John       none giveJAMES
           13-Mar     1678 Mary         dau of   John       none giveROBYNS
           11-Mar     1678 Thomas       son of   William    none giveWILLS
           16-Mar     1678 Em           dau of   Henry      none giveRICKET
           30-Mar     1679 William      son of   robert     none giveWILLIAMS
           06-Apr     1679 Abraham      son of   Walter     none giveABRAHAM
           06-Apr     1679 Henry        son of   Edmond     none giveHENRY
           13-Apr     1679 Sampson      son of   Sampson    none giveSAMPSON
           13-Apr     1679 Charles      son of   Robart     none giveGYLES
           13-Apr     1679 Loveday      dau of   John       Avis     POTTER
           20-Apr     1679 Samuel       son of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           22-Apr     1679 Anthony      son of   John       Elinor   HOSKIN
           27-Apr     1679 Parthenia    dau of   Robert     none giveNUN
           11-May     1679 Loveday      dau of   Thomas     none giveGEORGE
           18-May     1679 Jane         dau of   James      none giveMATHEW
           01-Jun     1679 John         son of   Richard    none giveCHEFFER
           08-Jun     1679 John         son of   William    none givePOLKENHORNE
           15-Jun     1679 John         son of   James      none giveRICKETT
           05-Jul     1679 Hugh         son of   William    none giveRALPH
           06-Jul     1679 Christopher  son of   John       none giveSAUNDRY      ye smyth
           06-Jul     1679 Elizabeth    dau of   Edward     none giveKEVERNE
           03-Aug     1679 Mary         dau of   John       none giveCALLEN
           17-Aug     1679 Dorothy      dau of   William    none giveMATHEW
           31-Aug     1679 Barbara      dau of   Thomas     none givePEARSE
           07-Aug     1679 John         son of   John       none giveMILDEN
           07-Aug     1679 Susanna      dau of   Samuell    none giveBOLDEN
           05-Oct     1679 thomas       son of   Nicholas   none givePENTICOST
           05-Oct     1679 Joane        dau of   Walter     none giveTREGONNOW
           06-Oct     1679 Mary         dau of   Bartholomewnone giveINGLEDON
           19-Oct     1679 Martha       dau of   Robart     Jane     INGELDON
           26-Oct     1679 Grace        dau of   Thomas     none givePOTTER
           01-Nov     1679 Jane         dau of   David      none giveDUNNALL
           09-Nov     1679 Henry        son of   Sampson    none giveGEORGE
           09-Nov     1679 Elizabeth    dau of   Michaell   none giveWHITE
           16-Nov     1679 Diogenes     son of   Diogenes   none giveWILLYE
           17-Nov     1679 Jane         dau of   George     none giveHARRIES
           18-Nov     1679 Urye         dau of   Anthony    none giveKEVERNE
           19-Nov     1679 Ann          dau of   John       none giveSWETE        Mr
           30-Nov     1679 Pheas        son of   John       none giveNANCARROW
           30-Nov     1679 John         son of   Robart     none giveCADDYE
           07-Dec     1679 Wilmotte     dau of   John       none giveSADGMORE
           25-Dec     1679 John         son of   John       none giveTHOMAS
           26-Dec     1679 Grace        dau of   Edward     none giveHETHNES
           27-Dec     1679 John         son of   John       none giveNICHOLAS
           01-Jan     1679 Roger        son of   Henry      none giveCUTTANCE
           10-Jan     1679 John         son of   John       none giveROBERT       ye d.of Wm Robert,reputed father Edward
           18-Jan     1679 John         son of   John       none giveMYCHELL
           18-Jan     1679 Richard      son of   Richard    none givePEARSE
           03-Feb     1679 William      son of   William    none giveROGERS
           08-Feb     1679 Sampson      son of   Sampson    none givePEARSE
           15-Feb     1679 Joane        dau of   Bartholomewnone giveBODYE
           22-Feb     1679 James        son of   John       none giveUREN
           22-Feb     1679 Sarah        dau of   Henrye     none giveBANFIELD
         last Feb     1679 Thomasin     dau of   Simeon     none giveELLIS
           14-Mar     1679 Rachell      dau of   John       none giveVIVYAN
           14-Mar     1679 Mary         dau of   John       none giveRESKELLY
           23-Mar     1679 Richard      son of   Richard    Phillip  GILBERT
           28-Mar     1680 Charitie     dau of   Thomas     none giveHITCHEN
           28-Mar     1680 Margaret     dau of   Arthur     none giveWINTER
           13-Apr     1680 Thamozen     dau of   Simeon     none giveRESKELLY
           18-Apr     1680 Rachell      dau of   Geoffry    none giveRANDALL
           25-Apr     1680 John         son of   John       none giveMARTYN
           25-Apr     1680 Ursilla      dau of   Marke      none giveSHEPHEARD
           02-May     1680 Thomas       son of   Warne      none giveNICKLIS
           09-May     1680 Moses        son of   Samuel     none givePEARSE
           09-May     1680 Aron         son of   Anthony    none giveMARTYN
           10-May     1680 Mary         dau of   George     none giveJACKMAN
           03-May     1680 Sarah        dau of   Anthony    none giveTONKIN
           29-Jun     1680 Edmond       son of   Edmond     none giveTOLL
           29-Jun     1680 Jane         dau of   Nicholas   none givePLOMER
           17-Jul     1680 Hanyball     dau of   William    none giveWILLS
           18-Jul     1680 Arthur       son of   Robart     none giveNUN
           18-Jul     1680 Alice        dau of   John       none giveTOOKER
           26-Jul     1680 Benjamin     son of   Thomas     Elinor   BANFIELD
           15-Aug     1680 Jane         dau of   William    none giveOLIVYE
           19-Sep     1680 Margerie     dau of   William    none giveWILLS
           29-Sep     1680 Jael         dau of   John       none giveROSKELLY
           12-Oct     1680 Joseph       son of   Joseph     Mary     BOLITHO
           17-Oct     1680 George       son of   John       CatherinePEARSE
           12-Dec     1680 Hanniball    son of   Thomas     CatherineJENMIN
           25-Dec     1680 Sarah        dau of   Zachary    none giveOLEVY
           01-Jan     1680 Abraham      son of   William    Jane     CHEFFER
           02-Jan     1680 Henry        son of   Robert     Jane     INCLEDON
           09-Jan     1680 William      son of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           16-Jan     1680 James        son of   John       Mary     CHEFFER      Robert in margin
           23-Jan     1680 George       son of   John       Joan     CORNELIUS
           23-Jan     1680 Joane        dau of   John       Ann      WINTER
           08-Feb     1680 Loveday      dau of   John       Loveday  SWETE
           13-Feb     1680 Thomazin     dau of   John       Thomazin MILDREN
           13-Feb     1680 Anne         dau of   Hanibal    Frances  KEVERN
           15-Feb     1680 Grace        dau of   John       Grace    NICHOLAS
           21-Feb     1680 Edmond       son of   Henry      MagdalineTRESISE
           24-Feb     1680 Mary         dau of   Jacob      Mary     ROSKILLY     Junr
           13-Mar     1680 Mary         dau of   George     Alice    PATIENCE
           25-Mar     1681 Richard      son of   Richard    Esther   WARREN
           27-Mar     1681 Martha       dau of   James      Alice    OLIVYE
           13-Apr     1681 Bartholomew  son of   BartholomewAnn      INCLEDON
           17-Apr     1681 Mary         dau of   William    Ann      RALPH
           24-Apr     1681 Anne         dau of   John       Redigon  NICHOLL
           04-May     1681 Grace        dau of   John       Elinor   HOSKEN
           29-May     1681 John         son of   Barnard    Dorothy  JAMES
           12-Jun     1681 Jane         dau of   James      Mary     HARRIS
           19-Jun     1681 William      son of   William    Jane     SHOLE
           19-Jun     1681 Phillip      dau of              Alice    SECOMBE      base daugh
           03-Jul     1681 Mary         dau of   William    Anne     PRISK
           03-Jul     1681 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     ElizabethRESKILLY
           17-Jul     1681 Mary         dau of   Robert     Mathew   GYLES
           24-Jul     1681 Richard      son of   John       Thamazin FABY
           07-Aug     1681 Tristram     son of   John       Alice    WORLCOMBE
           19-Aug     1681 Dorothy      dau of   John       Dorothy  JENKEN
