Burials - St Keverne Cornwall
1600 to 1699

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  DATE    YEAR      NAME                      FATHER             MOTHER           SURNAME                      COMMENT
  12-Mar  1606      Joan        ux of        Nicholas                                ?
  30-Jan  1607    William    base child                                              ?
   July   1608     Walter       base         Charity                                 ?                  John Perse the younger
  29-Jul  1626     Emblem     base dau         Mary                                  ?                     by Peter Plomer
  18-Jan  1630     Wilmot       widow                                             ABRAHAM
  17-Jun  1611     Robart      son of         Robert                               ACKIN
  26-Dec  1625      John       son of         Robert               Ch              ACKIN
  24-May  1607     Walter      son of         Robart                               ACKINS
  12-Dec  1696     Susan      wife of         Thomas                              ADDERNS
  23-Nov  1619   Elizabeth     dau of         Jonas                               ADERTUNE
  18-Dec  1645     susan        widow                                             AMBROSE
  15-Mar  1655      John                                                          AMBROSE
  05-Jul  1651    Margaret      widow                                             AMERSON                        Mrs
  26-Jan  1676    Sampson                                                         AMERSON
  07-Jun  1683   Katherine     dau of         Robert                              AMERSTON                Affidavit Brought
  12-Nov  1608     Agnes       dau of         Paskow                              ANDERDON
  03-Jan  1605   Wynnefret      ux of         Paskow                              ANDERTON
  19-Jun  1672    Israell      dau of        Israell                              ANDERTON
  11-Sep  1681    Israell                                                         ANDERTON                Affidavit Brought
  05-Feb  1614    William                                                        ANDERTUNE
  21-Mar  1615    Passkow                                                        ANDERTUNE
  18-Oct  1624     Grace        ux of         Jonas                              ANDERTUNN
  20-Mar  1598     Ann        wife of        William                               ANDREW
  16-May  1598    Margeret     wife of         John                                ANDREW
  20-Oct  1599     Harie       son of        William                               ANDREW
  03-Feb  1605      Jane       dau of        William                               ANDREW
  11-Mar  1608    Michill                                                          ANDREW
  13-Sep  1621    William                                                          ANDREW
  03-Dec  1624      John                                                           ANDREW                         Ch
  20-Jan  1642    Margaret      widow                                              ANDREW
  20-Mar  1643     Sible      spinster                                             ANDREW
  02-Apr  1615    Wilmote      dau of          John                                ANDROW                         Ch
  10-Apr  1615    Rychard      son of        William                               ANDROW
  01-Nov  1621   Elizabeth     dau of          John                                ANDROW
  17-Dec  1699    William                                                           ANDS
  18-Jun  1597      John       son of          John                                ANGOVE
  11-Jun  1691      Mary                                                          ANGROUSE                Affidavit Brought
  08-Dec  1664       ?        widow of         John                               ANGROWSE
  03-Feb  1676    Florence                                                        ANGROWSE
  10-Jan  1609     Littha                                                          ANHEAY
  18-Nov  1610    Wilmote                                                         ANJOCKA
  21-Mar  1625    Margaret      widow                                             ANTHONY
  17-Dec  1626      John       son of          John                               ANTHONY
  25-Mar  1632   Constance     dau of         James                               ANTHONY
  06-Mar  1634    Anthony      son of         James                               ANTHONY
  12-Mar  1635   Constance     dau of         James                               ANTHONY
  11-Dec  1637    Nicholas     son of        Nicholas              Ch             ANTHONY
  10-Oct  1640    Richard      son of          John                               ANTHONY
  09-Feb  1601      John       son of        William                               ARTHUR
  17-Nov  1617     Annas       dau of        William                               ARTHUR
  04-Jul  1628    William                                                          ARTHUR     Snr
  27-Jan  1640    Margery                                                          ARTHUR
  01-Dec  1662     Samuel      son of                              Ch              ARTHUR
  17-Aug  1670       ?         son of         James                                ARTHUR
  19-Jan  1679     James       son of         Robert                               ARTHUR                 Affidavit Brought
  03-May  1692     James                                           Ch              ARTHUR                 Affidavit Brought
  24-May  1694      Mary       dau of         Robert                               ARTHUR
  09-Feb  1697      Anne                                           Ch              ARTHUR
  14-Dec  1697     Isaac                                           ch              ATKINS
  21-Nov  1657    Margaret      widow                                             ATTKINS
  22-Feb  1660   Despidina      ux of         Isack                               ATTKINS
  20-Aug  1599     Annes                                                           BAHONG
  05-Mar  1607     Thomas      son of         Thomas                               BAKER
  21-Nov  1625    Margery      dau of          Davy                                BAKER
  02-Mar  1641      Jane        ux of         Thomas                               BAKER
  01-Jul  1656      John       son of          John                                BAKER
  26-Feb  1657      John       son of          John                                BAKER
  29-Jan  1659     Thomas                                                          BAKER
  10-Feb  1659      John                                                           BAKER
  18-Sep  1661      Mary        widow                                              BAKER
  27-Dec  1676     Jenny                                                           BAKER
  26-Oct  1678     Joane       dau of          John                                BAKER                  Affidavit Brought
  19-Oct  1659   Elizabeth      ux of        Rowland                              BANFIELD
  17-Mar  1663     Ellen        ux of        Nicholas                             BANFIELD
  05-Jan  1664   Katherine     dau of         thomas                              BANFIELD
  18-Mar  1666    Rolwland                                                        BANFIELD
  15-Jan  1671     Thomas                                                         BANFIELD
  30-Jan  1671      Mary        ux of         Henry                               BANFIELD
  16-Jan  1674      Jane        ux of        Richard                              BANFIELD
  01-Aug  1674      Mary        ux of         Thomas                              BANFIELD
  21-Feb  1676    William                                                         BANFIELD
  20-Nov  1679    Nicholas                                                        BANFIELD                Affidavit Brought
Feb last  1679     Sarah       dau of         Henry                               BANFIELD                Affidavit Brought
  26-Aug  1683    Richard                                                         BANFIELD                Affidavit Brought
  27-Feb  1684      Jane       dau of         Thomas               Ch             BANFIELD                Affidavit Brought
  25-Feb  1685    Philipa      ux of          Henry                Ch             BANFIELD                Affidavit Brought
  07-Jan  1699    Margaret     dau of        Nicholas                             BANFIELD    Ch
  04-Apr  1630     Roger       son of        William                               BARKER
  20-May  1633      Anne        ux of        William                               BARKER
  30-Jul  1633      Jane       dau of        William                               BARKER
  31-Dec  1640     Grace                                                           BARKER
  01-Mar  1641   Elizabeth      ux of        Michell                               BARKER
  23-Mar  1664    Mychaell                                                         BARKER
  17-Sep  1668     Sisly                                                           BARKER
  20-May  1672    William                                                          BARKER
  31-Oct  1676       An                                                            BARKER
  13-Mar  1689    Anthony                                                          BARKER                 Affidavit Brought
  31-Jan  1674    Phillip      dau of        Richard                               BASSET
  13-Feb  1676    Hanyball     son of        Richard                               BASSET
  06-Jun  1664    William      son of         Peter                               BASSETT
  28-Nov  1617    Maddren      son of         Leous                                 BATH
  29-Nov  1617     George      son of         Leous                                 BATH
  23-Nov  1620   Elizabeth      widow                                               BATH                          Ch
  23-Aug  1608     Henry                                                            BATT
  06-Jul  1617    Margery      dau of       Nathaniel                              BATTEN
  10-Dec  1638     Israel      son of         Israel                               BATTEN
  20-Dec  1644     Agnes        widow                                              BATTEN
  20-Dec  1644      Mary       dau of         Israel                               BATTEN
  21-Nov  1678   Constance      ux of        Israell                               BATTEN                 Affidavit Brought
  24-Dec  1691   Nathaniel                                                        BATTING                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Apr  1597      John       son of        Sampson                              BAULDEN
  15-Feb  1624      John                                                          BEHEDNAW                     Senr. Ch
  09-Jan  1625     Jeny,        widow                              Ch             BEHEDNAW
  23-Feb  1612      Rafe       son of          John                               BEHEDNOW
  29-Mar  1622      Jane        ux of          John                                BENNAT
  03-Jan  1611      Joen       dau of        William                               BENNET
  20-Jan  1612      John                                                           BENNET
  12-Oct  1612     James       son of        Nicholas                              BENNET
  28-Mar  1614    William                                                          BENNET
  30-May  1614      John       son of          John                                BENNET
  14-Jul  1614     Jonas       son of        William                               BENNET
  14-Jan  1617     Maude       dau of        Nicholas                              BENNET
  03-Feb  1617    Nicholas     son of          John                                BENNET
  29-Nov  1620   Elizabeth      widow                                              BENNET
  11-Dec  1624      John                                                           BENNET
  30-Mar  1625      Jane                                                           BENNET
  27-Mar  1642      Joan        widow                                              BENNET
  30-Jan  1653    Wilmote       widow                                              BENNET
  12-Feb  1671    Willmote                                                         BENNET
  15-Jul  1618   Erkinwald                                                        BENNYCKE
  05-Jun  1630     Ranald      son of        William                              BILLINGE                       Gent
  23-Jan  1659     George      son of          John                              BLACKFORD
  25-Jan  1680    Charitie     ux of         Jonathan                            BLACKOLLER               Affidavit Brought
  22-May  1660     Thomas                                                          BODDIE
  04-Mar  1681   Elizabeth                                                         BODDY                  Affidavit Brought
  12-Oct  1686    Richard                                                          BODDY                  Affidavit Brought
  01-Nov  1689      Anne                                                           BODDY                  Affidavit Brought
  01-Nov  1698      John                                                           BODDY
  30-Apr  1699    Bartholl                                                         BODDY
  19-Feb  1633      Jane                                                           BODIE
  08-Sep  1641     Marie       dau of         Thomas                               BODIE
  15-Jan  1642      Joan        widow                                              BODIE
  14-May  1636      John       son of          Anne                                 BODY                      als Gowan
  16-Oct  1646    Margaret     dau of          John                                 BODY
  07-Dec  1606     Enego                                                           BODYE
  30-Aug  1609      John                                                           BODYE
  29-Nov  1610     Gawen                                                           BODYE
  06-Jul  1628    Margaret    spinster                                             BODYE
  30-Mar  1637    Tamasen      dau of        Richard                               BODYE
  15-Oct  1663      John       son of        Richard                               BODYE
  09-Jan  1664   Katherine     dau of         Arthur                               BODYE
  22-Jan  1664   Katherine                                                         BODYE
  29-Jul  1664     George      son of        Richard                               BODYE
  09-Aug  1664    Barbary       ux of          John                                BODYE
  01-Jul  1665    Willmote      ux of        Richard                               BODYE
  11-Nov  1666      John                                                           BODYE
  18-May  1667   Dorothye      dau of      Bartholomew                             BODYE
  15-Apr  1670     Thomas      son of         Arthur                               BODYE
  03-Jun  1680    Richard                                                          BODYE                  Affidavit Brought
  10-Feb  1676      Jane         Mrs                                               BOGANS
  23-Mar  1665    Hanyball                                                         BOGENS                        Esq
  15-Jul  1637    Nicholas                                                        BOGGANS     Ch                 Esq
  03-Sep  1651    Dorothy       widow                                             BOGGANS              Mrs about 2 o'clock p.m
  13-Dec  1675     Thomas                                                         BOHENNO
  11-Jan  1654     Philip       ux of         Arthur                               BOLDEN
  24-Apr  1659     Arthur      son of         Arthur                               BOLDEN                        Jnr
  23-Jun  1663      Mary       dau of         Samuel                               BOLDEN
  25-Jan  1664    Samuell                                                          BOLDEN
  24-Aug  1664      Mary       dau of         Arthur                               BOLDEN
  06-Jan  1672     Arthur                                                          BOLDEN
  23-Jan  1676     Susan        widow                                              BOLDEN
  19-Nov  1679     Arthur      son of         Arthur                               BOLDEN                 Affidavit Brought
  10-Mar  1692    Ellenor                                                         BOLITHO
  29-Mar  1696     Walter                                                         BOLITHOE
  13-Jun  1632     Marye       dau of         Walter                              BOLITHOW
  03-Aug  1667    Richard      son of         Walter                              BOLYTHOE
  22-Mar  1654   Christian                                                          BONE
  24-Dec  1664      John       son of          john                                 BONE
  05-Aug  1608     Henry       son of        Anthony                              BONFATT
  27-Feb  1657    Nicholl                                                         BONFIELD
  20-Feb  1658   Christian      ux of         Thomas                               BONFIT
  21-Mar  1637    William                                                         BONFITT     Ch
  27-Aug  1641    Rowland      son of        Rowland               Ch             BONFITT
  23-Sep  1654      Jane       dau of        Rowland                              BONFITT
  27-Apr  1620      Amy        dau of          John                                BONNE
  28-Jul  1620    Rychard                                                          BONNE
  07-Dec  1632     Marye                                                           BONSIE
  21-Mar  1618   Elizabeth      ux of        Rychard                                BOON
  13-Jun  1623  Suzan,lazar                                                         BOON
  13-Nov  1605     Lowre       dau of        Gryffen                                BOSE
  21-Oct  1608    Margaret     dau of        Griffen                                BOSE
  26-Mar  1622      Jane       dau of          John                               BOSSWYNE
  15-Apr  1600     James       son of         Water                               BOSVINE
  17-Dec  1641      Joan        widow                              Ch             BOSVINE
  02-Apr  1642      Jane       dau of         Julian                              BOSVINE
  08-Apr  1665    William                                                         BOSVINE
  10-Jul  1680    Dorothy       widow                                             BOSVINE                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Nov  1683    Ellanor      ux of         Jullian                              BOSVINE                 Affidavit Brought
  01-Nov  1613    Margery      base d         George                              BOULDEN                         Mr
  24-Aug  1622     George      son of         George                              BOULDEN                       Mr. Ch
  22-May  1624      Joan       dau of         George                              BOULDEN
  15-Oct  1624     Georg       son of         Arthur                              BOULDEN                         Ch
  25-Mar  1629   Christian    spinster                                            BOULDEN
  18-Apr  1630   Catherine    spinster                                            BOULDEN
  17-Jan  1635     George                                                         BOULDEN
  09-Apr  1636      Jane       son of          John                Ch             BOULDEN
  18-May  1638      Jane       dau of         George               Ch             BOULDEN
  03-Mar  1686      Mary       dau of         Samuel                              BOULDEN                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Apr  1688     George      son of         George                              BOULDEN                 Affidavit Brought
  21-May  1688      Mary       ux of          Arthur                              BOULDEN                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Jun  1697    Susan        dau of          Sams                               BOULDEN
  16-Nov  1644      John                                                           BOUNCY
  07-Feb  1610      Ann        dau of        Richard                              BOUNCYE
  08-Jan  1632    Margaret      ux of        Richard                              BOUNSIE
  10-Sep  1637      Jane        widow                                             BOUNSIE
  12-Jun  1656     Child         of           James                Ch              BOVIES             recorded in another place
  15-May  1622     Annas                                                           BOWDEN
  31-Dec  1611     Bennet                                                          BOWES
  31-Dec  1611   Elizabeth   wife of Bennet                                        BOWES                          Ch
  11-Mar  1614    Margaret                                                         BOWES
  29-May  1614     Elen        dau of          John                                BOWES
  18-Jun  1615    Griffen                                                          BOWES
  08-May  1612    Margaret     dau of        Richard                              BOWNCIE
  03-Jan  1624    Sampson      son of        Reinald                              BOWNFET                         Ch
  04-Jan  1619      Jane        widow                                             BOWNFETT                        Ch
  22-Jun  1620    William                                                          BOWUCY
  11-Nov  1608    Margerye      ux of          John                                 BOYS
  07-Mar  1619     James                                                            BRAY
  18-Feb  1661   Justinian                                                          BRAY
  23-Apr  1678      Uric                                                            BRAY
  23-Jan  1616   Elizabeth     dau of       Justinian                              BRAYE
  18-Apr  1619     Annas        ux of         James                                BRAYE
  13-Jul  1620     Roger                                                           BRAYE
  16-Feb  1623    Cateryn       ux of          John                                BRAYE
  27-Jun  1623    Thamsin       ux of       Justinian                              BRAYE
  18-Mar  1628    Jowannat                                                         BRAYE
  05-Oct  1617     Tamson      dau of          John                               BRENVECK
  23-Nov  1623     Thomas                                                          BROODE
  03-Dec  1669    Richard                                                          BROWNE
  25-Apr  1677    Lovedaye                                                         BROWNE
  17-Dec  1601    Willmot      dau of         Henrie                               BRUDEN
  20-Dec  1619    Nicholas     son of        Ryckard                              BRUNCYE
  17-Aug  1675     Jacob                                                           BRYAN
  05-Apr  1683      Mary                                                           BRYANT                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Oct  1660     Thomas                                                          BUNNAL
  04-Jan  1622    Bartlye                                                          BURCHE
  29-Dec  1662     Joane        widow                                             BURRIDGE
  22-May  1667      Ann                                                           BURWINNY
  05-Jan  1689     Julian                                                          BUSINE                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Aug  1640    Richard                                                         BUSVINE
  07-Oct  1686    Surcutt                                                         BUSVINE                 Affidavit Brought
  25-Jul  1668      John                                                         CARALLAC K
  27-Apr  1606      Avis       dau of        John Jnr                            CARALLACK
  16-Sep  1626    Florence     dau of          John                Ch            CARALLACK
  18-Feb  1631      Alis        ux of          John                Ch            CARALLACK
  21-Sep  1607     Jenny        ux of        of John                             CARALLACKE                     Senior
  17-Mar  1689     Joane        ux of          John                              CARNELLES                Affidavit Brought
  20-Jun  1697     Joane       dau of          John                              CARNELLES
  15-Dec  1621     Henry                                                         CARNELYOUS
  22-Apr  1624     Mary         ux of          John                              CARPESACK
  12-Jun  1636      John                                                         CARPISACK
  14-Sep  1676       An         ux of         Henry                              CARPISACK
  10-Feb  1612     Robart      son of          John                              CARRALLACK
  01-Feb  1613      Jane       dau of          John                              CARRALLACK                      Jnr
  29-Jan  1614      John                                                         CARRALLACK                       Ch
  26-Jan  1609     Marke                                                           CARTHU                     of Helston
  28-Nov  1638    Wilmott       widow                                              CELTER
  09-Apr  1597   Alexander                                                        CHEAFER
  08-Jan  1610    Wilmote      dau of          John                               CHEFFER
  26-Nov  1617     Jenyt        widow                                             CHEFFER
  30-Mar  1618     Thomas      son of         Almont                              CHEFFER
  19-Jan  1624      Joen        ux of        Almonte                              CHEFFER
  11-Jun  1624    William                                                         CHEFFER
  26-Jan  1632     Susan       dau of         Robert                              CHEFFER
  27-Feb  1633   Alexander     son of        Richard               Ch             CHEFFER
  23-Oct  1636     Joane       dau of        Richard                              CHEFFER
  30-Mar  1643      Ann        dau of        Richard                              CHEFFER
  15-Dec  1644    William      son of        Richard                              CHEFFER
  01-Aug  1645     Joane        widow                              Ch             CHEFFER
  30-Jan  1657    Richard        Jnr                                              CHEFFER
  05-Mar  1659     James                                                          CHEFFER
  28-Mar  1666    Richard                                                         CHEFFER
  25-Apr  1666     Susan        widow                                             CHEFFER
  15-Nov  1668    Ellinor       ux of         Robert                              CHEFFER
  24-Mar  1676    Richard                                                         CHEFFER
  07-Jul  1677     Robert                                                         CHEFFER
  03-Nov  1677    Ursella       ux of        Richard                              CHEFFER
  18-May  1678    Richard                                                         CHEFFER
  09-Feb  1679     Sarah                                                          CHEFFER                 Affidavit Brought
  02-Jun  1679     Joane        widow                                             CHEFFER                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Feb  1684     Joane                                                          CHEFFER                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Jan  1658   Elizabeth      ux of        Richard                              CHEFFFER
  28-Sep  1638      John       son of        Richard                              CHEIFER
  15-Jun  1691     Mathew      son of        William               Ch             CHEIFER                 Affidavit Brought
  01-Jul  1691     James       son of        William               Ch             CHEIFER                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Nov  1692      John       son of        Richard                              CHEIFER                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Dec  1693    Richard                                                         CHEIFER
  13-Sep  1697      John                                                          CHEIFER
  23-May  1698    Richard                                                         CHEIFER
  08-May  1636    Prudence                                         Ch             CHENHALL
  29-Nov  1681     Judeth      ux of          Thomas                              CHEPMAN                 Affidavit Brought
  10-May  1644    Christen                                                         CHEREN
  18-Dec  1641    Dorathie     dau of       Elizabeth                              CHERIE
  05-Dec  1630   Christian                                                         CHERIN
  06-Sep  1606    William                                                        CHIBARLES
  12-Sep  1606      Cay         ux of        William                             CHIBARLES
  20-Oct  1610     Elenor                                                        CHIBARLES
  05-Feb  1681     Blanch      dau of       Zacharias                              CHIMMA                 Affidavit Brought
  27-Aug  1691     Blanch                                                          CHIMMO                 Affidavit Brought
  31-Oct  1657     Joane                                                        CHRISTOPHER
  24-Feb  1662   Katherine                                                      CHRISTOPHER
  31-Dec  1669     Sible                                                        CHRISTOPHER
  15-Sep  1672      Jane                                                        CHRISTOPHER
  02-Feb  1692    Phillip                                                       CHRISTOPHERS
  23-Aug  1692   Elizabeth                                                      CHRISTOPHERS              Affidavit Brought
  12-May  1597     Jenaw                                                         CHYBARLES                difficult to read
  07-Aug  1597     Thomas                                                        CHYNBLOGH
  19-Jan  1598       ?       base child                        Christian           CHYRIN
  11-Dec  1618     Jeny         widow                                               CIRE
  16-Apr  1698     Samuel      son of         Samuel               Ch             CLEATHER
  15-Feb  1699    Richard      son of         Samuel                              CLEATHER    Ch         William Gerry,Vicar
  28-Jun  1620      Mark       son of          John                               CLEMENS
  28-Jun  1620     Julian      dau of          John                               CLEMENS
  01-Mar  1672    Lawrence                                                        CLEMENT
  02-Apr  1616    Faithly       ux of        Rychard                              CLEMENTS                        Ch
  04-May  1616     Leous       son of          John                               CLEMENTS
  26-Aug  1622    Rychard      son of          John                               CLEMENTS
  18-Apr  1625      Mari       dau of        Laurents                             CLEMENTS
  26-Jul  1630    Margery      dau of        Lawrance                             CLEMENTS
  03-Jun  1635     Joane        ux of        Lawrence                             CLEMENTS
  01-May  1636     Ursala      dau of          John                               CLEMENTS
  21-Dec  1641     Davie                                                           CLENE                       or CLEVE
  27-Jun  1664       ?         son of        William                               CLIFF
  25-Feb  1688      Jane       dau of        william                               CLIFFE                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Jun  1696    William                                                          CLIFFE
  28-Jan  1698   Elizabeth      widow                                              CLIFFE
  12-May  1699      Anne                                                           CLIFFE
  24-Oct  1675    Mychaell                                                         CLISE
  15-Mar  1635     Blanch      dau of          Anne                               CLODGIE
  15-Jan  1644     Henry       son of          Hugh                                COADE
  15-Jan  1644      Mary       dau of          Hugh                                COADE
  01-Mar  1645     Julian       ux of         thomas                               COADE
  08-Jan  1671      Mary                                                           COADE
  31-Jan  1682      Jane                                                           COODE                  Affidavit Brought
  16-Jun  1687     Joane       dau of          John                                COODE                  Affidavit Brought
  12-Sep  1691    Phillip      dau of          John                                COODE                  Affidavit Brought
  12-Jan  1697     Thomas                                                          COODE
  03-Feb  1698      jane       dau of          John                                COODE
  14-Mar  1698      John                                                           COODE
  10-May  1698   Elizabeth     dau of          John                                COODE
  15-Apr  1640    Richard                                                          COOPER
  19-Nov  1686     Henry       son of          John                               CORNELAS                Affidavit Brought
  18-Jan  1686      Jane                                                          CORNELES                Affidavit Brought
  02-Apr  1654    Patrick                                                        CORNELIUS
  09-May  1673     Henry                                                         CORNELIUS
  13-Sep  1686    William                                                        CORNELLES                Affidavit Brought
  01-Aug  1643    Willmott     dau of        Patriche                            CORNELLIS
  30-May  1671    Diggary                                                        CORNELLIS
  07-Aug  1599     Peter                                                           CORNOW
  17-Jan  1600     Marie       dau of        Michill                               CORNOW
  24-Jun  1600    William      son of        William                               CORNOW
  03-Dec  1601      Anes       wife of        Thomas                               CORNOW
  12-Jan  1606     Thomas      son of         Peter                                CORNOW
  20-Jan  1606      Jane       dau of        William                               CORNOW
  26-Dec  1606      Joan       dau of         Peter                                CORNOW
  29-Dec  1611    Ursillye     dau of        William                               CORNOW
  09-Dec  1612    Amberous    base son      Flowrance                              CORNOW
  25-Mar  1645   Christian      widow                                             CORNOWE
  29-Jan  1641    Abbygall     dau of        patrick                             CORNYLLAS
  18-May  1613    William      son of          John                                CORTYS
  11-Apr  1616      John                                                           CORTYS                 Ch. Of Trevallack
  26-Apr  1620     Thomas      son of          John                                CORTYS
  25-Jun  1620      John                                                           CORTYS                 of Trevallack. Ch
  10-Mar  1688    bridget      dau of         Walter                               COSBY                  Affidavit Brought
  03-Jan  1621     Nowell                                                          COTHA
  18-Oct  1626      Joen        widow                                              COTHA
  20-Mar  1627     Elnor        ux of         Thomas                               COTHA
  10-Oct  1629    Margaret      ux of         Thomas                               COTHA
  15-Jul  1633    Richard      son of         Thomas                               COTHA
  17-Feb  1643     Thomas                                                          COTHA
  19-Apr  1644      Jane                                                           COTHA
  30-Apr  1624    Frances       ux of         Thomas                               COTTHA
  10-Sep  1624    Frances      dau of         Thomas                               COTTHA
  21-Jun  1672     James                                                           COTTON
  07-Sep  1672     Grace        widow                                              COTTON
  23-Mar  1644      John       son of        William               Ch             COURTIS
  18-Nov  1644     Grace       dau of        William               Ch             COURTIS
  06-Nov  1691      Anne       ux of         Richard               Ch             COURTIS                 Affidavit Brought
  06-Oct  1692    Richard                                                         COURTIS                 Affidavit Brought
  02-Apr  1696      John                                           Ch             COURTIS
  20-Nov  1698     Ursula      ux of         Richard               Ch             COURTIS
  17-Nov  1600      Ales       dau of          John                               COURTIZ
  26-May  1619      Joen        widow                                             COWRNOW
  09-Dec  1681     Walter      son of         Walter                               COZBY                  Affidavit Brought
  22-Feb  1688     Frace       dau of         Walter                               COZBY                  Affidavit Brought
  07-Dec  1689     George      son of         Walter                               COZBY                  Affidavit Brought
  20-Jun  1620    Pacient       ux of          John                               CRISPEN
  22-Jun  1670   Elizabeth                                                        CRISPINE
  20-Jun  1630      Anne                                                          CROHALL
  01-Nov  1664    William                                                          CULLAN
  24-Nov  1655    Margery      dau of        Leonard                               CULLEN
  29-May  1674      Mary        ux of        Leonard                               CULLEN
  17-May  1676     Phoebe       widow                                              CULLEN