           28-Aug     1681 Mary         dau of   Anthony    Sarah    TONKEN
           04-Sep     1681 John         son of   Walter     Zenobie  LISSON
           04-Sep     1681 Joane        dau of   thomas     Barbar   PEARCE
           04-Sep     1681 Henry        son of   John       Joane    SAUNDERS
           01-Oct     1681 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Annis    ROW
           02-Oct     1681 Jane         dau of   Nicholas   Jane     PLOMER
           24-Oct     1681 Edward       son of   Thomas     Joane    PENROSE
           24-Oct     1681 Henry        son of   Diogenus   Prudence WILLY
           20-Nov     1681 Joane        dau of   James      ElizabethMICHELL
           04-Dec     1681 Walter       son of   Walter     Mary     COZBY
           11-Dec     1681 Samuel       son of   Thomas     Mary     WILLS
           11-Dec     1681 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Jone     GEORGE
           18-Dec     1681 Samuel       son of   Samuel     Mary     BOULDEN
           18-Dec     1681 Dorothy      dau of   John       Dorothy  RESKILLY
           08-Dec     1681 Blanch       dau of   Zacharias  Jane     CHIMO
           24-Dec     1681 Jane         dau of   Richard    Emblyn   LORY
           27-Dec     1681 John         son of   John       ElizabethMARTYN
           20-Dec     1681 Katherine    dau of   Walter     Garthred TREGONS
           06-Jan     1681 John         son of   John       Mary     EWRNE
           08-Jan     1681 Mary         dau of   James      Hester   RICKATT
           15-Jan     1681 Johan        son of   John       Margaret CADDY
           15-Jan     1681 Phillip      son of   Walter     Jane     PEARCE
           21-Jan     1681 Hugh         son of   Hugh       Anne     JAMES
           29-Jan     1681 Anthony      son of   Hugh       Jane     ROBERT
           05-Feb     1681 John         son of   Barnard    Avis     TREGONOW
           19-Feb     1681 William      son of   Michael    none giveWHITE
           19-Feb     1681 Richard      son of   Richard    none giveSADGEMORE
           19-Feb     1681 Jane         dau of   William    none giveRALPH
           19-Feb     1681 Constance    dau of   William    none giveRALPH
           21-Feb     1681 Richard      son of   James      Agus     MATHEW
           26-Feb     1681 Jane         dau of   Edmond     Joane    TOLL
           19-Mar     1681 Richard      son of   Thomas     Charity  MARTYN
           26-Mar     1682 Zacharias    son of   Thomas     Jone     POTTER
           02-Apr     1682 Sarah        dau of   William    Ann      PRISK        Mr
           03-Apr     1682 Benjamin     son of   Thomas     Zenobia  WHITE
           09-Apr     1682 Henry        son of   Sampson    Ann      PEARCE
           09-Apr     1682 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Grace    NICHOLAS
           17-Apr     1682 Mathew       son of   William    Alise    PEARSE
           25-Apr     1682 Jane         dau of   James      ?        TRESTIANE    gent
           30-Apr     1682 Jabez        son of   Richard    Phillip  GILBART
           21-May     1682 Mark         son of   Sampson    ElizabethGEORGE
           28-May     1682 Hanyball     son of   Marke      Loveday  SHEPARD
           28-May     1682 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           04-Jun     1682 Prudence     dau of   Thomas     Ann      EZBALL
           25-Jun     1682 Susanna      dau of   John       Susanna  CULLEN
           30-Jun     1682 William      son of   Walter     Alice    KEVERNE
           09-Jul     1682 Stephen      son of   Humphry    Mary     HILL
           09-Jul     1682 Peter        son of   John       ElizabethWILLIAMS
           15-Jul     1682 John         son of   William    ConstanceWILLS
           30-Jul     1682 James        son of   William             URIN
           30-Jul     1682 Michael      son of   Robert     Jane     INCLEDON
           13-Aug     1682 John         son of   Symon      Mary     RESKILLY
           20-Aug     1682 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    Joane    RESKILLY
           27-Aug     1682 John         son of   John       Margaret VIVIAN
           03-Sep     1682 Elizabeth    dau of   James      Joane    POLKENHORNE
           10-Sep     1682 Barnard      son of   Barnard    Dorothy  JAMES
           10-Sep     1682 Elizabeth    dau of   Nicholas   ElizabethPENTECOST
           10-Sep     1682 Margaret     dau of   John       Alice    POTTER
           17-Sep     1682 Mary         dau of              Mary     BANFIELD     by William Reskilly
           24-Sep     1682 John         son of   Anthony    Sarah    TONKEN
           24-Sep     1682 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Joane    MORRISH
           01-Oct     1682 Ambrose      son of   Ambrose    Margaret WILLIAMS
           29-Oct     1682 Mathew       son of   William    Jane     CHEFFER
           29-Oct     1682 Charity      dau of   John       ElizabethTHOMAS
           05-Nov     1682 John         son of   Sampson    ElizabethTHOMAS
           19-Nov     1682 George       son of   Sampson    Willmet  JOHN
           20-Nov     1682 Anne         dau of   Edward     Mary     HETHNANS
           10-Dec     1682 Mary         dau of   Thomas     Alice    HICHINS
           17-Dec     1682 Mary         dau of   John       Joane    SANDERS
           28-Dec     1682 Michaell     son of   BartholomewAnne     INCLEDON
           13-Jan     1682 John         son of   John       Phillipp PASCO
           04-Feb     1682 Mary         dau of              Hester   LAMPRE
           11-Feb     1682 John         son of   John       Alise    WOLLCOMBE
           18-Feb     1682 Humphry      son of   Thomas     Susanna  PEARSE
           04-Mar     1682 Elizabeth    dau of   Samuel     Grace    SANDRY
           11-Mar     1682 Alice        dau of              CatherineSEDGMAN      reputed father William Ralph
           25-Mar     1683 Elizabeth    dau of   Walter     Zenobya  SISSON
           25-Mar     1683 Mary         dau of   Walter     Mary     COZBY
           09-Apr     1683 Susanna      dau of              Philip   NUNN         reputed father Thomas Hosken
           22-Apr     1683 Blanch       dau of   Thomas     KatherineJENKEN
           29-Apr     1683 Grace        dau of   John       Beatris  MICHELL
           13-May     1683 Benjamin     son of   Thomas     Barbar   PEARSE
           20-May     1683 Williamot    dau of   William    Susan    POLKENHORNE
           20-May     1683 Joane        dau of   Edmond     Joane    TOLL
           20-May     1683 Mary         dau of   Edmond     Joane    TOLL
           20-May     1683 Patriack     son of   John       Joane    CORNELLES
           27-May     1683 Mary         dau of   Richard    Mary     NICHOLL
           27-May     1683 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas              ROSKRUGE
           10-Jun     1683 Anne         dau of   Henry      Anne     WILLIAMS
           10-Jun     1683 Grace        dau of   John       Grace    NICHOLAS
           10-Jun     1683 John         son of   Symon      Ann      ELLES
           17-Jun     1683 Henry        son of   James      Mary     HARRIS
           29-Jul     1683 Philip       dau of   Thomas     Margery  TREGENHORNE
           04-Aug     1683 Susanna      dau of   Walter     Thamazen LOWRY        of St Anthony
           09-Aug     1683 John         son of   John       Anne     WINTER
           12-Aug     1683 Margaret     dau of   robert     Mary     NICHOLAS
           21-Aug     1683 Henryball    son of   Hanyball   Frances  KEVERNE      probably Haniball
           15-Sep     1683 Thomas       son of   George     Jane     LUGG
           15-Sep     1683 William      son of   william    Jane     SHOLE
           22-Sep     1683 Faithle      dau of   George     Alise    POTTER
           29-Sep     1683 Jacob        son of   Richard    Hester   WARRIN
           30-Sep     1683 William      son of   Richard    Margery  SADGMOORE
           07-Oct     1683 Alice        dau of   George     Alise    TONKEN
           21-Oct     1683 Redigon      dau of   James      Susanna  ELLEN
           20-Nov     1683 Joseph       son of   Joseph     Mary     BOLITHO
           02-Dec     1683 Richard      son of   Nicholas   Jane     MICHELL
           09-Dec     1683 William      son of   Joshua     Aridian  MATHEW
           09-Dec     1683 Blanch       dau of   James      Phillip  MATHEW
           23-Dec     1683 Grace        dau of   Barnard    Avise    TREGONNO
           28-Dec     1683 Perthenia    dau of   Richard    Emblem   LORY
           06-Jan     1683 Robert       son of   John       Mary     CHEFFER
           02-Feb     1683 Jullian      dau of   Hugh       Anne     JAMES
           03-Feb     1683 susanah      dau of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           03-Feb     1683 Charity      dau of   John       Thomasen MIDREN
           03-Feb     1683 Mary         dau of   Samuel     Margaret PEARCE
           03-Feb     1683 Elizabeth    dau of   Samuel     Margaret PEARCE
           24-Feb     1683 Nicholas     son of   Richard    Jane     GOODMAN
           02-Mar     1683 Thomas       son of   Walter     Jane     LYNE
           02-Mar     1683 John         son of   James      Anguss   MATHEW
           09-Mar     1683 Thomas       son of   Tristram   ElizabethKILTER
           20-Mar     1683 Susanah      dau of   James      ElizabethMICHELL
           23-Mar     1683 Lussilla     dau of   George     Wilmot   HARRIS
           23-Mar     1683 Willmot      son of   James      Jane     POLKENHORNE
           30-Mar     1684 Thomas       son of   Richard    Florence ROW
           31-Mar     1684 Ellenor      dau of   Southcutt  Phillipp BUSVINE
           31-Mar     1684 Mary         dau of   Walter     Alice    KEVERNE
           05-Apr     1684 Frances      dau of   Thomas     Jane     POTTER
           06-Apr     1684 Constance    dau of   Robert     Mary     ROBERTS
           14-Apr     1684 Humphry      son of   Samuel     Mary     BOULDEN
           14-Apr     1684 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Alice    NANCARROE
           04-May     1684 John         son of   John       Dorothy  RESKILLY
           04-May     1684 John         son of   Francis    Blanch   KEVERNE
           18-May     1684 Michael      son of   Michael    Anne     WHITE
           08-Jun     1684 Jellian      dau of   John       Joane    COODE
           22-Jun     1684 Charity      dau of   John       ElizabethTHOMAS
           29-Jun     1684 Elizabeth    dau of   John       ElizabethWILLIAMS
           20-Jul     1684 Anne         dau of   Anthony    Alice    MICHELL
           21-Sep     1684 William      son of   Jacob      ElizabethRESKILLY
           28-Sep     1684 Thomas       son of   William    ElizabethOLIVEY
           29-Sep     1684 Loveday      dau of   Mark       Loveday  SHEPARD
           29-Sep     1684 Grace        dau of   Mark       Loveday  SHEPARD
           19-Oct     1684 Samuel       son of   Thomas     Mary     WILLS
           26-Oct     1684 Richard      son of   John       Margaret VIVIAN
           26-Oct     1684 Henry        son of   John       Mary     PEARCE
           01-Nov     1684 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    Ursulah  CURTIS
           23-Nov     1684 Philip       son of   Robert     Jane     INCLEDON
           30-Nov     1684 Agnus        dau of   Sampson    Ann      PEARSE
           03-Dec     1684 Martha       dau of   BartholomewAnne     INCLEDON
           07-Dec     1684 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Charity  MARTYN
           28-Dec     1684 Jane         dau of   John       Mary     SEARLE
           18-Jan     1684 Jane         dau of   William    Jane     SHOLE
           01-Feb     1684 John         son of   Walter     Garthred TREGUNNO
           08-Feb     1684 Robert       son of   John       Redigon  NICHOLL
           15-Feb     1684 Joseph       son of   Joseph     Cristian MATHEW
           15-Feb     1684 William      son of   John       Joane    MORRISH
           21-Feb     1684 Susanah      dau of   Thomas     Susanna  ADAMS
           01-Mar     1684 Mary         dau of   Symon      Mary     RESKILLY
           03-Mar     1684 James        son of   William    ConstanceWILLS
           15-Mar     1684 Mary         dau of   John       Ursulah  JAMES
           15-Mar     1684 Dorothy      dau of   Barnard    Dorothy  JAMES
           25-Mar     1685 George       son of   John       Elenor   HOSKEN
           29-Mar     1685 Margery      dau of   John       Dorothy  JENKEN
           19-Apr     1685 Susanah      dau of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           20-Apr     1685 William      son of   William    Anne     RALPH
           20-Apr     1685 Anne         dau of   William    Anne     RALPH
           03-May     1685 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Dorothy  ROW
           03-May     1685 Nicholas     son of   Nicholas   Prudence HARRIS
           30-May     1685 Philip       son of   Southcutt  Philipp  BUSVINE
           08-Jun     1685 Ursula       dau of   Edmund     Ursulah  TOLL
           14-Jun     1685 James        son of   James      Mary     HARRIS
           19-Jul     1685 Nathaniel    son of   John       Susanna  CULLEN
           19-Jul     1685 Samuel       son of   Thomas     Barbarah PEARCE
           19-Jul     1685 Mary         dau of   John       Beatris  MICHELL
           26-Jul     1685 John         son of   George     Alice    TONKEN
           16-Aug     1685 John         son of   John       Alice    POTTER
           06-Sep     1685 Lovday       dau of   Henry      Lovday   CUTTANCE
           11-Oct     1685 Elizabeth    dau of   Walter     Zenobia  LISSON
           15-Nov     1685 Charity      dau of   Thomas     Mary     ROW
           16-Nov     1685 Margaret     dau of   John       ElizabethWILLIAMS
           17-Nov     1685 Elizabeth    dau of   Edward     Mary     HUTHNANCE
           29-Nov     1685 John         son of   Sampson    Feby     GEORGE
           29-Nov     1685 Jone         dau of   John       Joane    SANDERS
           29-Nov     1685 Elizabeth    dau of   Hanyball   Frances  KEVERNE
           06-Dec     1685 Thomas       son of   Thomas     KatherineJENKEN
           31-Jan     1685 Julian       son of   Thomas     Anne     ESBALL
           07-Feb     1685 Alis         dau of   Nicholas   ElizabethPENTICOST
           14-Feb     1685 Joane        dau of   John       Joane    COODE
           16-Feb     1685 Mary         dau of   Richard    Margery  SADGEMAN
           21-Feb     1685 Samuel       son of   Samuel     Grace    SAUNDRY
           21-Feb     1685 George       son of   Michael    Mary     WHITE
           21-Feb     1685 Haniball     son of   Nicholas   Jane     JENKEN
           24-Feb     1685 George       son of   George     Jane     JACKMAN
           28-Feb     1685 Barnard      son of   Barnard    Avice    TREGONO
           28-Feb     1685 Phillip      dau of   Thomas     Honor    LAMPRE
           28-Feb     1685 Jane         dau of   Richard    Annie    KEVERNE
           12-Mar     1685 John         son of   Nicholas   Mary     ROBERTS
           21-Mar     1685 Robert       son of   Richard    Hester   WARRIN
           21-Mar     1685 Elizabeth    dau of   Robert     Jane     INCLEDON
           02-Mar     1686 Elisha       son of   Alexander  Joane    MARTYN
           05-Apr     1686 John         son of   Richard    Ursula   CURTIS
           18-Apr     1686 Ursula       dau of   John       Ursula   HARRIS
           25-Apr     1686 Anne         dau of              Hannah   JAMES        and John Row
           24-May     1686 Joane        dau of   Rowland    Ursulah  JOHN
           30-May     1686 William      son of   Hugh       Anne     JAMES
           30-May     1686 Elener       dau of   John       Anne     WINTER
           06-Jun     1686 Joane        dau of   Walter     Mary     COSBY
           20-Jun     1686 Symon        son of   George     Jane     LUGG
           29-Jun     1686 William      son of   John       Grace    NICHOLAS
           11-Jul     1686 Katherine    dau of   John       ElizabethMARTYN
           18-Jul     1686 Edward       son of   Anthony    Sarah    TONKEN
           25-Jul     1686 Elizabeth    dau of   William    ElizabethEXELBY
           01-Aug     1686 Henry        son of   John       Joane    CORNELLES
           15-Aug     1686 Henry        son of   Richard    Jane     GOODMAN
           29-Aug     1686 Vincent      son of   Walter     Jane     PEARCE
           29-Aug     1686 William      son of   James      Susan    ELLEN
           04-Sep     1686 Arthur       son of   Arthur     Jane     EXELBY
           05-Sep     1686 Henry        son of   Sampson    Anne     PEARCE