  26-Dec  1682      Jane       dau of          John                P               CULLEN                 Affidavit Brought
  01-Feb  1697     Edeth       ux of           John                Mr              CULLEN               buried in the Chancell
  28-Sep  1631     Richow                                                          CURNOW
  17-Oct  1631    Michell                                          Ch              CURNOW
  01-Feb  1636     Joan                                                            CURNOW
  28-Aug  1636    William                                                          CURNOW
  26-Jun  1674     Elinor       widow                                              CURTES
  08-Feb  1659     James       son of       Elizabeth                              CURTIS                       widow
  23-Oct  1670     Grace        ux of          John                                CURTIS
  21-Jul  1672      John       son of        William                               CURTIS
  15-May  1675     Grace        ux of        Richard                               CURTIS
  21-Dec  1676    Charitie      ux of        Williams                              CURTIS
  09-Mar  1678    Richard                                          Ch              CURTIS                 Affidavit Brought
  01-Jan  1682    William                                                          CURTIS                 Affidavit Brought
  18-Dec  1684      Anne                                           Ch              CURTIS                 Affidavit Brought
  08-Jun  1692      Mary       dau of        Richard               Ch              CURTIS                 Affidavit Brought
  15-Dec  1640     Mary        dau of         James                               CURTISE
  19-Apr  1671      Jane        ux of         Henery                              CUTTANCE
  22-Jun  1638     David       son of        William                               DADDO
  13-Jan  1686     Honor                                                            DALE                an Irish begger woman
  06-Jun  1669     Thomas                                                         DAMARELL
  17-May  1674     Alice                                                          DAMARELL
  09-Mar  1633      John                                           Ch             DANIELL
  28-Feb  1668    Rachell                                                         DANNALL
  12-Oct  1600     Annes       wife of         John                                DAVIE
  30-Jun  1630    Faythlie                                                         DAVIE
  09-Apr  1643      Jane                                                           DAVIE                     als Bownsie
  15-Sep  1683   Katherine    base dau         Jane                                DAVIS                  Affidavit Brought
  06-Jan  1617      John                                                            DAVY
  06-Mar  1622     Julyan       ux of          John                                 DAVY
  19-Feb  1624     Gilyan      dau of        Rychard                                DAVY                          Ch
  10-Feb  1627      John                                                            DAVY
  31-Jul  1684      Jane                                                            DAVY                  Affidavit Brought
  27-Oct  1607  Christopher                                                        DAVYE
  01-Nov  1607      Jane                                                           DAVYE
  13-Apr  1597    Margeret     wife of        Thomas                              DELLIAW
  01-Jun  1643   Christian     dau of         Walter                              DELLIOW
  09-Jun  1644      Joan                                                          DELLIOW
  11-Oct  1669     Walter                                                         DELLIOW
  20-Aug  1646      Jane        widow                                              DENNIS
  04-Nov  1656      John                                                           DENNIS
  10-May  1670     Arthur                                                          DENNIS
  03-Apr  1608    Emanuell     son of          John                                DENNYS
  18-Sep  1614      Elan                                                          DIGGERY
  25-May  1627   Christian                                                        DIGGERY
  09-Apr  1610    Rychard      son of         Annas                               DIGGORY                  By Peter Donnall
  12-Aug  1658    Margaret                                                        DIGGORY
  12-Dec  1671     Mason       son of        William                               DIGORY
  13-Feb  1615     Thomas                                                         DILLIALL
  12-Jan  1616     Marien                                                         DILLIALL
  07-Aug  1597     Henry        gent                                               DILLIN
  23-Aug  1624   Constans       ux of          John                                DINNIS
  02-Jan  1635     James                                                           DINNIS
  05-Nov  1691     Alice                                                           DINNIS                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Feb  1611    William      son of         James                                DINNYS
  25-Apr  1618     Robart                                                         DONNALL
  28-Mar  1629   Elizabeth      widow                                             DONNALL
  01-Dec  1695     David                                                          DONNALL
  11-Jun  1638      Alce        ux of        Richard               Ch             DONNING
  17-Jan  1680     Grace                                                            DONY                  Affidavit Brought
  02-Dec  1697      Mary                                                           DORCAS
  12-Mar  1692     Ursula                                                         DOUBTON
  31-Aug  1643      John                                                           DOWAN                      of Gwndron
  29-Aug  1664      John       son of        Richard                              DOWNINGE
  14-Feb  1636    Dorothy      wife of         John                               DOWNTON
  26-Dec  1673      Mary        ux of         Robart                               DOWTEN
  17-May  1680     robart                                                          DOWTEN                 Affidavit Brought
  21-Mar  1608   Elizabeth                                                          DREW
  16-Jun  1630    Haniball                                                          DREW
  27-Oct  1644     Henry                                           Ch               DREW                 St Just in Roseland
  12-Apr  1643      John                                           Ch             DUNINGE                         Mr
  23-Jun  1663    Sampson                                                         DUNNALL
  09-Jul  1663    Abigall       ux of         David                               DUNNALL
  29-Jan  1676      Jane                                                          DUNNALL
  19-Jan  1695     Avise       dau of          John                               DUNNELL
  12-Jun  1626   Richardus                                                        DUNNINGE         Vicarius Hiyus pochiaeisepultus
  01-Nov  1679      Jone        ux of         David                               DUNNOLL                 Affidavit Brought
  25-Apr  1636    Margaret     dau of         Thomas               Ch             DUNSCOME
  16-Nov  1639      John                                                           DUNTON
  01-Dec  1669   The widow                                                        EATHERNE
  23-Oct  1633    William                                                          EDDIE
  16-Mar  1609      John                                                          EDWARDE
  15-Jun  1636      John                                           Ch             EDWARDS
  07-Nov  1641      Joan        widow                                             EDWARDS
  13-Nov  1641      Amy       spinster                                            EDWARDS
  27-Dec  1676    Thomasin                                                        EDWARDS
  01-Apr  1654      John                                                           ELLAN
  19-Dec  1675    Barnard                                                          ELLAN
  18-Apr  1636     Grace       dau of          John                                ELLEN
  07-May  1694      Mary                                                           ELLEN
  31-Jan  1606   Elizabeth      widow                                              ELLER
  29-Apr  1698     Pheby                                                           ELLES
  07-Jun  1640    Margaret                                                         ELLIS
  29-Jan  1665       ?         dau of         Simeon                               ELLIS
  14-Apr  1667   Maryqwidow                                                        ELLIS
  12-Oct  1670      Mary       dau of         Simeon                               ELLIS
  13-Jun  1680      An         ux of         William                               ELLIS                  Affidavit Brought
  16-Dec  1681    William                                                          ELLIS                  Affidavit Brought
  26-Nov  1618       ?          ux of          John                                 ELYS
  05-Feb  1621    Gregory                                                           ELYS
  21-Dec  1622     Thomas      son of          John                                 ELYS
  19-Jul  1626     Moude        ux of          John                                 ELYS
  24-Jul  1626     George      son of          John                                 ELYS
  21-May  1624     James       son of          John                                 ELYZ
  29-Nov  1671     George                                                          ENKIN
  13-Jan  1663    Mychaell                                                         ENNIS
  05-Mar  1625      Jane        widow                                              ERISH
  29-Sep  1598      Jane                                                           ERISHE                        ERR
  09-Apr  1684      Mary                                                           ESBALL                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Nov  1688     Isaac                                                           ESBALL                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Aug  1685    William                                                          EWOON                  Affidavit Brought
  26-May  1632      Anne       dau of         Miles,               Ch              EXELBY                       Clarke
  05-Apr  1636     Henry       son of         Milles               Ch              EXELBY
July      1641      Milo                                           Ch              EXELBY        vicarius Sandi Keveren sepultus frui
  09-May  1661      Ann                                                            EXELBY                        Mrs
  09-Sep  1690     Avise       dau of         Arthur               Ch              EXELBY                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Sep  1690      Anne       dau of        William                               EXELBY                 Affidavit Brought
  19-May  1697   Elizabeth      ux of        William                               EXELBY
  28-Nov  1698     Myles                                                           EXELBY
  10-Sep  1699      Anne       dau of         Arthur                               EXELBY
  15-Oct  1638   Katherine      widow                                               FABE
  03-Aug  1642    Jullian                                                           FABY
  13-Apr  1683    Richard      son of          John               po:               FABY                  Affidavit Brought
  11-Jan  1688    Anthony                                                           FABY                  Affidavit Brought
  08-Apr  1692     Jenken                                                           FABY                  Affidavit Brought
  24-Jan  1697   Flourence                                                          FABY
  25-Dec  1697    Thomazin     wife of         John                                 FABY
  20-Jun  1699      John                                                            FABY
  08-Dec  1605    William                                                          FABYE
  19-Mar  1606     Marye       dau of          John                                FABYE
  10-Sep  1610     Genow        widow                                              FABYE
  24-Nov  1610      John                                                           FABYE
  05-Nov  1615    Margaret      ux of          John                                FABYE
  20-Mar  1629    Michell                                                          FABYE
  15-Feb  1664     Henry                                                           FABYE
  17-Aug  1666     Henry       son of          John                                FABYE
  01-Oct  1667    Margret      dau of          John                                FABYE
  20-Jan  1675    Thomasin     dau of        Fraunces                              FABYE
  28-Jan  1678    Richard      son of          John                                FABYE                  Affidavit Brought
  12-Oct  1616     Henry                                                          FARNABAY
  07-May  1636    Margery      dau of         Andrew                               FINSH
  02-Jun  1624     James       son of         Thomas                             FLAMMACKE                      Mr. Ch
  11-Sep  1607   Godolphin     son of        Haniball                             FLETCHER
  05-Oct  1612    Redigan      dau of        Haniball                             FLETCHER
  06-Dec  1614      Aves        ux of        Haniball                             FLETCHER
  25-Nov  1601      Jone       dau of        Haniball                            FLETTCHER
  28-Jun  1617      John       son of          John                               FOCKETT                         Mr
  11-Oct  1657     James                                                           FOSTER
  10-Jun  1670      Mary                                                           FOSTER
  27-Jun  1612   Elizabeth      ux of          John                               FRANCES
  18-Oct  1612     Marien                                                         FRANCES
  03-Mar  1615     Henry       son of          John                               FRANCES
  18-Aug  1616    William                                                         FRANCES
  20-Oct  1617   Flowrence                                                        FRANCES
  21-Feb  1619      Ann        dau of          John                               FRANCES
  05-Oct  1619      Ann        dau of          John                               FRANCES
  04-Dec  1620    Margaret                                                        FRANCES
  06-Mar  1623      Ann                                                           FRANCES           servant of Mr Richard Kinsham
  12-Aug  1688     Lovday      ux of         William                              FRANCIS                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Jul  1697    William                                                         FRANCIS
  10-Jun  1621    Sampson                                                         FRAUNCES                        Ch
  11-Feb  1632   Christian                                                        FRAUNCES
  25-Apr  1636     Martha      dau of         Thomas                              FRAUNCES
  22-Apr  1641    Nicholas                                                        FRAUNCES
  11-Jun  1641     Henrie      son of          John                               FRAUNCES
  25-Jan  1643      John                                                          FRAUNCES
  18-Nov  1656     Oliver                                                         FRAUNCES
May       1661   Elizabeth      ux of         Oliver                              FRAUNCES
  25-Dec  1663     Thomas      son of        William                              FRAUNCES
  28-Feb  1672     Joane        widow                                             FRAUNCES
  10-Jan  1599   Elyzabeth                                                        FRAUNCH
  12-Jul  1643   Elizabeth      widow                                              FRISSE                   of Ruan Maior
  30-Oct  1688    Nicholas                                                          FYNE                  Affidavit Brought
  18-Jan  1698    Susan         widow                                               FYNE
  20-Jan  1683     George                                                         GACKMAN                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Apr  1600      Alys                                                          GARNSIE
  24-Aug  1641      Jane                                                           GAWAN
  21-Jun  1625     Mary       base dau         Ann                                 GAWEN            by Mathew Davy of ST Stithians
  12-Mar  1653     Tomsin      dau of         Peeter                               GAWEN
  23-Mar  1654    Margaret     dau of         Peter                                GAWEN
  02-Jan  1672      Avis                                                           GAWEN
  03-Dec  1608     Lowday      dau of          John                                GAYRE                        Mr,Esq
  21-Jun  1692      John                                           Ch              GEAKE                  Affidavit Brought
  09-Jun  1611     Thomas      son of          John                               GEFFERY
  26-Feb  1615    Barsibay      ux of        Keveryn                              GEFFERY                         Ch
  25-Nov  1619    Margaret     dau of        Sampson                              GEFFERY
  22-Dec  1620    Thamason      ux of        William                              GEFFERY
  16-Jan  1622    William                                                         GEFFERY
  03-May  1622      John       son of        William                              GEFFERY
  16-Apr  1626      Mary        ux of         Walter                              GEFFERY
  23-May  1630    Rainalde                                         Ch             GEFFERY
  21-Feb  1605     Stevyn                                                         GEFFERYE
  05-Jun  1597    Margeret                                                        GEFFRIE
  24-Dec  1600    William                                                         GEFFRIE
  08-Sep  1606      John                                                          GEFFRYE
  29-May  1607    Matthew                                                         GEFFRYE
  28-Aug  1609      John                                                          GEFFRYE
  21-Apr  1636     Robert      son of         James                                GEILES
  06-Mar  1607    Margaret      ux of         Walter                               GENEN
  01-Dec  1600     Jenet       wife of        Thomas                               GENYN
  15-Jun  1676    Margaret                                                        GEOFFERY
  19-May  1598     Lowdie                                                          GEORGE
  09-Mar  1606    Florence     dau of         Thomas                               GEORGE
  18-Mar  1606     Annes       dau of         Robert                               GEORGE
  03-Sep  1609   Elizabeth                                                         GEORGE
  20-Nov  1611     Thomas                                                          GEORGE
  29-Dec  1619    Katheryn      widow                                              GEORGE
  17-Mar  1622     Lowdy                                                           GEORGE
  23-Jul  1630    William                                                          GEORGE
  26-Sep  1631     James                                                           GEORGE
  20-Jun  1638     Thomas      son of         Henry                                GEORGE
  10-May  1640     Mary         widow                                              GEORGE
  13-Jan  1642    William                                                          GEORGE
  27-Jul  1655     Robert      son of         Henry                                GEORGE
  08-May  1658     Lowday       ux of         Robert                               GEORGE
  19-Apr  1660     Robert                                                          GEORGE
  24-Jan  1666    Willmote      ux of         Henry                                GEORGE
  21-Feb  1677     Henery                                                          GEORGE
  29-Jun  1680     James      base son       Susanna                               GEORGE                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Aug  1697    Willmot      dau of         Thomas                               GEORGE
  13-Sep  1682     Marke       son of        Sampson                               GEROGE                 Affidavit Brought
  26-May  1696    William                                                          GERRY            instituted Vicar of St Keverne
  31-Jan  1659     Sarah        widow                                               GIBS
  07-Feb  1638     Grace       dau of         Water                Ch             GILBARD
  26-May  1639     Onner        ux of        Richard               Ch             GILBARD
  09-Mar  1617    Gilbart     base son        Eloner                              GILBART
  13-Oct  1623     Henry       son of        Richard                              GILBART                         Ch
  24-Jan  1674    charitie                                                        GILBART
  28-Apr  1682    Ursulah      ux of           John                               GILBART                 Affidavit Brought
  30-Apr  1682     Philpa      ux of         Richard                              GILBART                 Affidavit Brought
  02-Jun  1682     Jabez       son of        Richard                              GILBART                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Jun  1683      Jane       dau of        Richard               pu             GILBART                 Affidavit Brought
  22-Nov  1684    Richard                                      in church          GILBART                 Affidavit Brought
  12-Jul  1598    Dorothie    wife of         Steven                              GILBERT
last of F 1645    Richard      Senior                              Ch             GILBERT
  11-Apr  1667     Blanch       widow                                             GILBERT
  29-Jun  1677   Elizabeth      ux of        Richard                              GILBERT
  07-Feb  1644      John       son of         James                                GILES
  27-Oct  1656     Walter                                                         GILLBART
  17-Sep  1643    Richard      son of         James                                GILLES
  17-Sep  1643      Jane       dau of         James                                GILLES
  09-Oct  1675     Joane        ux of          Hugh                              GILLINGHAM
  18-Apr  1676      Hugh                                                         GILLINGHAM
  01-Nov  1614      John       son of          John                                GINKEN
  03-Feb  1615      Jeny       dau of        Rychard                               GINKEN
  24-Oct  1610      John       son of        William                               GINKIN
  24-Jan  1613      Jane       dau of        William                               GINKIN
  15-Jul  1615     Walter                                                          GINKIN
  28-Dec  1615    William                                                          GINKIN
  24-Nov  1624     Gerter                                                          GINKIN
  30-Sep  1626     Suzan       dau of        Rychard                               GINKIN
  04-Aug  1647    Richard      son of        William                             GOLDSMITH                    late vicar
  25-Nov  1692    Garthred       Mrs                                             GOLDSMITH                Affidavit Brought
  16-Mar  1693    Margaret      ux of          Chas                              GOLDSMITH
  13-Aug  1676    Nicholas                                                        GOODMAN
  06-Nov  1683      Mary                                                          GOODMAN                 Affidavit Brought
  06-Jan  1685    Dorothy                                                         GOODMAN                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Oct  1686    Nicholas     son of        Richard                              GOODMAN                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Feb  1692    Richard      son of        Richard                              GOODMAN
  26-Jan  1695    Sibella                                                         GOODMAN
  04-Sep  1697    Richard      son of        Richard                              GOODMAN
  03-Oct  1698    Jellien      dau of        Richard                              GOODMAN                 Affidavit Brought
  16-Mar  1668     Peter                                                           GOYAN
  23-Nov  1674     Joane        widow                                              GOYNE
  25-Jun  1665   Elizabeth     dau of          John                              GREENFIELD
  23-Jul  1664    Loveday      dau of          John                              GREINFIELD
  14-Jul  1654     Isatt                                                          GRIFFIN
  27-Jun  1671     Julian       ux of         James                                GRYLES
  23-Dec  1695      Jane        widow                                              GRYLES
  20-Dec  1686     James                                                           GYLES                  Affidavit Brought
  27-Jan  1694     Peter                                                           GYLES
  25-Oct  1664      Jane                                                          HALLAWAY
  25-Mar  1694     Robert                                                         HALLEGEY
  20-Apr  1696     Susan      wife of          John                               HALLEGEY
  19-Feb  1659   Elizabeth      widow                                             HALLIGYE                   Being Sunday
  03-Apr  1599   Elyzabeth                                                       HANGETHER
  18-Jun  1597    Gillyan     wife of          John                                HARIE
  04-Sep  1598    Sisselly    base dau        Marian                               HARIE
  26-Oct  1598     Thomas      son of        Richard                               HARIE
  21-Dec  1622   Harkenwall   base dau       Diggery                             HARKENWALL
  03-Dec  1615     James                                                           HARRI                          Ch
  11-May  1632     James                                                           HARRIE
  02-Mar  1635    Saniesen     dau of          John                                HARRIE
  08-Oct  1677     Gideon                                                          HARRIE
  24-Jun  1669       ?         son of         James                               HARRIE
  03-May  1657      John                                                          HARRIES
  04-Dec  1657      Amy         widow                                             HARRIES
  05-Aug  1659    Nicholas                                                        HARRIES
  05-Dec  1659     Joane        ux of         James                               HARRIES
  11-Oct  1667     Mathew        Mr                                               HARRIES
  13-Aug  1669      Ann         ux of         James                               HARRIES
  07-Jan  1670       An         widow         Mathew               Mr             HARRIES
  20-Aug  1670   Bathsheba      widow                                             HARRIES
  24-Jan  1672   Justinian                                                        HARRIES
  14-Jul  1676      John                                                          HARRIES
  12-Oct  1678     Sisley       ux of        Richard                              HARRIES                 Affidavit Brought
  24-Dec  1643   Elizabeth      widow                                              HARRIS
  24-Apr  1681    Richard                                                          HARRIS
  24-Jan  1682     Lovday                                                          HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  08-Oct  1683     Henry       son of         James                                HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  15-Mar  1684     Henry       son of         James                                HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  16-May  1685    Ursalah      dau of          John                                HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  16-May  1685   Elizabeth     dau of          John                                HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  14-Jan  1688    Sampson                                                          HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Feb  1688    Richard                                                          HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  06-Apr  1688    Richard      son of        Nicholas                              HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  24-Dec  1688     Philip                                                          HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Jul  1691    Elzabeth                                         Ch              HARRIS                 Affidavit Brought
  02-Apr  1693     George      son of         George                               HARRIS
  26-Feb  1631     Humfry                                                         HARROAD
  25-Dec  1608      John      the lame                                             HARRY
  01-Aug  1609      Jane        ux of         James                                HARRY                        Junior
  27-Jun  1611      Cier       son of        Emanuel                               HARRY
  01-Feb  1613    Richard                                                          HARRY                          Ch
  13-Apr  1619     Thomas                                                          HARRY
  29-Nov  1619     Annas        widow                                              HARRY
  05-Apr  1620    Margaret     dau of       Justinian                              HARRY
  05-Apr  1621     Annas       dau of          John                                HARRY
  08-Jan  1623   Elizabeth    base dau         Ann                                 HARRY                    Rychard Osborn
  22-Mar  1624      Jane        widow                              Ch              HARRY
  13-Apr  1629      Alis                                                           HARRY
  24-May  1664     Robart      son of         James                                HARRY
  25-Dec  1687     Alice                                           Ch              HARRY                  Affidavit Brought
  04-Nov  1638     Susan       dau of         Daniel                              HARRY
  08-Apr  1642   Elizabeth      ux of       Justinian              Ch             HARRY
  09-Jul  1633     Walter      son of       Justinian                              HARRYE
  15-Dec  1636      Sara      spinster                                             HARRYE
  07-Jan  1653    Richard      son of          John                                HARRYE                    of Cowigack
  08-Jul  1626      John                                           Ch               HART
  15-Apr  1600   Justinian     son of        Sampson                               HARTE
  22-Mar  1638   Elizabeth     dau of          John                               HARWOOD
  15-Feb  1639     Genett       widow                              Ch             HARWOOD
  29-Oct  1660      John                                                          HARWOODE
  17-Oct  1681    Margery      ux of           John                                HAWSSE                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Feb  1608     Thomas                                                          HAYSAR                    of Gwendron
  14-Jan  1631     Renold      son of        Haniball              Ch               HEAM
  15-Jan  1631      Jane       dau of        Haniball              Ch               HEAM
  20-Jan  1631     Joane       dau of        Haniball              Ch               HEAM
  28-Dec  1631      Jane        ux of        Haniball              Ch               HEAM                         Gent
  03-Feb  1631      Jane       dau of        Haniball                              HEAME
  13-Feb  1639     Peeter                                          Ch              HEAME                          Mr
  06-Feb  1624      Joen        ux of         Walter                               HEARD                          Ch
  04-Dec  1629     Walter                                          Ch              HEARD
  07-Jun  1611    William      son of        Haniball                              HEAYME                         Mr
  07-Jan  1621      Mark       son of       Hanniball                              HEAYME                       Mr. Ch
  12-May  1690   Elizabeth                                                         HELEGY                 Affidavit Brought
  15-Feb  1611     Grace       dau of         Thomas                              HELLIGIE
  22-Dec  1636   Chrestian     dau of        Nicholas                              HELTER
  08-Aug  1623      Jane        widow                                              HENGUO
  30-Nov  1622      John                                                           HENNRY                  of Tresskewes.Ch
  14-Apr  1615    Emanuell                                                         HENRYE
  25-Jul  1627     George                                          Ch              HENSOM                        Gent
  28-Mar  1634    William                                          Ch              HENSON
  12-May  1644    Christen      widow                                             HENSTON
  13-Jan  1654     Walter      son of        William                               HERDE
  17-Sep  1654   Elizabeth      ux of        William                               HERDE
  09-Dec  1654     George      son of        William                               HERDE
  30-Apr  1693      Anne                                                           HERROD
  12-Apr  1663    Abigall                                                           HEXT                         Mrs
  02-Aug  1606    Raynold                                                          HEYME
  24-Jun  1607    Sussely       widow                                              HEYME
  05-Oct  1608    Phillip      son of        Acropit                               HEYME
  29-Sep  1626     Isatt        ux of         Peter                Ch              HEYME                         Genr
  19-Dec  1645    Haniball      gent                               Ch              HEYME
  11-Jan  1656   Bathsheba     dau of        Gilbart                               HEYME
  28-Nov  1656     Joane       dau of        Gilbart                               HEYME
  12-May  1657    Nicholas                                                         HEYME
  30-Dec  1693      John        gent                               Ch              HEYME
  30-Dec  1658      Ann         widow                                              HEYNE
  30-Jun  1663      Alce        ux of          John                                HEYNE                          Mr
  28-Jan  1682      Mary       dau of         thomas                              HICHINS                 Affidavit Brought
  23-Feb  1682      Jane        widow                                             HICKINS                 Affidavit Brought
  25-Jun  1633      John                                                            HILL
  08-Jun  1637     Robert                                                           HILL      Ch                 Esq
  11-Jul  1641    Humphry                                          Ch               HILL
  30-Dec  1662   Elizabeth                                                          HILL
  15-May  1687    Philip       dau of        Humphry                                HILL                  Affidavit Brought
  29-Mar  1692    Humphry      son of        Humphry                                HILL                  Affidavit Brought
  18-Mar  1620   Margareta      ux of        Arthuri                               HILL                        arm: Ch
  04-Apr  1620      Ales        widow                                              HILLY
  15-May  1671      John       son of        Tristram                              HILTER
  07-May  1669    Margery                                                        HINGSTONE
  08-Aug  1618    Nicholas                                                        HINSSHAM
  22-Nov  1658     Henry       son of          John                               HITCHENS
  19-Sep  1671     Henry                                                          HITCHENS
  14-Mar  1683    Bridget                                                         HITCHENS                Affidavit Brought
  21-Sep  1688     Julian                                                         HITCHENS                Affidavit Brought
  16-Feb  1691   Elizabeth      ux of          John                               HITCHENS        kild with Mehale Mill on 15th Feb
  15-Aug  1692     Joane                                                          HITCHENS                Affidavit Brought
  26-Nov  1654     Lowday       ux of          John                               HITCHIN
  06-Dec  1677   Christian      widow                                             HITCHIN
  17-Jun  1680     Bersey                                                         HITCHIN                 Affidavit Brought
  29-Aug  1668    Richard      son of          John                              HITCHINGE
  02-Apr  1676      John       son of         Thomas                             HITCHINGE
  22-Nov  1669     Thomas                                                        HITCHINGS
  07-Aug  1664      John       son of         Henery                              HITCHINS
  03-Jun  1677       ?         son of         thomas                              HITTCHIN
  07-May  1673     James                                                         HITTCHINS
  02-Aug  1613      John                                                           HOCKER
  12-Nov  1656     Thomas      son of        William                               HOCKIN
  16-Jan  1664      John                                                           HOCKIN
  23-Jan  1664   Christian      widow                                              HOCKIN
  07-Sep  1664     Thomas      son of        William                               HOCKIN
  05-May  1668     Susan       dau of        William                              HOCKINGE
  05-Jan  1614   Flowrance                                                        HOCKKER
  14-Dec  1617     George      son of        William                              HOCKKER
  23-Nov  1620    William                                                         HOCKKER
  12-Feb  1626     James                                           Ch             HOCKKIN
  27-Feb  1675     Alice                                                            HODG
  15-Oct  1631    William                                                          HODGE
  10-Apr  1634     James       son of         Stevan                               HODGE
  13-Jun  1636     Petter      son of        Stephen                               HODGE
  30-Aug  1639    Margaret      widow                                              HODGE
  20-Sep  1667    Ambrose                                                          HODGE
  20-Feb  1681     Avise                                                           HODGE                  Affidavit Brought
  16-Nov  1696   elizabeth                                                         HODGE
  15-Sep  1686    Nicholas                                                         HOKEN             who was murthered by baylifs
  02-Aug  1690     Grace       dau of          John                Ch              HOKEN                  Affidavit Brought
  13-May  1636     Mary        dau of        Margaret                              HOOKER
  16-Apr  1680    Margery                                                          HOOKER                 Affidavit Brought
  30-Oct  1613     James                                                         HORSFFORD                        Ch
  28-Mar  1598     Robert      son of         James                               HORSFORD
  27-Jan  1667       An         ux of          John                               HOSFORD
  23-Feb  1675      John                                                          HOSFORD
  16-May  1644      John       son of          John                                HOSKEN
  03-May  1654     Grace        ux of          John                                HOSKEN
  14-Sep  1684     Grace       ux of           John                                HOSKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Sep  1687      Anne       dau of        Nicholas              Ch              HOSKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Jun  1692    William                                          Ch              HOSKEN
  12-Jun  1692     Susan        widow        William               Ch              HOSKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  16-Jun  1697      Mary       dau of        nicholas                              HOSKEN
  16-Aug  1697      John                                                           HOSKEN
  13-Apr  1699    Susan        dau of          John                                HOSKEN
  31-Oct  1655      Mary        ux of        Nicholas              Ch              HOSKIN
  04-Aug  1656    Hanyball                                         Ch              HOSKIN
  05-Nov  1656       ?         son of          John                                HOSKIN
  29-Jan  1663  Christopher                                                        HOSKIN
last Feb  1664    Anthony      son of          John                                HOSKIN
  05-Feb  1676       An         widow                                              HOSKIN
  24-Aug  1634      John       son of          John                               HOSSFORD
  15-Aug  1610     Walter                                                          HOWEL
  26-Dec  1641      Jane       dau of         James                               HUCHENS
  15-Jun  1618     Walter      son of        Abraham                               HUCHIN
  02-Dec  1622    Wilmote      dau of        Abraham                               HUCHIN
  21-Dec  1623    Abraham                                                          HUCHIN
  30-Oct  1624   Elizabeth                                                         HUCHIN
  27-Dec  1624    Willmot       widow                                              HUCHIN                         Ch
  30-Dec  1626     Thomas                                          Ch              HUCHIN
  12-Jan  1632     Emlyn        widow                                             HUCHINGS
  18-Apr  1638    Leonard      son of        William                              HUCHINGS
  03-May  1597      Edan       wife of         John                               HUCHINS
  13-Dec  1609    margaret                                                         HUCKIN
  30-Jul  1667      John                                                            HUGO
  30-Nov  1667     Ursula                                                           HUGO
  10-Oct  1676    Margaret                                                          HUGO
  27-Oct  1607    Nicolas                                                         HUTCHIN
  15-May  1608     Maryan      dau of        Nicholas                             HUTCHIN                       dec'd
April     1647     James                                                          HUTCHIN
  12-Apr  1656      Jane        widow                                             HUTCHIN             recorded in another place
  08-Jan  1644      John                                                          HUTCHINS
  09-Dec  1644    Margaret     dau of          John                               HUTCHINS
  04-May  1645    William                                                         HUTCHINS
  03-Aug  1645   Alexander                                                        HUTCHINS
  30-Dec  1609     Thomas                                                           INCH
  01-May  1671     Mathew                                                           INCH
  16-Jan  1671      Jane       dau of         Robart                              INCLEDON
  04-Aug  1682    Michael      son of         Robert                              INCLEDON                Affidavit Brought
  16-Jun  1687    Sampson      son of      Bartholomew             Ch             INCLEDON                Affidavit Brought
  11-Jan  1692     George      son of        Bartholl              Ch             INCLEDON                Affidavit Brought
  22-Mar  1696   Constance                                         Ch             INCLEDON
  10-Jul  1696     Martha                                          Ch             INCLEDON
  22-Apr  1656     Henry       son of         James                               INCLETON
  16-Mar  1664    Margaret      widow                                             INCLETON
  31-Jul  1664      Mary       dau of         James                               INCLETON
  30-Aug  1665     Myles                                                          INCLETON
  06-Feb  1679   Prissilla      ux of         James                               INCLETON                Affidavit Brought
  16-Dec  1679     Martha      dau of         Robart                              INGELTON                Affidavit Brought
  07-Nov  1679     Henry       son of         Robert                              INGLETON                Affidavit Brought
  19-Apr  1692     James                                           Ch             INLCEDON                Affidavit Brought
  27-Nov  1677     Robart                                                         ISABELL
  24-Apr  1660     Thomas      dau of                                              ISACK
  05-Mar  1643   Elizabeth     dau of        Richard                               ISBELL
  02-Nov  1687      Mary                                                          JACKMAN                 Affidavit Brought
  31-Aug  1664    Nicholas     son of         George                              JACKSON
  23-Feb  1611    William      son of          John                               JACKWELL
  19-Nov  1617     Susan       dau of          John                               JACKWELL
  22-Dec  1617   Elizabeth      ux of          John                               JACKWELL
  25-Mar  1597     Alson       wife of        Harie                                JAMES               Sic transit Gloria Mundi
  26-Jul  1597    Wilmett      dau of        William                               JAMES
  30-Jul  1597     Annes       wife of        Thomas                               JAMES
  10-Mar  1600     James       son of        William                               JAMES
  08-Sep  1606     James      base son       Keverne                               JAMES
Last Feb  1606      John                                                           JAMES         als Reskroway,servus Richard Donnyng
  13-Jun  1607      Amy        dau of         Nowell                               JAMES
  24-Feb  1608    Wyllmot       ux of        Anthony                               JAMES
  20-Jun  1608    Phillip       ux of         Nowell                               JAMES
  06-Jan  1609    Bettrice      ux of        Walter                                JAMES
  28-Jan  1609      John                                                           JAMES
  20-Feb  1609      Jane        widow                                              JAMES
  25-Mar  1609  Christopher                                                        JAMES
  25-Mar  1609     James       son of         Walter                               JAMES
  19-Jun  1611     James       son of          John                                JAMES
  18-Feb  1612      Jane       dau of          John                                JAMES
  06-Mar  1612   Elizabeth      ux of        William                               JAMES
  23-Nov  1612      Jane        ux of         Henry                                JAMES
  16-Jun  1613      John                                                           JAMES
  01-Jul  1614      Jane       dau of        Nicholas                              JAMES
  10-Apr  1615    Margaret                                                         JAMES
  14-Feb  1616     Annas       dau of         Robert                               JAMES
  14-Mar  1619      John       son of         Robert                               JAMES
  19-Mar  1619     Henry                                                           JAMES                          Ch
  15-Jun  1620    William      son of         Robert                               JAMES
  24-Feb  1621      John       son of      Christopher                             JAMES
  03-Apr  1621     Nowell                                                          JAMES
  14-Jul  1623     James       son of      Christopher                             JAMES
  30-Mar  1624    Nicholas                                                         JAMES
  13-Mar  1625    Wylmote       widow                                              JAMES
  23-Apr  1629    Anthony                                                          JAMES
  21-Jan  1634     Henry                                           Ch              JAMES                     of Treliver
  15-Feb  1634      Jane       dau of        William                               JAMES
  15-Feb  1634    William      son of        William                               JAMES
  31-May  1636     Thomas                                                          JAMES                     als ANTHONY
  12-Dec  1637     Thomas                                                          JAMES                    Als Treglohan
  10-Aug  1638     Mary        dau of         Simon                Ch              JAMES
  06-Jun  1642    Willmott      ux of      Christopher                             JAMES
  04-May  1643    Jullian       ux of          John                                JAMES
  05-Dec  1643      Ann         ux of        Nicholas              Ch              JAMES
  18-Oct  1644  Thomas Sands  base son       Haniball                              JAMES
  27-Dec  1644      Anne                                                           JAMES
  30-Jun  1654      John                                                           JAMES
  15-Dec  1655    Isabell                                                          JAMES
  07-Apr  1658    William                                                          JAMES
  27-Apr  1660      Ann                                                            JAMES
  25-Aug  1660    Daniell                                                          JAMES
  06-Apr  1661      Ann         ux of         George                               JAMES
  19-Sep  1663       ?         son of         Thomas                               JAMES
  10-Mar  1664    Thomasin      widow                                              JAMES
  16-Apr  1664   Elizabeth      widow                                              JAMES
  01-Nov  1664    Margaret                                                         JAMES
  04-Nov  1665       ?         son of         George                               JAMES
  06-Aug  1666      Jone        ux of         Henry                                JAMES
  30-Sep  1666     Thomas      son of          John                                JAMES
  16-Sep  1667    Thomasin      ux of        Matthew                               JAMES
  14-Apr  1669       ?         son of         Henry                                JAMES
  12-Sep  1670     James                                                           JAMES
  26-Dec  1670    Nicholas                                                         JAMES
  23-May  1671      Jane        ux of          John                                JAMES
  18-May  1676     Susan        ux of         Thomas                               JAMES
  11-May  1677     Joane        widow                                              JAMES
  25-Jan  1679    Lawrence                                                         JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  20-Jun  1679      John                                                           JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  09-Mar  1680    Sampson                                                          JAMES                     Alias Nowall
  01-Jan  1683   Elizabeth     dau of         Thomas                               JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  03-Jun  1684     Alice       ux of           Sym                 Ch              JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  20-Dec  1684     Avise                                                           JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  18-Feb  1685    Willmot                                                          JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  25-Apr  1685     Mathew                                                          JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  10-Jul  1685      Jane                                                           JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  02-Nov  1685      John                                           Ch              JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  29-Mar  1686      Jane                                                           JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  13-Jun  1689     James                                                           JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  09-Dec  1689     Symon                                                           JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  26-Dec  1689     George                                                          JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  24-Oct  1690    Dorothy      dau of        Barnard                               JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  10-Apr  1691     Ursula      ux of          Robert                               JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  26-Aug  1691      Anne                                                           JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  14-Feb  1692     Thomas                                                          JAMES
  22-Jan  1693    Margaret      ux of         Robert               Ch              JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  17-Mar  1694     James                                        6/8d Ch            JAMES
  04-Jun  1694    Dorothy      dau of        Richard                               JAMES
  02-Jul  1694    Charity      dau of        Barnard                               JAMES
  08-May  1695      Mary       dau of         Robert            6/8d Ch            JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  23-Jul  1695    Richard    of Falmouth                                           JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  25-Oct  1695      Hugh                                                           JAMES
  13-Nov  1695     Edward      son of        Barnard                               JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  02-Dec  1695     Alice                                                           JAMES
  15-Dec  1695   Hanniball                                                         JAMES
  04-Jan  1696   Elizabeth                                                         JAMES
  08-Nov  1696   Elizabeth                                                         JAMES                  Affidavit Brought
  08-Apr  1698    Nicholas     son of        Richard             Ursula            JAMES
  06-May  1698     Robert                                                          JAMES
  04-Aug  1698     Samuel                                     of Manaccan          JAMES
  15-Apr  1699     Ursula      dau of        Richard                               JAMES
  26-Nov  1699     James                                                           JAMES
  22-Feb  1613   Alexander                                                         JAMIS
  25-Jan  1643     Thomas      son of        Margaret                             JEFFERY
  03-Feb  1625     Elynor                                                          JENING
  16-Apr  1632     Wannie       widow                                              JENKEN
  06-Jun  1633     Mary         widow                                              JENKEN
  26-Dec  1637    Margaret    base dau         Mary                                JENKEN
  20-Jul  1641      Anne       dau of         Walter                               JENKEN
  20-Sep  1657    Margaret      widow                                              JENKEN
  23-May  1663   Athanasins                                                        JENKEN
  27-Jun  1663    William                                                          JENKEN
  13-Aug  1664       ?         son of         Edward                               JENKEN
  06-Nov  1664     George      son of          John                                JENKEN                       Senior
  02-Mar  1665      Ann                                                            JENKEN
  09-Mar  1665      Ann         ux of         George                               JENKEN
  08-Feb  1666      Jane       dau of          John                                JENKEN
  29-Jul  1666      John       son of          John                                JENKEN
  09-Apr  1668     Avis         ux of       Hannyball                              JENKEN
  15-Jul  1669      Mary                                                           JENKEN
  02-Apr  1670     Philip       ux of          John                                JENKEN
  06-Mar  1675    Richard                                                          JENKEN
  02-Jul  1677    Hanyball                                                         JENKEN
  01-Oct  1678      John                                                           JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Nov  1679     Blanch      dau of         Thomas                               JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  27-Dec  1679      Mary        ux of         Edward                               JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  14-Jan  1682      Mary       dau of         Edward              po:              JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  30-May  1683      John                                                           JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Sep  1685     Walter                                                          JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  18-Aug  1687      Mary                                           Ch              JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  06-Oct  1687     Ursula      ux of         Rowland                               JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Oct  1687     Joane       dau of        Rowland                               JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Jan  1689      Alse                                                           JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  18-Apr  1689      John       son of        Leonard                               JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  22-Jul  1689    Rachell      base d         Rueth                                JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  08-Aug  1689     Blanch      dau of         Thomas               Ch              JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  26-May  1692    Dorothy      dau of        Leonard                               JENKEN
  16-Jun  1692      Mary       dau of         Thomas               Ch              JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  01-Aug  1692      Jane                                                           JENKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  22-Feb  1695     Thomas                                          Ch              JENKEN
  10-Nov  1644     George      son of          John                               JENKINGE
  18-Jun  1645      John       son of          John                               JENKINGE
  03-Jun  1646    Margaret      ux of          John                               JENKINGE                      Senior
  01-Nov  1646    Richard        sen                                              JENKINGE
  16-Apr  1620     Thomas                                                         JENNINGS
  12-Mar  1615     Lettha       ux of          John                               JENNYNS
  20-Jan  1605    Benjamin    base son       Richard                                JOHN                     the younger
  26-Aug  1606    Diggory      son of        Nicholas                               JOHN
  30-Jan  1607      Mary        ux of        of Evyn                                JOHN
  01-Apr  1608      Raw                                                             JOHN
  23-Aug  1609      John       base s         Roger                                 JOHN
  11-Oct  1611     Ewryn                                                            JOHN
  05-Jan  1613    Redigon       ux of        Rychgard                               JOHN
  17-Jan  1613     Ewryn                                                            JOHN
  06-Dec  1614      Jeny        ux of         Ewron                                 JOHN
  18-Jul  1616     Walter                                                           JOHN
  30-Jan  1617      Amy         widow                                               JOHN
  17-Sep  1617     Annas       dau of        William                                JOHN
  01-Oct  1617    Anthony      son of         Mathew                                JOHN
  08-Apr  1618    William      son of        Keveryn                                JOHN
  26-Mar  1619    Rychard                                                           JOHN
  26-Nov  1619     Emblem       ux of         James                                 JOHN
  07-Feb  1622    Leathae                                                           JOHN
  02-Jun  1622      Jane                                                            JOHN                    of Trevethian
  11-Jan  1623      Joen       dau of        Keveryn                                JOHN
  22-Jan  1623    William                                                           JOHN                          Ch
  01-May  1623    Heniball                                                          JOHN
  19-Oct  1623    William                                                           JOHN
  25-Jul  1624     Annas        widow                                               JOHN
  15-Jan  1625     Roger     the souldiare                                          JOHN
  08-Apr  1632     Samson      son of        Richard                                JOHN
  17-Jan  1634    Keverne                                                           JOHN
  06-Jan  1635    Cathryn      dau of        Bridgett                               JOHN                        widow
  16-Nov  1636    Fraunces                                                          JOHN
  01-Dec  1637     Sisly        ux of        Nicholas              Ch               JOHN
  03-Mar  1638    Richard                                                           JOHN
  26-Sep  1641     Emlyn       dau of        Emanuell                               JOHN
  03-Nov  1641    Margery      dau of        William                                JOHN
  26-May  1642    Nicholas                                                          JOHN
  27-Jan  1645     Roger                                                            JOHN
  13-May  1646    richard      son of        William                                JOHN
  26-Apr  1656     Lowday      dau of         Robart                                JOHN
  05-Jul  1657    Nicholas                                                          JOHN
  15-Nov  1657       ?                                                              JOHN            son of the Miller at Coverack
  05-Apr  1658     Elinor       widow                                               JOHN
  06-Nov  1659       ?        sister of       Thomas                                JOHN
  08-Jan  1662     Alice        ux of        Sampson                                JOHN                      says 1664
  29-Oct  1662     Alice        widow                                               JOHN
  20-Apr  1663    Bridgett      widow                                               JOHN
  19-Feb  1664     Dorcas      dau of          Mark                                 JOHN
  19-Feb  1665      Amy         widow                                               JOHN
  23-Mar  1665    Margery       widow                                               JOHN
  17-Jul  1666    Loveday      dau of        Barnard                                JOHN
  28-Dec  1666       An        dau of        Sampson                                JOHN
  10-Oct  1667     Philip       ux of        Sampson                                JOHN
  26-May  1668     Grace       dau of        Rowland                                JOHN
  18-Aug  1670      Mary       dau of         Walter                                JOHN
  10-May  1671       An         ux of        Ambrose                                JOHN
  10-Nov  1671    Hanyball                                                          JOHN
  24-Jul  1672   Zacharias                                                          JOHN
  19-Nov  1674     Martha       ux of        William                                JOHN
  31-Oct  1676      Mary                                                            JOHN
  31-Oct  1677    Lovedaye      ux of         Robart                                JOHN
  15-Nov  1677    Sampson                                                           JOHN
  20-Sep  1678      Jone       dau of        Sampson                                JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  21-Oct  1678     Robert                                                           JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  26-Mar  1685    Emanuel                                                           JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  20-Apr  1685    Ambrose                                      als Porth            JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  20-Sep  1686     Walter                                      als Porth            JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  30-Nov  1686      John                                           Ch               JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  30-Apr  1688      June       ux of           John            als Tucker           JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  01-Jan  1689      Amye        ux of         Marke                                 JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  19-Apr  1689     Aplin                                                            JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  05-Apr  1691     Andrew      son of         Andrew                                JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  23-Sep  1691     Henry                                                            JOHN                  Affidavit Brought
  03-Aug  1699   Elizabeth      widow                                               JOHN
  27-Mar  1631     Elenor       widow                                              JOHN
  07-Dec  1605      Jeny        ux of        Richard                               JOHN
  08-Jun  1697     Almond                                                          JOHN
  11-May  1597      Jone       dau of        Richard                               JOHNS
  29-Jul  1598      Jane                                                           JOHNS                      als Olyver
  24-Aug  1599     ? John     base son                         Elyzabeth           JOHNS
  27-Jan  1601      Jane       wife of        Henrie                               JOHNS
  09-Nov  1605     Walter                                                          JOHNS
  09-Feb  1625    William      son of         James                                JOHNS
  12-Jan  1626     Lawry                                                           JOHNS
  17-Feb  1626      Joen        ux of       Zacharias                              JOHNS
  25-Feb  1626     Annas        ux of        William                               JOHNS
  12-Dec  1626     Jenet        ux of        Anthony                               JOHNS
  17-Jan  1630    Richard                                                          JOHNS
  24-Feb  1630    William                                                          JOHNS
  18-Oct  1630    William                                                          JOHNS
  05-Jan  1680      Jane       ux of         Williams                              JOHNS                  Affidavit Brought
  19-Aug  1692    Anthony      son of         James                Ch              JOHNS                  Affidavit Brought
  01-Dec  1693    William                                                          JOHNS                   of Trelease Mill
  24-Sep  1694   Elizabeth      ux of        Rowland                               JOHNS
  25-Nov  1694     Marke                                                           JOHNS
  13-Jan  1696      John       son of        Francis                               JOHNS
  27-Apr  1696     James      base son       Thamzin                               JOHNS
  17-Dec  1608      John                                                           JOSEPH
  29-May  1644      Mary                                                           JOSEPH
  08-Sep  1608   Constance     dau of        Richard                              JOTHEPH
  21-Jun  1612     Julyan     bastard d      Wilmote                               JULYAN
  13-May  1619    Acrapite                                                         KEAYME                         Ch
  06-Jan  1609    Nicholas                                                         KELLOW
  07-Aug  1597      John                                                           KELLY
  18-Feb  1606    Nicolas                                                          KELLY
  20-Mar  1615      John                                                           KELLY
  22-Mar  1629    William                                          Ch              KELLY
  15-Oct  1632      John                                                           KELLY
  23-Apr  1633    Margaret      widow                                              KELLY
  20-Jan  1675      Mary        ux of          John                                KELLY
  06-Mar  1676   Priscilla      widow                                              KELLY
  24-Mar  1687      John                                                           KELLY                  Affidavit Brought
  26-Dec  1699     Joane                                                           KELLY
  11-Mar  1633     Paule                                                           KELTER
  26-Nov  1696     Agnes                                                            KELY
  22-Jan  1675     Oliver                                                          KENNER
  09-Jan  1601    Katteryn     dau of          John                               KENSHAM
  01-Apr  1628      Anne        widow                              Ch             KENSHAM                        Mrs
  12-Jan  1635     Lovdie       ux of        Richard                              KENSHAM                        gent
  15-Jul  1618     Roger                                                            KEVA
  18-Nov  1618     James      base son       Thomasen                               KEVA                   by Thomas Robart
  29-Jan  1622      Jane                                                            KEVA
  15-Aug  1664    William      son of        William                              KEVEREN
  13-Feb  1601       ?       base child                         Margeret           KEVERN             End of Exeter Transcripts
  25-Aug  1680    Emmalind     ux of         Michael                               KEVERN                 Affidavit Brought
  02-Mar  1606     Judna        widow                                             KEVERNE
mid Jul   1656  Christopher                                                       KEVERNE           buried about mid-July (margin)
  22-Sep  1679   Elizabeth     dau of         Edward                              KEVERNE                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Aug  1683      Esaw       son of         Edward              po:             KEVERNE                 Affidavit Brought
  12-Aug  1685    Hanyball                                                        KEVERNE                 Affidavit Brought
  12-Feb  1686    Hanyball                                                        KEVERNE             buried in old church porch
  06-Nov  1687     Elenor      ux of           John                               KEVERNE                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Dec  1689    Michael                                                         KEVERNE                 Affidavit Brought
  11-May  1692    Ellenor      dau of        Francis                              KEVERNE                 Affidavit Brought
  12-Apr  1696      Mary                                                          KEVERNE
  05-Feb  1697    Richard                                                         KEVERNE
  24-Apr  1697      Anne       dau of        Richard                              KEVERNE
  06-Jun  1697      John       son of        Richard                              KEVERNE
  26-Aug  1699     Arthur      son of         Walter                              KEVERNE
  29-Aug  1699    Humphry      son of     Richard dec'd        Elizabeth          KEVERNE
  16-Aug  1610     Marye        ux of       Tristraym                             KEVERYN
  15-Dec  1616     Thomas                                                         KEVERYN
  25-Aug  1625      Jane        widow                                             KEVERYN
  13-Jan  1664    Thomasin     widow                                              KEYNSHAM
  06-Jul  1671     George       gent                                              KEYNSHAM
  09-Sep  1686     Lovday        Mrs                               Ch             KEYNSHAM                Affidavit Brought
  10-Aug  1617      Joen       dau of        Nicholas                              KILTER
  10-Aug  1621     James       son of         George                               KILTER
  30-Aug  1622      Jane       dau of         George                               KILTER
last Feb  1665    Nicholas                                                         KILTER
  20-Apr  1671     Joane        widow                                              KILTER
  08-May  1690   Elizabeth                                                         KILTER                 Affidavit Brought
  21-May  1693    Tristram                                                         KILTER
  22-Dec  1609    Tristrum                                                       KIMIMMIALL
  17-Jan  1640   Elizabeth                                                          KING
  25-Jan  1625     Mathew      son of        Richard               Ch             KINSHAM                         Mr
  31-Dec  1598    Mawdlyn                                                          KIRTEN
  14-Jan  1613     Thomas      son of          John                               KISTELL
  22-May  1624      John       son of          John                               KISTELL
  09-Feb  1644    Richard      son of        William                               KNAVA
  17-Mar  1687    Ananias                                                         KNUCKEY                 Affidavit Brought
  25-Nov  1693      Jane                                                          KNUCKEY
  19-Apr  1677    Richard                                                         KNUCKIE
  17-Jun  1689    Nicholl                                          Ch             LAMBREY                 Affidavit Brought