           09-Sep     1686 Dorskas      dau of   Ambros     Margaret WILLIAMS
           26-Sep     1686 Mary         dau of   Robert     ElizabethNOYSTER
           24-Oct     1686 Sampson      son of   BartholomewAnne     INCLEDON
           01-Nov     1686 Joane        dau of   Edward     Joane    TRESISE
           07-Nov     1686 Henry        son of   Henry      ElizabethROBERTS
           22-Nov     1686 Annah        dau of   John       ElizabethPEARSE
           23-Nov     1686 William      son of   William    Margaret ROBERTS
           28-Nov     1686 Richard      son of   Olive      Mary     MATHEW
           21-Dec     1686 Elizabeth    dau of   Henry      ElizabethINCLEDON
           22-Dec     1686 John         son of   John       Mary     SEARLE
           22-Dec     1686 Richard      son of   Richard    Margery  WILLS
           27-Dec     1686 John         son of   John       Thomasen MILDREN
           06-Jan     1686 Thomas       son of   Arthur     Susan    WINTER
           06-Jan     1686 Margaret     dau of   Leonard    Bridget  JENKEN
           06-Jan     1686 Prudense     dau of   John       ElizabethJAMES
           09-Jan     1686 Marke        son of   Marke      Lovdy    SHEPARD
           09-Jan     1686 Mary         dau of   Samuel     Mary     BOULDEN
           16-Jan     1686 Barshebath   dau of   Walter     Alise    KEVERNE
           19-Jan     1686 Edward       son of   Thomas     Mary     WILLS
           23-Jan     1686 William      son of   John       Dorothu  RESKILLY
           23-Jan     1686 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Jane     MILDREN
           30-Jan     1686 Elizabeth    dau of   Nicholas   Amie     ROBERTS
           02-Feb     1686 William      son of   James      Aguss    MATHEW
           20-Feb     1686 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Grace    WHITE
           20-Feb     1686 Margaret     dau of   John       ElizabethWILLIAMS
           24-Feb     1686 Anne         dau of   ?          Philip   NUN          reputed father Hugh James
           25-Feb     1686 Joane        dau of   Nicholas   Mary     ROBERTS
           27-Feb     1686 Charles      son of   Thomas     Dorothy  ROW
           27-Feb     1686 Philippa     dau of   Humphry    Mary     HILL
           28-Feb     1686 Mary         dau of   William    Jane     SHOLE
           06-Mar     1686 Jane         dau of   Joseph     ChristianMATHEW
           13-Mar     1686 robert       son of   Robert     Joane    SADGEMAN
           20-Mar     1686 Willinet     dau of   George     WillinettHARRIS
           25-Mar     1687 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Jane     POTTER
           24-Apr     1687 Nicholas     son of   John       Joane    COODE
           24-Apr     1687 Mary         dau of   James      Joan     POLKENHORNE
           25-Apr     1687 Anne         dau of   Richard    Anne     WILLIAMS
           01-May     1687 John         son of   ?          Duense   MATHEW
           15-May     1687 Richard      son of   Richard    Emben    LORY
           29-May     1687 Robert       son of   Robert     Mary     ROBERTS
           05-Jun     1687 Elizabeth    dau of   ?          Olive    SECCOMBE
           24-Jul     1687 Richard      son of   John       Margaret VIVIAN
           24-Jul     1687 Margaret     dau of   William    ChristianSECOMBE
           31-Jul     1687 Samuel       son of   Thomas     Susana   PEARCE
           31-Jul     1687 Mary         dau of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           31-Jul     1687 Jane         dau of   Francis    Blanch   KEVERNE
           14-Aug     1687 Joane        dau of   Thomas     Joane    GEORGE
           21-Aug     1687 Rowland      son of   William    none giveWHITE
           21-Aug     1687 Phillipe     dau of   John       Jane     MORRISH
           21-Aug     1687 Anne         dau of   Anthony    Sarah    TONKEN
           28-Aug     1687 George       son of   Thomas     Aplyn    ROSKILLY
           28-Aug     1687 Richard      son of   William    Anne     RALPH
           28-Aug     1687 Elizabeth    dau of   Nicholas   Jane     MICHELL
           31-Aug     1687 Redygon      dau of   Richard    none giveMORRISH
           04-Sep     1687 Elenor       dau of   Thomas     Mary     ROWE
           04-Sep     1687 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     Barber   PEARCE
           02-Oct     1687 Dorothy      dau of   Richard    Jane     GOODMAN
           09-Oct     1687 Robort       son of   Barnard    Dorothy  JAMES
           09-Oct     1687 Southent     son of   Thomas     Charity  MARTYN
           09-Oct     1687 Jane         dau of   John       Alise    POTTER
           11-Nov     1687 John         son of   John       Alise    JAMES
           11-Nov     1687 George       son of   George     Mary     BOULDEN
           21-Nov     1687 Mary         dau of   ChristopherMary     TRELYN
           04-Dec     1687 Elizabeth    dau of   James      Phillip  MATHEW
           11-Dec     1687 Constance    dau of   BartholomewAnne     INCLEDON
           18-Dec     1687 William      son of   Oliver     Mary     MATHEW
           21-Dec     1687 Ursula       dau of   Richard    Ursula   CURTIS
           05-Feb     1687 Mary         dau of   Samuel     Mary     BOULDEN
           12-Feb     1687 Mary         dau of   Michael    Anne     WHITE
           04-Mar     1687 John         son of   Humphry    Mary     HILL
           04-Mar     1687 Mary         dau of   John       ElizabethWILLIAMS
           25-Mar     1688 Walter       son of   Phillip    ElizabethWILLIAMS
           25-Mar     1688 Richard      son of   Nicholas   Prudence HARRIS
           28-Mar     1688 Philippa     dau of   John       Joane    COODE
           06-Apr     1688 John         son of   Richard    Anne     WILLIAMS
           22-Apr     1688 Dorothy      dau of   Barnard    Anise    TREGONNOE
           08-Apr     1688 Sarah        dau of   Walter     Guthred  TREGONNOE
           20-May     1688 Anne         dau of   Robert     ElizabethNOYSTER
           10-Jun     1688 Grace        dau of   George     Jane     LUGG
           17-Jun     1688 Mary         dau of   William    Margaret ROBERTS
           17-Jun     1688 Sarah        dau of   John       ElizabethPOTTER
           24-Jun     1688 Robert       son of   William    ConstanceWILLS
           24-Jun     1688 Jane         dau of   Giffery     none givRANDALL
           26-Jun     1688 George       son of   George     Dorothy  SANNS
           08-Jul     1688 Jane         dau of   John       Mary     EWREN
           29-Jul     1688 Jane         dau of   James      ElizabethJOHN
           12-Aug     1688 Robet        son of   Robert     Alice    LUGG
           12-Aug     1688 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    Anne     KEVERNE
           12-Aug     1688 Jane         dau of   Henry      ElizabethINCLEDON
           19-Aug     1688 John         son of   Leoanrd    Bridget  JENKEN
           19-Aug     1688 Susan        dau of   Walter     Zenobia  LISSON
           02-Sep     1688 Constance    dau of   John       Grace    NICHOLAS
           16-Sep     1688 Syjmon       son of   Symon      ElizabethTRELEAGE
           29-Sep     1688 Matthew      son of   John       Mary     POTTER
           30-Sep     1688 Mary         dau of   Thomas     Katherin JENKEN
           30-Sep     1688 James        son of   ?          Mary     MARTYN
           07-Oct     1688 John         son of   Thomas     Redigon  LAMPRE
           14-Oct     1688 John         son of   Hanniball  Francis  KEVERNE
           16-Oct     1688 Symon        son of   Hugh       Anne     JAMES
           21-Oct     1688 Thomas       son of   Symon      Mary     RESKILLY
           01-Nov     1688 Thomas       son of   Symon      Mary     WINTER
           01-Nov     1688 Richard      son of   Lawrence   Hester   JAMES
           11-Nov     1688 Richard      son of   Richard    Ursula   JAMES
           20-Nov     1688 Phillipp     dau of   John       Dorothy  JENKEN
           11-Dec     1688 William      son of   Nicholas   Jone     MICHELL
           11-Dec     1688 Mary         dau of   James      Mary     HARRIS
           06-Jan     1688 Sampson      son of   BartholomewAnne     INCLEDON
           13-Jan     1688 Susana       dau of   Abraham    Joane    MATHEW
           27-Jan     1688 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Ursula   JAMES