  09-Jun  1695     Dynas                                                          LAMBRICK                Affidavit Brought
  11-Mar  1600      John                                                          LAMORAN
  15-Sep  1645    William      son of        William                              LAMPREY
  18-Jun  1658    William                                                         LAMPREY
  17-Jun  1597    Richard                                                          LANCE
  20-Aug  1605      John       son of          Loni                              LANGFFORD
  08-Mar  1615      John                                                         LANGFFORD                        Mr
  26-Dec  1609    Thomson       ux of       of Wm John                            LANGFORD
  13-Jan  1606      Jane                                                           LANNER
  18-Mar  1609      John                                                           LANNER
  25-Feb  1613      John                                                           LANNER
  02-Apr  1617       ?                                                             LANNER
  07-May  1621    Nicholas                                                         LANNER
  27-Oct  1607     Agnes       dau of          John                                LANYNE
  03-Mar  1636      John                                                           LANYNE
  01-Dec  1616     Martyn                                                        LAUNRENCE
  24-Jan  1641      Alce        ux of          John                               LAURANCE
  05-Jan  1599 Jane Jefferie                                                       LAURE
  21-Jul  1610     Blandy      dau of        Rychard                              LAURENCE
  10-Jul  1614   Elizabeth     dau of        Richard                              LAURENCE
  25-Oct  1657      John                                                          LAURENCE
  26-Dec  1694      John       son of        Solomon                              LAURENCE
  11-Feb  1695    Nicholas     son of        Richard                              LAURENCE
  02-Oct  1620    Phillipe     dau of        Rychard                              LAURENTS                        Ch
  17-Sep  1610    Rychard        Ch                                               LAWRENCE
  21-Oct  1638      John                                                          LAWRENCE
  12-Feb  1663       ?         dau of        Nicholas                             LAWRENCE
  16-Nov  1685    Dorothy                                                         LAWRENCE                Affidavit Brought
  02-Feb  1696    Nicholas                                                        LAWRENCE
  07-Oct  1621    Barnate      son of        Richard                              LAWRENTS                        Ch
  23-Dec  1630    Catheryn      ux of        Richard                               LAWRY
  29-Jan  1640      Hugh                                                           LAWRY
  30-May  1643      Maud        widow                                              LAWRY
  26-Nov  1664    Nicholl       ux of          John                                LAWRY
  02-Feb  1676      John                                                           LAWRY
  27-Apr  1634     Agnes        widow                              Ch              LAWRYE
  21-Nov  1634    Richard                                          Ch              LAWYE
  27-Apr  1599      John                                                           LAZURE                   als Carpesack
  28-Jan  1644   Williamott     ux of        William                                LEE
  09-Mar  1644    William                                                           LEE
  27-Jun  1618      Jane       dau of        William                               LEINE
  06-Jan  1610      Ales        ux of          John                                LENINE
  27-Sep  1644    William      son of        William                               LEREBY
  13-Nov  1644    Willmott     dau of        William                               LEREBY
  03-Dec  1670      John       son of        Hanyball                              LEREBY
  18-Jan  1655      Avis                                                           LERRY
  04-Feb  1615     James       son of         Robert                              LESKITE
  01-Apr  1597      John       son of        Nycholas                             LESNEAGE                   Memento miro
  19-Jan  1598    William      son of         Thomas                             LESTOWDER
  05-Aug  1644   Alexander                                                       LETHBRIDGE
  12-Feb  1634    Willmott      ux of         Peter                Ch             LETHEBY
  11-Jun  1643     Petter                                                         LETHEBY
  22-Feb  1674    Dorothy                                                         LETHEBY
  29-Jan  1629      John                                                           LETSON
  24-Nov  1633    Margery       widow                                             LETSTON
  27-Sep  1619   Alexander     son of        William                                LEVE
  05-Jan  1624     Edward      son of        William                                LEVE
  23-Jan  1624    Barnate      son of        William                                LEVE
  03-Feb  1624     Ursila       ux of        William                                LEVE
  17-Apr  1605    Margaret                                                        LIDSTON
  30-Mar  1616    Margeryt     dau of         Vinsen                                LINE
  23-Dec  1666     Thomas                                                           LINE
  04-Jun  1673      Jane        widow                                               LINE
  21-Jan  1692     Walter                                                          LISSON                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Feb  1606    William      son of         Walter                               LISTON
  02-May  1678    Thomas       son of          John                Mr              LIVETE
  21-Dec  1623   Elizabeth      widow                                              LIVYE
  04-Jan  1621     peter       son of          John                                 LONG
  08-Jan  1635      Agis       dau of          John                                 LONG
  05-Jul  1642      Joan        ux of          John                                 LONG
  17-Apr  1680      Long                                                            LONG                  Affidavit Brought
  01-Mar  1613      Jane       dau of          John                                LONGE
  16-Jan  1664    William                                                          LONGE
  13-Aug  1665      John                                                           LONGE
  11-Nov  1615    Briggeth     dau of          John                                LONNGE
  28-Jan  1691    Prudence     dau of        Richard                                LORY                  Affidavit Brought
  07-Feb  1616   Elizabeth     dau of         Robart                             LOSSKITTE
  24-Aug  1618     Robart                                                        LOSSKWITE
  13-Nov  1622     George      son of       Justinian                              LOWER
  19-Feb  1618      Jane       dau of       Justinian                              LOWRE
  15-Feb  1665    Gillian      dau of          John                                LOWRY
  23-Feb  1608     Alson                                                           LUCAS
Last Feb  1608     Walter      son of          Raw                                 LUCAS
  10-Mar  1613     Ellen       dau of         Row                                  LUCAS
  26-Oct  1613    Ursilla      dau of          Raw                                 LUCAS
  25-Oct  1626      Mary       dau of        Florence                              LUCAS
  10-Jun  1656     Ralph                                                           LUCAS
  01-Dec  1657    Florence                                                         LUCAS
  28-Jul  1620   Elizabeth      ux of          Elys                                 LUDG                          Ch
  24-Sep  1626      Jane       dau of         Thomas                                LUDG
  05-Jun  1627      Elys                                                            LUDG
  24-Aug  1622   Elizabeth     dau of         Thomas                               LUDGE
  13-Apr  1624      Ales       dau of         Thomas                               LUDGE
  19-Jun  1667       ?         dau of          John                                 LUG
  19-Feb  1659      John                                                           LUGAR
  20-Mar  1656     Thomas                                                           LUGG
  12-May  1670     Fayth                                                            LUGG
  08-Mar  1684      Jane       ux of           John                                 LUGG                  Affidavit Brought
  18-Jan  1686     Grace                                           Ch               LUGG                  Affidavit Brought
  07-Feb  1689     Grace       dau of         Robert                                LUGG                  Affidavit Brought
  01-Jun  1689      John                                                            LUGG                  Affidavit Brought
  13-Aug  1691     George      son of         Robert               Ch               LUGG                  Affidavit Brought
  28-Nov  1693     George                                                           LUGG
  07-Sep  1697      Jane       dau of        George                                 LUGG
  22-Oct  1697     Grace       dau of        George                                 LUGG
  27-May  1638     Agnis        ux of          Rawe                                LUKAS
  29-Nov  1641      Hugh       son of         Josias                                LUKE
  24-Sep  1645     Agnes       dau of         Josias                                LUKE
  06-Dec  1613     Robert                                                           LYNY                      of St Just
  12-Jan  1598      Elyn                                                           LYSTEN
  24-Nov  1610      Jaen       dau of          John                                 LYVY
  25-Mar  1681      John                                                           MAINE
  14-Oct  1611     Rickow      dau of         Nowell                               MANAN
  13-Nov  1642     Thomas                                                         MANNINGE
  29-Apr  1643     Oliver                                          Ch             MANNINGE
  05-Mar  1641    Wilmott                                                          MARIAN
  02-Oct  1640      Mrs         widow                                              MARKE
  08-Oct  1615    Marrien                                                         MARRIEN        the lazar (not sure if surname or fi
  09-Nov  1614    William                                                          MARTIN
  06-Jan  1615   Elizabeth      widow                                              MARTIN
  22-Oct  1633     Ellie                                                           MARTIN
  19-Sep  1644      John                                                           MARTIN
  13-Jun  1646     James         Jnr                                               MARTIN
  05-May  1639    Margaret                                                        MARTINE
  10-Oct  1640     Johne       dau of          John                               MARTINE
  21-Jan  1609     Peter                                                           MARTYN
  16-Oct  1611     Agnes                                                           MARTYN
  24-Feb  1612    Margeryt      ux of        William                               MARTYN
  13-Sep  1613    Nicholas                                                         MARTYN
  29-Jun  1614   Alexander    base son       Margaret                              MARTYN                  by Richard John
  25-Nov  1623     Jeny,       dau of         Peares                               MARTYN
  04-Dec  1623      Jane       dau of         Peares                               MARTYN
  17-Jun  1629      Jane        ux of          Eddy                                MARTYN
  08-Jan  1641    Margret                                                          MARTYN
  01-Feb  1641     Thomas      son of         George                               MARTYN
  24-Nov  1641      Jane       dau of          John                                MARTYN
  04-Feb  1660    Margaret                                                         MARTYN
  14-Feb  1660     James                                                           MARTYN
  02-Sep  1662     Thomas                                                          MARTYN
  13-Mar  1664   Elizabeth      widow                                              MARTYN
  09-Apr  1670      Luce        ux of         Jenken                               MARTYN
  25-Nov  1678       ?         dau of         Edward                               MARTYN                 Affidavit Brought
  02-May  1679      Jane        widow                                              MARTYN                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Jun  1680      John       son of          John                                MARTYN                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Feb  1686     Avice                                                           MARTYN                 Affidavit Brought
  18-Apr  1689     Grace                                                           MARTYN                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Aug  1692    Mesheck      son of         Thomas                               MARTYN                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Aug  1692    Shadrack     son of         thomas                               MARTYN                 Affidavit Brought
  10-Aug  1692    Abednego     son of         Thomas                               MARTYN                 Affidavit Brought
  01-Mar  1693      Mary       dau of          John                                MARTYN
  04-Apr  1694     Jenken                                                          MARTYN
  19-Jul  1695    Frances     wife of         Edward                               MARTYN                 Affidavit Brought
  30-Apr  1697      Mary       dau of          John                                MARTYN
  03-Mar  1606      John                                                           MATHEW
  30-Jan  1608     Henry                                                           MATHEW
  06-Feb  1609    Richard      son of        William                               MATHEW
  22-Jul  1610      John       base s         Annas                                MATHEW                   by John Dugger
  27-Nov  1619    Redigon                                                          MATHEW
  15-Dec  1621    William                                                          MATHEW
  26-Oct  1626     Annis       dau of         Enego                                MATHEW
  21-Sep  1631    Richard                                                          MATHEW
  26-Oct  1642      Jane        widow                                              MATHEW
  19-Oct  1643   Elizabeth      widow                                              MATHEW
  14-Oct  1654      John                                                           MATHEW
  24-Nov  1654      John                                                           MATHEW
  06-May  1656       ?         son of        William                               MATHEW             at Porrallo (Porthallow?)
  26-Jun  1662    Jennett                                                          MATHEW
  29-Jun  1663     James                                                           MATHEW
  21-Jan  1664   Elizabeth                                                         MATHEW
  03-Feb  1665    Blaunch       widow                                              MATHEW
  21-Dec  1665      Mary        ux of         James                                MATHEW
  06-Nov  1666     George                                                          MATHEW
  12-Nov  1666     Alice        widow                                              MATHEW
  03-Jun  1667     Blanch       ux of        Humhrey                               MATHEW
  14-Apr  1671    Wilmote                                                          MATHEW
  08-Feb  1675    Dorothy      dau of        William                               MATHEW
  15-Feb  1675     Honnor                                                          MATHEW
  25-Jan  1677     James                                                           MATHEW
  21-Apr  1678    William      son of        Williams                              MATHEW
  14-Apr  1680     Julyan       ux of        William                               MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  08-Aug  1680      Mary       dau of         James                                MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  29-Aug  1681    Dorothy      dau of        William                               MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  27-Dec  1681    William                                                          MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  20-May  1682    William                                                          MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  12-May  1690      Anne       dau of         Joseph                               MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Sep  1690     Ursula       ux of       Hercullous                             MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  16-Mar  1691      Jane       dau of         Joseph                               MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  21-Apr  1691     Joane       dau of        Abraham                               MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Jul  1691     Alice        ux of         James                                MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Sep  1692     Henry                                                           MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Oct  1693      Jane       dau of         Oliver                               MATHEW
  01-Nov  1694    Humphry                                                          MATHEW
  28-Apr  1695      John       son of         Duens                                MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  06-Apr  1696      Anne      wife of        William                               MATHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  10-Apr  1696    William                                                          MATHEW
  23-Dec  1696    Phillipa     dau of         James                                MATHEW
  09-Nov  1698   Hercullus                                                         MATHEW
  04-Jul  1699    Richard                                                          MATHEW
  20-Dec  1686    Richard      son of         Oliver                              MATTHEW                 Affidavit Brought
  03-May  1606      Joan       dau of         Oliver                               MAYNE
  14-May  1610    Catheryn     dau of         Olyver                               MAYNE
  18-Sep  1695     Agnis        widow                                              MAYNE
  24-Jan  1658    Margaret                                                         MEANE
  13-May  1621     Annas        ux of         Olyver                               MEAYNE
  04-Nov  1621      Aves       dau of         Olyver                               MEAYNE
  04-Apr  1676     Joane                                                           MEDLEN
  01-May  1646     Julian      dau of        Haniball                             MELCOMBE
  13-Oct  1644    Loveday      dau of          John                                MELKEN
  01-Jan  1644      Mary                                                           MELKIN
  18-Jul  1654    Margery       widow                                             MENEAGER
  16-Apr  1600      Jane                                                          MICHEILL
  09-Dec  1609      John       son of        Philipp                              MICHELL
  07-Mar  1611      John                                                          MICHELL                 of Trenoweth Mill
  16-Jan  1612    Haniball     son of         Philip                              MICHELL
  23-Jul  1613      Ann                                                           MICHELL
  08-Feb  1615   Elizabeth     wife of        James                               MICHELL
  21-May  1615     James                                                          MICHELL
  05-Nov  1615      Jane       dau of        Phillupp                             MICHELL
  14-Apr  1616    William     base son       Margaret                             MICHELL          by John Anthony of Grade Parish
  15-Nov  1617      Avys       dau of        Philipp                              MICHELL
  31-Jan  1620    Cateryn       widow                                             MICHELL
  30-Apr  1620    Keveryn                                                         MICHELL
  03-Apr  1624    Suzan        dau of        Rychard                              MICHELL                         Mr
last Feb  1626      Mary                                                          MICHELL
  30-Apr  1628    William      son of         James                               MICHELL
  21-Apr  1630      Maud                                                          MICHELL
  07-Jul  1630     Petter                                                         MICHELL
  25-Jul  1630    William                                                         MICHELL
  25-Feb  1631     Joane       dau of        Richard                              MICHELL                        Gent
  07-Feb  1632      Alis        widow                                             MICHELL
  06-Aug  1635    Nicholas                                                        MICHELL
  09-Jun  1642    Magaret       ux of        Phillipp                             MICHELL
  19-Jul  1644    Richard      son of         James                               MICHELL
  09-Sep  1644      John       son of          John                               MICHELL                       Senior
  20-Sep  1645     Agnes        ux of         James                Ch             MICHELL
  24-Feb  1681    Dorothy                                                         MICHELL                 Affidavit Brought
  27-Oct  1687   Elizabeth     dau of        Nicholas                             MICHELL                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Nov  1687     James                                                          MICHELL                 Affidavit Brought
  21-Dec  1688    Keverne                                                         MICHELL                 Affidavit Brought
  07-May  1693     Thomas      son of         Thomas                              MICHELL
  05-Mar  1698     Thomas                                                         MICHELL        Who was killed by a rock that fell o
  07-May  1598    Margeret                                                        MICHILL
  10-Sep  1605    William                                                         MICHILL
  04-Sep  1606      Mary       dau of        Keverne                              MICHILL
  26-Feb  1694     Wilmot                                                          MIDREN
  21-Dec  1689     Wilmot                                                         MIDRREN                 Affidavit Brought
  30-May  1668     James                                                           MILDEN
  27-Oct  1678      John       son of          John                                MILDEN                 Affidavit Brought
  15-Nov  1679      John       son of          John                                MILDEN                   Affidavit Made
  31-Aug  1644    Zachary      son of         James                               MILDREN
  09-Aug  1684     Philep      ux of          Thomas                              MILDREN                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Sep  1696    Thamzin     wife of          John                               MILDREN
  14-Feb  1600   Constance     wife of       William                               MILKEN
  01-Feb  1636    William                                                         MILLCOMB
  07-Dec  1605      John       son of        William                               MILTON
  10-May  1607    Margaret     dau of        William                               MILTON
  13-Dec  1676    Redigon       ux of        Richard                               MIRRIS
  08-Mar  1606   Elizabeth                                                        MOLENDER
  10-Dec  1617     James       son of         James                                MORISH
  18-Jan  1619    Margery       widow                                              MORISH
  15-Jun  1621     Thomas      son of         James                                MORISH
  27-Nov  1621    William                                                          MORISH                         Mr
  18-Jan  1622      Avys      base dau      Christine                              MORISH                  by Harry Gummow
  15-Dec  1686     James                                                           MORISH                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Aug  1609      Jane       dau of         Mathew                              MORISHE
  09-Jul  1619      John       son of         James                               MORISHE
  03-May  1620     Alice       dau of         James                               MORISHE
  14-Oct  1620     James                                                          MORISHE
  31-Oct  1637      Alce        widow                                             MORISHE
  29-Dec  1660    Richard      son of         James                                MORRIS
  14-May  1663    Bridgett      ux of         Thomas                               MORRIS
  17-Oct  1669     robart      son of        William                               MORRIS
  01-May  1672     Grace        widow                                              MORRIS
  24-Mar  1617     Farmer      dau of        William                              MORRISH                        gent
  29-May  1636     Elinor      dau of         Thomas                              MORRISH
  06-Nov  1685      Anne                                                          MORRISH                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Feb  1687     Thomas                                                         MORRISH                 Affidavit Brought
  16-Nov  1687     Martha                                                         MORRISH                 Affidavit Brought
  01-Jan  1689     Joane       dau of          John                               MORRISH                 Affidavit Brought
  23-Sep  1689     Thomas                                                         MORRISH                 Affidavit Brought
  30-Mar  1692     Thomas      son of          John                               MORRISH                 Affidavit Brought
  30-Jun  1630    Sampson                                                         MORRISHE
  19-Apr  1655    Phillip       ux of         James                Ch             MORRISHE
  02-Apr  1676     Martha      dau of         James                               MORRISHE
  05-Apr  1676    William                                                         MORRISHE
  29-Apr  1608   Elizabeth    base dau                                            MORRYCE
  27-Jun  1608    Nicholas     son of        William                              MORRYCE                         Mr
  15-Mar  1622      John       son of         James                               MORRYCE
  06-Nov  1613   Elizabeth     dau of        Sampson                               MORSHE
  04-Jan  1642    Willmott     dau of          John                              MULLCOMBE
  22-Oct  1669    Richard                                                          MURRAY
  15-Apr  1609     Rabart      son of        Phillipp                             MUSGROVE
  04-Apr  1656    William                                                         MYCHELL
  16-Sep  1656      Ann        dau of         James                               MYCHELL
  11-Jan  1666    Phillip                                                         MYCHELL
  27-Feb  1666     James                                                          MYCHELL
  06-Apr  1666    Marker,      son of          John                               MYCHELL
  28-Oct  1677     Grace        ux of          John                               MYCHELL
  04-Jan  1678      John                                                          MYCHELL                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Feb  1679      John                                                          MYCHELL                 Affidavit Brought
  02-Jun  1679     Joane       dau of         James                               MYCHELL                 Affidavit Brought
  30-Aug  1679    Chessen       ux of          John                               MYCHELL                 Affidavit Brought
  17-Feb  1660      John                                                           MYNORS
  22-May  1623     Edmont                                                         NACOTHAN
  02-Oct  1617     Tamson       ux of        Keveryn                               NAMBLE
  02-Feb  1623    Nicholl      dau of        Keveryn                              NAMBRELL
  22-Nov  1599     Faith       dau of         Henrie                              NAMPIAN
  05-May  1600     Marie       dau of         Harie                               NAMPIAN
? May     1606     James       son of         Henry                               NAMPIAN
  25-Sep  1642   Alexander     son of          John                               NANCARRO
  07-Mar  1692      John                                                         NANCARROE
  03-Jul  1658   Elizabeth      widow                                            NANCARROW
  12-Dec  1681      Jane       ux of           John                              NANCARROW                Affidavit Brought
  02-Jun  1616    Margere      dau of          John                                NANCE                          Mr
  20-Sep  1638    Margaret     dau of        Richard                              NANGAKE
  17-Feb  1643     Jenny                                                         NANGITHER                     a poore
  27-Apr  1660    Margaret                                                       NANGYTHER
  26-Dec  1667    Nicholas                                                        NANPEAN
  04-Jan  1675     Dorcas                                                         NANPEAN
  03-Mar  1607    William      son of         Henery                              NANPIAN
  08-Feb  1624     Jeny,        widow                                              NAPIAN
  20-Apr  1607     Jenye        ux of        Swandrye                             NAPPIAN
  23-Nov  1611     James                                                          NASEVEN
  17-Feb  1608    Dorothy      dau of          John                                NAUNCE                  Mr of Roskarnan
  02-May  1616      John                                                          NAWNNALL
  06-Jun  1638      John                                           Ch              NICHOL
  19-Dec  1608      Mary        ux of       of Sampson                            NICHOLAS
  24-Nov  1609      Jane       dau of         Steven                              NICHOLAS
  26-Feb  1610    Margery      base d        Margaret                             NICHOLAS                By Richard Kensham
  30-Dec  1611     Judgna      dau of          John                               NICHOLAS
  24-May  1612      Jeny        ux of        William                              NICHOLAS
  01-Feb  1613    Kateryn                                                         NICHOLAS
  11-Jun  1614     Walter                                                         NICHOLAS
  10-Jul  1617    Stephen                                                         NICHOLAS
  03-Nov  1617    William                                                         NICHOLAS
  24-Aug  1619      John                                                          NICHOLAS
  15-Nov  1622      John       son of         Thomas                              NICHOLAS
  08-Sep  1624 Ann,the Lazar    ux of         Roger                               NICHOLAS
  15-Jun  1625    Margery       widow                                             NICHOLAS
  27-Dec  1625     Robert                                                         NICHOLAS
  18-Feb  1626    Rychard      son of         Thomas                              NICHOLAS
  30-Apr  1628     Warne                                           Ch             NICHOLAS
  09-Sep  1635   Elizabeth      widow                                             NICHOLAS
  16-Mar  1642      Alce        ux of          John                               NICHOLAS                      Senior
  10-Aug  1656      John                                                          NICHOLAS                    als WARNE
  10-Jun  1663      Jane        ux of         thomas                              NICHOLAS
  17-Jan  1669    Richard      son of         Thomas                              NICHOLAS
  02-May  1671     Thomas                                                         NICHOLAS
  02-Aug  1671      Jane       dau of         Thomas                              NICHOLAS
  23-Apr  1677     Susan       dau of         Thomas                              NICHOLAS
  12-Aug  1677    William      son of          John                               NICHOLAS
  24-Oct  1678     Grace       dau of          John                               NICHOLAS                Affidavit Brought
  26-Sep  1679      John       son of          John                               NICHOLAS                Affidavit Brought
  09-Sep  1682   constance     ux of          Thomas                              NICHOLAS                Affidavit Brought
  25-Sep  1682     Grace       dau of          John                               NICHOLAS                Affidavit Brought
  25-May  1685   Elizabeth     dau of          John                Ch             NICHOLAS                Affidavit Brought
  22-Dec  1687     James       son of          John                               NICHOLAS                Affidavit Brought
  06-Mar  1689   Elizabeth                                                        NICHOLAS                Affidavit Brought
  07-Jan  1693      Anne       dau of          John                Ch             NICHOLAS
  08-May  1694      John                                       als Wearne         NICHOLAS                   6/8d Church
  15-May  1694      John       son of        Rowland                              NICHOLAS
  23-May  1694     Thomas                                                         NICHOLAS
  13-Jan  1695     Grace                                           Ch             NICHOLAS                Affidavit Brought
  17-Jun  1695      John                                          6/8d            NICHOLAS
  10-Jun  1696      Mary       dau of         Grace                Ch             NICHOLAS
  14-Feb  1615     Sibble      dau of          Rawe                               NICHOLL
  16-May  1654     Henry                                                          NICHOLL
  25-Jun  1662      Mary        widow                                             NICHOLL
  10-Jun  1664     George      son of          John                               NICHOLL
  26-Jan  1671   Constance      ux of         George                              NICHOLL
  06-Dec  1671     George                                                         NICHOLL
  03-Jun  1673      John                                                          NICHOLL
  18-May  1676     Alice        widow                                             NICHOLL
  13-May  1680    richard                                                         NICHOLL                 Affidavit Brought
  23-May  1681      John                                                          NICHOLL                 Affidavit Brought
  15-Jan  1683      Anne       dau of          John                               NICHOLL                 Affidavit Brought
  06-May  1688      Jane        widow                                             NICHOLL                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Jan  1696      John       son of        Phillip               Ch             NICHOLL
  16-Dec  1696      Anne        widow                              Ch             NICHOLL
  09-Nov  1697    Richard      son of        Richard                              NICHOLL
  08-Aug  1624      John                                                         NICHOLL
  18-Nov  1625      Jane       dau of         George                             NICHOLL
  25-Sep  1626    Maurlyng     dau of          John                               NICHOLLS
  26-Dec  1627   Elizabeth      ux of        George                               NICHOLLS
  16-May  1630   Elizabeth                                                        NICHOLLS
  15-Jun  1631     Ralph                                                          NICHOLLS
  13-Dec  1689    Ishmael     base son        Faith                               NICHOLS                 Affidavit Brought
  29-Dec  1664   Justinian     son of         Warne                               NICKLIS
  27-Oct  1678      Avis        widow                                             NICKLIS                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Mar  1606      Joan       dau of         Martyn                              NICOLAS
  22-Aug  1606      Jane                                                          NICOLAS                    of Tregowris
  27-Nov  1607     Samson                                                         NICOLAS
  07-Jan  1608     Hellen       ux of         Walter                              NICOLAS
  08-Dec  1644   Alexander     son of          John                               NICOLAS
  17-Jun  1607      Jane       dau of          Rafe                                NICOLL
  09-Feb  1644     George                                          Ch              NICOLL
  25-Nov  1623      John       son of           ?                                NOT CLEAR                  of Linlard (?)