           27-Jan     1688 Jane         dau of   Anthony    Sarah    TONKEN
           02-Feb     1688 Mary         dau of   John       Mary     SEARLE       John dec'd
           03-Feb     1688 Grace        dau of   Walter     Mary     COSBY
           03-Feb     1688 Jane         dau of   Walter     Alice    KEVERNE
           03-Feb     1688 Jane         dau of   William    Jane     CLIFFE
           06-Feb     1688 Walter       son of   Edward     Joane    TRESISE
           17-Feb     1688 Anne         dau of   Joseph     ChristionMATHEW
           24-Feb     1688 John         son of   John       Redigon  NICHOLL
           03-Mar     1688 Elizabeth    dau of   Henry      ElizabethROBERTS
           03-Mar     1688 Avise        dau of   Arthur     Jane     EXELBY
           17-Mar     1688 Rachell      dau of              Ruth     JENKIN       reputed father ? Jenkin
           01-Apr     1689 George       son of   Hanniball  Phillip  THOMAS
           13-Apr     1689 Avis         dau of   Roulan     ElizabethJOHN
           14-Apr     1689 Barnard      son of   Thomas     ElizabethRICKETT
           21-Apr     1689 Samuel       son of   Richard    Hester   WARRIN
           21-Apr     1689 James        son of   James      Susan    ELLEN
           21-Apr     1689 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Eliza    WILLIAMS
           05-May     1689 Peter        son of   John       Beatrice MICHELL
           19-May     1689 John         son of   Richard    Susan    PERCY
           19-May     1689 James        son of   John       ElizabethMARTYN
           02-Jun     1689 Mary         dau of   John       Joane    COODE
           24-Jun     1689 James        son of   Richard    Anne     WILLIAMS
           07-Jul     1689 Martha       dau of   ?          Grace    MORRIS       reputed father John Francis
           14-Jul     1689 Mary         dau of   Walter     Joane    LYNE
           28-Jul     1689 George       son of   Thomas     Lusilla  FRANCIS
           28-Jul     1689 Blanch       dau of   Zachary    Jane     CHIMO
           03-Aug     1689 Susan        dau of   George     Mary     BOULDEN
           03-Aug     1689 Elizabeth    dau of   Edmond     Joane    TOLL
           03-Aug     1689 Ellen        dau of   Marke      Lovdy    SHEPPARD
           10-Aug     1689 Nicholas     son of   Nicholas   ElizabethPENTICOST
           10-Aug     1689 thomas       son of   Thomas     ElizabethSEACOMBE
           25-Aug     1689 Hugh         son of   John       Mary     SAUNDRY
           01-Sep     1689 Richard      son of   Richard    Ursula   CURTIS
           06-Sep     1689 willmott     dau of   John       Thamzin  MILDREN
           03-Oct     1689 Elizabeth    dau of   Sampson    Anne     PEARSE
           06-Oct     1689 Joane        dau of   Thomas     Aplyn    RESKELLY
           20-Oct     1689 Joseph       son of   Henry      Lovdy    CUTTANCE
           03-Nov     1689 Richard      son of   John       Alice    JAMES
           30-Nov     1689 George       son of   George     Willmot  HARRIS
           01-Dec     1689 Richard      son of   William    ElizabethOLIVEY
           04-Dec     1689 Richard      son of   Hanibal    Thamazin SEACOMBE
           08-Dec     1689 Ishmael      son of   ?          Faith    NICHOLS      reputed father John Williams
           22-Dec     1689 John         son of   Thomas     Susan    PEARCE
           22-Dec     1689 John         son of   Nicholas   Prudence HARRIS
           29-Dec     1689 Jane         dau of   Nicholas   Amy      ROBERTS
           05-Jan     1689 Henry        son of   Richard    Jane     GOODMAN
           02-Feb     1689 William      son of   James      Joane    POLKENHORNE
           04-Feb     1689 Grace        dau of   Robert     Alise    LUGG
           09-Feb     1689 Elizabeth    dau of   Roger      Olive    ODGER
           16-Feb     1689 Jellion      dau of   James      TemperancTHOMAS
           07-Mar     1689 Anthony      son of   Joseph     Mary     BOLITHO
           09-Mar     1689 William      son of   William    Jane     CLIFFE
           09-Mar     1689 Anne         dau of   Joseph     ChristianMATHEW
           12-Mar     1689 Robert       son of              KatherineSEDGMOORE
           16-Mar     1689 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     Joane    GEORGE
           16-Mar     1689 Joane        dau of   John       Joane    MORRISH
           19-Mar     1689 Mary         dau of   James      ElizabethJOHN
           23-Mar     1689 Elenor       dau of   Francis    Blanche  KEVERNE
           30-Mar     1690 Dorothy      dau of   Thomas     Charyty  MARTIN
           16-Apr     1690 Richard      son of   John       ElizabethPOTTER
           20-Apr     1690 John         son of   Walter     Garthred TREGONOWE
           21-Apr     1690 Robert       son of   Robert     ElizabethNOYSTER
           21-Apr     1690 Mary         dau of   John       Mary     SANDS
           21-Apr     1690 Honor        dau of   Ambros     Margrett WILLIAMS
           27-Apr     1690 Mary         dau of   Nicholas   Mary     ROBERTS
           12-May     1690 John         son of   ChristopherMsry     TRELYN
           12-May     1690 Nicholas     son of   William    Margaret ROBERTS
           29-May     1690 Peter        son of   ?          MargarettPENTECOST    base
           01-Jun     1690 Anthony      son of   Robert     Mary     ROBERTS
           01-Jun     1690 Richard      son of   Richard    Avice    MATHEW
           08-Jun     1690 Jane         dau of   Richard    Susan    PERCIE
           10-Jun     1690 Katherine    dau of   William    KatherineWHITE
           15-Jun     1690 Richard      son of   Samuel     Mary     BOULDEN
           29-Jun     1690 Mary         dau of   John       Grace    NICHOLAS
           29-Jun     1690 John         son of   BartholomewAnne     INCLEDON
           06-Jul     1690 Robert       son of   Robert     Joane    SADGEMOORE
           13-Jul     1690 Elenor       dau of   John       Alice    POTTER
           13-Jul     1690 Mary         dau of   Nicholas   Mary     SEACOMBE
           20-Jul     1690 Jane         dau of   Richard    Alice    PENTICOST
           02-Aug     1690 Anthony      son of   ?          Blanch   BARKER
           16-Aug     1690 Susan        dau of   Barnard    Dorothy  JAMES
           24-Aug     1690 James        son of   James      Phillip  MATHEW
           24-Aug     1690 Henry        son of   Rowland    ElizabethJOHN
           14-Sep     1690 John         son of   John       Mary     POTTER
           21-Sep     1690 George       son of   Walter     Mary     COZBY
           28-Sep     1690 Willmot      dau of   John       Thomazin MILDREN
           05-Oct     1690 Alice        dau of   William    Jane     SHOLE
           12-Oct     1690 Jane         dau of   Oliver     Mary     MATHEW
           09-Nov     1690 John         son of   John       ElizabethPETER        als Williams
           14-Dec     1690 George       son of   Robert     Alice    LUGG
           14-Dec     1690 Dorothy      dau of   Richard    none giveJAMES        als Hugh
           04-Jan     1690 Caleb        son of   Thomas     Mary     MICHELL
           06-Jan     1690 Dorothy      dau of   Leonard    Bridget  JENKEN
           08-Jan     1690 Henry        son of   Henry      ElizabethINCLEDON
           25-Jan     1690 John         son of   John       Joane    COODE
           25-Jan     1690 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Mary     ROWE
           23-Feb     1690 Anthony      son of   Rowland    Charity  BANFIELD
           01-Mar     1690 Richard      son of   Richard    Anne     KEVERNE
           08-Mar     1690 Elizabeth    dau of   Haniball   Thamazin SECOMBE
           15-Mar     1690 Hugh         son of   Nicholas   Amy      ROBERTS
           29-Mar     1691 Mary         dau of   Richard    Ursula   COURTIS
           13-Apr     1691 Dorothy      dau of   Joseph     ChristianMATHEW
           20-Apr     1691 Joane        dau of   Abrahm     ?        WILLIAMS
           24-May     1691 Amy          dau of   James      TemperancTHOMAS
           26-May     1691 Thomas       son of   Jacob      Mary     RESKILLY
           02-Jun     1691 Phillip      son of   Phillip    ElizabethWILLIAMS
           17-Jun     1691 Robert       son of   Richard    Hester   WARREN
           21-Jun     1691 Honour       dau of   John       Anne     TRELEVAN
           29-Jun     1691 William      son of   Thomas     Sill     FRANCIS