  08-Dec  1623     George                                                        not given              servant of Mr Michell
  30-Jun  1682    Redigon                                                          NOWEL                  Affidavit Brought
  18-Dec  1611     Annas       dau of          John                                NOWELL
  03-Dec  1613    Margaret     dau of          John                                NOWELL
  15-Nov  1626     Arthur      son of          John                                NOWELL
  23-Aug  1630      Jane        ux of          John                Ch              NOWELL
  27-Mar  1639    Thomasin      ux of         Edward                               NOWELL
  28-Jul  1643    Lovedaie     dau of         Edward                               NOWELL
  07-May  1655      Jane        widow                                              NOWELL
  13-Feb  1659      Jane        ux of         Thomas                               NOWELL
  18-May  1676      John                                                           NOWELL
  22-Oct  1683   Elizabeth                                                         NOWELL                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Nov  1688     Thomas                                                          NOWELL                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Sep  1695     Harry       son of         Robert                              NOYSTER                 Affidavit Brought
  09-Oct  1623     Robert      son of         Robart                                NUN                        gent. Ch
  11-Aug  1625     Robart      son of         Robert               Ch               NUN                           Mr
  13-Jun  1679      Mary       dau of         Robert                                NUN                   Affidavit Brought
  05-Aug  1679   Parthenia     dau of         Robert                                NUN                   Affidavit Brought
  07-Oct  1641    Thamsin       ux of         Robart               Ch               NUNN                         gent
  04-Nov  1658     robert                                                           NUNN                         gent
  29-Aug  1680     Robert      son of         Robert                                NUNN                  Affidavit Brought
  15-Nov  1680     Robert      son of         Robert            Bersheba            NUNN                  Affidavit Brought
  28-May  1683     Susan                                                            NUNN                  Affidavit Brought
  20-Jun  1699     Arthur        Mr                                Ch               NUNN
  16-Sep  1629   Elizabeth     dau of         Robert               Ch              NUNNE                         Gent
  23-Jan  1599    Gillyan      wife of         John                               NYCHOLAS
  23-Jun  1679      John       son of         Robert                               ODGER                  Affidavit Brought
  10-Apr  1680    Sampson      son of         Robart                               ODGER                  Affidavit Brought
  17-Feb  1689   Elizabeth     dau of         Rogers                               ODGER                  Affidavit Brought
  13-Apr  1690     Olive                                                           ODGER                  Affidavit Brought
  18-Jun  1680     Alice       ux of          robart                               ODGYER                 Affidavit Brought
  17-May  1696     Alise                                                          OGRADOE
  02-Oct  1640     Peeter      son of         Thomas               Ch              OLEVY
  26-Jul  1671     Ellen        widow                                              OLIVE
  13-Dec  1605    Wilmote                                                          OLIVER
  10-Jun  1680     Peter       son of        Zacherie                              OLIVEY                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Aug  1681   Zacharias                                                         OLIVEY                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Jun  1683     Alisse      dau of         Thomas                               OLIVEY                 Affidavit Brought
  23-Sep  1684     Sarah                                           Ch              OLIVEY                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Apr  1687     Martha                                                          OLIVEY                 Affidavit Brought
  30-Sep  1688   Elizabeth                                                         OLIVEY                 Affidavit Brought
  20-May  1689    Unclear      son of        William                               OLIVEY                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Oct  1694     Walter                                                          OLIVEY
  18-Aug  1695     Agnes        ux of         James                                OLIVEY                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Dec  1698     Wilmot      ux of          Thomas                               OLIVEY
  17-Jan  1653   Elizabeth      widow                                              OLIVIE
  01-Jun  1641     thomas                                                          OLIVY
  29-Apr  1608    Richard                                                          OLIVYE
  11-Mar  1662      Ede         ux of        Richard                               OLIVYE
  23-Feb  1664      John                                                           OLIVYE                       Senior
  17-Nov  1665      John                                                           OLIVYE
  22-Dec  1665      John       son of         James                                OLIVYE
  03-Dec  1667    Richard        Jnr                                               OLIVYE
  14-Oct  1669      John       son of         James                                OLIVYE
  23-Oct  1670      Anna       dau of         James                                OLIVYE
  26-Nov  1670    Richard                                                          OLIVYE
  22-Mar  1673     James       son of         James                                OLIVYE
  07-Apr  1673       An         widow                                              OLIVYE
  20-Apr  1680    Zacharie     son of        Sacharie                              OLIVYE                 Affidavit Brought
  15-Dec  1615      John                                                           OLYVER
  12-Aug  1617    Wilmote      dau of          John                                OLYVER
  12-Aug  1621    Catheryn     dau of          John                                OLYVER
  01-Apr  1597   Elyzabeth                                                         OLYVIE
  15-Feb  1612     Marien       ux of        William                               OLYVY
  10-Sep  1681      Ann         widow                                              PASCOE                 Affidavit Brought
  11-May  1643    Ellinor       widow                                              PASCOW
  13-Apr  1597      Jone                                                           PASKEW
  10-Jan  1598   Jane James                                                        PASKEW
  28-May  1598     Marie       wife of         John                                PASKEW
  30-Sep  1601   Elyzabeth     wife of         John                                PASKEW
  10-Jun  1638     Roger                                                           PASKOE
  03-May  1605      John                                                           PASKOW
  27-Mar  1633     Samson                                                          PASKOW
  26-Mar  1655   Elizabeth      ux of          John                                PASKOW
  08-May  1655      John                                           Ch              PASKOW
  21-Feb  1608    Thomson       ux of          John                               PASSKOW
  30-May  1619      John                                                          PASSKOW
  16-May  1622      Jane        ux of          John                               PASSKOW
  16-Oct  1614     Thomas      son of          John                               PASSKOWE
  22-Nov  1615     James                                                          PASSKOWE
  22-Dec  1622      Ales                                                          PASSKOWE
  17-Jan  1624   Christian     dau of          John                               PASSKOWE
  06-Dec  1625     Marien       widow                                             PASSKOWE
  28-Dec  1637     Allis        ux of         George                              PATIENCE
  01-May  1638   Elizabeth      ux of        Nicholas                               PAUL
  20-Oct  1598      John                                                           PAULE
  19-Dec  1599    Margaret                                                         PAULE
  17-Apr  1641   Elizabeth                                                         PAULE                      als Helter
  18-Jul  1642    Patience                                                         PAULE
  25-Feb  1620     Alson                                                           PAWLE
  16-Apr  1624    Margaret      widow                                              PAWLE
  30-Oct  1663     George                                                          PAWLE
  17-Apr  1664    Willmote      ux of          John                                PAWLE
  28-Jan  1608    Marryen                                                          PAWLLE
  15-Aug  1626      Alce        ux of          John                Ch             PAYNTER
  07-Feb  1640      John                                           Ch             PAYNTER                       senior
  26-Jun  1663      John                                                          PAYNTER
  14-Jan  1609     Annas        ux of        Richard                            PAYNTTICHOST
  04-Apr  1628    Nicholas                                                         PEARCE
  06-May  1631     Pascho                                                          PEARCE
  18-Jan  1634     Thomas                                                          PEARCE
  06-Jul  1634      John                                                           PEARCE
  15-Feb  1635      Jane       dau of       Alexander                              PEARCE
  23-Feb  1635    Aleander                                                         PEARCE
  07-Sep  1636    Margaret    spinster                                             PEARCE
  28-Nov  1641    Willmott     dau of         Samson                               PEARCE
  08-May  1642    Nicholas                                                         PEARCE
  03-Jun  1642      Alce        widow                                              PEARCE
  07-Apr  1644     Agnes       Sampson                                             PEARCE
  01-May  1644      Joan        ux of          John                                PEARCE
  09-May  1644     Samson                                                          PEARCE
  12-Jun  1646     Isatt        ux of        Michael                               PEARCE
  09-Apr  1686   Elizabeth     dau of         Samuel                               PEARCE                 Affidavit Brought
  31-Mar  1687    Margery                                                          PEARCE                 Affidavit Brought
  23-Apr  1687     Samuel                                                          PEARCE                 Affidavit Brought
  02-Feb  1688   Katherine     ux of           John                                PEARCE                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Jan  1691    Humphry                                                          PEARCE                 Affidavit Brought
  06-May  1691    Benjamin     son of         Thomas                               PEARCE                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Aug  1693     Thomas      son of         Walter                               PEARCE            Who was drowned at Dohomeane
  18-Nov  1694     Elenar     widow of       Humphry                               PEARCE
  21-Nov  1698     Aplyn                                                           PEARCE
  14-Feb  1696     Avice       dau of        Richard                               PEARCY
  05-Aug  1609    Gilbart                                                          PEARES
  10-Jul  1611     Annes       dau of          John                                PEARES
  20-Feb  1614    Kateryn     base son                                             PEARES
  12-Mar  1616    Faythly      dau of          John                                PEARES
  05-May  1618      Jane         ud          Nicholas                              PEARES
  02-Feb  1621    Frances      son of          John                                PEARES
  16-Feb  1622      Joen        ux of        Richard                               PEARES
  25-Aug  1622    Redigon      dau of        Stephen                               PEARES
  02-Apr  1624      Joen      base dau       Margaret                              PEARES
  25-Apr  1624    Richard                                                          PEARES
  06-Jul  1624      Jane       dau of        Rychard                               PEARES                         Ch
  19-Apr  1626     Thomas                                                          PEARES
  31-Dec  1626     Blanch                                                          PEARES
  08-Feb  1645     alice       dau of        Richard                               PEARSE
  07-Jun  1645     Isatt       dau of        Michell               Ch              PEARSE
  10-Feb  1653     Joane        widow                                              PEARSE
  30-Dec  1658    Mychell                                                          PEARSE
  30-Dec  1658    Nicholas     son of        Mychell                               PEARSE
  01-Jun  1662    Chessen       ux of          John                                PEARSE
  01-Jun  1662     George      son of         George                               PEARSE
  18-Sep  1663     James       son of        Richard                               PEARSE
  09-Dec  1663      John                                                           PEARSE
  01-Oct  1664   Katherine     dau of          John                                PEARSE
  07-Jan  1665     Thomas                                                          PEARSE
  17-Apr  1665     Dinah        widow                                              PEARSE
  26-Mar  1666    Phillip      dau of        Richard                               PEARSE
  23-May  1670     Agnis        widow         Thomas                               PEARSE
  20-Jul  1671    Zenobia      dau of         Samuel                               PEARSE
  29-Sep  1671      Alce       dau of         Thomas                               PEARSE
  23-Aug  1672    Richard                                                          PEARSE
  11-Oct  1672   Alexander     son of        Richard                               PEARSE
  03-Apr  1675     George                                                          PEARSE
  07-Apr  1676      John                                                           PEARSE
  10-Jan  1677      John       son of          John                                PEARSE
  25-Apr  1677     Sissly                                                          PEARSE
  01-Dec  1677    Richard                                                          PEARSE
  30-Jan  1678     George      son of          John                                PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  12-Apr  1679    Sampson      son of        Sampson                               PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  20-Apr  1679     Isack       son of         Thomas                               PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  05-May  1681     Henry                                                           PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  02-Apr  1682     Lovday       widow                                              PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  27-Jun  1682     Moses       son of         Samuel                               PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Jan  1683    Ursulah      dau of          John                                PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  31-Jan  1683     Henry       son of        Sampson                               PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  17-Feb  1684      Mary       dau of         Samuel                               PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  16-Sep  1685     thomas                                                          PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  21-Aug  1690     Henry       son of        Sampson                               PEARSE                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Sep  1695    Haniball                                         Ch              PEARSE
  19-May  1697      John                                                           PEARSE
  28-Feb  1698      Rose                                                           PEARSE
  08-Jan  1630      Anne        ux of        Richard                              PENALUNA
  05-Apr  1636      Jane       dau of         Arthur                              PENALUNA
  02-May  1645    Richard                                          Ch             PENALUNA
  11-Feb  1619     Alice       dau of        Richard                             PENALURICK
  24-Jul  1635     Zenoby      dau of         Petter                              PENCOST
  09-Feb  1605     Tamsen      dau of         Mathew                              PENHALE
  15-May  1624   Justinian     son of        William                              PENLINA
  24-Nov  1671   Christian                                                       PENNALUNA
  16-Mar  1676       An        dau of         thomas                              PENROSE
  23-Dec  1643    Willliam     son of         James                Ch             PENROSSE
  12-Jan  1643      Anne        ux of         Petter                             PENTICOAST
  17-May  1654    Anthony                                                        PENTICOST
  21-Oct  1659      John       son of         George                             PENTICOST
  30-May  1665     Jenny        widow                                            PENTICOST
  01-Aug  1669       ?         son of         Thomas                             PENTICOST
  09-Nov  1671     Peter                                                         PENTICOST
  10-Dec  1671    Tristrum                                                       PENTICOST
  06-Jul  1672     James                                                         PENTICOST
  01-Feb  1676     Grace        ux of         thomas                             PENTICOST
  23-Mar  1683      John                                                         PENTICOST                Affidavit Brought
  01-Apr  1684      John                                                         PENTICOST                Affidavit Brought
  13-Apr  1684      Anne                                                         PENTICOST                Affidavit Brought
  15-Oct  1684   Hercullous                                                      PENTICOST                Affidavit Brought
  28-Jan  1685      Jane                                                         PENTICOST                Affidavit Brought
  07-Apr  1688     Alice       dau of        Nicholas                            PENTICOST                Affidavit Brought
  05-Aug  1690      Jane       dau of        Richard                             PENTICOST                Affidavit Brought
  16-Jan  1696     Thomas                                                        PENTICOST
  24-Apr  1698   Christian                                                       PENTICOST
  13-Jan  1689    William                                          Ch              PERCIE                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Sep  1692      Jane       dau of        Richard                               PERCIE                 Affidavit Brought
  09-Feb  1694    dorothy                                                          PERCIE
  29-Oct  1654      Jane        ux of        William                               PERCY
  15-Jun  1658      Jane       dau of        William                               PERCY
  15-Aug  1660    William                                                          PERCY
  15-May  1685      John                                           Ch              PERCY                  Affidavit Brought
  16-Feb  1688      Jane                                           Ch              PERCY                  Affidavit Brought
  17-Nov  1642    Ellinor       widow                                              PERRY?
  23-Jul  1597       ?        wife of         Almet                                PERSE
  30-May  1600   Justinian     son of                            Blanch            PERSE
  20-Jun  1600      Jane       dau of         Thomas                               PERSE
  17-Mar  1607    Margerye      ux of          John                                PERSE
  22-Nov  1607    William                                                          PERSE
  07-Aug  1597    Lawrene      son of        Sampson                               PERTH
  09-Mar  1640    Richard                                                          PETTER
  13-May  1642      John       son of         Urala                                PETTER
  04-Jun  1644     Robert                                                          PETTER
  12-Nov  1614   Elyzabeth                                                        PHILIPP
  23-May  1612      Jeny                                                          PHILIPPE
  19-Mar  1624     Robart                                                         PHILIPPE
  30-May  1597      John                                                          PHILLIP
  24-Jul  1599      John                                                          PHILLIP                    de Porthalo
  29-Jan  1688    Willmott                                                        PHILLIPS                Affidavit Brought
  11-Mar  1698     Avise                                                           PIERCY
  25-Jul  1696     James       son of        Richard                               PIERSY
  28-Mar  1632   Christian     dau of        Anthonie                             PIN'CAST
  05-Jul  1662      John                                                           PIPER
  10-Oct  1599   John James    son of          Wt.                                 PLOMER
  07-Dec  1600     Thomas                                                          PLOMER
  16-Nov  1606      John      base son         Ryc                                 PLOMER
  06-Sep  1607     Robert      son of        Nicholas                              PLOMER
  20-Jan  1664      Avis        widow                                              PLOMER
  25-Oct  1665     thomas                                                          PLOMER
  11-Nov  1665     Thomas      son of        Nicholas                              PLOMER
  14-Nov  1673    william                                                          PLOMER
  20-Dec  1675   Katherine     dau of         Thomas                               PLOMER
  11-Feb  1676      Mary                                                           PLOMER
  06-Jul  1680     Joane       dau of        Nicholas                              PLOMER                 Affidavit Brought
  01-May  1681    susannah     ux of         Nicholas                              PLOMER                 Affidavit Brought
  29-Jun  1683    Nicholas     son of        Nicholas             po:              PLOMER                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Sep  1683    Nicholas                                  in the chancell        PLOMER                 Affidavit Brought
  25-Dec  1684    Nicholas                                         Ch              PLOMER                 Affidavit Brought
  15-Mar  1692   Hanniball                                                         PLOMER
  12-Jan  1693      Alis                                                           PLOMER
  05-Mar  1694     Thomas                                                          PLOMER
  25-Feb  1631    William      son of        Nicholas              Ch              PLUMER                        Jun
  17-Jun  1634    William      son of        Nicholas              Ch              PLUMER
  20-Jun  1634    Nicholas                                         Ch              PLUMER                       Senior
  01-Aug  1635     Thomas      son of         Thomas                               PLUMER
  24-Apr  1608    Richard                                                         PLUMMAR
  24-Apr  1680   Elizabeth                                                       POKENHORNE               Affidavit Brought
  26-Feb  1683    William      son of         James                              POLKENHORN               Affidavit Brought
  23-Jun  1644    Wilmott       ux of        William                            POLKENHORNE
  02-Nov  1664    William                                                       POLKENHORNE
  18-Apr  1665    Margaret     dau of          John                             POLKENHORNE
  20-Apr  1671    Margaret      widow                                           POLKENHORNE
  15-Apr  1680      John                                                        POLKENHORNE               Affidavit Brought
  21-Nov  1692   Elizabeth     dau of         James                             POLKENHORNE               Affidavit Brought
  06-May  1613     Marien       ux of        Trustram                            POLKINHORN
  18-Mar  1613      Ollo        Wid.                                            POLKINHORNE                       Ch
  07-May  1636     Lowdye      dau of          John                             POLKINHORNE
  25-Feb  1637     Mary        dau of          John                             POLKINHORNE
  20-Apr  1643    Trustram                                         Ch           POLKINHORNE
  09-Apr  1686    William      son of        William                            POLKINHORNE               Affidavit Brought
  05-Jan  1621      John                                                           POLKIR
  14-Mar  1672      Mary        ux of          John                             POLKWNHOENW
  11-Apr  1613    Sissely                                                        POLPINNICK
  10-Sep  1601     Thomas                                                          PORTH
  17-Aug  1606      John       son of         Enias                                PORTH
  21-Nov  1608     Edward      son of         Alneas                               PORTH
  18-Dec  1608   Elizabeth     dau of         George                               PORTH
?         1610      Jane        widow                                              PORTH
  05-Feb  1611      Jane       dau of         George                               PORTH
  16-Nov  1614      Ann        dau of         Enias                                PORTH
  10-Mar  1616     Thomas                                                          PORTH
  16-Mar  1616      Ann        dau of         Thomas                               PORTH
  28-Mar  1617    Margeryt                                                         PORTH
  27-Mar  1618    Wilmote      dau of         Enias                                PORTH
  04-Nov  1621    Richard      son of         Enias                                PORTH
  14-Mar  1629      Joan        widow                                              PORTH
  02-Jan  1645    Margery       ux of        Ananias                               PORTH
  23-May  1661     Enear                                                           PORTH
  15-Apr  1691      Jane                                                           PORTH                  Affidavit Brought
  08-Mar  1611      Ann        base d        Ambrust                               POTTER
  14-Apr  1643    Garthred     dau of         Enigre               Ch              POTTER
  08-Mar  1651    Margaret     wife of        Enigoe                               POTTER
  31-Oct  1658      John       son of          John                                POTTER
  22-Jan  1659      John       son of          John                                POTTER
  22-Feb  1665    Georg                                                            POTTER
  22-Jul  1666    Phillip      dau of          John                                POTTER
  15-Apr  1669   Christian      ux of          John                                POTTER
  05-Jul  1669    Zacharie                                                         POTTER
  19-Jun  1674      Jane                                                           POTTER
  09-Mar  1677      John                                                           POTTER
  15-Nov  1679     Agnes       dau of         George                               POTTER                 Affidavit Brought
  25-Jun  1680    Margaret     dau of          John                                POTTER                 Affidavit Brought
  31-May  1681      John                                                           POTTER                 Affidavit Brought
  18-Apr  1682      Mary       dau of         George                               POTTER                 Affidavit Brought
  04-May  1686    Frances      dau of         Thomas                               POTTER                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Jun  1688     Sarah       dau of          John                                POTTER                 Affidavit Brought
  22-Jul  1690     George                                                          POTTER                 Affidavit Brought
  26-Oct  1696      Anne                                                           POTTER
  27-Apr  1698      Mary                                                           POTTER
  18-Oct  1698      Jane                                                           POTTER                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Dec  1698     Alice                                                           POTTER
  08-Feb  1699     Avise       ux of           John                                POTTER
  18-Mar  1666      John                                                          PRENTICE
  05-Jul  1685    Thamazin       Mrs                               Ch              PRISK                  Affidavit Brought
  10-Jan  1609    Marrien                                                         PRISKAN
  20-Jan  1631    Margaret     a poore                                            PRISKAW
  19-May  1636      John       son of          John                Ch              PRISKE
  18-Mar  1667      John                                                           PRISKE
  29-May  1668    Hanyball                                                         PRISKE
  16-Apr  1619      Joen       dau of         James                               PRISKOW
  13-Oct  1682   Elizabeth     dau of         James                             PULKENHORNE               Affidavit Brought
  28-Jun  1690    William      son of         James                             PULKENHORNE               Affidavit Brought
  24-Mar  1623     Onour       dau of         Gedian                               QUARME                         Ch
  30-Apr  1677    William                                                         QUINNALL
  22-Nov  1610    Margaret       Ch                                               RABARTS
  02-Aug  1611      Jaen       dau of         Henry                               RABARTS
  06-Aug  1611      John       son of        William                              RABARTS
  23-Mar  1692    Margaret                                                        RACHELL
  06-Feb  1637     James                                                          RAIGNALL                   of Carsulan
  15-Dec  1642      Joan        widow                                             RAIGNOLD
  16-Sep  1659     Grace        ux of        Nicholas                              RALPH
  05-May  1664      Hugh                                                           RALPH
  23-Dec  1670      Jane       dau of        William                               RALPH
  26-Jun  1671      John                                                           RALPH
  23-Jun  1685    william                                                          RALPH                  Affidavit Brought
  08-Jun  1686     Grace                                                           RALPH                  Affidavit Brought
  08-Mar  1694      Jane       widow                                               RALPH
  14-Jul  1698    Nicholas                                                         RALPH
  10-Jan  1688    William                                          Ch             RANDALL                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Mar  1689     Grace                                           Ch             RANDALLS                Affidavit Brought
  16-Aug  1621      Jane      base dau                                            RASHLEY                    Mr. Of Comb
  18-Sep  1612     Grace       dau of         Thomas                              RASSKOW
  02-Dec  1607     Agnes        widow                                               RAW
  11-Feb  1636      Joan                                                            RAW
  28-May  1637      Joan      spinster                                              RAW
  08-Jul  1597     Annes        widow                                               RAWE
  21-Dec  1610      Anas        ux of          John                                 RAWE
  23-Aug  1611     Alment      son of        Sampson                                RAWE
  18-Mar  1612     Walter                                                           RAWE
  05-May  1612      Joen        widow                                               RAWE
  18-Feb  1637      Jane       dau of         Thomas                              RECKETT
  15-Dec  1687   Elizabeth                                                       REIGNALDS                Affidavit Brought
  10-Sep  1656     Robart                                                         REIGNOLD
  18-Apr  1676    Thomasin      ux of        Richard                             REIGNOLDS
  27-May  1609     Alles                                                          REINOLD
  26-Feb  1640    Nicholl                                          Ch              REKETT
  15-Jun  1611    Charitye     dau of          John                               REMFFRY
  05-Nov  1608    William                                                         REMFRYE
  25-Jan  1629      Anne        ux of          John                               REMPHREE
  09-Dec  1608    Reinall                                                        RENCTVAS?
  03-Feb  1631    Fraunces     son of         Peter                Ch             RESKELLY
  20-May  1631     Grace        ux of          John                Ch             RESKELLY
  08-Oct  1634      John                                           Ch             RESKELLY                      Senior
  10-Oct  1654    Rebecca                                                         RESKELLY
  03-Mar  1656      John                                                          RESKELLY
  17-Mar  1663       ?         son of         Henry                               RESKELLY
  07-May  1667      Mary       dau of         Henry                               RESKELLY
  14-Dec  1667    William                                                         RESKELLY
  17-Feb  1672    Sagvill      son of        Haniball                             RESKELLY
  25-Dec  1672    Hanybal                                                         RESKELLY
  09-Dec  1696     Joane      wife of        Richard                              RESKELLY
  18-Nov  1601    William                                                        RESKILLIE
  06-Oct  1622    Blanche      dau of         Peter                               RESKILLY                        Ch
  12-Feb  1653    Nicholas     son of        William                              RESKILLY
  23-Jun  1664   Hannyball     son of       Hannyball                             RESKILLY
  16-Oct  1679   Elizabeth      ux of         Thomas                              RESKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  07-Oct  1683    Redigon      dau of         Philip              po:             RESKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  15-Apr  1684     Thomas                                                         RESKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  07-May  1684    William                                                         RESKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  02-Jul  1685    Margaret                                                        RESKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  29-Oct  1687     Jacob                                                          RESKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  15-Jul  1692     Joane       dau of         Thomas                              RESKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  13-Nov  1692     Henry                                                          RESKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  12-Mar  1697     Emblyn                                                         RESKILLY
  13-Feb  1698      John       son of         Thomas                              RESKILLY
  25-Feb  1687     George                                                         RESKILY                 Affidavit Brought
  16-Feb  1623    Cateryn                                                        RESOKARNAN
  20-Jun  1624    Redigon                                                        RESSKILLY                        Ch
  25-May  1685    Rebecka                                                         REYNOLDS                Affidavit Brought
  10-Dec  1696    Willmot                                                         REYNOLDS
  23-Jan  1624     James                                                          RICCARD                         Ch
  02-Jul  1597      John       son of         Thomas                                RICE
  19-Dec  1599   Elyzabeth     dau of        William                                RICE
  02-Feb  1636    Wilmott      dau of          John                                 RICE
  16-Jan  1657   Allexander                                                         RICE
  30-Jan  1661    Douglas       ux of         Walter                                RICE
  06-Aug  1664   Elizabeth     dau of         Thomas                                RICE
  29-Jan  1667      John                                                            RICE
  15-Feb  1668    Margaret                                                          RICE
  02-Nov  1677      Ann         widow                                               RICE
  17-Jan  1680     Walter                                                           RICE                  Affidavit Brought
  04-Jul  1683      Jane       ux of          thomas                                RICE                  Affidavit Brought
  10-Jun  1597    Nycholas                                                        RICHARD                     als Lance
  26-Jun  1597     Harie       son of         Thomas                              RICHARD
  06-Jul  1597      Jeny       dau of         Thomas                              RICHARD
  23-Apr  1600     Thomas                                                         RICHARD
  19-Mar  1607      John       son of         Nowell                              RICHARD
  23-Aug  1619      Jane       dau of          John                               RICHARD
  08-Jun  1675       ?         dau of         Curtis                              RICHARD
  28-Jun  1631      John                                                          RICHARDS
  05-May  1634     Sibell                                                         RICHARDS                     als Baha
  31-Oct  1659     Joane        ux of          John                               RICHARDS
  20-Feb  1660    Sampson                                                         RICHARDS
  02-Feb  1664      John                                                          RICHARDS
  26-Dec  1664    Wilmote                                                         RICHARDS
  05-Dec  1667     Robert      son of        Richard                              RICHARDS
  28-Jun  1670    William      son of        William                              RICHARDS
  23-Jun  1671      Jane       dau of        William                              RICHARDS
  13-Mar  1676    William                                                         RICHARDS
  06-Jun  1606    Myllyard     dau of         James                               RICKARD
  04-Apr  1630     Honner      dau of         Thomas                              RICKARD
  25-Nov  1639      John                                                          RICKARD
  29-Mar  1683   Millthred                                                        RICKARD                 Affidavit Brought
  26-Apr  1695     Hester     wife of         James                               RICKARD
  28-Dec  1662      Jane                                                           RICKET
  10-Dec  1683     Henry                                                           RICKET                 Affidavit Brought
  01-Mar  1667   Elizabeth     dau of         Thomas                              RICKETT
  21-Dec  1668      Jane       dau of          John                               RICKETT
  24-May  1677      John                                     Ascension Day        RICKETT
  23-Jul  1677    Thomas                                                          RICKETT
  12-Jun  1680      Jane                                                          RICKETT                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Jan  1610     Nicoll       ux of         James                                RIPPER
  07-Mar  1623     James                                                           RIPPER              Isay the Seventh day. Ch
  02-Jul  1599      John                                                            RISE
  19-Apr  1636    William      son of          John                Ch               RISE
  15-Jan  1670     Grace        widow                                               RISE
  05-Jul  1696     Hester                                                         RISKATT
  28-Sep  1681    Barnard                                                          RISKET                 Affidavit Brought
  29-May  1682      Jane        widow                                             RISKETT                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Mar  1612      John       son of         Henry                                ROBART
  22-Apr  1616   Christian      ux of          John                                ROBART
  08-Apr  1618     Annas       dau of         Henry                                ROBART
  08-Sep  1620     Alson        widow                                              ROBART                         Ch
  30-Aug  1630      Jane       dau of          John                Ch              ROBART
  11-Feb  1634    Anthony                                          Ch              ROBART
  09-Sep  1635    Margaret      ux of         Henry                                ROBART
  04-Jun  1636    Nicholas     son of          John                                ROBART
  05-Jan  1657    William                                                          ROBART
  25-Feb  1657    Charles                                                          ROBART
  29-Dec  1658     Alice                                                           ROBART
  09-Oct  1664    Anthony      son of          Hugh                                ROBART
  16-Jan  1668      Jmes                                                           ROBART
  03-May  1671    Nicholas                                                         ROBART
  26-Jul  1671   Christian      widow                                              ROBART
  23-Mar  1673   Katherine      widow                                              ROBART
  14-Apr  1673    Mychell                                                          ROBART
  10-Aug  1673     Emlin       dau of          John                                ROBART
  31-Dec  1675   constance      widow                                              ROBART
  13-Nov  1687     thomas                                                          ROBART                 Affidavit Brought
  16-Jan  1660      John                                                          ROBARTS
  14-Apr  1678    Thomas       son of        Sampson                              ROBARTS
  24-Aug  1678   Constance     dau of         James                               ROBARTS                 Affidavit Brought
  29-Oct  1678    Nicholas     son of         James                               ROBARTS                 Affidavit Brought
  17-Oct  1600    Nycholas                                                         ROBERT
  21-Jan  1654    Isabell       widow                                              ROBERT
  25-Dec  1665      Mary       dau of          Hugh                                ROBERT
  05-May  1683     Thomas                                                          ROBERT                 Affidavit Brought
  27-Jan  1683      John                                                          ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Jun  1683    Margaret     ux of           John                               ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  02-Nov  1683    Jellion                                                         ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  19-May  1684       on                                                           ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  24-Mar  1685      John       son of        Nicholas                             ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Dec  1688    Anthony                                                         ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Apr  1690      Jane       dau of        Nicholas                             ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  09-Mar  1691    William                                                         ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  25-Jun  1691      Hugh       son of        Nicholas              Ch             ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  06-Sep  1693     Wilmet                                      als Harry          ROBERTS                 Affidavit Brought
  29-May  1695    Frances     wife of        Nicholas                             ROBERTS
  08-Dec  1696    Tristram                                                        ROBERTS
  31-Jan  1698      Mary       wife of       Nicholas                             ROBERTS
  01-Feb  1699    William                                                         ROBERTS
  31-Mar  1699    Sampson                                                         ROBERTS                    in one grave
  31-Mar  1699   Elizabeth    his wife                                            ROBERTS                    in one grave
  29-May  1688     Grace       ux of           John                Ch              ROBYNS                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Dec  1685   Constance     ux of          George               Ch             ROBYNSON                Affidavit Brought
  17-May  1597      John                                                           ROGER                       of Grade
  28-May  1598     Johan                                                           ROGER
  14-Jul  1614   Elizabeth     dau of         Samson                               ROGER
  21-Feb  1615   Elizabeth     base d        Katheryn                              ROGER
  21-Feb  1616    William     base son        Walter                               ROGER
  03-Mar  1616      Jane        ux of         Walter                               ROGER
  20-Feb  1624     Wylmot       widow                                              ROGER
  04-Apr  1630     Walter                                                          ROGER
  16-Apr  1632    Margery       widow                                              ROGER
  01-Feb  1639    Margery       ux of       Justinian                              ROGER
  06-Jan  1642     Thomas                                                          ROGER
  20-Oct  1658     Susan                                                           ROGER
  16-Apr  1677   Elizabeth                                                         ROGER
  02-Mar  1682    Dorothy      dau of       Robert,Esq            po:              ROGERS                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Feb  1613      Jane                                                           ROGGER
  09-Oct  1657       ?       Isack's widow                                        RONDALL
  08-Apr  1679     Ursula                                                        ROSEKELLY                Affidavit Brought
  12-Dec  1640    Margery      dau of          John                              ROSKARNON
  08-Sep  1644     Thomas      son of          John                              ROSKARNON
  05-Aug  1656      John                                                          ROSKELLY
  12-May  1660    Thomasin      ux of         Henry                               ROSKELLY
  12-Apr  1676    Thomasin      widow                                             ROSKELLY
  29-May  1677      John       son of        Williams                             ROSKELLY
  22-Apr  1639     Ellen        ux of                                             ROSKILLY
  24-Oct  1680      Jael       dau of        Richard              Joan            ROSKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  18-Apr  1681   Elizabeth     dau of        Richard                              ROSKILLY
  15-Oct  1684     Thomas      son of         Thomas                              ROSKILLY                Affidavit Brought
  19-Dec  1693     Symon       son of         Symon                               ROSKILLY
  09-Sep  1638      Jane                                                         ROSKREUGE
  21-Feb  1677     Grace        ux of         Henery               Mr             ROSKRUGE
  19-Mar  1685   Elizabeth     ux of        Anthony,Mr             Ch             ROSKRUGE                Affidavit Brought
  15-Jan  1693   Elizabeth       Mrs                          als Polgeast        ROSKRUGE
  06-Dec  1696     Joane        ux of        Benjamin              Ch             ROSKRUGE
  01-Nov  1698    Benjamin       Mr                                Ch             ROSKRUGE
  08-Jan  1623      John                                                         ROSSKARNAN
  05-Sep  1620     Thomas      son of          John                              ROSSKILLY                        Ch
  19-Oct  1606     Thomas                                                           ROW
  07-Oct  1617    Ursella      dau of        Sampson                                ROW
  25-Jan  1622    Rychard                                                           ROW
  10-Aug  1623      Ann        dau of        Sampson                                ROW
  10-Dec  1624    Margaret     dau of          John                                 ROW
  21-Jul  1630   Elizabeth      widow                                               ROW
  12-Aug  1663     Ellen                                                            ROW
  01-Aug  1664    Frances      dau of        Barnard                                ROW
  21-Oct  1665      Jane        ux of        Barnard                                ROW
  13-Jan  1676    william                                                           ROW
  05-Aug  1684      Jane       ux of           John                                 ROW                   Affidavit Brought
  12-Jan  1685    Charity      dau of         Thomas                                ROW                   Affidavit Brought
  18-Jan  1685      Amy                                                             ROW                   Affidavit Brought
  03-Jan  1687      John                                                            ROW                   Affidavit Brought
  25-Apr  1687      John                                                            ROW                   Affidavit Brought
  14-Apr  1691      John                                                            ROW                   Affidavit Brought
  16-Jan  1698     Joane                                                            ROW
  25-Jan  1657   Elizabeth                                                          ROW
  20-Oct  1658   Willmote,      widow                                               ROW
  15-Feb  1645    Sampson      son of          John                                 ROWE
  28-Dec  1645    Jeffery      son of          John                                 ROWE
  12-May  1654      Amy                                                             ROWE
  23-Sep  1605    Nicolas                                                          ROWLIN
  17-Nov  1605    Nicholas                                                        RUSSELL
  07-Aug  1670   Elizabeth                                                        RUSSELL
  15-Apr  1610    Margeryt      ux of         Thomas                              RYCHARD
  08-Nov  1612     Elen                                                           RYCHARD
  21-Dec  1613   Elizabeth                                                        RYCHARD
  18-Dec  1615   Elizabeth     dau of         Thomas                              RYCHARD
  30-Apr  1618    Margery       widow                                             RYCHARD
  29-Dec  1623     James       son of          John                               RYCHARD
  08-Jun  1627   Passiones     dau of         Walter                              RYCHARD
  20-Jul  1693   Nathaniel                                                        SADGEMAN           Who was drowned at Coverack
  23-Dec  1695     robert                                                         SADGEMAN                Affidavit Brought
  21-Mar  1689      Jane       ux of        Nathaniel                            SADGEMOORE               Affidavit Brought
  12-Dec  1692    Mrgaret       ux of        Nicholas                              SAMPRE                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Apr  1597     Huchin                                                         SAMPSON
  12-Jan  1600    Anthonie     son of          John                               SAMPSON