           19-Jul     1691 Elizabeth    dau of   James      Joane    POLKENHORNE
           09-Aug     1691 Alice        dau of   Richard    Alice    PENTECOST
           23-Aug     1691 Daniel       son of   William    Jane     CLIFF
           30-Aug     1691 Richard      son of   Richard    ElizabethKEVERNE
           30-Aug     1691 Henry        son of   Rowland    ElizabethJOHN
           06-Sep     1691 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Redigon  LAMPRE
           19-Sep     1691 Elizabeth    dau of   James      Dorothy  HARRIS
           20-Sep     1691 Charity      dau of   Thomas     ElizabethSEACOMBE
           04-Oct     1691 Charity      dau of   Henry      ElizabethROBERTS
           24-Oct     1691 Elizabeth    dau of   George     Dorothy  SANNS
           25-Oct     1691 William      son of   Richard    Susan    PERCY
           25-Oct     1691 Henry        son of   George     Jane     LUGG
           01-Nov     1691 Elizabeth    dau of              Mary     JOHN         reputed father John Nancarro
           17-Nov     1691 Anne         dau of   John       Grace    NICHOLAS
           22-Nov     1691 Robert       son of   Hugh       Anne     JAMES
           29-Nov     1691 Thomas       son of   John       Joane    MORRISH
           26-Dec     1691 Prudence     dau of   Richard    Emblyn   LOWRY
           29-Dec     1691 Richard      son of   Richard    Anne     WILLIAMS
           02-Jan     1691 Symon        son of   Symon      Mary     RESKILLY
           02-Jan     1691 Jane         dau of   Hanniball  Francis  KEVERNE
           03-Jan     1691 Thomas       son of   Marke      Lovdy    SHEPARD
           06-Jan     1691 Anne         dau of   Barnard    Avice    TREGONNOE
           12-Jan     1691 George       son of   George     Mary     BOULDEN
           17-Jan     1691 Ely          son of   Ely        Joane    MARTYN
           14-Feb     1691 William      son of   Humphry    Mary     MATHEW
           31-Jan     1691 Humphry      son of   Richard    Avice    HILL
           25-Feb     1691 Nicholas     son of   Nicholas   Margaret BANFIELD
           13-Mar     1691 Rebecca      dau of   Henry      Joane    ROBERTS
           27-Mar     1692 William      son of   John       Jane     CARNELLES
           03-Apr     1692 Abraham      son of   Abraham    Joane    MATHEW
           10-Apr     1692 Richard      son of   Richard    Jane     GOODMAN
           11-Apr     1692 Sampson      son of   Samson     Ellenor  SANDS
           12-Apr     1692 Sampson      son of   John       Prudence SANDS
           01-May     1692 John         son of   Henry      Mary     SEACOMBE
           15-May     1692 James        son of   James      Prudence HARVEY
           17-May     1692 Anthony      son of   James      ElizabethJOHN
           24-May     1692 Mary         dau of   Hanniball  Phillip  THOMAS
           05-Jun     1692 Thomas       son of   Lawrence   Hester   JAMES
           12-Jun     1692 Elizabeth    dau of   James      TemperancTHOMAS
           03-Jul     1692 Solomon      son of   Solomon    Mary     LAURENCE
           17-Jul     1692 John         son of   Walter     Alice    KEVERNE
           17-Jul     1692 David        son of   James      Susan    ELIN
           29-Jul     1692 Richard      son of   John       Mary     SANDS        of Pengarack
           31-Jul     1692 Shadrack     son of   Thomas     Charity  MARTYN
           31-Jul     1692 Meshack      son of   Thomas     Charity  MARTYN
           31-Jul     1692 Abednego     son of   Thomas     Charity  MARTYN
           07-Aug     1692 Phillippa    dau of   John       Dorothy  JENKEN
           28-Aug     1692 Hugh         son of   Nicholas   Amie     ROBERTS
           28-Aug     1692 John         son of   Richard    Margery  CHEIFER
           25-Sep     1692 Anne         dau of   George     Willmot  HARRIS
           25-Sep     1692 Margaret     dau of   Edmond     Margery  WILLIAMS     of Breage
           16-Oct     1692 Thomas       son of   John       Joane    COOD
           17-Oct     1692 George       son of   BartholomewAnne     INCLEDON
           20-Nov     1692 Oliver       son of   Oliver     Mary     MATHEW
           15-Dec     1692 Henry        son of   Sampson    Anne     PEARCE
           18-Dec     1692 Thomas       son of   John       Radigon  NICHOLL
           26-Dec     1692 James        son of   Robert     Alice    LUGG
           28-Dec     1692 Benjamin     son of   Samuel     Mary     BOULDEN
           15-Jan     1692 Frances      dau of   Charles    Phillipa TRIPCONEY
           15-Jan     1692 John         son of              Olive    SEACOMBE
           24-Jan     1692 Anthony      son of   Richard    Anne     WILLIAMS
           27-Jan     1692 Bridget      dau of   Walter     Mary     COZBY
           02-Feb     1692 Mary         dau of   Richard    Ursula   JAMES
           05-Feb     1692 Mary         dau of   John       ElizabethMARTYN
           05-Feb     1692 Jane         dau of   Hanniball  Tamzen   SEACOMBE
           12-Feb     1692 William      son of   Thomas     ElizabethSEACOMBE
           26-Feb     1692 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Mary     MICHELL
           05-Mar     1692 Martha       dau of   John       Alice    POTTER
           12-Mar     1692 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Aplyn    ROSKILLY
           12-Mar     1692 Grace        dau of   William    ChristianSEACOMBE
           12-Mar     1692 Mary         dau of   Humphry    Mary     HILL
           19-Mar     1692 Sarah        dau of   Walter     Garthred TREGONNO
           26-Mar     1693 Mary         dau of   Richard    Ursula   CURTIS
           27-Mar     1693 Sibella      dau of   Rowland    Charity  BANFIELD
           09-Apr     1693 Anthony      son of   George     Dorothy  SANDS
           09-Apr     1693 Henry        son of   Joshua     ChristianMATHEW
           16-Apr     1693 John         son of   John       Joane    MORRISH
           18-Apr     1693 Phillipa     dau of   Richard    Anne     KEVERNE
           23-Apr     1693 Thomas       son of   James      PeternellWILLS
           07-May     1693 Thomas       son of   John       Beatrix  MICHELL
           07-May     1693 Beatrix      dau of   John       Beatrix  MICHELL
           21-May     1693 Justinian    son of   James      Phillipa MATHEW
           21-May     1693 Nicholas     son of   Richard    Susan    LAURENCE
           21-May     1693 Jone         dau of   James      Alice    JAMES
           25-May     1693 John         son of   Thomas     Lussilla FRANCIS
           23-Jul     1693 George       son of   George     Ursula   TONKEN
           23-Jul     1693 Dorothy      dau of   Richard    Willmott WINTER
           06-Aug     1693 Charity      dau of   Barnard    Charity  JAMES
           13-Aug     1693 James        son of   James      TemperancTHOMAS
           17-Aug     1693 Richard      son of   Richard    Susan    PERCY
           20-Aug     1693 Marke        son of   James      ElizabethJOHN
           22-Aug     1693 John         son of   Richard    Susan    KEYME
           29-Sep     1693 Phillippa    dau of   James      ElizabethTHOMAS
           08-Oct     1693 John         son of   John       Mary     POTTER       gent
           08-Oct     1693 Anne         dau of   Hanniball  Phillipa EXELBY
           22-Oct     1693 Francis      son of   John       ElizabethCHEIFER
           22-Oct     1693 Joane        dau of   Arthur     Jane     PENTICOST
           22-Oct     1693 Margaret     dau of   Richard    Margery  ROBERTS
           01-Jan     1693 John         son of   Richard    Alice    SANDS
           01-Jan     1693 Mary         dau of   William    Margaret WILLIAMS
           07-Jan     1693 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Mary     KEVERNE
           14-Jan     1693 Mary         dau of   Phillip    ElizabethBANFIELD
           21-Jan     1693 Willmett     dau of   Richard    ElizabethGEORGE
           30-Jan     1693 William      son of   Nicholas   Margaret THOMAS
           30-Jan     1693 Mary         dau of   Thomas     Joane    GOLDSMITH
           20-Feb     1693 Alice        dau of   Lawrence   ElizabethWARREN
           20-Feb     1693 Margaret     dau of   Charles    Margaret WILLIAMS
           28-Feb     1693 Grace        dau of   Richard    Hester   WILLIAMS
           06-Mar     1693 Esther       dau of   John       Grace    ROSKELLY