  24-Jan  1618     Enygoo      son of          John                               SAMPSON
  09-Sep  1623     Edden                                                          SAMPSON
  27-Mar  1663      Jane        widow                                             SAMPSON
  30-Apr  1636    Jullian      dau of          John                                SAMSON
  20-Aug  1689      Hugh                                           Ch             SANDDRY                 Affidavit Brought
  24-May  1699      Mary                                                          SANDREY
  21-Feb  1638   Elizabeth     dau of          John                Ch              SANDS
  28-Apr  1640     Susan        widow                              Ch              SANDS
  31-May  1640      Alce        ux of        Richard               Ch              SANDS
  27-Feb  1644     Joane        ux of        Anthony               Ch              SANDS
  21-Oct  1644      John                                                           SANDS                     ALS JEFFERY
  28-Jun  1645      John       son of        Richard               Ch              SANDS
  22-Dec  1645     Lower                                                           SANDS
  10-Jun  1646     emlyn       dau of          John                                SANDS
  06-Mar  1656    Sampson                                                          SANDS
  28-Jun  1656    Ursilla      dau of         George                               SANDS
  18-Apr  1659    Richard                                                          SANDS
  13-Feb  1661   Priscilla      widow                                              SANDS
  03-Jan  1665      Ann         ux of          John                                SANDS
  16-Apr  1665   Charitye      dau of        William                               SANDS
  19-May  1672      John                                                           SANDS
  20-Dec  1678    Margaret      widow                                              SANDS                  Affidavit Brought
  05-Apr  1689      John                                                           SANDS                  Affidavit Brought
  11-Feb  1692    Richard      son of          John          als Pengarack         SANDS
  18-Sep  1692     Philip       widow                              Ch              SANDS                  Affidavit Brought
  11-Jun  1694    Anthony      son of         George                               SANDS                       3/4d Ch
  03-Jan  1696    William       ux of                                              SANDS
  29-Aug  1696       d         Sampson                                             SANDS
  06-Dec  1696      John                                                           SANDS
  04-Jan  1697    Anthony      son of        Sampson               Ch              SANDS
  22-Feb  1698    Sampson       gent                                               SANDS
  30-Jun  1698    Anthony      son of        George                Ch              SANDS
  09-Apr  1699   Phillippa     dau of         Samson                               SANDS      Ch
  14-Jan  1628     Grace        ux of          Love                Ch             SANFFORD
  14-Jan  1615     Marien       widow                                              SANNS
  19-Feb  1615     Nicoll       ux of        Sampson                               SANNS
  18-Nov  1615    Jowannet     dau of         Nowell                               SANNS
  23-Nov  1615    Sampson      son of         Nowell                               SANNS
  21-Dec  1618      Mary       dau of          John                                SANNS
  07-Mar  1622      Ales       dau of        Anthony                               SANNS                          Ch
  31-Aug  1623    William      son of        Richard                               SANNS
  10-Mar  1624    Richard      son of          John                                SANNS
  09-May  1624     Onour       dau of          John                                SANNS                          Ch
  20-Jun  1626    Anthony                                                          SANNS
  25-Oct  1662    Anthony                                                          SANNS
  22-Jan  1667     Joane        ux of        William                               SANNS
  25-Nov  1667    Richard                                                          SANNS
  30-Jan  1673      John                                                           SANNS
  20-Mar  1673     Sissly       widow                                              SANNS
  16-May  1676      Jane        ux of        Sampson                               SANNS
  05-Sep  1682   Constance                                                         SANNS                  Affidavit Brought
  28-Dec  1683    William      son of        william                               SANNS                  Affidavit Brought
  04-Apr  1684     George                                    in the church         SANNS                  Affidavit Brought
  30-Jul  1690      Jane                                                           SANNS                  Affidavit Brought
  08-Dec  1691   Elizabeth     dau of         George                               SANNS                  Affidavit Brought
  07-Aug  1628    William                                          Ch               SANS
  04-Sep  1629     Nowell                                                           SANS
  08-Nov  1629      Joan                                                            SANS
  12-Nov  1630    Keverne                                                           SANS
  09-Dec  1630     Humfry                                          Ch               SANS
  03-Nov  1632    Margery       widow                                               SANS
  27-Oct  1633    Richard      son of          John                                 SANS
  29-Oct  1633     Jonas                                                            SANS
  10-Mar  1635     Joane       dau of          John                                 SANS
  05-Apr  1636     James                                                            SANS
  29-Apr  1636    Richard      son of        Richard               Ch               SANS
  05-Jun  1636     Alice       dau of          John                Ch               SANS
  20-Jan  1640    Margery                                                           SANS
  24-Sep  1642   Elizabeth      ux of          John                                 SANS
  11-Apr  1643      Dyna      spinster                                              SANS
  19-Jan  1669    Emanuell     son of        William                                SANS
  10-May  1671      John                                                            SANS
  22-Jun  1674   Christian      ux of          John                                 SANS
  06-Feb  1676    Margaret                                                          SANS
  22-Feb  1687    Dorothy      ux of         Sampson               Ch              SANSS                  Affidavit Brought
  27-Jan  1609    Sampson      son of         Samson                               SAUNCE
  27-Dec  1681     Henry       son of          John                               SAUNDERS                Affidavit Brought
  04-May  1687      Mary       dau of          John                               SAUNDERS                Affidavit Brought
  07-May  1687      Jane       dau of          John                               SAUNDERS                Affidavit Brought
  13-May  1687  Christopher    son of          John                               SAUNDERS                Affidavit Brought
  10-Jul  1605   Christian     dau of        Gabriell                             SAUNDRY
  08-Jan  1608     Thomas      son of        Gabriell                             SAUNDRY
  08-May  1636      Jane       dau of         James                               SAUNDRY
  15-Jun  1637      Anne       dau of         James                               SAUNDRY
  03-Nov  1637    William                                                         SAUNDRY
  02-Nov  1641    Florence       us          Gabriell                             SAUNDRY
  05-Dec  1642   Elizabeth     dau of         James                               SAUNDRY
  09-Jul  1644      Jane        ux of        William                              SAUNDRY
  01-Jul  1645     Marke       son of        Radford                              SAUNDRY
  30-Dec  1653      Jane       dau of          Hugh                               SAUNDRY
  28-Mar  1656     James                                                          SAUNDRY
  24-Aug  1656      John                                                          SAUNDRY
  02-Mar  1662      John                                                          SAUNDRY
  01-May  1662      Hugh       son of          Hugh                               SAUNDRY
  25-Jun  1664       ?         son of          John                               SAUNDRY
  02-Dec  1664    William                                                         SAUNDRY
  02-Aug  1669     Thomas      son of         Edward                              SAUNDRY
  07-Feb  1670    Richard                                                         SAUNDRY
  03-Dec  1673     Elinor       ux of        Radford                              SAUNDRY
  01-Feb  1675      Jone       dau of          Hugh                               SAUNDRY
  19-Feb  1676     Edward                                                         SAUNDRY
  01-Mar  1676      Jane        widow                                             SAUNDRY
  14-Nov  1676   Elizabeth     dau of          John                               SAUNDRY
  14-May  1677    Radford                                                         SAUNDRY
  29-Dec  1678     Honnor       widow                                             SAUNDRY                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Jan  1682    Eliabeth                                                        SAUNDRY                 Affidavit Brought
  29-Apr  1684    Susanna      dau of          John                               SAUNDRY                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Jun  1686      Mary       dau of          John                Ch             SAUNDRY                 Affidavit Brought
  21-Nov  1687     Samuel                                          Ch             SAUNDRY                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Dec  1693     Avise                                           Ch             SAUNDRY
  19-Aug  1687    Philipa      dau of         Alice                               SEACOMBE                Affidavit Brought
  07-Sep  1690     thomas      son of         Thomas                              SEACOMBE                Affidavit Brought
  03-Nov  1691      John                                                          SEACOMBE                Affidavit Brought
  17-Nov  1691    Charity      dau of         Thomas                              SEACOMBE                Affidavit Brought
  25-Jan  1692    Margaret                                                        SEACOMBE                Affidavit Brought
  25-Apr  1693   Elizabeth     dau of        Haniball                             SEACOMBE
  30-Apr  1693     Alice                                                          SEACOMBE
  06-Feb  1694      Jane       dau of        haniball                             SEACOMBE
  13-Jun  1695     Peter       son of         Henry                               SEACOMBE
  16-Dec  1696   Elizabeth     dau of         Thomas                              SEACOMBE
  13-Mar  1698    Ambrose                                                         SEACOMBE             buried in the same grave
  13-Mar  1698     Thomas      son of         Thomas                              SEACOMBE             buried in the same grave
  01-Jan  1637      John                                                          SEARELL     Ch
  13-May  1688      John                                                           SEARLE                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Jul  1636    Ellinor      dau of          John                               SECCOMBE
  19-Jan  1686    Nicholas                                                        SECCOMBE                Affidavit Brought
  14-Jun  1688      John                                                          SECCOMBE                Affidavit Brought
  04-Sep  1664     Grace       dau of          John                               SECOMBE
  06-Dec  1664      Ann         ux of          John                               SECOMBE
  07-Sep  1670    William        Mr                                               SECOMBE
  11-Dec  1670      John                                                          SECOMBE
  05-Feb  1678      An          ux of          John                               SECOMBE                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Jul  1607    Margeryt       ur         of Rogers                              SECOME
  22-Jun  1692    Margaret                                                        SEDGEMAN                Affidavit Brought
  05-May  1683     Alice      base dau      Katherine                            SEDGEMOORE               Affidavit Brought
  20-Aug  1689     Robert      son of         Robert                             SEDGEMOORE               Affidavit Brought
  26-Feb  1683    William                                                        SEDGEMORE                Affidavit Brought
  24-Feb  1670    William                                                          SEREBY
  15-Aug  1641      Jane        widow                              Ch            SHEAPHERD
  06-Aug  1671      John                                                          SHEPARD
  10-Oct  1684    Loveday      dau of          Mark                               SHEPARD                 Affidavit Brought
  31-May  1696    Ellanor                                                         SHEPARD                 Affidavit Brought
  25-Aug  1636      Amye       dau of          Jane                              SHEPHEARD
  21-May  1628     Marke                                           Ch             SHEPHERD
  02-Feb  1618      John                                                          SHILSTON
  23-Oct  1620     Moude        ux of          John                               SHILSTON
  21-Feb  1676       ?        The widow                                            SHOAL
  01-Feb  1671       An        dau of        William                               SHOLE
  21-May  1679       An         ux of        Williams                              SHOLE                  Affidavit Brought
  14-Nov  1682    William      son of        William                               SHOLE                  Affidavit Brought
  29-Mar  1684    William      son of        William                               SHOLE                  Affidavit Brought
  20-Aug  1689     Julion      dau of        William                               SHOLE                  Affidavit Brought
  19-Feb  1639   Elizabeth                                                         SHORT
  25-Dec  1684   Elizabeth                                                         SISSON                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Jun  1630   Penelopie      ux of         Martyn               Ch             SKENNER
  10-Apr  1635      Jane       dau of         Martyn                              SKENNER
  29-Sep  1636    Richard      son of         Martyn                              SKENNER
  17-Dec  1626   Elizabeth     dau of          John                                SKEWES
  03-Feb  1629      Anye        ux of          John                                SKEWES
  20-Dec  1636    Richard      son of        Richard                               SKEWES
  28-Jul  1640      John       son of          John                                SKEWES
  14-Feb  1643    Dorothy      dau of        Richard                               SKEWES
  14-Jul  1654     Arthur                                                          SKEWES
  13-Jan  1661     Tomzin      dau of         Walter                               SKEWES
  17-Jul  1664    Williams     son of        Richard                               SKEWES
  24-Apr  1673     Joane        ux of        Keverne                               SKEWES
  06-Apr  1674      John                                                           SKEWES
  17-Jan  1678    Richard                                                          SKEWES                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Dec  1679      Mary        ux of         Walter                               SKEWES                 Affidavit Brought
  21-Jan  1686      John                                                           SKEWIS                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Jan  1692    Keverne                                                          SKEWIS                 Affidavit Brought
  06-May  1688     Lovday                                                          SKINER                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Mar  1615      John       son of          John                                SKINN
  22-May  1693     Thomas                                                         SKINNER
  23-Jan  1617      John                                                          SKIPPARD
  17-Sep  1616     Lowdy       dau of          John                               SKIPPER
  28-Sep  1689    Dorothy                                                          SKUIS                  Affidavit Brought
  20-Aug  1690     Walter                                                          SKUIS                  Affidavit Brought
  28-Aug  1695      Jane                                                           SKUIS
  26-Mar  1627      John                                                           SNOTH
  01-Aug  1605    Wyllmot                                                         SQUEIRE
  08-Apr  1615      Ales       dau of          John                               SQUIARE                         Ch
  19-Dec  1601     Andrew      son of          John                                SQUIER
  17-Jun  1624     Thomas      son of        Rychard                              SQUIERE                       Mr. Ch
  29-Jun  1614      John                                                           SQUIRE                         Mr
  28-Feb  1633    Richard      son of        Richard               Ch              SQUIRE                         Mr
  24-Mar  1635      Jane       dau of        Richard                               SQUIRE                         Mr
  24-May  1636      Jane        widow                              Ch              SQUIRE
  23-Mar  1673    Richard        Mr                                                SQUIRE
  02-Jun  1676      Mary        widow                                              SQUIRE
  01-Feb  1693     Honor         Mrs                               Ch              SQUIRE
  26-Dec  1617    Margeyt      dau of           ?                                 ST TOBEN
  09-May  1638    Margaret      ux of         Thomas               Ch             STEEVENS
  01-Nov  1611   Katheryne     dau of          John                               STEPHEN
  27-Feb  1622      John         of          Ressveck                             STEPHEN
  30-Mar  1622      Hugh       son of        William                              STEPHEN
  02-Feb  1623    Anthony      son of        William                              STEPHEN
  21-Nov  1623      John                                                          STEPHEN
  31-Jan  1692     Warry?                                                         STEPHENS                Affidavit Brought
  07-Jan  1634    Richard      son of       Elizabeth                              STEVAN
  01-Jan  1635     Thomas      son of         Thomas                              STEVANS
  14-May  1636      Jane       dau of          John                               STEVANS
  24-Feb  1606     Nycol       dau of          John                                STEVEN
  30-Sep  1608     Robert      son of        William                               STEVEN
  08-Jan  1630      Jane        ux of          John                               STEVENS
  16-Jun  1630    William      son of         Thomas                              STEVENS
  18-Oct  1643   Elizabeth      widow                                             STEVENS
  11-Jun  1658    Nicholas     son of         Henry                               STEVENS
  01-Sep  1677    Richard                                                          STEVIN
  03-Jul  1663    Nicholas     son of         Henery                              STEVINS
  22-Nov  1664      John                                                          STEVINS
  03-Apr  1667    Margaret     dau of         Henry                               STEVINS
  16-Jan  1670     Thomas      son of         Henry                               STEVINS
  22-Jan  1675   Elizabeth     dau of         Henery                              STEVINS
  30-Mar  1680      Amy         widow                                             STEVINS                 Affidavit Brought
  06-May  1691    Stephen                                          Ch             STEVINS                 Affidavit Brought
  20-Jun  1598    Willmot                                                          STONE
  26-Oct  1607    William      son of         Roger                                STONE
  27-Jan  1615    Nicholas     son of         Rogers                               STONE
  06-Apr  1620      John      the elder                                            STONE                          Ch
  08-Apr  1638      John                                                           STONE
  25-Apr  1673     Joane        widow                                              STONE
  16-Aug  1623    William                                                          STONNE                         Ch
  22-May  1624   Christian     dau of         Roger                                STONNE
  11-Dec  1624    Catheryn      widow                                              STONNE                         Ch
  16-Oct  1625    Maurlyn       ux of          John                Ch              STONNE
  09-Dec  1672     Susan        widow                                              SUGAR
  06-Jul  1627     George      son of          John                                SUGER
  04-Apr  1612      John                                                          SWANDRY
  06-May  1621    William      son of          John                               SWANDRY
  21-Oct  1621     Susan       dau of        William                              SWANDRY
  26-Oct  1621   Christian      widow                                             SWANDRY
  28-Dec  1615      Jane        widow                                              SWEET
  30-Jul  1624   Elizabeth                                                         SWEET
  22-Mar  1655     Honnor      dau of          John                                SWEETE                         Mr
  10-Oct  1660     Maine       son of          John                                SWETE
  24-Jul  1661      Ann         ux of          John                                SWETE
  20-Jun  1678    Lovedaye     dau of          John                Mr              SWETE
  25-Nov  1679       An        dau of          John                Mr              SWETE                  Affidavit Brought
  17-Nov  1676     James                                                           SYMON
  24-Jun  1677    Charitye                                                         SYMONS
  08-Oct  1684     Mathew                                                          SYMONS                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Feb  1686      Anne                                                           SYMONS                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Mar  1695     Joane                                                           SYMONS
  02-Apr  1607      Mary       dau of      Justinian Es                           TALCARNE
  19-Jan  1611    Haniball                                                        TALKARNE
  04-Dec  1607      Uri        dau of      Justinian                             TALLAKARNE                      Esq
  31-Oct  1664    William                                                          TAYLOR
  27-Mar  1677     Susan        ux of          John                                TAYLOR
  04-Dec  1678      John                                                           TAYLOR                 Affidavit Brought
  04-Apr  1684    Francis                                                          TAYLOR                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Apr  1654    Ginifer                                                          TEAGE
  15-Mar  1698   Elizabeth                                                         TEAGE
  19-Sep  1605      Hugh                                                          TEDWALL
  09-Jun  1613   Temperance    base d          John                              TEMPERANCE
  30-Sep  1632   Temperance                   Thomas                             TEMPERANCE               daughter in law of
  08-Jun  1677   Elizabeth      ux of         Jacob                               TESKELLY
  18-Dec  1679     Elinor                                                      THE IRISHWOMAN             Affidavit Brought
  15-Jul  1597    Margeret     wife of        Harie                                THOMAS
  16-Mar  1599     Harie                                                           THOMAS
  24-Nov  1600     Jenet       wife of       Michill                               THOMAS
  25-Nov  1601     Jenet       dau of       Penticost                              THOMAS
  02-Jan  1606     Annas       dau of         James                                THOMAS
  09-Dec  1608     George      son of        Rychard                               THOMAS
  17-Dec  1608    William      son of         Henry                                THOMAS
  21-Oct  1609      Emly       dau of        William                               THOMAS
  05-Dec  1610      Iset                                                           THOMAS
  05-Mar  1611      John         of         Halvagill                              THOMAS
  04-Jan  1614    Margaret                                                         THOMAS
  16-Jul  1614     Tamsen      dau of          John                                THOMAS
  06-Mar  1615   Paynticost                                                        THOMAS
  20-Mar  1615     Tamson       ux of        Nicholas                              THOMAS
  23-Dec  1615    William      son of         Harry                                THOMAS
  23-Jun  1616     Jonne       dau of          John                                THOMAS
  30-Jan  1618    Abraham      son of       Ezechiell                              THOMAS
  21-Apr  1618     James                                                           THOMAS
  16-Nov  1618    Margery       ux of        Emanuell                              THOMAS
  31-Jan  1619      John                                                           THOMAS
  02-Aug  1620      John                                                           THOMAS                   of Lesneag. Ch
  21-Apr  1621    Rychard                                                          THOMAS
  13-Dec  1622    Barbary      dau of          John                                THOMAS
  09-Feb  1623     Judgna       ux of          John                                THOMAS
  18-Apr  1623    Constans                                                         THOMAS
  22-Dec  1624     Annas       dau of          John                                THOMAS
  26-Jan  1625    Tristrim     son of          Hary                                THOMAS
  15-Jun  1625      Ales       dau of         Harry                                THOMAS
  10-Mar  1632   Ezechiell                                                         THOMAS
  02-Feb  1634    William                                                          THOMAS
  11-Feb  1634     Henry                                                           THOMAS
  07-Jul  1634     Blandy       ux of          John                                THOMAS
  02-Aug  1634     Joane                                                           THOMAS
  18-May  1635     Henry                                                           THOMAS
  05-Dec  1638      Alce        ux of          John                                THOMAS                    of Resvicke
  26-Nov  1640    Margaret      widow                                              THOMAS
  02-Mar  1641     Mary        dau of          John                                THOMAS                       Junior
  01-Apr  1642    richard                                                          THOMAS
  10-Dec  1642     Elynor                                                          THOMAS
  31-Oct  1643     Isett      spinster                                             THOMAS
  06-Apr  1644     Marie                                                           THOMAS
  20-Jun  1646     Ellen        ux of        William               Ch              THOMAS
  17-Feb  1655       ?         son of        William                               THOMAS
  21-Mar  1656     Sissly                                                          THOMAS
  15-Jan  1657      Ann        dau of          John                                THOMAS
  13-Sep  1657     Susan        ux of         Thomas                               THOMAS
  10-Mar  1658      Mary       dau of         Isack                                THOMAS
  09-Aug  1658      John       son of         John,                                THOMAS                        Jnr
  07-Apr  1661      Ann         ux of          John                                THOMAS
  01-Nov  1663       ?        child of      Nanguck's                              THOMAS
  07-Dec  1664      John                                                           THOMAS
  20-Jan  1667     Joane       dau of          John                                THOMAS
  26-Feb  1668    Sampson      son of          John                                THOMAS
  10-Apr  1669    Sampson      son of         James                                THOMAS
  12-Jun  1670     Maryan                                                          THOMAS
  23-Sep  1670     Martha      dau of        Sampson                               THOMAS
  12-Feb  1671     Alice        ux of          John                                THOMAS
  15-Feb  1671      John                                                           THOMAS
  18-Feb  1671   Alexander                                                         THOMAS
  03-Jul  1671     Walter      son of          John                                THOMAS
  28-Jun  1673     Thomas      son of        Stephen                               THOMAS
  22-Nov  1675       ?         dau of         Potter                               THOMAS
  28-Jan  1676     Henery      son of         Isack                                THOMAS
  21-May  1677      Mary       dau of        Stephen                               THOMAS
  02-Mar  1681      John                                                           THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Jun  1683    Frances      dau of         Isaac               po:              THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  01-Jul  1683    Charity      dau of          John               po:              THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  11-Jan  1684    Winifred                                                         THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Sep  1684     Alice       ux of         william                               THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  22-Dec  1684     Stephe                                          Ch              THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  13-Jan  1686     George                                          Ch              THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  21-Nov  1687     Thomas                                          Ch              THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  10-Jul  1688      John                                                           THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  17-Jan  1689      Anne                                                           THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  26-Aug  1689      John                                           Ch              THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Jun  1690     Henry                                                           THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  24-Apr  1691     Isaac                                                           THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Jul  1691     George      son of        Hanyball                              THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Jan  1692    Chreston                                                         THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  17-Jul  1692      Mary       dau of       Hanniball              Ch              THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  09-Oct  1692      Amy        dau of         James                                THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  18-Feb  1693     James       son of         James                                THOMAS
  26-Apr  1694    William      son of        Laurence                              THOMAS
  16-Oct  1694      Amy        dau of         James                                THOMAS                 Affidavit Brought
  20-Apr  1609     Marie        ux of         Thomas                              THOMPKIN
  20-Mar  1676      Jane       dau of         James                                 TOBY
  15-Sep  1625      John                                           Ch           TOCOTTE (?)
  16-Jul  1643      Ann         ux of         Henry                Ch               TOLL
  26-Oct  1643     Thomas                                          Ch               TOLL                        Senior
  04-May  1656      Mary       dau of        Barnard                                TOLL
  10-May  1656    Barnard                                                           TOLL
  08-Oct  1657       ?       James'child                                            TOLL
  03-Jun  1658    Phillip       ux of         Henry                                 TOLL      Mr
  09-Aug  1664    Barnard      son of         James                                 TOLL
  10-Aug  1664   Elizabeth     dau of         James                                 TOLL
  12-Jun  1666     Henry                                                            TOLL                          Mr
  12-Sep  1668     Thomas        Mr                                                 TOLL
  10-May  1676     Arthur      son of         Thomas                                TOLL
  03-Jun  1676     Edward      son of         Thomas                                TOLL
  24-Feb  1684     James                                                            TOLL                  Affidavit Brought
  19-Feb  1689     Thomas                                                           TOLL                  Affidavit Brought
  02-Jul  1692     Olive         Mrs                               Ch               TOLL                  Affidavit Brought
  01-Sep  1694     James                        Mr                                  TOLL                       6/8d Ch
  08-Feb  1695    margery       widow                                               TOLL
  09-Dec  1628     Allis      spinster                             Ch               TOM                          Gent
  07-Jun  1640     Thomas                                                          TOMKIN
  06-Jan  1683      Ann                                                           TONKEIN                 Affidavit Brought
  10-Apr  1630   Elizabeth      widow                              Ch              TONKEN
  11-May  1636      Jane       dau of        Richard               Ch              TONKEN
  05-Jun  1641      Avis       dau of        Richard               Ch              TONKEN
  22-Jan  1643    Jallian       widow                              Ch              TONKEN
  28-Dec  1683      John                                                           TONKEN                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Oct  1693     George      son of         George                               TONKEN
  16-Nov  1696     Grace                                                           TONKEN
  30-Oct  1634     Wilmot      dau of        Richard               Ch              TONKIN
  14-Aug  1664    William      son of         James                                TONKIN
  26-Apr  1665     James                                                           TONKIN
  10-Jan  1667    Solomon                                                          TONKIN
  16-Jul  1671    wilmote       widow                                              TONKIN
  12-Apr  1672    Ursilla                                                          TONKIN
  14-May  1673     James                                                           TONKIN
  09-Apr  1679      Mary                                                           TONKIN                 Affidavit Brought
  08-May  1655      John       son of         Walter               Ch             TONKIN
  17-Jul  1646     Joane       dau of          John                               TONKINGE
  23-Dec  1605      Jane                                                         TRANNACKE
  08-Mar  1644     James                                           Ch             TREBARVA
  07-Sep  1645     Thomas      son of         Thomas                              TREBARVA
  05-May  1660    Richard                                                        TREBARVAH
  30-Jun  1675     Alice        ux of         Thomas                             TREBARVAH
  07-Mar  1617     Henrye                                                        TREBARVATH
  25-Jun  1688     Thomas                                                        TREBARVATH               Affidavit Brought
  23-Nov  1634    Willmot       widow                                            TREDINACK
  22-Nov  1663    Rebecka                                                        TREDINNACK
  15-Sep  1662     Thomas                                                       TREGANHORNE
  14-May  1642      Avis       dau of          John                               TREGARE
  15-Aug  1695      John                                                         TREGASKES                Affidavit Brought
  10-Oct  1695    dorothy                                                        TREGASKES
  04-Apr  1613      Sire                                                          TREGEAGE
  02-Dec  1610     Elenor                                                         TREGEAKE
  25-Aug  1601      Jane       wife of       Michill                              TREGEARE
  24-Mar  1607      John       son of        Anthony                              TREGEARE                      dec'd
  02-Jan  1612   Justinian     son of          John                               TREGEARE                        Ch
  19-Jul  1613      John       son of        Acrapit                              TREGEARE
  19-Nov  1616     Marke       son of          John                               TREGEARE
  21-Oct  1617     Peter       son of        Haniball                             TREGEARE
  10-Jan  1622   Hanniball                                                        TREGEARE
  08-Aug  1624     Ursely     base dau         Jane                               TREGEARE
  29-Aug  1625      Ales       dau of        Acrapit                              TREGEARE
  04-Jul  1626      Joen                                                          TREGEARE
  29-Apr  1612     Roger       son of        Haniball                            TREGEAYRE
  07-Aug  1621 Nicholas,the l  son of        Stephen                              TREGELES
  14-Jan  1599    Willyam      son of          John                              TREGELEST
  23-Apr  1629      John                                                         TREGELLAS
  20-Aug  1635      John                                                         TREGELLAS
  01-Jun  1636      John                      Peter                              TREGELLAS
  08-Sep  1636    Richard                                                        TREGELLAS
  14-Dec  1642      Anne       dau of         Petter                             TREGELLAS
  08-Jan  1608    Richard      son of        Richard                             TREGELLAST
  05-May  1608     Walter      son of        Richard                             TREGELLAST
  12-May  1611    Cherity      dau of        Stephen                             TREGELLAST
  20-Mar  1613     Steven                                                        TREGELLAST
  04-Oct  1638     Honor       dau of         thomas                             TREGELLAST
  06-Jun  1598      John                                                         TREGELLEST
  09-Jan  1637   Elizabeth    spinster                                           TREGEMNOW
  26-Dec  1678    Thomas       son of         Thomas                            TREGENHORNE               Affidavit Brought
  17-Sep  1598      Ages       dau of        Anthonie                             TREGERE
  04-Oct  1696     Arthur                                                        TREGHEAGE
  31-May  1633    Thamsin       ux of         Thomas                            TREGINHORNE
  05-Oct  1623      John                                                         TREGLOHAN
  30-Sep  1626    Constans      ux of          John                Ch            TREGLOHAN
  27-May  1628      John                                           Ch            TREGLOHAN
  21-Oct  1641    William                                          Ch            TREGLOHAN                    Als James
  28-Dec  1653    Richard                                                        TREGLOHAN
  22-Apr  1659    Richard                                                        TREGLOHAN
  20-Nov  1667     Martha                                                        TREGLOHAN
  16-Dec  1668     Susan        widow         Thomas                             TREGLOHAN
  21-Dec  1680     Mathew                                                        TREGLOHAN                Affidavit Brought
  17-May  1687     Ursula                                          Ch            TREGLOHAN                Affidavit Brought
  22-Jun  1690    Ellener                                          Ch            TREGLOHAN                Affidavit Brought
  17-Jan  1673    Phillip       ux of         Thomas                            TREGONHORNE
  25-Nov  1694    Garthred      ux of         Walter                              TREGONNA                Affidavit Brought
  21-Oct  1687      Mary       son of                                            TREGONNOE                Affidavit Brought
  09-Oct  1690      Anne                                                         TREGONNOE                Affidavit Brought
  22-Nov  1690     Sarah       dau of         Walter                             TREGONNOE                Affidavit Brought
  22-Nov  1690      John       son of         Walter                             TREGONNOE                Affidavit Brought
  05-Sep  1692    Dorothy      dau of        Barnard                             TREGONNOE                Affidavit Brought
  05-Nov  1692      Mary        ux of        Barnard               Ch            TREGONNOE                Affidavit Brought
  11-Jan  1621    Margaret     dau of          John                              TREGONNOW
  02-Apr  1678    Prudence     dau of         Walter                             TREGONNOW
  29-Apr  1683     Grace       dau of        Barnard                              TREGONO                 Affidavit Brought
  22-Aug  1638     Mary        dau of          John                               TREGONOE
  01-Feb  1607     Maude        widow                                             TREGONYN
  10-Aug  1669     Martha      dau of         George              Mr              TREGOSSE
  04-Oct  1682     George      son of         George               Mr             TREGOSSE                Affidavit Brought
  09-Dec  1691      John         Mr                                               TREGOSSE                Affidavit Brought
  31-May  1666    Barnard                                                         TREGUNNO
  16-Feb  1689      John       son of         Walter                             TREGUNNOE                Affidavit Brought
  01-Dec  1662    Sissley       ux of        Barnard                             TREGUNNOW
  29-Nov  1601     Steven      son of        Keverne                              TRELEAG
  13-Nov  1626      Ann         widow                              Ch             TRELEAG
  05-Mar  1617    Margery                                                         TRELEAGE
  27-Oct  1664    Sampson      son of         Arthur                              TRELEAGE
  15-Feb  1665   Athanasius    son of         Arthur                              TRELEAGE
  12-May  1689   Elizabeth                                                        TRELEAGE                Affidavit Brought
  13-May  1693    Sampson                                                         TRELEAGE
  10-Mar  1698    Margaret                                                        TRELEAGE
  04-Jan  1599   Elyzabeth     dau of        William                              TRELEASE
  08-Jan  1628      Jane        ux of         Samson                              TRELEEGE
  28-Feb  1611    Emanuel      son of          John                                TRELYN
  08-Jul  1611    Margaret      ux of          John                                TRELYN
  17-Feb  1613      John                                                           TRELYN                       Senior
  07-Jul  1614    Kateryn      dau of          John                                TRELYN
  22-Mar  1616      John                                                           TRELYN                         Ch
  20-Feb  1655  Christopher                                                        TRELYN                   says,of above
  23-Feb  1655  Christopher                                                        TRELYN
mid Jul   1656  Christopher                                                        TRELYN           buried about mid-July (margin)
  19-May  1661      John                                                           TRELYN
  31-Dec  1664      John                                                           TRELYN
  21-Mar  1668      Jane        widow                                              TRELYN
  19-Feb  1693     Grase        widow                                              TRELYN
  06-Aug  1616     Paskas       ux of          John                               TRELYNNE                        Ch
  24-Sep  1615    Jowannet      ux of         James                               TRELYVER                        Ch
  06-Feb  1620     James                                                          TRELYVER                        Ch
  30-Apr  1643      John                                           Ch             TREMBER
  29-Aug  1636      Avis        ux of          John                               TREMBLE
  27-May  1684     Joane                                                          TREMBLE                 Affidavit Brought
  15-Dec  1608    Wilmote                                                        TRENALEVAS
  27-Jan  1637      Jane                                                         TRENETHAN                     a poore
  28-Nov  1633      Jane        widow                                            TRENETHEN
  25-Nov  1600      Ames       wife of         John                              TRENGROUSE
  08-Oct  1605    Richard                                                        TRENITHEN                    als Perse
  25-Jan  1607    Wilmote      dau of          John                              TRENOWETH
  28-Jan  1608      John       son of          John                              TRENOWETH                   als PENREEDE
  18-Mar  1611     Lewis       son of          John                              TRENOWETH
  18-Mar  1613    William                                                        TRENOWETH
  10-Nov  1614      Jane                                                         TRENOWETH                        Ch
  27-Apr  1623      John                                                         TRENOWETH
  22-Dec  1625     Edward                                                        TRENOWETH
  15-Apr  1610   Jowanneth      widow                                            TRENYTHON
  15-Aug  1679      John                                                          TREONNOW                Affidavit Brought
  07-Apr  1640     Mary        dau of          John                Ch            TREPCONNY
  26-Feb  1619      Joen     gent woman                                          TREPCONNYE                       Ch
  21-Oct  1620     Agnes       dau of          John                              TREPCONNYE                     Mr. Ch
  13-Sep  1624      John       son of          John                              TREPCONNYE                     Mr. Ch
  10-May  1631      John       son of          John                Ch            TREPCONNYE
  17-Jul  1680     Grace        widow                                             TREPCONY                Affidavit Brought
  16-Aug  1669    Richard                                                         TRERARE
  26-Aug  1667      Jane       dau of          John                              TRESIDDER
  24-Apr  1674    Samuell      son of          John                              TRESIDDER
  13-Aug  1688      Jane       ux of           John                               TRESIDER                Affidavit Brought
  21-Apr  1678     Julyan                                                         TRESISE
  24-May  1681     Edward      son of         Henry       in the pish ch of Ma    TRESISE                 Affidavit Brought
  05-Feb  1683     Joane                                                          TRESISE                 Affidavit Brought
  03-May  1694     Edward      son of         Edward                              TRESISE
  12-Jul  1607     Letha                                                         TRESKEWES
  12-Oct  1606      Jane      base dau       Richard                             TRESKEWIS                 and Jane TRELEGE
  15-Jan  1612     Robart      son of         Robert                             TRESPRISEN
  09-Jan  1692   Elizabeth       Mrs                            Chancel          TRESTCANE                Affidavit Brought
  24-Jan  1693      Jane       dau of        James,Mr           Chancel          TRESTEANE
  12-Dec  1693   Katherine     dau of        James,Mr           Chancel          TRESTEANE
  17-Aug  1668     Oliver        Mr                                              TRESTEINE
  17-May  1669     Alice        ux of         Oliver              Mr             TRESTEINE
  16-Nov  1644     Avis         ux of        William               Ch            TRESUDDER
  08-Apr  1624    Willmot       widow                                            TRETHEWEY
  01-Apr  1667       ?         wife of       Richard                              TREVARES
  02-Feb  1626     Andrew                                          Ch            TREVILLIAN
  13-Nov  1607   Elizabeth      widow                                             TREWICK
  31-Jul  1611      Jaen       dau of        Richard                             TREWODNOW
  06-Sep  1669     Henry         Mr                                             TREWOOTHNOW
  20-May  1598   Christian     wife of         John                              TREWOTHER
  09-Apr  1684     Joane       dau of         Henry                              TREWOTHNO                Affidavit Brought
  26-Feb  1638      John       son of         Henry                Ch            TREWOTHNOE
  23-Apr  1690     Alice                                           Ch            TREWOTHNOE               Affidavit Brought
  09-Nov  1631    Laurence                                                       TREWOTHNOW                       Mr
  17-Feb  1637      Jane        widow                                            TREWOTHNOW   Ch
  13-Apr  1643      Alce        ux of         Henrie               Ch            TREWOTHNOW
  12-Feb  1653    Abraham      son of         Henry                              TREWOTHNOW                       Mr
  07-Mar  1655    Abraham      son of         Henry                              TREWOTHNOW                       Mr
  20-Dec  1655    Abraham      son of         Henry                              TREWOTHNOW               Mr. Says, of above
  04-Jan  1667   Temperance     ux of         Henry               Mr             TREWOTHNOW
  17-May  1690     Henry                                                         TREWOTHNOW               Affidavit Brought
  18-Feb  1662     Grace       dau of        Anthony                              TRIPCONY
  21-Jun  1669      John         Mr                                               TRIPCONY
  10-Nov  1670    Anthony      son of        Anthony                              TRIPCONY
  27-Nov  1670     Edward        Mr                                               TRIPCONY
  08-Mar  1678    Anthony        Mr                                Ch             TRIPCONY                Affidavit Brought
  18-Jun  1682   Katherine     ux of         Richard                              TRUDGEN                 Affidavit Brought
  28-Sep  1667     Thomas                                                           TUB
  01-Oct  1667    Thomasin      ux of         Thomas                                TUB
  18-Apr  1636      Jane      spinster                                             TUBBY
  07-Jul  1607     Adrian                                                          TUCKER
  19-Dec  1641     Ellor        widow                                              TUCKER
  04-May  1699      Anne                                                            TYNE
  27-Jan  1653    Phillip       widow                                             UMPHREY
  09-Feb  1677   Katherine      ux of        Williams                               UREN
  04-Feb  1679     James       son of          John                                 UREN                  Affidavit Brought
  29-May  1636      Jane        widow                                               URYN
  04-Dec  1642    Catheryn    spinster                                              URYN
  22-Oct  1639   Francisce                                         Ch              VIVEAN                         Mr
  09-Jun  1640    Richard      son of        Richard               Ch              VIVEAN
  19-May  1598     Thomas      son of          John                                VIVIAN
  25-Feb  1608   Ezechiall     son of          John                                VIVIAN
  22-Dec  1624     Ursila      dau of       Justinian                              VIVIAN
  08-Jan  1634     Thomas                                          Ch              VIVIAN
  21-Apr  1634    Cathryn       ux of         Thomas               Ch              VIVIAN
  08-May  1636     George      son of        Richard               Ch              VIVIAN
  02-Jan  1637     Thomas      son of        Trustram                              VIVIAN     Ch
  14-Jul  1643      John                                           Ch              VIVIAN
  06-Nov  1646      Amy                                                            VIVIAN
  06-Apr  1656     Henry       son of        William                               VIVIAN
  22-Jan  1658   Justinian     son of          John                                VIVIAN
  25-Jan  1658     Alice                                                           VIVIAN
  09-Mar  1683   Temperance                                                        VIVIAN                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Dec  1683   Justinian                                                         VIVIAN                 Affidavit Brought
  10-Aug  1685    Richard      son of          John                Ch              VIVIAN                 Affidavit Brought
  16-Aug  1685    Phillip                                                          VIVIAN                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Jul  1688    Tristram                                                         VIVIAN                 Affidavit Brought
  26-Jul  1690     Julian                                          Ch              VIVIAN                 Affidavit Brought
  15-Sep  1690    Winifred                                                         VIVIAN                 Affidavit Brought
  19-Apr  1691    Alethia                                                          VIVIAN                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Jul  1691    William                                                          VIVIAN                 Affidavit Brought
  18-Jun  1696    Margery       ux of        William               Ch              VIVIAN
  14-Dec  1644   Christian      widow                              Ch              VIVYAN
  26-May  1663    Richard                                                          VIVYAN
  08-Aug  1664    Gillian      dau of        Richard                               VIVYAN
  24-Sep  1664     Thomas      son of         Thomas                               VIVYAN
  01-Oct  1664    Richard      son of         Thomas                               VIVYAN
  12-Sep  1668     Agnes       dau of       Justinyan                              VIVYAN
  23-Jan  1670      Avis       dau of       Justinian                              VIVYAN
  30-Dec  1673   Christyen                                                         VIVYAN
  14-Jun  1675   Justinyan                                                         VIVYAN
  17-Jan  1676   Elizabeth      ux of         Wiliam                               VIVYAN
  16-Nov  1678   Katherine     dau of         Thomas                               VIVYAN                 Affidavit Brought
  18-Feb  1679      John       son of          John                                VIVYAN                 Affidavit Brought
  25-Oct  1641   Winifrett      widow                                             WALLISHE
  06-Aug  1668   Elizabeth      ux of          John                               WALLTERS
  10-Aug  1670     George                                                         WALLTERS
  28-Jan  1609      Jane        ux of          John                                WALTER
  26-May  1610    Margeryt                                                         WALTER
  22-Jan  1622    Dorithy      dau of          John                                WALTER
  13-Aug  1625     Robert      son of          John                                WALTER
  16-Jul  1626     Annas        widow                                              WALTER
  28-Oct  1630   Elizabeth      ux of          John                                WALTER
  19-Feb  1633    Margaret      widow                                              WALTER
  10-Apr  1636    Richard      son of          John                Ch              WARNE
  19-Oct  1645      Anne        widow                              Ch              WARNE
  11-May  1660     Alice        ux of         Robert                               WARREN
  15-Sep  1675     robart                                                          WARREN
  07-Jul  1689     robert      son of        Richard                               WARREN                 Affidavit Brought
  16-May  1693     Robert        Mrs                                               WARREN
  29-Jul  1618      Ales       dau of         Arthur                              WARREN ?
  30-Oct  1605    Thamsen                                                          WATER
  28-Jul  1634     Samuel      son of        William                               WATER
  20-Mar  1601    Margaret     dau of         Walter                               WATTY
  17-Jan  1633      Marg        widow                                              WATTY
  02-Jan  1642     Eppie      spinster                                             WATTY
  28-Nov  1606     Genkyn                                                          WATTYE
  25-Jan  1614      Jane                                                            WEST
  25-Mar  1665      John       son of         Thomas                               WHITE
  02-May  1672      John                                                           WHITE
  12-Feb  1679      Jane        widow                                              WHITE                  Affidavit Brought
  27-Oct  1682    Benjamin     son of         Thoms                                WHITE                  Affidavit Brought
  22-May  1683     Edward                                          pu              WHITE                  Affidavit Brought
  28-May  1683      Mary       dau of         Thomas              po:              WHITE                  Affidavit Brought
  11-Mar  1685    William                                                          WHITE                  Affidavit Brought
  29-Jan  1691     Thomas                                                          WHITE                  Affidavit Brought
  09-May  1691    Giffery                                                          WHITE                  Affidavit Brought
  21-Jun  1692   Katherine     dau of        William                               WHITE                  Affidavit Brought
  24-May  1699    Nicholas                                                         WHITE
  05-May  1640    Nanseven                                         Ch             WIDDOWE
  28-Jul  1644      John       son of         Edward                               WILLES
  04-Sep  1607      Jane       dau of         Edward                              WILLIAM
  17-Apr  1608     Thomas                                                         WILLIAM                    of Treliver
  08-Oct  1608   Hanniball     son of         Robert                              WILLIAM
  19-Oct  1613    Rychard                                                         WILLIAM
  19-Dec  1613    William     base son         John                               WILLIAM                         Mr
  24-Jan  1614    William     base son         Ann                                WILLIAM
  14-May  1614      John                                                          WILLIAM
  19-Apr  1616     Peeter                                                         WILLIAM
  21-Apr  1616     Annas                                                          WILLIAM
  19-Sep  1623   Elizabeth      ux of        Richard                              WILLIAM
  31-Dec  1623   Elyzabeth     dau of         James                               WILLIAM
  13-Jan  1624      Joen       dau of        Rychard                              WILLIAM
  17-Jan  1624     Grace       dau of         James                               WILLIAM
  01-Apr  1625    William,      lazar                                             WILLIAM
  27-Dec  1689     Thomas        als          DADOE                               WILLIAM        not clear if Thomas or William surna
  04-Feb  1606    Anthony                                                        WILLIAM
  21-May  1613     James                                                         WILLIAM
  04-Jan  1599    Willyam      son of         Roger                               WILLIAMS
  18-Sep  1606      Jane       dau of          John                               WILLIAMS                  of Reskurvall
  24-Aug  1609     Ann          ux of        Nicholas                             WILLIAMS
  15-Feb  1613      Jane       dau of         Thomas                              WILLIAMS
  20-May  1613     Annas        ux of          John                               WILLIAMS
  30-Nov  1613     Annas       dau of         Edward                              WILLIAMS
  10-Dec  1614    William      son of         Thomas                              WILLIAMS
  13-Mar  1616   Margery       dau of         Thomas                              WILLIAMS                        Ch
  03-Sep  1617    William      son of         Thomas                              WILLIAMS
  17-Dec  1617   Elizabeth      ux of         Genken                              WILLIAMS
  07-Mar  1618      Amos       son of        Rychard                              WILLIAMS                        Ch
  04-May  1619    Margaret      ux of         James                               WILLIAMS
  27-Aug  1619      Jane       dau of         Ginkin                              WILLIAMS
  24-Aug  1626      Mary       dau of         Cicely                              WILLIAMS
  11-Mar  1631     Marie       dau of         Thomas               Ch             WILLIAMS
  19-Jun  1631    Richard                                                         WILLIAMS
  19-Nov  1636    Rebecka      dau of        Redigon                              WILLIAMS
  20-May  1637      John       son of        Richard                              WILLIAMS    Ch              als Masson
  10-Apr  1638     Edward                                          Ch             WILLIAMS                  Als Trenethen
  11-Jan  1642    Richard      son of        Richard                              WILLIAMS
  09-Mar  1643   Elizabeth      widow                                             WILLIAMS
  17-Sep  1643      Alce       dau of         Pascow                              WILLIAMS
  22-Jan  1644     James                                                          WILLIAMS
  25-Feb  1653     Joane        widow                                             WILLIAMS
  13-Aug  1655     Richaw       widow                                             WILLIAMS
  18-Jun  1656    Richard                                                         WILLIAMS
  04-Aug  1656    William                                                         WILLIAMS
  23-Dec  1662   Elizabeth      widow                                             WILLIAMS
  02-Aug  1664     Joane       dau of         James                               WILLIAMS
  17-Aug  1664    Clarina      dau of         James                               WILLIAMS
  13-Mar  1665     Henry                                                          WILLIAMS
  13-Mar  1665    William                                                         WILLIAMS
  24-Oct  1665      Jane        widow                                             WILLIAMS
  03-Jan  1666    Margery       widow                                             WILLIAMS
  18-Aug  1666      John                                                          WILLIAMS
  22-Oct  1667     Johan        ux of         Thomas                              WILLIAMS
  16-Nov  1667     Thomas                                                         WILLIAMS
  18-Jan  1669   Temperance    dau of          John                               WILLIAMS
  09-Mar  1669      Mary       dau of         James                               WILLIAMS
  19-May  1669       ?         son of         Walter        in another place      WILLIAMS
  14-Aug  1671     Peter                                                          WILLIAMS
  30-Apr  1672    richard      son of        William                              WILLIAMS
  12-May  1672   Elizabeth                                                        WILLIAMS
  05-Dec  1673      Jane        ux of         Edward                              WILLIAMS
  16-Aug  1674     Henry                                                          WILLIAMS
  22-Aug  1674     James                                                          WILLIAMS
  08-Sep  1675     Edward                                                         WILLIAMS
  11-Dec  1675     Alice                                                          WILLIAMS
  06-Jan  1678     Dorcas      dau of        Ambrose                              WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  03-Mar  1678    Thomas       son of         Walter                              WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  14-Apr  1678   Elizabeth                                                        WILLIAMS
  04-Jan  1679     Joane        widow                                             WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  05-Apr  1679      Mary                                                          WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  19-Apr  1682    Abigall                                                         WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  28-Dec  1682      Ann        ux of          Gideon                              WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  25-Mar  1684      Anne                                                          WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  17-Aug  1684      Jane       ux of         Diggory                              WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  06-Dec  1685    Margaret     dau of          John                               WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  17-Apr  1686     Walter                                          Ch             WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  20-Aug  1686     Paskes                                                         WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  30-Jan  1687     Edmond                                                         WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  22-Mar  1687      John                                                          WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  31-May  1688      Mary       dau of          John                               WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  15-Dec  1688     Dorcas                                                         WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  28-Apr  1689   Elizabeth     dau of          John                               WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  12-Dec  1689   Katherine                                                        WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  28-Jun  1691      John                                                          WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  26-Oct  1691      Jane      widow of        Edward                              WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  09-Dec  1691      Anne                                                          WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  27-Jan  1692    Anthony      son of        Richard               Ch             WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  18-Jun  1692    Abraham                                                         WILLIAMS                Affidavit Brought
  27-Mar  1693    Willmott                                                        WILLIAMS
  24-Feb  1696    Giddeon                                                         WILLIAMS
  31-Mar  1696   Christian                                                        WILLIAMS
  24-Nov  1696     James                                           Ch             WILLIAMS
  13-Oct  1697      John                                       als Peter          WILLIAMS
  01-Feb  1698    Anthony      son of        Richard               Ch             WILLIAMS
  08-Feb  1698    William      son of        Richard               Ch             WILLIAMS
  20-Mar  1698     Ursula                                                         WILLIAMS               William Gerry,Vicar
  18-Jul  1699     Samuel      son of        Richard               Ch             WILLIAMS
  02-Apr  1646      John                                                           WILLIS                   of Reskorleigh
  14-Apr  1615     Thomas      son of         James                                WILLS
  14-Apr  1616     Katryn     late wife        John                                WILLS                         wid.
  24-Jan  1621    Gabriell     son of         James                                WILLS
  20-Nov  1637      Jane       dau of          John                                WILLS
  15-Jun  1641     Edward      son of         James                                WILLS
  25-Jun  1641     James                                                           WILLS
  05-Sep  1645      Jane       dau of          John                Ch              WILLS
  23-May  1657    Richard                                                          WILLS
  04-Jan  1664      Ann        dau of         thomas                               WILLS
  23-Jul  1664    Richard      son of        Anthony                               WILLS
  07-Mar  1665    Margaret                                                         WILLS
  24-Jun  1670     Myles       son of        Richard                               WILLS
  26-Jun  1671      Jane       dau of        Richard                               WILLS
  04-May  1672    William      son of        William                               WILLS
  24-Jul  1675    Dorothy       ux of         James                                WILLS
  24-Dec  1676     Agnes       dau of         George                               WILLS
  06-Feb  1679    William      son of        William                               WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  02-Aug  1679    Thomas       son of       William                                WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  14-Dec  1679      Jane                                                           WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  29-Sep  1680      John       son of        William                               WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  09-Jun  1681     George                                                          WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  11-Jun  1681    William                                                          WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  17-Mar  1682     Samuel      son of         Thomas              po:              WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  16-Dec  1684     Samuel      son of         Thomas                               WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  29-Oct  1687     Robert      son of        William                               WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  27-May  1688     Martha      ux of           John                                WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  02-Jun  1689   Constance     ux of         William                               WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  03-Aug  1690     Edward                                                          WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  07-May  1692      Anne                                                           WILLS                  Affidavit Brought
  09-Sep  1693     Thomas      son of         James                                WILLS
  16-Mar  1695      John                                                           WILLS
  17-Jun  1697     Grace                                                           WILLS
  19-Jul  1683   Dioginius     son of       Dioginius                              WILLY                  Affidavit Brought
  30-May  1608     Roger                                                          WILLYAMS                      dec'd
  07-Apr  1642   Elizabeth     dau of          John                                WINTER
  20-Dec  1655      John                                                           WINTER
  28-Jun  1658      Mary        widow                                              WINTER
  02-Aug  1664      Mary       dau of          John                                WINTER
  28-Jan  1683      John       son of          John               po:              WINTER                 Affidavit Brought
  03-Dec  1683   Elizabeth     dau of         Robert                               WINTER                 Affidavit Brought
  30-Nov  1686     Elener      dau of          John                                WINTER                 Affidavit Brought
  07-Apr  1695     Joane       dau of          John                                WINTER
  14-Jun  1697     Robert                                                          WINTER
  14-Feb  1676    Margaret      ux of          John                               WINTERS
  14-May  1676     James       son of   John Winters daughter                     WINTERS
  18-Aug  1658     Arthur                                                        WOLLCOMBE
  27-Jan  1662      Avis       dau of        Tristram                            WOLLCOMBE
  04-Jun  1678      Jane        ux of          John                              WOLLCOMBE
  20-Jun  1645     Grace        ux of         thomas               Ch            WOOLCOMBE
  19-Jan  1680    Tristram                                                       WOOLCOMBE                Affidavit Brought
  20-Sep  1688     Alice       ux of           John                              WOOLLCOMBE               Affidavit Brought
  02-Jun  1689    Margaret       Mrs                                             WOOLLCOMBE               Affidavit Brought
  21-Jan  1622     Jeny,        widow                                             WYLLIAM
  29-Oct  1611      Amy        dau of         James                                WYLLS
  14-May  1607     Norrye                                                         WYLLYAN
last Feb  1618    Rychard       widow                                              WYLTS                          Ch
  01-Apr  1625    Margaret                                                        YELENSTE
  02-Nov  1623    Wilmote       ux of          John                               YOULDEW
  16-Nov  1623      John                                                          YOULDEW
  19-Nov  1638      Jane        ux of        Richard                               YOUNG
  26-Apr  1641    Richard                                                          YOUNG
  25-Nov  1679    Wilmote                                                          YOUNG                  Affidavit Brought
  07-Jan  1606     Antony      son of        Richard                               YOUNGE
  12-Nov  1616      Jane      the lazar