           10-Mar     1693 William      son of   Richard    Anne     NICHOLL
           11-Mar     1693 Margaret     dau of   Jacob      Mary     SECOMB
           11-Mar     1693 Mary         dau of   Phillip    Anne     POTTER
           29-Apr     1694 Mary         dau of   Nicholas   Mary     JOHN
           29-May     1694 Jane         dau of   John       Mary     LUGG
           03-Jun     1694 Susan        dau of   George     Susan    PEARCE
           01-Jul     1694 William      son of   George     Jane     MICHELL
           08-Jul     1694 John         son of   Thomas     Susan    ROWE
           09-Jul     1694 Mary         dau of   Thomas     Mary     BANFIELD
           15-Jul     1694 Jane         dau of   Thomas     Dorothy  WILLIAMS
           29-Jul     1694 Thomas       son of   Ambrose    Margaret DUNNELL
           05-Aug     1694 Isaac        son of   John       Anne     GOODE
           19-Aug     1694 Willmett     dau of   John       Joane    ROBERTS
           29-Sep     1694 Anne         dau of   Henry      ElizabethWILLS
           03-Oct     1694 Hanniball    son of   Anthony    Joane    HARRIS
                           Michael      son of   James      Mary     TRAVES
           21-Oct     1694 Joseph       son of   Michael    Anne     MATHEW
           21-Oct     1694 Walter       son of   Abraham    Joane    TREGUNNOE
           23-Oct     1694 Jane         dau of   Barnard    Avice    CLEATHER
           24-Oct     1694 Prudence     dau of   Samuel     Elener   SANDS        Mr
           28-Oct     1694 Avice        dau of   John       Prudence MATHEW
           30-Oct     1694 Mary         dau of   William    Mary     SQUIER       Mr
           11-Nov     1694 John         son of   Hugh       Anne     JAMES
           02-Dec     1694 Phillipa     dau of   Henry      Joan     ROBERTS
           09-Dec     1694 Thomas       son of   James      Elenor   WILLS
           09-Dec     1694 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Charity  MARTYN
           09-Dec     1694 William      son of   Thomas     Radigon  LAMPREE
           16-Dec     1694 John         son of   Solomon    Mary     LAWRENCE
           20-Dec     1694 Charles      son of   Charles    Phillipa TRIPCONEY
           30-Dec     1694 Dorothy      dau of   Sampson    Elenor   SANDS
           03-Jan     1694 John         son of   Thomas     Aplyn    ROSKILLY
           06-Jan     1694 Richard      son of   Richard    Jone     GOODMAN
           13-Jan     1694 Elizabeth    dau of   Nicholas   Mary     ROBERTS
           24-Jan     1694 Jane         dau of   John       Mary     HEYME        gent
           27-Jan     1694 Elizabeth    dau of   Thomas     ElizabethSECOMB
           03-Feb     1694 Peter        son of   Haniball   Thamzin  FRANCIS
           02-Feb     1694 Lovdy        dau of   Thomas     Sill     SECCOMBE
           06-Feb     1694 Mary         dau of   John       Mary     TREGONNOE
           10-Feb     1694 John         son of   John       ElizabethMARTYN
           17-Feb     1694 Walter       son of   Oliver     Mary     MATHEW
           19-Feb     1694 William      son of   Richard    Ursula   COURTIS
           24-Feb     1694 James        son of   James      TemperancTHOMAS
           03-Mar     1694 James        son of   Henry      Mary     SEACOMBE
           10-Mar     1694 Zenoby       dau of   BartholomewAnne     INCLEDON
           17-Mar     1694 George       son of   Robert     Alise    LUGG
           17-Mar     1694 Thomas       son of   Sampson    Anne     PEARSE
           26-Mar     1695 Anne         dau of   Richard    Anne     KEVERNE
           23-Apr     1695 Dorothy      dau of   William    ElizabethEXELBY
           28-Apr     1695 Richard      son of   Rihard     Avice    ROSKILLY
           05-May     1695 William      son of   Lawrence   ElizabethTHOMAS
           05-May     1695 James        son of   ?          Thamzin  JOHN         base reputed father James Faby
           12-May     1695 Elizabeth    dau of   Nicholas   Prudence HARRIS
           26-May     1695 Edward       son of   Barnard    Dorothy  JAMES
           02-Jun     1695 George       son of   Samuel     Mary     BOULDEN
           09-Jun     1695 Olive        dau of   Marke      Lovdy    SHEPARD
           12-Jun     1695 Jane         dau of   Symon      Avice    JAMES
           16-Jun     1695 Arthur       son of   William    Alice    KEVERNE
           16-Jun     1695 James        son of   Richard    Susan    PERCIE
           16-Jun     1695 Avise        dau of   Richard    Susan    PERCIE
           07-Jul     1695 John         son of   John       Jullian  HOSKEN
           28-Jul     1695 Elizabeth    dau of   ?          Jane     RICKETT      base,reputed father Joseph Backer
           06-Aug     1695 Charity      dau of   Rowland    Charity  BANFIELD
           12-Aug     1695 Frances      dau of   William    ChristianSECOMBE
           25-Aug     1695 Sampson      son of   Joshua     ChristianMATHEW
           01-Sep     1695 Philippa     dau of   John       Joane    COODE
           22-Sep     1695 Alice        dau of   John       Alice    POTTER
           20-Oct     1695 Nathaniel    son of   Robert     Joane    SADGEMAN
           27-Oct     1695 Richard      son of   John       Blanch   JAMES
           03-Nov     1695 Nicholas     son of   Richard    Ursula   JAMES
           05-Nov     1695 Mary         dau of   Richard    Grace    PEARSE
           24-Nov     1695 John         son of   Walter     ?        NICHOLL
           01-Dec     1695 John         son of   James      Susan    ELLAN
           25-Dec     1695 George       son of   George     Willmet  HARRIS
           26-Dec     1695 John         son of   Samuel     Elener   CLEATHER     Mr
           26-Dec     1695 Jone         dau of   John       Anne     DONNALL
           06-Jan     1695 Anthony      son of   Richard    Anne     WILLIAMS
           19-Jan     1695 Honour       dau of   John       Mary     BODDY
           02-Feb     1695 William      son of   Nicholas   Amy      ROBERTS
           25-Feb     1695 Elizabeth    dau of   Robert     ElizabethNOYSTER
           08-Mar     1695 Mary         dau of   John       ElizabethMARTYN
           13-Mar     1695 Prudence     dau of   William    Margery  VIVIAN
           15-Mar     1695 Joane        dau of   John       Joane    MORRISH
           22-Mar     1695 Elizabeth    dau of   George     Susan    JOHN
           29-Mar     1696 Henry        son of   William    Jane     CLIFFE
           12-Apr     1696 John         son of   Richard    Blanch   BODDY
           26-Apr     1696 Margaret     dau of   ?          Susan    PEARCE       base,reputed father James  Martyn
           29-Apr     1696 Loveday      dau of   John       Mary     HEYME        gent
           03-May     1696 Robert       son of   John       ElizabethTRESISE
           24-May     1696 Symon        son of   Richard    Alice    PENTICOST
           24-May     1696 Margaret     dau of   Nicholas   Margaret BANFIELD
           31-May     1696 Samuel       son of   Samuel     Jane     HALLEGEY
           02-Jun     1696 Margery      dau of   Richard    Margery  CHEIFER
           19-Jul     1696 Walter       son of   John       ElizabethPOTTER
           26-Jul     1696 Jane         dau of   Richard    Susan    LAURENCE
           06-Aug     1696 Francis      dau of   Sampson    Ellenor  SANDS
           09-Aug     1696 Thomas       son of   George     Mary     BOULDEN
           16-Aug     1696 John         son of   Richard    ElizabethKEVERNE
           16-Aug     1696 Luce         dau of   Ely        Joane    MARTYN
           07-Sep     1696 George       son of   Francis    Dorothu  GWIN
           15-Oct     1696 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Joane    COODE
           08-Nov     1696 Phillipa     dau of   James      Phillipa MATHEW
           15-Nov     1696 Amy          dau of   James      TemperancTHOMAS
           16-Nov     1696 Anne         dau of   Richard    Ursula   CUFRTIS
           01-Jan     1696 James        son of   William    Margaret ROBERTS
           03-Jan     1696 John         son of   lawrence   Hester   JAMES
           10-Jan     1696 John         son of   Phillip    Anne     MICHELL
           31-Jan     1696 Thamazin     dau of   John       Grace    WILLIAMS
           09-Feb     1696 Richard      son of   richard    Grace    PEARCE
           19-Feb     1696 Thomas       son of   John       KatherineWHITE
           20-Feb     1696 John         son of   John       Mary     TREGONNOE
           14-Mar     1696 Ursula       dau of   George     Ursula   TONKEN
           21-Mar     1696 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Presilla FRANCIS
           23-Mar     1696 Elizabeth    dau of   Hanniball  Joane    PEARCE
           04-Apr     1697 Thomas       son of   thomas     ElizabethSEACOMBE
           04-Apr     1697 Philipa      dau of   John       Blanch   JAMES
           04-Apr     1697 Anne         dau of   William    Jane     COURTIS
           06-Apr     1697 William      son of   Richard    Anne     WILLIAMS
           02-May     1697 Joane        dau of   John       Jane     CARNELLES
           19-May     1697 Elizabeth    dau of   Robert     Alis     LUGG
           24-May     1697 Alice        dau of   John       Mary     SANDS
           13-Jun     1697 Thomas       son of   John       Mary     POTTER
           28-Jun     1697 Mary         dau of   John       Prudence SANDS
           05-Jul     1697 Samuel       son of   Samuel     Ellenor  CLEATHER     Gent
           11-Jul     1697 Grace        dau of   Solomon    Mary     LAWRENCE
           29-Aug     1697 Nicholas     son of   Ralph      ?        RALPH
           07-Oct     1697 Joane        dau of   Southcutt  Dorothy  CULLEN
           07-Oct     1697 Anne         dau of   Abraham    Joane    MATHEW
           31-Oct     1697 Phillipa     dau of   Marke      Lovdy    STEPARD
           08-Nov     1697 Richard      son of   Richard    Mary     NICHOLL
           22-Nov     1697 Louday       dau of   Richard    Hester   WARREN
           23-Nov     1697 Anthony      son of   Sampson    Elenor   SANDS
           28-Nov     1697 Jane         dau of   Oliver     Mary     MATHEW
           05-Dec     1697 Jane         dau of   Henry      ElizabethBANFIELD
           09-Dec     1697 George       son of   John       Mary     HEYME        gent
           16-Dec     1697 John         son of   Justinian  Agnus    NICHOLAS
           01-Jan     1697 Charles      son of   Samuel     ?        WILLIAMS
           09-Jan     1697 John         son of   John       Anne     HELLIGY
           16-Jan     1697 Richard      son of   William    Mary     SQUIER       Mr
           06-Feb     1697 Charity      dau of   Charles    Philipa  TRIPCONEY
           20-Feb     1697 Jane         dau of   John       Joane    COODE
           20-Feb     1697 James        son of   Richard    Anne     KEVERNE
           27-Feb     1697 Thomas       son of              ConstancePRYER
           13-Mar     1697 Jone         dau of   Robert     ElizabethNOYSTER
           20-Mar     1697 Anthony      son of   George     Dorothy  SANDS
           20-Mar     1697 Susan        dau of   Samuel     Mary     BOULDEN
           22-Apr     1698 Rowland      son of   Rowland    Charity  BANFIELD
           01-May     1698 Thomas       son of   Thomas     Alice    TREGONOWE
           04-May     1698 Elizabeth    dau of   Richard    ?        PEARSE
           08-May     1698 Jane         dau of   John       Ursula   JAMES
           08-May     1698 Philippa     dau of   Nicholas   Margaret BAMFIELD
           22-May     1698 Mary         dau of   John       Alice    POTTER
           29-May     1698 Agnes        dau of   James      KatherineOLIVEY
           29-May     1698 Mary         dau of   Bennet     Mary     RICKET
           29-May     1698 Margaret     dau of   George     ElizabethROBERTS
           05-Jun     1698 John         son of   John       KatherinePEARSE       als Nangack
           19-Jun     1698 George       son of   George     Jane     LUGG
           19-Jun     1698 John         son of   thomas     Mary     MICHELL
           19-Jun     1698 John         son of   Francis    Dorothy  GWIN         of Falmouth
           24-Jul     1698 Mary         dau of   John       ElizabethMARTYN
           24-Jul     1698 Jelleon      dau of   Richard    Jane     GOODMAN
           28-Jul     1698 Samuel       son of   Richard    Anne     WILLIAMS
           07-Aug     1698 Humphry      son of   Richard    ElizabethKEVERNE      Richard dec'd
           21-Aug     1698 Robert       son of   John       Anne     DUNNELL
           18-Sep     1698 Nicholas     son of   Richard    Susan    LAURENCE
           16-Oct     1698 Thamazn      dau of   Phillip    ElizabethWILLIAMS
           16-Oct     1698 Haniball     son of   Henry      Mary     SECOMBE
           23-Oct     1698 Jane         dau of   William    Alice    RICHARDS
           31-Oct     1698 Walter       son of   ?          Patience TRESISE      of Manacan
           06-Dec     1698 Richard      son of   Anthony    Joane    WILLS
           12-Nov     1698 Samuel       son of   Samuel     Ellenor  CLEATHER
           21-Nov     1698 James        son of   Samuel     Jane     HALLEGY
           27-Nov     1698 Mary         dau of   Lawrence   ElizabethTHOMAS
           29-Dec     1698 Philippa     dau of   Sampson    Ellenor  SANDS
           08-Jan     1698 Roger        son of   John       Mary     BODDY        John dec.d
           02-Feb     1698 Sampson      son of   James      TemperancTHOMAS
           19-Feb     1698 John         son of   William    ElizabethJAMES
           12-Mar     1698 Susan        dau of   William    none giveSEACOMBE
           19-Mar     1698 Jane         dau of   John       Mary     TREGONNOE
           26-Mar     1699 John         son of   Phillip    Anne     NICHOLL
           28-Mar     1699 Anne         dau of   John       Mary     HEYME        gent
           02-Apr     1699 Ursula       dau of   Richard    Ursula   JAMES
           06-Apr     1699 Jacob        son of   ?          Grace    HARRIS
           09-Apr     1699 Anne         dau of   John       Anne     CHEIFER
           12-Apr     1699 Susan        dau of   John       Jellian  HOSKEN
           16-Apr     1699 Nicholas     son of   Nicholas   Amy      ROBERTS
           16-Apr     1699 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Margaret HELLEGY
           16-Apr     1699 Grace        dau of   John       Margaret HELLEGY
           23-Apr     1699 James        son of   Haniball   Thamzin  SEACOMBE
           07-May     1699 Margaret     son of   ?          Margaret MARTYN
           23-May     1699 Grace        dau of   Justinian  Agnus    NICHOLAS
           04-Jun     1699 Elizabeth    dau of   John       Joane    COODE        John dec.d
           10-Jun     1699 Jane         dau of   William    Joane    COURTISE
           12-Jun     1699 Mary         dau of   Thomas     Susan    PEARCE
           12-Jun     1699 Sampson      son of   Symon      Alice    JAMES
           13-Jun     1699 Mary         dau of   Thomas     Mary     WHITE
           25-Jun     1699 Dorothy      dau of   George     Dorothy  SANDS
           09-Jul     1699 Joane        dau of   Thomas     Aplyn    RESKILLY
           16-Jul     1699 Henry        son of   Nicholas   Margaret BANFIELD
           16-Jul     1699 Jane         dau of   John       Joane    MORRISH
           13-Aug     1699 Mary         dau of   John       Mary     DUNNELL
           10-Sep     1699 Jone         dau of   David      Jone     DONNALL
           17-Sep     1699 Christopher  son of   ChristopherMary     TRELYN
           01-Oct     1699 Richard      son of   Richard    Willmot  WINTER
           15-Oct     1699 France       dau of   Ambros     Mary     JOHN
           29-Oct     1699 Richard      son of   Richard    Alice    PENTICOST
           03-Dec     1699 Christian    dau of   Thomas     Dorothy  BANFIELD
           03-Dec     1699 James        son of   Richard    ElizabethMILDREN
           10-Dec     1699 John         son of   Walter     ?        NICHOLL
           12-Dec     1699 William      son of   John       Prudence SANDYS       Mr
           27-Dec     1699 William      son of   Robert     Alice    LUGG
           29-Dec     1699 Richard      son of   Samuel     Elinor   CLEATHER     gent
           23-Jan     1699 William      son of   Rickard    Anne     WILLIAMS
           18-Feb     1699 Rachell      dau of   Nicholas   Mary     SEACOMBE
           25-Feb     1699 John         son of   John       Mary     ROSKELLY
           25-Feb     1699 Mary         dau of   Nicholas   Prudence HARRIS
           01-Mar     1699 Martha       son of   John       Mary     HEYME        gent
           24-Mar     1699 Thomas       son of   John       KatherinePEARSE